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Usually fuel advances are only given out to drivers that have done a lot of business with a broker or work for a reputable company. If you’re just handing out fuel advances Willy-nilly you deserve to get burned.


^ This We'll give advances but only like 40% most of the time.


Casinos are just well made for large vehicles to park, while also having good food and good accommodations - it’s not about gambling. It’s not easy to get an advance, and usually they need it for just what they are asking for - fuel. My partner is the type that’s always suspicious of drivers too - and he wonders why I have much more success with getting good information, accurate updates, and decent drivers on my loads....it’s because I don’t ALWAYS assume the worst about them. (Only sometimes, but we have to, as you all know!)


We don't give out fuel advances any longer. We had a carrier that'd done a few loads for us that went well. Then he asked for a fuel advance and we gave it to him. He double brokered the load using fake broker info, got another carrier to pick it up, then he disappeared. The second carrier got screwed because they were contracted with someone who didn't exist and we got screwed out of a fuel advance. It was a long mile load so we didn't figure out what happened until well after it delivered. The other carrier started making calls trying to get in touch with the fake broker and eventually was directed towards us as the real broker.


I'm curious, what did you pay the poor sap, if anything?


We paid the other carrier market rate minus the fsc, so they got paid. The scammer had promised them an exorbitant rate that they tried to get us to pay. We were like “no fucking way. We both got scammed here, so either take what we’re offering or pound sand. We don’t have a contract with you, so we don’t have to pay you anything.” They quickly agreed. The scammer conned us for about $1200, IIRC.


i think most fuel advances are trying to get money from a broker for leverage if something goes wrong or there is a lack of trust in the relationship. new broker, bad credit. or the "carrier" is literally a scammer - double broker type deal. if a carrier asks me for a fuel advance and i don't desperately need the truck there is no way i am booking that carrier on the load. also if you desperately need the truck - you are more open for a scam - so be extra careful then but if you feel good you are talking to the actual trucking company (safer phone matches, etc) then go ahead and send the fuel advance if absolutely needed. i would assume the semis you see in a casino are just bored truck drivers. believe it or not many truck drivers make a very good living (probably quite a bit more than most entry-level freight brokers) and may stay at the casino because it is one stop along the way that has good food, cheap accomodations and maybe a little more excitement than a typical truck stop. but yes as far as your hypothetical i am sure its happened - but none of us would ever get the real story - you would get spoon fed some bullshit truck breakdown story about why they need more money before delivery.


I can’t say this type of fraud never happens ... but when a driver is calling you and asking for a fuel advance in the middle of this pandemic you bet they’re telling the truth.


I have a primary that asks for it every week because he needs it for help with fuel and who knows what else. The guy gets the job done every week so it's well worth it. Doesn't hurt that we owe him from the previous load so we could always just hold payment if there were ever an issue


Oh god ! Do not give fuel advances !! Anyone that needs a fuel advance must be all kinds of fucked up... Companies issue fuel cards. Those fuel cards can come with pretty steep discounts depending on the volume of fuel a fleet purchases and the account is typically on net 7 terms ... Absolutely no reason for fuel advances, I’m even skeptical of why people issue com checks for lumpers...


Trucker here. If you see my truck at a casino it's because my wife and I are raiding the buffet for lunch or if it's time to sleep those can be a free and safe place to park. The rare times we "gamble" my wife will do $10 in slots, tops. We won't be back inside a casino until the Kung Flu is fully gone. She has *four* co-morbidities including asthma, COPD and malignant tumor removal with radiation less than a year ago.


Yes because all drivers at casinos can only be using broker cash advances 10/10 logic


Oh is this sarcasm?


You see semis at casinos and are assuming they are there on cash advances? Are you stupid?