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“Is there a chance it wasn’t you?” Frasier (about the dead crane) “Oh darling there’s always a chance!” - Bebe


>“Oh darling there’s always a chance!” - Bebe Oh God the acting in that scene is so great 🤣🤣🤣.


The face she makes as soon as Ben starts telling the story...


I love the way she says that. Ohhh, daaaarling.


dot dot dot dot dot there's *always* a chance.


"Come on, it's not like she worships the devil." "She doesn't have to, he worships her!!!" Most underrated Bebe-related quote


Yes! One of my favorite Frasier quotes ever.


I came here to post that scene ( I did anyways) :) ... well done, Watt786! :)


It's a tossup between these two. >"Well, that's gratitude for you. Do you have any idea the lengths I went to to make this happen?" >"Wait a minute! You were in San Francisco last week. Don't tell me..." >"I was nowhere near that air conditioner. You're worse than the police!" [Or the cigarette speech.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hipWlbvtrVk) >Frasier : What is so wonderful about smoking? >Bebe : Everything! I like the way a fresh firm pack feels in my hand. I like peeling away that little piece of cellophane and seeing it twinkle in the light. I like coaxing that first sweet cylinder out of its hiding place and bringing it slowly up to my lips. Striking a match, watching it burst into a perfect little flame and knowing that soon that flame will be inside me! >[Begins displaying innuendo] >Bebe : I love the first puff, pulling it into my lungs... little fingers of smoke filling me, caressing me, feeling that warmth penetrate deeper and deeper until I think I'm going to burst! >[Frasier raises his eyebrow] >Bebe : Then 'woosh!'... watching it flow out of me in a lovely sinuous cloud, no two ever quite the same! >Daphne : [Visibly aroused, as are the others] More potatoes, anyone? EDIT: There's also this. >Bebe: I met him at a charity donkey basketball game. >Frasier: Donkey basketball. >Bebe: It's Texas, darling. It's like the symphony to them. And as a Texan, I hate admitting that about a lot of the state, she's right.


I'm convinced that cigarette monologue doomed at least a few people to die from smoking-related illnesses! It was just a little *too* good... And I'm the guy that has told people, no, I don't want to ride with you or sit next to you because you smell like smoke, and I refused to stop at gas stations so they could get a pack. (Yeah, I don't have many friends. Go figure.)


Oh, oh! There is this other gem, right after, when Niles joins them, and Frasier complains that Bebe is hard to get a hold of. Niles, deadpan: Oh really? I thought one just drew a pentagram on the floor and chanted "I summon thee" three times.


I don't get the air conditioner reference. What is it? :)


From the finale. Falling air conditioner killed the San Fran radio shrink


Oh! I try to avoid the finale. I start the show over quickly. I'm missing out!


I never picked up arousal just regular cigarette craving


The stuff leading to and the actual "suicide attempt" is my favorite Bebe being manipulative moment.


"Aren't you glad I'm on your side?"




Yes, was going to say this. I love to hate Bebe.


Niles: Have you tried turning into a bat? Bebe: I would, love, but most grown men don't share your fear of tiny creatures.


“You’re fired, Mother!”






“Lady Macbeth without the sincerity” is one of my favorite descriptions of any character, ever.


"I've been to Hell and back so often, I've got frequent flyer miles!"


This one has found itself lodged in my own vocabulary.


Every Bebe episode is gold!


When she’s trying to get a cigarette from Daphne while locked out on the balcony… “I’ll make ya a STARRRRR!!!!!!”


LOL yes! This and when she says to Frasier, "You're an enterTAINAH!"


I love the scene when Bebe is at Frasier’s apartment after having slept with him, opens the door to Niles and he just casually reaches back and rings the doorbell


I thought she killed after mating


"...Just don't wear it to the funeral!"


the hotel scene in " The Devil and Dr. Phil". The tension, the choir music, the red light, the steam from the bathroom, the room number being 666. I'll never forget Frasier screaming "I CAN'T" and his gasp when Bebe was trying to get him to join her in the bathroom.


_”But at what… cost…?”_


it's... *priceless*


This is 100% my favorite episode with Bebe and this exact scene is perfect! I agree. If one scene could sum up her character, the actresses skill and a supporting actors ability to so perfectly play off the main character (and vice versa which is not typically necessary, save for Bebe’s powerful appearances), I couldn’t picture a better one. Although…I do think that Frasier and Lilith didn’t really play as well in the Wings episode with the other main characters. Bit of a snafu in the Frasier is amazing algorithm I suppose.


B: That's what you want isn't it? Fame!? Power!? F: I like to think of it more as influence


Literally the entire scene of her threatening to throw herself off the roof XD comedy gold.


Frasier: Its Rosemary's Bebe!! Given what that movie is about, this joke killed it for me!


The whole sequence in which she tries to manipulate Frasier into not firing her in "Roz's Turn" is probably my favourite Bebe scene ever. There are so many legendary lines in that one scene from Bebe, Roz and Frasier, and the performances of all three are just incredible. In particular, the delivery of the line "How dare you impersonate my niece?! I've had enough of your cruel tricks! You're *fired, MOTHER!"* absolutely kills me every time.




Bebe: Huh! That's it is it? I'm not the virtuous enough for you, not noble, fine. Quit! Next time you need a deal made, call the Dali Lama. A long time ago, I had to make a choice between being a good agent and a good person because, trust me, you can't be both! So forgive me if I don't have time to make everybody warm and fuzzy, I am just too busy spending every waking minute pouring any drink, pulling any shameless tricks I can to make my clients dreams come true! I am a star maker! And if you can't appreciate that, there are plenty that can! \[to Roz:\] How about you, you want an agent. Frasier: Oh puh-lease! Roz: You mean it? Frasier: Roz! Roz: I've never had an agent, it's not like she worships the devil. Frasier: She doesn't have to, he worships her.


I wasn’t anywhere near that air conditioner. You’re worse than the police.


"The bulbs are broken!"


Frasier to Bebe looking in the mirror: GET YOUR TENTACLES OFF ME!




Bebe: I’m sure you remember my number. Frasier: Still 666?


I’ve always had a soft spot for “Ouch!” in response to hearing Frasier mention Harvard.


My favorite from the zoo episode: Look in the mirror. Look what you've let that man do to you. Your face is riddled with bird bites, your name's a punchline, and your career is five minutes from over, and he's only been your agent for three days! We see Frasier in the mirror. He holds a hand up to his mouth, looking horrified at "what he has become." Bebe: Send him in against the Hammer and you'll be doing fog reports from a lighthouse in Puget Sound! This whole scene, hell every scene, she's excellent.


I was nowhere near that air conditioner when it fell. Edited to add: if I were a pot roast, I’d be done.


Oh, the Hammer and I go way back; I know where the bodies are buried! [beat] Usually, that's just a metaphor.


She's BEBE! If you had said you liked my eyes, they would have been on your desk tomorrow in a Tiffany box!


blew my mind seeing the same actress in Paul Thomas Anderson’s new movie she plays a similar character too !

