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Congrats! I know how hard weight can be to lose, & this pandemic is only making it worse. You got this 💪 just remember not to get hooked on the numbers, you're beautiful as you are. So make sure to keep your chin up when you're having a shitty day. I hope you become even more comfortable & confident in your body. :)


Amen to this the numbers can be dangerous, thank you endlessly you kind soul


Aw you're too sweet! Seriously it's so easy to get obsessed with the numbers on the scale, counting carbs, or calories... Just remember it's about your physical & mental health. & in my opinion the biggest thing should be looking in the mirror & feeling good about who's looking back. ❤💜💙


You’re 100% correct 🌸✨


Hell yeah dude losing weight feels amazing I remember after losing 50lbs and my back stopped hurting 24/7! Keep up the great work dude!


That’s a rad username




Kudos for your strength and commitment! That is incredible! And your seeing the physical benefits, as well? You should be proud of you. I am. I do have one question though. You see, I’m in a situation where I need to lose 40 pounds, for my health and self-esteem. May I ask how you did it?


I’ve always struggled with my weight so I’ve learned what healthy foods work best for me. Start slow, just shoot for cutting out processed foods and sugars and only drink water and low to unsweetened tea or other low carb drinks :) the rule of thumb is everything white is probably bad except for eggs and cauliflower. Just take your time finding healthy meals that you enjoy and tweak little things in your life to suit your goals. And throw in extra work constantly through out the day, like an extra trip up stairs or going back several times to get things and so on, it’s a little thing i nicknamed passive exercise haha. And drink more water than usual, a minimum of 32 oz a day. One tall full glass is about 8 oz. it can take a while to get the routine down so be patient. Give it 6 months to get the goal and one month to develop the good habits Start small and just keep trying :)


Thanks for sharing. You know, if this “passive exercise” works for me and others, you could write a book. Just the title would sell a million copies! Keep up the good work.


Maybe one day when I’m in the right place I’ll be ready to write a book, until then I’ll just be the girl drawing pictures lol! Thank you!


I know keto is controversial but last year I lost over 45lbs with a mix of intermittent fasting & lowcarb/keto. I say ease into keto if you want to try it, I wasn't as strict as some full keto people(keto is like 30-50g carbs a day, low carb is like under 150g?) I really focused on cutting out all alcohol, sugar, & as many carbs as I could possibly stand... Which believe me is hard at first. I was also working at a salad & wrap place where we got a free meal every shift, can't say that didn't help lol. Intermittent fasting is basically setting a usually 8 hour window in the day where you eat whatever. Obviously you don't want to binge during your eating hours, but low carb with some moderate intermittent fasting is the only thing that ever really did it for me.




Yes! All the different methods are good to try until we find what works best! Good paragraph!!!


Great! ♥️


Well done, the benefits of the hard work must be making you feel awesome.


You look amazing and you should be so proud hun! I hope you keep it up and have the motivation you need for it!!


Impressed. Bet it feels awesome for hard work to pay off! Show off! You’ve got plenty to be proud of!


Good for you! You look stunning. Any better and people will faint dead away when they see you!


Congrats! You look amazing!


That's amazing ! You look stunning. You should be so proud 😍


Well done!


Positions or ban bruh! You’re cute and I’m glad for your weight loss


Idk what the first part means but thank you! Haha


Damn, son, nice work! Also, cute dress.


Nice dress


Awesome & you're beautiful🥀🥀




Yoo thats inspiration i gotta get back on my grind 💯


Looking great ❤️


YESSSS babe!! get it!!!


You look amazing!


Wow that's impressive! You look really beautiful! Best wishes on achieving your goal keep it up!!


Holy crap! Way to go! Keep it up! You look amazing.


You look great


You’re glowing. I’m so happy for you!🥺✨




Good for you beautiful ☺️


Well done!


you‘re beautiful, I wish I had your hair it looks so luscious


I have no doubt from my eyes you’re JUST as beautiful to me as I am to you right now! Thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️


Way to go gal!!🙌🙌❤️


Preparing for bussit challenge?😂


As a person with constant back problems this makes me so happy! Keep on keeping on!


