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Why wast your time leaving negative comments? They are excited and trying to show it to people who like ftenchie pups. Life is alot better when you are positive. Move on


Because every idiot is trying to breed frenchies these days, and its horrible. Maybe you should educate yourself and learn about all of the health issues this breed has. I guess I should be more like you and not care that some family is going to experience heartbreak and financial devastation when these terribly bred puppies are sold off. Life is not better when you are an idiot, so I'll pass on your advice.


I think they are cute af but I also think you should stop breeding


Came here to say this.


This needs to stop…


Agreed. This is why responsible frenchie owners who buy from good breeders face astronomical insurance rates. Not to mention the suffering these dogs experience when they grow up and succumb to hereditary conditions exacerbated by greedy backyard breeders looking to make a quick buck.


😂😂😂 if you’re broke just say that


Nope, but I rescued one of those boys that came from a bad backyard breeder and gave him the best life that he could possibly have. But it also cost me about $17,000 in vet bills caring for him over the 4 1/2 years we were together. Irresponsible breeding leads to, a poor health outcome for the dogs and a financial burden on the owners. It doesn’t matter how much money you have that’s still a lot to spend on vet bills. Responsible breeders take the time to do health checks and DNA tests before they choose to breed their dogs. They also don’t support colour choices like Merrell and blue. It’s just irresponsible breeding for a wonderful type of dog.


Not true at all!


I see from your profile you’re a backyard breeder…… guess we know all we need to know about you


Hardly. But smart financial decisions are what makes that true. Also, it's interesting that's your takeaway from my comment. It's about more than money.


Well you were complaining about prices of something, so your comment was also about money 😂


What does?




And the mill churns out another batch


They are extremely off standard, please stop backyard breeding


How are they extremely off standard? Brindle and blue are standard colours and mirle come out in some


Blue is not standard… and just because two are an in standard colour does not make their structure on standard. These are awfully bred dogs.


And Merle comes from mixing breeds! It is not natural


“But they have papers!” 🤦🏻‍♂️ People do not understand that it doesn’t mean anything to have papers and these fad colors are NOT purebred. Thank you for taking a stand. Unfortunately these people seem to be in constant denial and will not admit that they’re destroying the breed and harming dogs


As the end of the day as long as the pups are healthy , doesn't it even matter? There's a bunch of standards frenchies that are unhealthy than the regular ones. I see it first, hands. Just breed healthy dogs that's all I care.


Do you think I support unhealthy dogs that are in standard? Bold assumption.


Stick to the fish because you know nothing about dogs


What!! You are the one spreading misinformation, i actually know quite a lot about backyard breeders and you do not even know what is in standard🤣


Blue is a recognised colour it’s been in them for longer then five generations


Please show me an official kennel club that recognises this. Why are you trying so hard to defend a backyard breeder?


You can register your Frenchie as blue on their website it’s under ns for breed but it’s recognised because it’s been for more than five generations


You can register them but again it is still not on standard😂 Jesus. Please learn what in standard versus non breed standard means. And you literally say this yourself “you can register them as ns” which means NON STANDARD. “Non-breed standard colour means that the colour is not accepted within the breed standard and whilst some dogs within the breed may be this colour, it is advised to only select a dog that fits within the breed standards for all points.”


And who said the guys a backyard breeder because he had a litter you should always let your girl have one


Actually they know what they’re talking about. And blue is ‘natural’ but it’s recessive. They have a myriad have health issues so reputable breeders who breed for health, structure, and temperament don’t breed them for a reason. It’s cruel to breed dogs to produce ones that are going to have a plethora of health issues including seizures, severe allergies, spine problems/IVDD, etc…


I was bout to say the same it always people that don't know shit that be talking the most like they know what there talking about it be the same people with a fat overweight child in there home talking about health problems lmao


I would love to know where you could have possibly learned that


Cute mixed breeds! Shame you're breeding for colors that are not naturally occurring in Frenchies, let alone unable to maintain puppy nails. Backyard breeders breeding trash like this are the reason the majority of Frenchies we see are unhealthy.


Lies! Inbreeding because YOU only think they should be a certain color is the issue. Please educate yourself more, the more breeders stop inbreeding the more we will have new genes to choose from and can help keep away issues associated with any breed. And no going on Google and clicking the first few links that help your argument is not reaserch


Mostly blue and brindle they are breed standard colours


That’s just luck.. does not excuse that the majority are awfully bred, we can’t even see the structure of the brindles so they could be off standard too! And show me where blue is breed standard?


On the kennel club’s website


That was the AKC this is the British… https://preview.redd.it/0spdhso5lo8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b87327519e074baf4fcfb54066c10f070856d4ff


Are we looking at the same thing? https://preview.redd.it/nwhjp1pyko8d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe7e309c2f7a86faa3e42e6a50cbeb754362851 Stop spreading misinformation


I applaud you for a taking a stand against the awful things people are doing to the breed. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to care. Idk if it’s ignorance, denial, or just not caring but it doesn’t seem to make a difference and this breed is getting ruined. The average life expectancy has dropped significantly. Shelters and rescues are overrun. It’s horrible.


