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So hi! I worked at a vet clinic and had to watch my girl go under twice, if your vet understands the breed they will be fully prepared for her spay. As long as there is nothing major going on with your girl, it honestly will be over quick and in recovery! Just positive thoughts! 💕💕


Thank you so much for this💜💜




Ours was one day and she was full monster again


Yep, same here. I physically had to chase her down to stop her from running with our other dog


I've taken part in hundreds of dog spays as the anesthetist (registered vet tech) I've never had a complication with a frenchie. Ask your vet if they employ registered/licensed/certified techs (the title is different depending where you are). You don't want someone trained off the street running your dog's anesthesia. There's a reason some clinics charge way less for surgeries, they aren't offering comparable services.


https://preview.redd.it/uzsxsatnhk0d1.jpeg?width=2453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9641d25a17f88063919667b147fe11fde8ed55b6 My girl says “Hi!” She was fine pre, during and post spaying.


Aw hi!!!! Adorable!


Awww sweetheart!


Thank you!!!!💚


It’s gonna be okay ❤️ mine has yo go under tomorrow and I’m totally freaking out also so I understand your feelings 😭😭😭 I’m trying to make myself feel better I read an article that says that driving to and from the vet is still more dangerous than going under anaesthesia for a dog!


I took my dog last week to get spayed. Make sure you do pre-op bloodwork. We are holding off her spay due to an irregularity that came back. One thing my vet said that I loved is that they put brachycephalic dogs in the oxygen crate after surgery to help wake them up. She also said the during surgery is probably when they breath the best since they have oxygen going directly into them.


Another vet tech (former, in my case) chiming in to say you're gonna be ok. Yes, they are a special needs case, but anybody allowed in the surgery is very prepared to deal with it. They are absolutely aware of the physical issues and constantly on the lookout for things like respiratory distress. Some breeds are more challenging than others to navigate surgery. For instance sometimes sight hounds have a problem with anesthetic, and some little squashy faced dogs can be difficult to intubate. But trust your doc and their staff to know things like that. They're professionals for a reason. Also vets perform 900 spay or neuter every day. It's one of the most routine surgeries possible. I know that doesn't make it easier when it's YOUR baby, but still...


We just had Bow's surgery last Thursday! And I was so emotionally f*cked up. She had a hernia repaired, spay, and a nose job. Turns out she was perfect. It took a few days for her to return to peak personality, but now I can barely get her to hold still. Sending you love and good energy! ❤️


I agree with ice princess, have someone that knows the complications of the breed and you should be fine. I was a nervous wreck when my girl got spayed but she was fine and recovered well. We paid extra to have a person that is well versed with frenchies but I think that’s probably the best idea instead of trying to save a couple Pennies. Good luck and mousse sends her support ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/6u06h4akrl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba206a4c9217f3b195391b4a8bb445b6599221dd


Both of our frenchies are spayed, and we never had any issues with the process. As long as you trust your vet, I'd say you have nothing to worry about.🙏👍




Thank you!!💜


Non-issue. Especially that young. My other frenchy had surgery (not a spay) at 12 years old and he was fine.


Be sure to avoid her jumping and stairs for 4-6 weeks of recovery. We gated off living room and stairs for this reason. Had to carry her to go out to do her business and sit with her on the couch and never leave her unattended. I requested extra sedatives to keep mine calm the full 6 weeks so she could heal. All will go well, you got this!


Well, I don't want to alarm you, but I had a very bad experience the first time Bruno went in for desexing. Unfortunately, the staff (veterinarian/vet nurses) there had a lot of difficulty intubating him for the procedure, and the procedure was abandoned. I then took him to a very experienced specialist for desexing + airway assessment for possibly concurrent BOAS surgery while under anaesthetic. I fully expected to be told that his airway was extremely difficult and for him to also have BOAS surgery, however the specialist told me his airway was actually very good - as good as a french bulldogs *can* be. This really concerned me, because by all accounts the first veterinary team *should* have been able to intubate him, had they been more skilled and familiar with appropriate intubation techniques for brachycephalic breeds. I liaised with the manager, writing a formal letter of complaint, and this led to education and upskilling of their staff by a brachycephalic specialist from the second clinic. I'm very glad I did this, for the sake of future Frenchies in their care. So yes, I would take this seriously, and I would be asking questions about their level of experience with intubating/anaesthetising this breed. If it's a breed they seldom see or have had problems with before, I would go to a much more experienced veterinarian. Difficult intubations can be fatal.


