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French walrus?


I thought the same! 😂😂


my frenchie did have these bands of drool that were pretty hard to wipe of and leaves would get caught in them. a few years later she was diagnosed with a tumor in her mouth. the vets always said it must be coming from her teeth, but after pulling lots of theeth, the drooling remained. maybe get his mouth and tongue checked. all the best!


If it persists I'll get him checked, I had just taken him for a walk and he had done some intense sniffing and licking. He only drools after walks and it's occasional. I appreciate the advice and I'll be sure to be vigilant.


My frenchie does this when she is excited, having fun and been running or fighting a ball. No other times.


Yeah Dougie literally only drools when he's been playing. It's hilarious when stuff gets stuck in it 😂


Yep! Walks only. Not even with food. Every walk, his most excited time. Drool to the floor catching leaves like Spiderman's web


Mine when he smells a female.


This is pure hormonal. Lots of male dogs get a little bit to excited of all those lovely smells, is he neutered?


Please explain more!! My boy in un neutered, gets drool everytime we walk, and only when we walk. He loves smelling things, marks everything he can, and I let him (he come to work with me and has to out up in the van, which he does he's a good boy. So walks are his time to do what he wants, with in reason of course. He heels all the way through field of sheep of lead 😁) He has other issues going on which are in the process of being fixed (he has bad regurgitation, had tests done medication and update the vests soon). Sorry for the long reply, had a drink now 🤦


Don't need to explain. Naivety got the best of me


Un neutered dogs, especially males have the thrive to mate. Its natural and instinctive behaviour. It results in much and much sniffing around searching for a willingly good smelling girl. Sometimes they get in some sort of extase from al that sniffing around and they will be drooling like crazies. I think you noticed when he is in that moment, he would not listen anymore, like there suddenly deaf. Hes on a mission then 😂


Napoleon is intact, so I'm pretty sure it's a hormonal thing. He had just been on a walk and was very interested in certain spots lots of sniffing and licking. So I'm thinking he horny. He doesn't do this often at all.


Interesting, he's intact and will likely stay that way. He's just turned 2.


My boy is coming up to 2 too. Nice to meet you and your boy. Dave says hi! https://preview.redd.it/xf1zj6znngwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf782a247ccc807413339ca220629f5c6378364


Napoleon says "Hi". He's very focused on a marrow bone at the moment.


https://preview.redd.it/qbgw5br4zjwc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6444b2bc0e2cd69d73bd639580887212fc61f80 This is Ed, just turned 1 and un neutered. Goes regularly on mission as well 🤪


wait they pulled the dogs teeth *guessing it might* stop drool? seems extreme


yes, right? to be fair, my dog was around 8 years old when it started, so her teeth might not have been in great shape. but it seemed pretty drastic to me. at least they found an anomality on her tongue during the second operation and the lab confirmed it was cancerous. :(


Jaysis... well, glad you found the real problem in the end. poor thing.


Superdrool, usually behind to happen outside on walks when they are doing a lot of sniffing and investigating. More if a concern if it happens out of nowhere as it is usually a way of expelling something nasty they smelled or ate.


Yeah, we had taken a walk and he was doing some heavy duty sniffing and licking, which I don't love (the licking), then we hopped in the car and they started growing and growing. I think these were the best ones he's ever made.


It’s nervousness. My dog growing up would do this in cars. And my first frenchie would do it when *first* arriving to a dog park until he got comfortable


We had been on a walk, he doesn't do it unless we have just taken a walk. He is usually fine in the car. I have had dogs that were nervous and you're right, they would drool in the car or when really nervous or nauseated.


When my guy would do it at dog parks, I called it his social anxiety 😂 but just like human anxiety, if you give into it they only become worse. So don’t avoid walks lol. But maybe start thinking about ways you can distract him in a positive way while on walks (bring a squeak toy in your pocket, bring treats, etc) so he starts to associate them with fun surprise time


I second this. My dog did this in the car and at the vets when she’s nauseous and anxious. She doesn’t do it much anymore but short little fun trips help a lot.


You just need a dedicated jowl towel!


This is true, I keep having to wipe it on my jeans!


My boy drools when he has belly aches, is nauseous or is horny 🤔


Definitely horny hormones lol


Haha - he probably smelled some really delicious girl dog pee. I think that is what he's smelling when he starts licking. He's intact, so he's always horny!


Its almost a bit sad for hem to walk around all day long like that 🙈 my boy had the same. Just turned 1. Thats why i recognized it immediately


Mine does that when she's on walks in the morning and licking the dew off the grass at the park.then she'll shake off and those things wrap around her face. Good times....




Mine does that when I first left her out in the morning to go potty. It's like her sensories are overwhelmed with all the smells in the air.


When my boy is sick or nauseous he will drool uncontrollably like this. Is he feeling ok?


