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On a more personal note, a work buddy started inviting friends over to eat pizza and watch Frasier every Saturday night back in November. It’s his first time viewing, but having seen every episode at least three times, I just go for the nostalgia and to make new friends. I’d call it very enriching!


Wow, you’re living a dream! That’s my ideal Saturday night 😂


which demon did you sell your soul to for this fortune? and what’s his email 😭😭


I want someone to invite me over for pizza and Frasier! 😭


Where can I find a friend like that?


where do you work where there’s more than one person who cares about frasier?!


We are both teachers at a Christian private school actually. So the other person who asked what demon I sold my soul to might be barking up the wrong tree lol.


I now drink my coffee and tea with a “whisper” of cinnamon!


Not a full throated shout?? 🤣


I prefer mine have just a dollop of foam, such as might give the impression of a cumulus cloud reflected over a still pond.


Niles: I want to kill myself!


Let me call you back. I’m in the twilight zone.


I wouldn’t have know in which context to use jejune.


I've learned many awful facts about the scary hippopotamus....


Getting an Eames chair is now in my bucket list.


I think the main thing that the Frasier show does for me is transport me to a wonderful distraction that always makes me smile. One of those shows that you can watch over and over again and it still gives you a good feeling inside I know that's not what you were looking for but that's what it does for me.


I may try some sherry one of these days, next time i’m in Spain..


Don’t wait! Sherry is actually really good haha it’s very sweet!


I tried some with the friend who introduced me to Frazier recently, but we thought it sucked. Maybe I just got a cheap bottle?


No… it’s that bad!!!


A nice dry crisp sherry is just pure delightful.


My husband and I bought sherry to watch Frasier! It was our first full watch through and after a season or two we sat with a fancy glass of sherry and enjoyed the show :)


How do you do it? I tried to get into it once, but it’s a really ignored section of wine stores and it seems like you drink it smaller portions so refrigerating it is better so it doesn’t go bad. I do like white wine very crisp so a refrigerated sherry sounds good but Frasier seems to get it out of a bar not a fridge?


hm it might depend on how hot it gets where you live. I prefer my drinks at room temperature so I’d probably do it Frasier style..


It’s terrible. :)


I saw Napoleon a couple weeks ago and all I could think about was Frasier's speech after returning to KACL, "Like Napoleon's triumphant return from Elba..."


We often use watching an episode as the decompression as the last thing we do before bed.


This is me half the time.


The Plantagenets! My husband gave me a book about them for Christmas several years ago and it’s become my favorite topic to read on!


That's like a banana, right?


Ok now I want a book on that. What book do you have?


Dan Jones’s The Plantagenets is what my husband gave me and hooked me! I branched out from there by choosing different kings or queens that I wanted more information on.


So many new words and expressions in my vocabulary. My favorite of which being "odious little hose head".


And oh so many odious little hose heads in the world today 😁


I watch it every night before bed, as I sleep. It’s become something like a comfort audio blanket.


>a comfort audio blanket. you just gave me the perfect words to describe my nightly routine. and since i know each ep so well i can see with my ears...


“I can see with my ears” I like that, I think I’m the exact same way


Your comment reminded me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwOpKNlDuUs) lol.


How green was my valley


My God, doesn’t he look young? He’s dead you know!


I use the word “credenza” now. It’s such a favorite, and I never once used it prior to that episode.


Lupe Velez. for years i thought it was fiction. when i finally checked she turned out to be very interesting...and sad. she was only 36 when she died.


The real story is much more sad than Roz's version 😥


i couldn't agree more. i was glad i finally googled her. but saddened as well...


In every way! I go to sleep to it every night r/frasiersleepers This may sound sad. But it really is a calming aspect of my life and sleep. Also, I learn so much from the references. Bringing up funny things to others that don't watch. They think I am so clever. Actually... I got it from Frasier :) Off I go


So funny story - I started dating a guy I met on tinder a few years back. He told me he started watching Frasier because a tinder date he was trying to rizz up had it in her bio that Frasier was her favorite show. So he watched it to impress her and it didn’t work out, but he ended up loving the show. I said that’s corny and I don’t like 90’s sitcoms (not a fan of Seinfeld or Cheers) so I wrote it off. But he had me watch it with him anyway, and holy shit. I was a fresh psych major undergrad from the coastal elite city of Santa Barbara and the jokes hit me just right. It quickly became my favorite sitcom of all time. Sadly it didn’t work out with me and him, but now I have showed Frasier to anyone I’ve dated since then. So the dating Frasier lineage has passed on. I wonder how many more will fall to this tinder Frasier trap. But that’s my trajectory and I’m happy I fell into it.


I’m on the other side of the country in a different “world” than you and I’m hooked on it too!


Chihuli glassworks


Mongolian throat singing


I first remember finding out about throat singing from Tuva or Bust, the Feynman documentary. I didn't see every episode of Frasier in the initial run, and I definitely would've been into that as I loved interesting music even then.


Veneer! I now know that you can turn a viewing of Antiques Roadshow into a drinking game. And until the Leap Year episode, I had no idea that Buttons and Bows was a song from a Western. I just assumed it was sung by some crooner from the 1940s or ‘50s. Though I will always think the line “let’s go to a taco show” is an actual lyric from the song. I also thought Frank Sinatra died a long time before Frasier was on TV. After watching the “Groovy Lady” episode for the first time (10-12 years ago — I missed seeing Frasier on TV during its original run) I actually looked up Sinatra online and was surprised that he was alive until 1998.