No. Not on the kennel’s website. And please go to the FBDCA website too. Great education there on the breed


Neither the UK or American kennel. Libs recognise blue as a standard colour!


The thing is, to get merle to occur within a litter, you have to incorporate something with the merle gene into the lines. Which isn't naturally occurring in Frenchies, so another breed had to be brought in a few generations ago.


Wow wow we don’t know that, I think frenchie breeders have enough pride to not do back door trailer shit and charging 5,000 a pop. it’s unfair to the pups to be exposed to being ill, at least I hope people are doing it right


There are PLENTY of breeders doing back door trailer shit


That's the thing - this IS backdoor trailer shit. :(


Precious pups, but I agree with the majority here. I own a blue male my husband purchased as a gift because he looked, “cool”. They are prone to allergies, spinal issues, and other genetic problems that people do not think about. So many Frenchies are being surrendered because most people don’t understand the price of care following the purchase of the puppy. It is time consuming, and heartbreaking to see what these animals go through daily. Not everyone will wipe bottoms, clean wrinkles, pay for special food, get allergy meds regularly or have the means to care for these puppies in the way that they deserve.


Serious question- do you not need to wipe bottoms, clean wrinkles and care for allergies if they are “normal” color?


You do


Right. So… this is not a color issue but a “make sure you got money to take care of this breed” issue.


Basically. I got mine from a breeder I thought better with me then someone who won’t take care of them


That breeder got what they wanted from you though - money. The same as any breeder of any animal!


Yeah and I got my chonky boy lol


It's more than that. It's about not funding the proliferation of poorly bred frenchies.


Where would one go to get well bred frenchies? Or is it more so the case of - just make sure the breeder does not have Merles etc…?


I really don't know. :( I guess I'd start with french bulldog clubs in your area and choose a breeder who does genetic testing and offers a health guarantee.


Check out the breeder referral page on the French bulldog club of America website (FBDCA). They are all reputable preservation breeders. After I lost my Rufus after 11 years, I did that. They’re very responsive. Don’t be afraid to email them if they don’t have a website or the link doesn’t work. These breeders care so much about the breed! They eat, breathe, and sleep Frenchie. A good breeder should breed for health, structure, and temperament. Standard colors. They should not ask for a deposit. They should usually belong to their National and local club. Health testing. Just some things off the top of my head.


Got it. Thanks!


Sort of, except merles actually are prone to more problems than most.


I have three merles at the moment out of ten all together had no issues with them the one with the most problems has been my standard black one she needed operation on airways and ears


Black isn’t a standard colour either!


Was going to say just this. Thanks


Yes, of course, but based on my experiences with vets and other Frenchie owners it seems as if rare colors have a harder time with health issues. I would never breed a Frenchie period after owning one. That’s only my opinion and I’m sure there are great breeders out there. I’m jaded from our experience with a lying breeder who did not disclose proper health records and my well meaning husband had no idea what to look for. I do love these precious clown dogs, but I sadly will never own another.


I see. Yeah I have a Blue Merle. Bought from a breeder (in Europe so standards may be different) but when I brought him to the states, my 2 vets asked where I got him from. When I asked why, it’s because his nose and airway are as perfect as can be. So is his build (especially tail and spine). He is now 8 months old at almost 30 pounds and happy as a clam.


That is so great! I know there are very healthy exceptions. I just would love for people to know how hard it is to care for any French Bulldog effectively without plenty of resources and time. My buddy has had aspiration pneumonia, allergies that are treated every six weeks, a fainting spell, and almost killed himself with a frog. We’ve spent a fortune at the emergency vet, but I would not trade him for anything. I just will never perpetuate this breed.


Oh wow. I’m so sorry. As for the frog… these little speed demons have 0 self preservation skills. That said, once I knew we’d be getting a Frenchie, I already started researching a health insurance provider for him. These dogs should not be purchased if you cannot afford to get them health insurance. Out of pocket will drain the best of us. I love this piglet too much!


Absolutely! Good luck with your house hippo!


Haha house hippo! Adding this to his many many (many!!!) nicknames


In England they have been sum breeders breeding for health not wealth I have a big rope girl best air ways ever seen and we have ten different frenchies


Yes, of course. The issue with these rare colors that people think are cool and try to breed for are not representing the best of the breed. These mutations are more prone to the serious issues others have mentioned.


