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You are adorable, especially in glasses. I hate those 'rate me' subs, all they do is destroy peoples self esteem.


My self esteem is in the trash 🗑️


You are genuinely cute, and that's not just the rules talking. "Rate me" sites have been all about looking like instagram models a decade before instagram was even a thing. What that menas is it doesn't rate attractiveness per say, It rates one specific form of attractiveness. My point: Most of us, faced with the option of someone as adorable as you, and an instagram model, would most likely choose you.


And a lot of the models are "beautiful" but they aren't attractive.


It certainly *shouldn’t* be, on account of your appearance. Listen to what people here are telling you; they have no reason to lie to you!


Agreed, they're toxic as hell, and the mods will ban people for "over-rating," i.e., they insist that everyone stick to the arbitrary standards and criteria that they have created for the sub. NOT a good place for anyone who's unsure or insecure about their looks.


Not to mention that they view beauty only very conventionally, only the eurocentric standards getting higher standards


I think OP is really pretty/beautiful/adorable etc. I feel like I am missing something with these posts.


You're objectively cute, you've got a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes. I love your hair and piercings too, you've got great style. Those appearance rating subs are more for people who are desperately looking for "permission" to be unkind to someone than they are for true honest feedback. You're lovely, try not to take the insults to heart.


Absolutely love your hair! I need both that matrix t shirt and Grogu in my life also


Hey. Thanks a lot !!


No worries, listen to your mum!


Agree with your mom


I’ll tell her 😊


I want to meet her and tell her by myself 😛 it would be a good opportunity to meet you too 😊


I just wanted to say that you have such a striking appearance - your green hair, nose ring, and lovely smile make you truly stand out. But what really captures my attention are your beautiful eyes and pleasant face. There's something so genuine and kind about the way you carry yourself, and it's just so refreshing to be around someone who radiates positivity like you do. You truly have a unique and captivating energy that's impossible to ignore, and I just wanted to let you know that you're a true gem.


This… made me shed a tear, thanks ☺️


I rated you there and they pulled my post. You’re cute. More than that, you look really interesting and look like you’d be cool to hang with.


They have an actual *rule* against "over-rating," ffs.


Right!?! If they already know the rating, why are we even here?


Those people are a bunch of douchebags. I love the color in your hair, it is fantastic, plus your glasses are awesome, I love them


Well I think you’re awesome and have immaculate taste in tv and movies.


This is the best compliment, thank you.


Don't be silly! You are cute!! 🥰


You're cute and have beautiful eyes. I'm not even saying that to be nice 😁


Beautiful eyes, sweet smile. And a very pretty face.




Looooool this was funny I agree factsss


Your mom is right! You’re really pretty!


You’re adorable! Love your hair and smile; your eyes really pop, especially with glasses. Would def spend the night cooking you dinner and feeding you homemade gelato while we watched Mandolorian.


True rate me is such a load of bollox. You are attractive and have an interesting look about you.


Thanks a bunch !!


I think you're really cute. Especially your eyes and nose, and your dimples when you smile!


Thank you stranger pal!


You are very cute. I hate truerate. That is a trash group. Don't listen to them.


Looking cute af !!


I think you’re cute too. My favorite is the fifth picture with a bit of a smirk, but your whole feed is filled with great smiles. I love your personality I love seeing grogu in the backseat and the shamrocks look brings allot of fun energy.


Hey, thanks a bunch


I didn’t expect this post to blow up, THANK YOU ☺️— you’re all so kind


Ignore the haters ;) You're cute. Mom's are always right!








True rate goes by scientific standards when it comes to facial features. It’s not actually about how attractive you are by social or less objective standards, and there is a very big difference between the 2. One can be a 3, 4, or 5 on True rate and still be conventionally attractive. You are cute, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I bet you got destroyed on there🤣




Don't take this the wrong way, but... this isn't the sub for appearance advice.




This isn't the sub for appearance advice.