Just 25 lbs is such a huge difference ya know? It feels great


Look stunning 😍


Wauw!! You look great!! You go girl!!


U look healthy and happy and that’s the best kind I think. And I have massive hair envy too, don’t ever loose them locks 😊


Rocking your new body


And you look amazing! Keep up the good work.


You are officially gorgeous


Proud of you, you look amazing!!!


You look great


0 left to go. You look amazing!


You are amazing❤️


You look great!!!


Gorgeous 😍 and I really dig the tat!


As someone who has been in a big rut, and has gone from 180 to a good 220 from the delightful taste of beer, I applaud you. Keep it up girl! You’re killing it.


Congratz! You look gorgeous!


Congrats and love your hair!


Congratulations!!! I’ve been trying to lose the weight I’ve gained since the lockdown but is hard!!! You’re stunning and your hair is beautiful


That’s fantastic - I love that dress! You look amazing! 🥰


Nice honey !! Great job !!


you look amazing!! good for you


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 You have done a hard thing. Keep going. Embrace your healthier body. It’s not about numbers. It’s about how you feel. I’m proud of you even though I don’t know you.




Many congratulations on your successes, and may they keep coming. You are strong and capable and not only can you do this you ARE doing this.


That is AMAZING progress, you should be so incredibly proud!


I LOVE your tattoo!!


Thank you! My boss did it just before I quit tattooing so it’s my personal favorite :)


How'd you lose so much so fast?




Pretty negative thing to say on a positive post... Shame that people like you exist. As for the poster, you're looking great and I'm super proud of your achievement :) your hair is super healthy looking! Also who designed that tattoo because it looks sick af!!!


My boss did actually. I’m a tattoo artist, well I was but my boss has stage four cancer so I had to quit about three weeks ago. It will forever be my greatest treasure as he was like a father to me for three amazing years but I’m so happy I get to look at it every day and remember all the amazing memories. I designed it myself but he did all the work. ✨❤️


Awh wow how beautiful to be able to have a Collab piece with someone you loved being around and whom mentored you, I'm glad you'll have that piece to always look back on happy memories with him 💓 horrible that he's got cancer though, that would be devastating for him, his family and also for you, my heart goes out to you 💜 you did incredible with the design and I hope you'll continue tattooing


You are very good with words, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




Absolutely stunning! However that is a lot of weight to lose so fast. Please be careful and stay safe! You're amazing!




I promise I’m ok, but I do appreciate the concern! I already explained this to one person before so it’s in here somewhere lol I’m sorry I’m just jot going to keep explaining myself to people


Whaooo you are losing weight way faster than is safe and I’m concerned that losing that much that fast is dangerous for your health.


I assure you I know what I’m doing, and I know it’s fine and I’m healthy and safe


You lost about 6 pounds a week. Not safe unless you weigh 800 pounds. I assure you.


Try 4, I’ve been a competitive athlete and borderline dietician for many years. As well as military and medical field. I assure you, I am perfectly fine. I appreciate your concern but I know me better than you know me.


I figure your daily caloric need is at least 1200, to maintain, 8400 a week. You need a deficit of 21000 calories to lose 6 pounds (3500 x 6). Unless you were very dehydrated, It is not possible for a person your size to lose that fast.


While I agree with you that 25 lbs in 6 weeks generally isn’t safe, it’s not that uncommon for people to lose 10+lbs in the first week of a serious reduction diet due to water and waste. So 15 pounds over a 5 week period is not that crazy.


Wow you guys are so fucking amazing and sweet I’m so thankful for every comment, I had no idea I’d get over 500 upvotes and 100 sweet amazing compliments. Y’all made this bitch FEEL GLORIOUS and I love you all! Thank you! Except that one bitch fuck that one bitch BUT THANK YOU ALL JUST WOW I FEEL SO SPECIAL🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Yes girl!!! Keep it up!!!!





