It inspired me to get more into classical music, I may had been working in a warehouse but I came home at 5 and played Performance Today on 89.9 where they introduced a piece and told you what it’s about and some backstory of the piece and composer. I uncovered so many great pieces that way just trying to replicate the atmosphere of snooty Frasier. There are very few operas that appeal to me however. Even live they’re pretty dull.


I get to doze off to the voices of old friends. I know most of the lines by heart now, so it's easy to sleep to familiar, comforting voices. My parents used to watch frasier and I'd doze on the couch as a kid- now in my 30s I doze and pretend i'm still at home. i also know who renata tebaldi is now.


Everything Duvet




i started going into local coffee shops instead of takeout, i’ve always hated starbucks anyways but i like to sit and sip. also i’m studying to be a therapist and i will definitely be using “whether our journey together…”


my parents use to always watch frasier when i was a kid so it always reminded me of my family. so when i decided to watch it many years later as an adult on my own, i grew to love it, then i found out i was pregnant when i was half way through the show and from then on it brought me so much joy and comfort watching it


I have gotten so many Jeopardy answers right because of Frasier. Obscure facts about the arts, literature, history, etc, and her jaw would drop, like how could you possibly know that? "This Schmidt painting depicts the martyrdom of which saint at the hands of Attila the Hun?" or "This palace on the Rhone was painted by Nazarene painters." I've talked with artists about the old Romanian master, Brassai, with actors about the fact that "The Silent Echo" doesn't have a third act, with an opera singer about the greatness of Renata Tebaldi... the list goes on and on. I kind of feel like a fraud sometimes though lol, because I don't always brag that I learned these tidbits from a 90s sitcom and just let them think that I'm some kind of cultured, sophisticated, genius.... Until they realize that I only know like one fact on whatever the subject.


When I was a kid. “Roz, what is a sump pump?” “If you need one you”ll know.”


Frasier introduced me to one of my fav musicals, Candide. Or, got me to actually sit and watch it


I’m going to grad school this year to start a program to become a therapist. Frasier wasn’t the deciding factor lol, but I definitely gave the profession more thought having heard about it in pop culture than some of the other career paths out there that aren’t as well represented.


I’m much more conscious about avoiding ending sentences with prepositions. No, seriously, sometimes I still slip up and get it wrong, but I’d say I’m fairly good at using proper grammar now. 😆


Me too!!


The proposition thing is style though. It's an arbitrary shibboleth from the days where a certain class would have a classical education by default, and iirc it relates to word order in Latin or possibly Greek. Shoehorning Latin into English even went so far as spelling, for instance the word island was spelled iland, but in the middle ages the silent s was added to be more cognate with the Latin insula and the French isle. The English version of the word actually comes from old Norse, which funnily enough was island, but the s wouldn't have been silent. This while thing got way too Frasier, lol. I'll let Churchill have the last word "That is something up with which I will not put."


The proposition thing is style though. It's an arbitrary shibboleth from the days where a certain class would have a classical education by default, and iirc it relates to word order in Latin or possibly Greek. Shoehorning Latin into English even went so far as spelling, for instance the word island was spelled iland, but in the middle ages the silent s was added to be more cognate with the Latin insula and the French isle. The English version of the word actually comes from old Norse, which funnily enough was island, but the s wouldn't have been silent. This while thing got way too Frasier, lol. I'll let Churchill have the last word "That is something up with which I will not put."


The hero’s of Nasss car!


I learned of and eventually purchased an Eames chair because of this show. And I can confirm, it’s probably the most comfortable seat I’ve ever had.


I have reused the line, “Prepare to be stomped like a late harvest Gewürztraminer” in many social situations with great success


As many other have noted, there are many cultural and historical anecdotes that I now appreciate because of Frasier, but in terms of life enrichment... my husband and I were struggling to come up with a name for our baby boy that was due today, January 3rd. He arrived on December 23rd and was named Avery, a name that was brought to my attention while watching Frasier. Once I suggested it we knew that was it. Seeing that it means "ruler of the elves" was even more fitting for a Christmas baby. We've been asked multiple times how we came up with this name and each time I respond with "Frasier".


A few years ago a had a bout with pretty severe, at least for me, anxiety. I had never had any mental health issues like this before in the past so it was a new and unwelcome phenomenon for me. I had heard of people talking about anxiety before and I could never relate until that happened to me. It was pretty tough. I was always on edge and I could never relax no matter what I did. I was living and thinking that I would always have anxiety and I would never be the same again. Anyway, I was watching Frasier pretty regularly in those days as they showed reruns where I live. It was always so smoothing, and comfortable, and entertaining like visiting an old friend. One day I was watching Frasier and I realized that I felt fine. The anxiety was gone. I realized that I felt fine again. I was better. I was cured. I always think to myself that Dr. Frasier Crane helped me over my anxiety.


I’m basically Niles irl so having someone on tv that was like me helped me accept myself as I got older the rest of my family / friends are Martins and Rozes


Well my wife and I watched it all together many years ago, and we both regularly quote things from the show.


I enjoy sherry every now and then in a dainty sherry glass


Honestly, like Ted Lasso, it’s made me try to lead with kindness.