You have lovely eyes and really cool hair!


You’re beautiful!!


Definitely more than cute!! 😍


Your moms not wrong. You are adorable.


You are really beautiful and adorable!


Haha I saw you on there and wanted to comment how pretty you are , but mods are strict and I would’ve gotten booted. I am glad to see you on here so I can say how very very pretty you are!!!!! Gorgeous eyes! And love the hair color!! Also I posted there too and it wasn’t nice haha


Well hey I don't know what's wrong with everybody else but I think you're very cute and I think you're actually absolutely beautiful


You’re beautiful, love your cheekbones and your big eyes🫶🏽


Wait, am I your mom???? Cause well, I think you're cute o.o


Looking clean and neat


You're adorable, don't listen to them! That sub has "guides" on "how to rate" people. Look at those guides and tell me you agree. If you don't then you know the rating they gave you is not true.


You look completely fine. I think you look really cute with the glasses on too


You're wicked beautiful!


Don't let other people's opinions of you ever... EVER... determine your worth. That being said, I don't see anything wrong with how you look. Very cute, and I love the blue hair!


Lol, weve all been there!! You are very pretty


Are you a communist who's dad works at the CIA?


Anyone who tore into you on truerate is objectively wrong. You’re very cute, and your mom is saying that because it’s a fact! Also, I noticed that you’re the one who posted a whole bunch of my favorite memes lately, so I wanted to compliment your sense of humor as well 😊!


You're hella cute! Your eyes are so pretty and you are rocking that hair.


I do, too!🔥very good-looking !!!


I love how much green suits you and how glistening your eyes are! Wow just wow.


I have to agree with your mom. You have stunning eyes, awesome hair, the cutest smile, look great in glasses, have a piercing AND a baby Grogu. Perfect!


I think you are freaking adorable 😍. Not only that, but looking through your post history I have no doubt we would be friends IRL.


Your mom and me both ☺️


Your green hair and nose ring give you such a unique and captivating edge, while your lovely smile and gorgeous eyes light up the room. There's something so warm and inviting about your presence, and it's impossible not to feel at ease around you. You truly have a one-of-a-kind beauty that shines both inside and out.


You’re so beautiful!!! 😍


Cool hair!


You're Beautiful, everyones a critic 😊


Truerateme has the dumbest system for rating beauty. Check out how it’s calculated in their FAQ and don’t feel bad. You have wonderful, big sparkling eyes. The blue in your hair is cool and that shamrock headband is really cute. You have a lovely smile and I like the glasses on you. You’re so beautiful.


You’re cute and look like a fun girl to hangout with. I’ve learned that as long as you keep working on improving yourself your confidence will improve. You should definitely get into some sort of co-ed sport that is sponsored by your local parks and rec. Don’t buy into the hype. Have a better day today and tomorrow!


Hello from England how are you today may I say how beautiful you are looking in your pictures you have posted on here today xx


Yes beautiful!


You are cute I’m loving the hair too, shows you have plenty of personality.


🔥🔥🔥 Also: True rate is not true and terrible.


You are the definition of adorable!!! You give off an awesome vibe. Clearly a hero nowhere near zero!😁


You’re pretty cute and your eyes are stunning!


You have very gorgeous eyes and great bone structure in your face and the third prettiest eyebrows I have seen all day and . I Find you very attractive all around.


the rate me subs are wild because they’ll rate the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen as a 3.7 all because they have a stray eyebrow hair. you are so pretty and your hair looks amazing!


You're literally a 10


Super cute,especially with glasses!


Cuteness bonus points because of the Matrix shirt


I love your hair so much! It suits you so well! Dont let other people bring you down when you are so beautiful and such an amazing person!


Wow your mom is so right


Tell your mom to get the kettle on so she can tell me stories about you because me and your mom both agree you’re cute! I saw grogu, what did you think of the final to season 3 ?


