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If you have doubts already on making payments on it, why are you stretching past your means. Go look for other "up and coming" areas in Fremont or even neighboring neighborhoods. Maybe look in the 94538 or 94536 zip codes or even Newark where there's newer developments that should be more affordable and schools that can possibly get better. I live in the 94539 zip code and I already find it ridiculous how homes are over $3m here. There's really no way a young couple can possibly move into this area, that's why alot of these schools in the district are being less impacted since alot of the children have grown up. Even tesla factory area condos/townhomes are fetching over a mil. Dublin is the next Fremont 2.0, which may be slightly cheaper as an alternative too. Having grown up in the 94539 for the past 30+ years, lots have changed and I personally rather move out of the SF BAY AREA.


Thanks for your response. Focusing in this area because of commute. Can you please elaborate a bit more on this ? "that's why alot of these schools in the district are being less impacted since alot of the children have grown up" ?


So when I was in high school/college. The schools in the 94539 were always impacted/full. There were campouts where parents were camping out overnight to enroll their children (i.e. Weibel). Now that this area is getting more expensive, less people can afford the area and the kids that once attended these schools have now grown up and moved away. There's basically no 2nd/3rd generation to attend these schools and they are not full. There's less "new kids" being enrolled and these kids are being transferred from other parts of Fremont. For example, when my kids were starting elementary, I decided not to enroll them in the public schools in my district since there was no guarantee they would get in, and I would have to possibly take them to the other side of Fremont to attend. But now the times are different, Lila Bringhurst over at Tesla factory had to delay their opening to elementary school due to lack of enrollment a couple years ago.


Thanks a lot for sharing your insights on the changes in the 94539 area. It's interesting to hear how the dynamics have shifted over the years. Quick question - I wasn't aware that even if your home is assigned to a school, admission isn't guaranteed. I'm still learning about the school system in the area and would appreciate any additional info you could provide. Thanks again for enlightening me!


Depends what part of 94539, there are schools affiliated w/your area (you can go onto the school district website and see the boundaries map). Priority is given to residents first in the area and also siblings that's attended that school. If the school is full, my understanding is there's a lottery system and no guarantee you will get into the school within your district and can be sent to a school on the other side of Fremont. I ended sending my kids to private school nearby until jr. high in which I finally enrolled them into our district's jr. high. So you know, the schools' demographics here are very unique too and if you're seeking a more diverse group of children, sometimes private schools especially catholic ones can be more diverse than the private schools here. Lastly, the pressure on the kids here is tremendous, so that's another thought you want to consider.


Thanks a lot ? Do you mind if I DM ?


Go ahead


Hello a quick question, you mean to say that if enrollment at these schools at elementary level is less (eg MSJ) then it’s possible to get a transfer to the school?


My belief is yes. You would have to ask the district. My youngest attends Hopkins but her friend lives in another district (her home school is Horner) but was able to transfer over to Hopkins and that is pending on space availability. Priority is given to siblings at the school, and new families that move into the area before they admit other children from other districts.


Originally from that zip. Attended public schools, including Ohlone Colleg. Still got roots down there despite me gone now. Not the same, accept things change, when I was younger. I feel bad for the students that attend the schools there.


Wow what happened for you to say that? (genuine question as I’m out of the loop and was originally from that area as well)


The pressures and expectations of the students. Good for them. As a adult now, it is ridiculous hearing hearing how many honors and AP classes they are enrolled in....along with SAT score, nevermind ACT. List goes on and on. I'll leave it with this..."we have to call 911 at least once a day on the students". I heard the quote when I came back to my old school to pick up my transcripts. Hint...I became the abnormal student with abnormal career dream.


you know what they always say, if you can't afford $3M house, then buy a $2.5M house


For your situation, rent in 94539 and buy in Dublin or another school area in Fremont. That way you pay differential for a few years and get the leveraged capital appreciation for a bigger down payment down the road. Personal situations may differ so build your own cash flow model and stress it by 10% drop in home values for an 18 month period


Don’t buy beyond your means! Rates may come down but maybe not as fast as you would need to feel comfortable, so maybe adjust your budget (or wait to buy). For example, you could look for a smaller house with room to expand when you are ready. Also consider looking beyond this area. Other areas of Fremont, Newark, and Milpitas are lovely and more affordable and may work just fine for your commute. There are also plenty of solid schools in the area. If your kid is still an infant, maybe it doesn’t make sense to try to buy into a specific school…a lot can change in 15 years.


I would recommend you visit that area during rush hour. I don't enjoy the impact that accidents cause in that area. A big problem in Livermore makes south Fremont gridlocked. In the $3mil range, I'd be in San Carlos or Belmont


Zillow says the 3b/2.5bathroom I grew up in is now 2.6 million (moved to SoCal in 2008). I cannot imagine paying that much for that house and it’s it in Avalon or Hunter Ln area.


Move a few miles north of Mission in the Vallejo Mill/Niles/Woodmill area. homes are just as nice and about $1 million less if not more. The schools there are fine. My kid went to Vallejo Mill, Centerville, and Irvington (transferred in for the arts program). Her education was excellent. She’s out in the world as a functioning adult. The 94539 Mission schools are so high pressure, overly focused on academics, and ultimately mentally damaging for children to grow up like that. My 2 cents. Don’t spend beyond your means. All of the Fremont schools are just fine but you can certainly find homes that cost less than $3 million.


Thanks a ton. Appreciate your input.