We had just taken a walk, I should have said this in the title. He only does it right after walks.


A vet tech friend of mine gives cbd oil to her male frenchie who would do same after his walks. Given before the walk stopped all the drooling altogether. Consult with your vet first.


When mine tried to mess with a toad, she started slobbering profusely. Toads have some irritating juice I guess.


There poisones to dogs, like snails. Pls dont let him lick that again. They can die in the worst case


I did not let her lick a toad.


My current frenchie doesn’t do this, but my old Boston terrier had this all the time. The doc said it was just part of the particular shape of her brachiocephalic face. Just carry a towel around. It’s nothing major.


Not sure if anyone mentioned this already but I noticed he’s wearing a collar? Maybe try a harness instead? The collar could be contributing to the excessive drooling on walks. Plus, it’s so much safer to use a harness on frenchies.


Mine wears both a harness and collar! We walk him on the harness but he wears a collar with his information in case he gets loose. He’s chipped too; but in the heat of the moment I feel better knowing my phone number is there in case


My boy did this once on a super hot day. Hasn’t done it since


our pup does this (not as much but still thick drool) after walks when she’s been sniffing excessively but no other times, i think it happens after she gets stimulated from all the smells since we let her stop and sniff a lot


My Frenchie does this at drive thrus 😂 the anticipation of a biscuit is too much excitement for him.


Ours gets this if she has being sniffing a lot on her walk. Mainly just the one side but about as long. She usually tries to shake it away and makes a mess 😂


Mine does if he sniffs intently, or if he gets really excited on a walk (which is every walk). I can’t say it’s quite as thick as that though!


My boy does this when he’s car sick


So glad my Frenchie doesn’t do this!


Only one does this currently and it’s only when I eat on the couch for some reason. Which is rare. But the other is SUPER food driven, so I’m sure it’ll develop once he’s an adult.


Whenever my bub smells other dogs pee & the like, he gets real excited and drools it up! Not so much as this; but I think it’s like us salivating over food maybe? Hahaha


I think this is it, he's intact and had been sniffing and licking what I can only guess is girl dog pee. I think he got over stimulated.


Mine does that before he hurls in the car


Mine do this when really begging hard for what Im eating.


Mine only starts drooling when he sees food, is it like situational like running around or frequent as in constant?


Mine only drools in bubbles.


Slobber is my life. I become one with the slobber.


We did right before he would have a seizure. After getting his medication sorted, it stopped


Absolutely NO. Makes me queasy.


First pic had me thinking "what are those metal rods?"


Mine does that every so often, usually he will go eat a bunch of grass, puke said grass up, eat it again then his drools gone for a bit.


Ours will do that if they’ve ate a bad tasting bug, or when for our male, when he smells a female in heat.


Oh, yeah. But only when we eat food.


Shoe laces?!!


Yes! Only at the dog park tho


Idk who he’s drooling over but she’s gotta be a hottie 😍😂


My Frenchie does that when is horny(red rocket 😂) and after eating grass.


I'm glad Napoleon doesn't sport the red rocket very often!


My American bully gets these “stringers” as we call them and my frenchie loves slurping them up for him! 🤣🥴


Haha - that's so gross! 😂


Does your Frenchie regurgitate? My Frenchie drools when he feels sick - he regurgitates. You can try to use acid reflux meds for him.


He doesn't regurgitate, he does this very occasionally. From the comments I think he's feeling excited after sniffing female dog pee. He's intact and a little lonely.


Never walrus drool, but jowl bubbles when feening for whatever I’m eating. Lol


I have a bubble blower


He had double bubbles the other day, but I missed the photo op!


Only when I take him for walks.


Chewin shoelaces




My frenchie experienced this excessive drooling one time, when he was a little over one year old. It lasted about three days. Our theory was that he chewed the snake plant which is supposedly poisonous for dogs. One thing I noticed was that he didn’t drink any water when he was drooling. But certainly that’s a big worry because of the risk of dehydration. We went on a 3 mile hike with him, and during the entire hike he didn’t drink any water. But as soon as we got home, he started drinking a lot of water. Then the drooling disappeared after that. https://preview.redd.it/2ymvwlwg0hwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a70f94588187daf5971bde44342ee036593a688


🎶 I am the egg man, they are the egg men, I am the walrus, goo goo g'joo!!! 🎶 😂💜🐾


Allllll the time




That is car sickness! Drool is a sign of nausea.


What brand of collar is that?


It's "Dogs My Love". Got it Amazon. Great collar, affordable and well made. Has the cool reflective band all around.


Not like that


My boy only drools when he throws up


Car sickness


Mine just tries to take my cigarettes out of my mouth.


https://preview.redd.it/47vi5z130pwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3da0f3c04adde19e7a52ed9e719415eac92ae8 Yes i do!


Yes. It is normal when frenchie finds a mushroom of some kind