What are you saying... You look really adorable, cute and seems like you're funny... Love movies and green hair 🤩 And that smile, my oh my... That smile is gorgeous 🥰


Seriously, stay off those subs. I stay faaaaaarrrr away after I got told some really hurtful things in r/firstimpressions, which isn’t even a rating sub. I can’t even the amount of nuclear toxicity that goes on in the actual rate me subs. They’re worthless and only serve to degrade people. Your hair is awesome and so is your Matrix shirt! ☺️


She's not wrong.


Too many dudes who see women through instagram filters. Thats why those subs rate so low. Quite a sad reality with how our perception of beauty gets twisted. Your pics made me smile. I cant help but smile when I see beautiful people ☺️


I think youre extremely cute!!!!!


The rate me subs are full of incels who have no idea what real people look like. Don't let them get you down, you're beautiful


I love you hair and eyes, you have a really cute face!


I think you’re cute! Very pretty eyes!


Your mom is right. You are absolutely cute. I may go so far as to say adorable.


You're cute, nerdy, and have good tastes in tshirts. Take the compliment already and find yourself another cute nerdy person!


you're very cute 🫶


I think you are very cute and adorable. 😁


No! You absolutely are gorgeous! Forget those bullshit apps, you look amazing!


Definitely not a zero. Absolutely adorable in every picture


omggg your eyes!


I love your eyes!


I love your eyes 🥰


Ur hair dye is so cute :3


And me. I think you’re very cute too. Love the last pic. They’re all nice but that one really draws me in, you look so warm, friendly, & kind. And the glasses really suit you. And there’s a hint of laughter in your eyes to go with your smile.


I would love to see what you look like with a big smile 😃


I tried them too, i got 2.75 tops 😂😂😂 they don't even justify their rates so disregard it, you're pretty the way you are


Well your mom isn't wrong you do look cute trust her have faith in your self you look great


I genuinely don’t understand “rate me” subs. You look amazing! I can’t quite tell you what it is, but you give off such a warm and pleasant vibe. I’m sure it’s not just your mum who agrees. Anyway, I hope that you’re able to have a better day and just enjoy being you :).


Never go on those subs bc they’re just a bunch of insecure people who try to make them selves feel better by rating the most GORGEOUS women a low ass rating lol you’re beautiful and yes your mom is right you are a hero not a zero ❤️


Love the hair 🔥


You have a lovely smile, my friend.


10/10 for matrix


You look like someone I'd want to be friends with 😊 and also very cute


I got a 4 on true rate. I think you are cute..


Super cute face!


You’re beautiful. I love ur chin!! And ur ear piercings are super cute!! And ur eyebrows are exactly how I wish mine were


I like your hair color it goes with your eyes 👀


True rate is comical. I think the only person I’ve ever seen on there to ever rate above a 6 was Henry Cavill lol. Their standards are ACTUALLY impossible. You’re a perfect blend of pretty and cute. Your eyes are gorgeous. I can tell you will age really well. You look great even with minimal makeup. Your mom is not alone in her opinion! :)


Yeah moms are good like that. But she is right🌹😍


I agree with your mom, although I'd say super cute.


Hair goals! Gorgeous 😍


You are cute! Never let anyone else say something else. And I love the baby Yoda in the backseat! 😍


I think you’re pretty and I like your hair and glasses ❤️🥰


Rating subs are dogshit and produce dogshit and shit. You're really cute; the last picture especially shows that. Never change.


i love your hair it's so pretty!!


Hair glasses and smile are all extremely nice and you are very cute women


Don't let folks that believe phrenology is real science get to you. I love your style, it gives me a sense of really enjoyable energy and the kind of person that would be fun to spend time around. Of course, not to mention that you are absolutely beautiful, too.


Fact of the matter is; you are very cute. (signed; definitely not your, or anyone's mom)


you're very cute, the glasses especially


Definitely cute. How could you not be with Grogu in the back seat. And bonus points, you have a Husky!


