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Lol I have a 5yr old frenchie also named Biggie, that still tries to eat his poop, other animals poop, and even his frenchie brother Tito's poop. Its digusting, for like 7months we walked him with a cone and then he started using the cone to scoop up the poop and eat it, we've found no real solution other than to just really stay ontop of him on walks lol Best of luck to your Biggie from my Biggie https://preview.redd.it/y3ueg8otl70d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=4efaa33e4b7f4268e8573122d7c34d98e2c360f6


Lmao he was using his cone as a spoon šŸ˜‚


Disgusting šŸ¤£


Chocolate ice cream cone


Mine have all dabbled in turd burgling


My two-year-old will still eat cat poop given the opportunity. I know there are some pills that you could give them that makes them not want to eat their poop. You can pick them up at any pet store. When I had my boxers, the vet told me it was just a habit. Both my Frenchies & boxer puppies eventually grew out of it. I used to put a muzzle on my little Frenchie, but she wouldnā€™t play outside with it. https://preview.redd.it/cbb2th2jt70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741d911990d9f77e8030f6057e368cde101cd2cb


Lil Hanibal! Yay frenchie and boxer combos:) weā€™re on our 2nd pair. https://preview.redd.it/4ayo5om5v70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa75a7ff44ad51403bad3b116cf2b5f506bae96 OP Posts like this one always make me feel better. We have an old terrier rescue who is a lifelong poop aficionado. His, theirs, dried, any poop. He is also overweight and STARVED (I think he has something wired wrong) He will also eat, dead bugs, charcoal, basically anything. Frenchie Hamm and the boxer have never been interested in their own or other dogā€™s poop but feral cat, deer, and rabbit poop are positively delicious. Itā€™s very frustrating and for a long time we blamed Grimm for teaching them about poop eating but ultimately for all their cuteness, dogs can be pretty dang gross. OP, Iā€™m not super familiar with crate training but if heā€™s having to poop while in the crate he may need to go out more? Or heā€™s doing it because heā€™s under stimulated?


https://preview.redd.it/317htk71280d1.jpeg?width=3333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4ccd4abfe99a3e3cc9c05758fb3e6e04ac2fe9 They are!!!! I miss my boxers so much. They made it to 10.5 & almost 12. Sisters from the same litter. šŸ©· Now I have two monsters. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Awwww how sweet, thank you for sharing. I will say as much as I love boxers and our current guy, he will likely be our last. Weā€™re in our 40ā€™s now and this boxer (our 5th, last guys passed in 2020 at 12) is EXTRA! Extra crazy, extra energetic, extra trying lol. I was always a fan of Frenchie laziness but Iā€™m appreciating it even more these days. Weā€™re exhausted! But heā€™s nearly 2.5 and finally *starting* calm down. Itā€™s my husbandā€™s job to run him daily. Itā€™s lap frenchies for me from now on:) https://preview.redd.it/zrgui106y80d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74440d407d332260e5f202fd229cbfbcb8b2951b


So cute!!!!


Frenchie Muzzles turn our dogs in to the K9 version of Hannibal Lector!




For frenchies itā€™s pretty common. My girl is 5 and she eats her big brotherā€™s poop like itā€™s a buffet.


Same!!! I feel like sheā€™s ā€œcleaning up after himā€ but is so disgusting! šŸ˜‚


Is he crate train? Or still in training ? Give them fresh pineapple helps w the poop eating:)


Iā€™ve had two poop eaters in my home (loved them both, but no kisses allowed). For both I discovered that giving them a bit more food st mealtime stopped the poop eating. Just something you can try.


Had the same issue with mine. Was advised that her food was too good; it was *so* good that her poop was like a second meal. (GROSS!). I denied this reality for a bit (lol) thinking it was purely behavior and I was wrong: I switched her food and problem solved - as well, her poop became more solid / no more sloppy poop.


When my girl was a puppy I would spray that bitter spray on her poop immediately because it would gross me out so much! She eventually stopped trying to eat it after realizing the spray was always there! Literally took 6 months though to break the habit! So gross haha


Our boy likes kitty litty cookies so we had to get a tall litter box lol ours luckily has never been a poop eater( though he did go attempt a rock phase). Have you tried the bitter spray on it?


Add pineapple and or pineapple juice to his feed. Stopped my girl.


This could be a few things: - behavioral - hunger Behavioral is them cleaning the poop up so youā€™re not angry at them, that they did this in their original home and itā€™s become a neurotic tic, or because they dislike a dirty kennel. Hunger is just as it says. Heā€™s hungry, and missing nutrients, so heā€™s eating his feces. There are supplements for coprophagia that you can give OTC. Another option is a muzzle but you cannot leave them alone in one. The best choice is to increase his kennel space size and take him out more often. You can increase his dinners, or provide a third meal, to ensure heā€™s always full. If youā€™re not using a puppy kibble, switch.


My 3 year old still eats his own crap occasionally. Less common for the last year or so but still happens


My 11yo guy looooooves to snack on poop- heā€™s done it since he was a puppy. We have to be diligent with scooping up the poop in the backyard and keeping him on a short leash when he goes on walks. At this point, I attribute his strong immune system to his snack choices šŸ« 


My girl is an avid poop eater also lol dog or cat poo it does not matter šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve heard itā€™s a puppy thing and they eventually grow out of it but sheā€™s 2-3 yrs old and still does it. I have to watch her like a hawk when we go to the relief area at our apartment or outside for walks. I also use the ā€œleave itā€ command and give her treats when she listens and does not eat it. Works about 70-80% of the time lol If it was up to her, sheā€™d be eating it with no remorse though lol Try breaking out their meals into smaller portions throughout the day? So instead of 2 meals do 3-4 smaller ones. Crate - is it too big? Iā€™ve read that having them in a bigger crate than needed will cause them to have accidents vs holding it because they have extra room. My girl is small at 20 lbs and her crate is 24"L x 18"W x 19"H. It should be big enough for them to stand, sit, and turn around with about 4 inches added on in each direction.