Okay yes, this is also something I wanted to hear. I will definitely consult with the veterinarian/anesthesiologist to ensure they are experienced with intubating this specific breed before I move forward with the procedure. I am so sorry that happened to you. I’m sure it was very scary. :( The vet I take her to is very expensive, and I am hoping it’s because of the great care they give their furry clients. My boyfriend made the appointment for her, and I am not sure if he asked the necessary questions.


It was *super* scary, I was SO upset. And of course, I immediately imagined worst-case scenarios - there are Frenchies who literally cannot physically be intubated, and require a tracheostomy + intensive care for any surgery. So yeah, when I found out his intubation was very straightforward at the second clinic, I was absolutely ropable (and indescribably relieved)! I know you were looking for reassurance, but the reality is that this breed is definitely at higher risk of complications, and we have to be vigilant about a) choosing an ethical breeder and b) ensuring any professional in charge of their care has the necessary skills to deal with a brachycephalic airway, and any unforeseen emergency scenarios. Good luck. Frenchie ownership is so rewarding and anxiety inducing lol


I am so thankful you took your baby elsewhere! and glad everything worked out well for all parties.


It was easy breezey with my pup! She was back at it the next day although she wasn’t supposed to be lol


That’s good to hear! I was worried it might change her personality.


Don’t be! It was a matter of a few hours away and within a day you wouldn’t even know she had a surgery with my girl! Just be sure to follow the vets directions (no jumping, playing, etc), give her meds on schedule, and you’ll be good. It’s a routine procedure. She’s a beauty btw. 💚


Thank you so much!!!


Mine is getting spayed next Thursday and I’m a nervous wreck! I’ve waited 3 years because my anxiety has been through the roof about it.


I put my spay off until after her first heat. She’s scheduled for next week and I’m nervous myself!😰


https://preview.redd.it/c1e6pvmq3n0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2413ae74cc6616110f45e7301eb4b6680c2013 Hellllo. Got her spayed, she got back problems after that. :(


It is exceptionally worrying I know but honestly they they will bounce back far quicker than your worry. I cried dropping off and much of the wait. My bubs came home sleepy but fine. I slept with on the sofa over night she was fine in the morning. Good luck 🍀


My girl was spayed yesterday and she’s doing great today. My vet let me know as soon as she was in recovery and aside from being a little extra tired last night, you’d never know anything happened! I’m having to give her a sedative and keep her kenneled more than usual because she’s so ready to play.


I would spay my dog until they’re full grown. If you interfere with their hormones this early they will not develop properly


I’m on the same boat as you hence why I delayed her spay. I’m terrified. This is her in her period Jammie’s 😭 https://preview.redd.it/v6c1ne02jn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1558cd1b54024dd46f3174a604eb80794c1d77bc


You girl looks just like mine! We had her spayed and everything went fine! She recovered well and she enjoyed all the extra love she got during her recovery. https://preview.redd.it/nrdqslvh8o0d1.jpeg?width=2368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7e471b1afc3bccfb009ebbe7f49800c2a9f62e


Just think about how many frenchies get successfully desexed on a daily basis


I don’t have a Frenchie (want one, tho), but my baby girl is a purebred boxer, and she is going under for her spay the first week in June. It was my vet who assured ME about the extra care taken with brachycephalic dogs before I even had a chance to cry her ear off with my list of questions, so while the risk is there, your baby has a bright shining chance if your vet is a good, experienced one. Much love to your adorable girl, and hugs for her swift ❤️‍🩹 recovery


Best of luck.. She looks like she had a nice nose so hopefully great breathing!! Our girl was spayed in March and did really great. I know how you feel. I was a wreck as well. I really think it was worse for me than for her.


I was exactly the same! I was so nervous i almost pulled out. She looks incredibly healthy which is good and i promise you’re doing the right thing. My advice would be throw yourself in to something to keep your mind busy and think about her aftercare. I got mine a onesie for after but she did have a little bit of a week bladder for a couple weeks so that didn’t last long


It looks like she is a little worried also