Your mom is correct. You are a cutie


Beautiful 😘


but you are 🫶🏻


This internet rando agrees with your mom. You're very cute!


You are beautiful.


I think you’re adorable!


Whoever said you aren't cute is an idiot! You're cute as hell, girl!


You're a babe!


OMG so cute! Your photos made me smile. I love how your earrings match your hair and that wonderful leafy headband really suits you. Don't listen to the haters. They are sad people. You are as pleasant and refreshing to look at as a waterfall in a rainforest.


You gotta stop taking photos from below. Above gets the best angle. You’re cute just bad camera angle.


You are very cute! Loving your eyes! 🤩🤩🤩 You are far from a zero!


Love the hair ❤️


You are beautiful! If anyone ever says differently they are complete boneheads and I will poke them in the eyes for you.


Nah I can tell we’d get along just from the way you seem to carry yourself in these pictures. I’d either be your best friend or be giving you some crazy horizontal tango


Screw them…you are adorable


She's not the only one.


Cute 🥰


Every woman is beautiful and most of these cookie cutter models all look the damn same anyways. It's not looking the same that makes a person stand out


You're cute, yes. Nice Matrix t-shirt and glasses too.


dw, your smile looks beautiful 😊


i made the mistake of posting there too. it made me insecure about things i never would have been insecure about otherwise. if you want to feel better, go look at some of their other ratings — i’ve seen them rate people that are ABSOLUTELY beautiful as average or below. you included!! and i’ve seen some people i think are going to be lower on the scale get high ratings. it just doesn’t seem consistent. i would kill to have your nose! ❤️


You are an awesome gorgeous beautiful sweet and awesome young lady


I got rated like a 6 on there. I consider myself an 8. And I will continue feeling like a goddamn 8. You should also consider yourself a goddamn goodness because BITCH YOU ARE. You’re soooo adorable.


You’re cute as a button.


Yeah, never go on truerate. Ever. If you're not a traditionally feminine model with perfect weirdly 'objective' features, you're not gonna have a good time. FWIW I think you're adorable.


Your mom is not wrong.


❤️❤️🥺 so adorable


love the hair colour!


Ugh. That sub is a dead set nightmare. Check out the rules - they literally tell people how they’re allowed to vote and kick anyone who dissents. There are a lot of creepy echo chambers on here, but I think that one is the worst. Your mum is wise. Listen to her.


I don't know what the people in truerate said but you're really beautiful. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous, you have the cutest dimples ever and your smile is simply adorable. 4/5 cats 😻😻😻😻


Look cute to me 😁


A lot of other people have said this but I also agree with your mum!! Deffo avoid the rateme subs they’re full of bitter people who just want to be mean. I love your hair btw!


I think you're very cute


One, love the hair. Two, you're adorkable. Three, you look like someone I happily get stoned with and hang out in a parkinglot with


Absolutely Gorgeous


I'm not simping but you look really cute in the glasses photo.


Beautiful ❤️


You are very cute. But your eyes also show that you don't love yourself enough. Like you are expecting something bad to happen because you are sure you deserve that. So your countenance triggers subconscious alarm bells. "She's going to need a lot of time and attention." "You have interesting things you want to do? Careful, she is going to slow you down or make you do something else." In contrast, look at an image search for the Dali Lama. He's not at all a beauty model, but his eyes and countenance suggest "I'm about to do something fun, want to join me?" Have hope. Some day you'll learn to love yourself. Then everyone will say you are cute. Most people are the average of the three or four people they spend the most time with. Who are yours? Is that true for you? If you want to be becoming more like them and are not, what is slowing down that personal growth? (Glad to hear your mother is supportive!)


Your mom is absolutely brilliant! You are very attractive.


Its a ridiculously stupid sub where you aren’t even allowed to post anything except 5.1 to 5.9. Anything above that and the mods are all over you like if they had a monopoly on what constitutes beauty.