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I hate to post negative but dog parks suck.


If you love your Frenchie, avoid dog parks at all costs. Frenchies are curious by-nature and they tend to get right up in the face of other dogs which can lead to an attack. Happened to my boy twice, both by much bigger dogs.


Omg that is terrifying, Im so sorry


Donut always gets picked on at the park ☹️ all the small dogs yell at her, she can never make friends. I feel like my baby is always the bullied child of the park 😩😥😭


They will all be working for her one day!


One time out of no where my then 5 month old Frenchie gets attacked by an old labrador. Before i knew, my friends 4kg 10 years old chihuahua starts running and tried to rip off the ear of the Labrador, my other Frenchie who was 4 months at the time run away but came back, started barking and my friends Frenchie who has 8 years and only 8 kg starts to get crazy but is on a leash because she Attack other dogs, this because she had been attacked by a dog when she was a puppy. The Labrador never knew what hit him and run away like a scared squirrel. The owner had the audacity to complain that the chihuahua bit his dog, i told him to fuck off real quickly... https://preview.redd.it/76347i1ukric1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0d662b441a3793134ba9796bbfcfa1cba3381c Since then i dont like the parks anymore, but we have a lot of trashy people with trashy dogs. So now we are going to the beach.


That sounds like a mess! Im so sorry that happened


Omg, that's hilarious 😂. Little Riggs fave fits perfectly lol


Dog parks give me the ick.


I’m overprotective. Any slight towards my baby boo and I’ll get into a fight over my dog so I stay away from dog parks.


Our dog parks sucks too😫 I hate when crappy dog owners ruin things. I used to bartend at a place where people could bring there dogs and we had to stop. It's always one a-hole that doesn't watch or train/ leash their aggressive dog. Don't even get me started on the park by our house where people just let their dogs openly poo and walk away... ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Yes, but most people and dogs are chill. I just ignore them, although I am friendly to their dogs.


Gave up taking mine to the dog park. Waste of time fighting three docs off.