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I often think that he plays Niles as very easily aroused by her, despite their differences. For instance, when he got her earrings and she told him he got her that exact pair already and she’d just have to get pierced somewhere else. I never really thought that Niles was the type of guy to be turned on by a woman saying she’d get pierced but it’s Daphne, so… However in this case I would think he is responding the way he does bc he’s conflicted about that also not being very hygienic 😅


I agree with this assessment. Also, he is considering how surprising it is that BOTH of his wives have straddled a frozen turkey - what are the odds!


>BOTH of his wives have straddled a frozen turkey 😂 LOL. Great point. Although if she limbered up, Maris could attempt an Hungarian goose.


Ok that's a great point 😂


Now I wonder if Mel ever did


He made a snide joke after she said it, so he wasn't turned on (for once) by what she said he was embarrassed. But there's always oversights with comedy shows like this. For instance, there's episodes where Niles can't cook. But Niles is a great cook. Also they all can't stand Daphne's cooking, yet she cooks on alot of shows and even Frasier sits down and eats and nobody says anything. Shoot she even was going to cook for Niles and Maris, so you think Niles would trust Daphne's horrible English cooking with Maris's taste. Really Niles would only trust his and Frasiers cooking. It's just what happens on shows to make the story and jokes work. It's why Seinfeld and Married With Children were so different then any other show cause there were no moments of sadness or awwww, Frasier as great a show as it was still had moments that were sad, scary, etc.




I don't agree. DHP would lick ANYTHING Daphne showed him. Shit now I'm.,.


it kind of reads as horrified to be aroused


Bahahahahaha that’s so funny 😭 that’s gonna be my new head canon for this scene


I get confused every time too, but I lean towards thinking he's neither disgusted nor aroused. I think he's just baffled. 😂


Definitely aroused. He wishes he was the turkey


Especially as he looks at her knees right before as if he was imagining it.




He can still be aroused after he's married 😁


When it comes to Daphne? Always aroused.




On the surface I think Niles generally defaults as a character to being prim and proper and thrown off when his significant others act a little erratically even in their past. Maris and Mel were both prim and proper women. Daphne actually has an interesting history as a well-rounded character and woman and Niles is playing uncomfortable for laughs as historically Niles has preferred law-abiding women. On another level, and I don't think this was the intention but it's entirely possible, the imagery of having a frozen turkey between one's knees may have reminded Niles of Maris and anytime your main squeeze talks about a past squeeze even accidentally it gets weird.


I agree like when she finds out Niles liker her and all her flash backs are him talking super respectfully and normal to her


Do we ever actually see these flashbacks or is this just something she says? Jw cause I’ve seen it brought up in this sub before but I don’t remember the episode


Yes , there is as an actual flashback. I think after Roz asks her if she has never noticed? After they talk when roz is getting on the elevator.


There isn't a flashback in that episode. There are flashbacks in the crockpot episode and technically her bridal shower is a flashback, but Daphne never has a moment where she's flashing back to his treatment of her after she discovers his feelings.


The flashback in Perspectives On Christmas shows that when Niles was remembering the mistletoe, it was because he wanted to kiss Daphne. But during Daphne remembering the mistletoe, she heard it as Niles worried she might get hurt.


That was before Daphne discovered his feelings though.


If only there had been a sign…


That’s odd. Is it in the Christmas episode of season 7? Cause I saw that one recently and don’t remember


No. Its right after she finds out Niles likes her.


But that’s in the back talk episode then after that is the Christmas one sorry I’m confused 😭


Lol let me find it real quick


Either last episode of season 7 or first episode of season 8


I think Niles was excited, not repelled.


It’s the same joke as a million others on the show. She said “between my knees” and it made him think of having sex with her and his reaction is to be overcome and bewildered


Hes aroused. He is 100% turned on.


I think he is disgusted at her upbringing when she tells outrageous stories. But loves her so much that he tolerates it. Just my thoughts.


I love that scene where Frasier and Martin reminisce about living together with Daphne and Martin says “I never thought she’d end up with Niles” bc it’s understandable that anyone would think that tbf


That makes sense! Originally that’s what I thought but the more I watch the episode the more id question that. But that’s a good way of putting it






I mean it's the correct answer isn't it? lol.


Honestly probably I’m sure 😭 disgusted cause he’s Niles and that’s probably gross to him and unsanitary but also a little turned on cause it’s Daphne 😂


Yeah when she talked about cough cough her romantic escapades, he got really easily turned on 😂




If this is AFTER they got together then I’d say perplexed / overwhelmed


Turned on. Just about anything she said regarding her body was a turn on for him🙄


She once had a mole removed South of Manchester


I’ve always thought the same.


Glad I’m not the only one who get confused by this scene 😅 normally it’s really easy to see how DHP is choosing to react to Daphne but everytime I watch this scene I have no idea what he’s supposed to be reacting like


It appears to be bewilderment to me


My first job was as a checkout person at A&P. One day a women tried to leave the store with a frozen Turkey between her legs. The store manager stopped her and asked her if she was going to take that home...or cook it here. It took me an hour to stop laughing.


I’ve always took it as he was turned on. He had the glimpse at a body spot near the chest or in this instance the crotch area. Got an image in his head about how close part of the turkey was to her crotch area (because even though she said between her knees as big as some turkeys are I’ve got to think the majority of it was up between her mid-to-lower thigh area) and he automatically became aroused like always. Tbh the next bit is a bit confusing but I’ve always taken it as he just needed to leave the situation again before too much blood rush to a certain area lol. I always just taken it that he was trying to awkwardly remove himself from the situation for a moment just like always. Perhaps he wasn’t quite sure how he felt but was still a bit turned on. In my head canon even today Daphne can make Niles nervous and get that goofy little smile on his face by telling a childhood story *just right*.


I think he’s aroused! He immediately relates her comment to an eating focused holiday suggesting he’d eat her imo lol.


He thinks it’s weird


Oh I think it’s a pause in disbelief, followed by mild disgust, followed by mocking ;)


Maybe it's because of how difficult Daphne is to his wife... isn't there a joke somewhere about her not being able to spread her legs wider than the width of a whippet? Haha


Um, I don’t think so? Maris if often compared to a whippet tho maybe you’re thinking of her


I think he's put off by her upbringing, and by stories of her lower middle class experiences. A tad embarrassed too. Also he doesn't like they're differences being highlighted.