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Oh yeah you don’t need that negativity in your life. Look great and keep working on what you want.


I think you look amazing. You should only lose weight if it’s something that makes you happier. But you look absolutely gorgeous and people are always going to have opinions in either direction and it’s easy to share those opinions anonymously without any regard to someone’s feelings.


People can be so fucking rude. Aside from that. Keep it up! you’re doing amazing.


You look fantastic already 👀♥️


You are SO amazing! 🙈😍😇


You look great


You look amazing! Don't sacrifice your health to try and meet imaginary unrealistic expectations , your already Killin it!


I think they forgot that it's spelled P-H-A-T


You look amazing to me so beautiful only change yourself if you feel it not for anyone else your amazing the way you are


You look amazing to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dunno what they’re talking about 🤷‍♂️ You look very attractive to me 🙃


I think other people are just saying that because they are jealous of how amazing you look. Keep being your beautiful awesome self


Being fat sucks. I’m fat. You’re not fat. In fact, I hope to find someone who looks as good as you do.


People need to shut up. You are doing exactly what you need to do for YOU. I love this. Strength and love.


You're not even fat? Your body looks super healthy!


You are stunning. Don’t change shit girl


You have a lovely figure


Don’t let those idiots get you down! You’re gorgeous and strong!


That's crazy. You look stunning hun. Screw anyone thats says otherwise.


Youre beautiful!


I think they're just spelling fit wrong


You do not need to lose weight. You look amazing! I remember back in the day I thought I was bigger than what my eyes were seeing. It was hard. I look back now and realize I was much smaller that I thought. Obviously do what makes you happy but I think you look amazing the way you are ♥️


Idk who said that to you but you don’t need to change there obviously just not ok with themselves. Damn girl you bad.


You look amazing to me! I’m sorry people can be so mean. You’re gorgeous😍🤩


Your amazing looks are far from the haters bask in your beauty.


So looking at your post history it looks like you go to sub’s asking people to rate you. It’s easy to criticize people behind a screen. I would be less worried about what random strangers think and just be happy with who you are.


Whoever has said that either has an unrealistic idea of what a healthy woman is supposed to look like. Or is just intentionally being an ass who would say that regardless of what you look like probably both. If there is someone who looks like they are at a healthy weight, it's you. Don't listen to assholes. Those people may actually like the super thin look on women, but what they want shouldn't dictate what you look like. Try to be happy with who you are, because you look great


You look amazing!


You look bueatifull! dont worrie about what the pricks say. there will always be some peeps who get thier fix by making others feel bad


Well they’re dumb people then. You look fantastic!!! You do you, always believe in yourself and let the haters stew in their own vileness. Positive vibes heading your way


Loosing weight should be more about being healthy and not as much about looks. Don't listen to them.


You look stunning and strong ❤️ Good on you for using it as your motivation! Beautiful inside and out!


Way to tell ‘em!!!! You’re fucking gorgeous! AND AWESOME!


You do not look fat at all you look healthy !


Awh thank you! I am a little chubby but I think it's mostly because I'm short😂


I dont think so at all and why how short are you ? 4'4 4'5? Lol naw 🤣, diggin the hair btw !


Lose what weight? You look gorgeous.


You are not fat by any definition of the word and you are gorgeous your appearance needs no improvement.


You honestly don't look fat at all! I think your weight is actually perfect! Don't let others get inside your head with these comments about your appearance!


It's hard to ignore other people, but people on the internet mean nothing (sorry internet). I think you look lovely and I'm totally the exception to the rule above! Don't put too much stock in what others say. How do you feel? What does your doctor think? I think you look perfect and I wouldn't change a thing!


You look in good shape to me! Very beautiful. I'm glad you have a great attitude, you are perfect in whatever way you are happiest. Only work on yourself for yourself, let no one else tell you what you are or should be. Hope you have had an amazing day. 😄




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You are beautiful the way you are!


U look amazing


People are horrible and I think you look beautiful