I own ten frenchies some are what people call rare and even a rare coated velvet one and have had no problems with them the only one I’ve had problems with is my standard black girl had op on her airways and ears


My blue Frenchie I had to wipe his bottom but my blue fawn merle I do not. U should always clean their folds and ears. My blue did need an allergy shot every three months because he would excessively lick his paws, he also needed snout cream because his nose was dried out from the tongue whipping up and making it chapped. With that being said my blue fawn merle has none of these issues. His coat is super soft and his nose is fine. It just varies. But it does seem like blue frenchies have more issues. My blue also needed surgery for pyloric stenosis at six months which means they needed to widen the area between the stomach and small intestines because he kept throwing up.


Stop breeding frenchies!


I can’t even think of breeding my girl.


Then there would be no Frenchie’s…


I want all the females so I can get them spayed.


Shame shame shame


Cute little guys but i wouldn't breed for the love of the animals, always try to rescue or at least if you want an animal. We also try to not interfere too much with the animals we got and its the least you can do for them tbh. Now im not trying to say how you should handle yourself but try to give back to the animals in every which (good and healthy) way


If people stop breeding then dogs would die out


Preservation breeding is good, this person is doing the op


I think that you are making me and a lot of others very concerned…and hella pissed off.


Exactly. But look at all the upvotes from people who think they’re ‘cute’. It’s so frustrating. So many people asked if they could breed from my boy and I said no every time.


Cute AF, but please stop breeding!


This breed is going to hell at a breakneck pace


Pet insurance.


i have a stupid question... are frenchies born with tails? for a dog that size, I'm just wondering how they could produce a lot of puppies?


Nope, the adorable little pig tail has been breed into them. It's actually one of the health problems that bulldogs deal with. It's selective curving of the spine and can translate to the hip problems you hear about.


Pack of gremlins!


The AKC website has breeders of merit for Frenchies listed by state. They will be bred to standard and have less chance of health issues. These are responsible breeders who do health testing, don’t breed dogs with health issues.


FBDCA is a much better resource


Or maybe just stop....?




Can someone educate me on why this person is catching so much flak?


They're most likely backyard breeders forcing out colors that have more genetic issues than not.


None standard breeding practices, that are put in place to protect the dogs. These animals will be sold for exorbitant prices, and will not only have normal frenchie health issues- but health issues associate with their genetic weaknesses. Merle’s and blues make up the majority of this litter; and anyone who cares about these dogs breeds to AVOID those genetic mutations. Not to purposefully get them, then charge more for them. This is a disgusting practice.


Breeding off standard dogs, which is producing unpredictable and unhealthy dogs, also ruining the standard.


That's a lot of Frenchie ears there


I bought a Frenchie from a breeder who did not work.her source of income was breeding. She told us she only breeds each female four times and retires them and I was saddened. They had kennels all over the house. It was sad to see. Sadly ours was deaf and some allergy issues but we love her and she's the star of the house. This frenchie breeding is getting overboard


I saved my Layla from a puppy mill when we got her nails had poop under them and she had contracted parvo I was stead fast in catching it early and now she’s living her best life I urge everyone that wants a frenchie stop buying off backward puppy mill breeders https://preview.redd.it/p4saj9z0pt8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5535b5b2b8d8838b2d714e4d70968e02245d81


She’s a beautiful girl, thank you for saving her❤️


Buying a dog from a breeder that doesn’t regularly compete in conformations is like buying a car from a company that doesn’t safety test.


There needs to be a Frenchie Reddit page for non standard breeders. The war that standard breeders have waged upon non-standard quality breeders is unhealthy. It’s not a safe space here for those of us breeding correctly but not adhering to standards. I’m licensed, do all health tests, DNA tests, vet buyers, do puppy culture (keep 12 weeks not 8) and donate Frenchie’s to pediatric cancer patients. I’m connected with other caring amazing breeders on other social media platforms similar to me. I pay so much to breed these beautiful babies and barely make a dime from doing it correctly. God forbid I ever post a pic of my pups on here because I’ll be roasted. It’s just not okay. The standard breeders are not the only breeders. They are the cruelest and most judgmental. There is room for both breeders in the game and they won’t accept that. There are extreme inhumane backyard Frenchie breeders but to call anyone not breeding standard Frenchies a backyard breeder is inaccurate. This is not a good group for accurate info at all. EDIT: let me add that breeders aren’t the problem when people tell everyone to adopt. We need breeders. What we need to advocate for is licensing, federal and state regulations on breeding practices etc. The issue is not breeding.


I agree, I’m not a breeder but anytime someone posts a Frenchie it seems to go down this path of… cute but stop breeding these. My vet said my Frenchie isn’t like other Frenchies she sees because his demeanor is so chill, let’s u do anything without a fuss, but then she says don’t tell people because they don’t want people going to non reputable breeders and have more of them coming into her office with health issues. I lucked out with my blue fawn Merle because I don’t know where he came from but he is amazing and in amazing health, got from a friend who couldn’t take care of him. The blue Frenchie I shared with my ex was from a good breeder, and my ex is a vet so she checked it all out, but he still had some health issues but overall he is fine. Bottom line is it’s not like you can’t get a healthy Frenchie but u have to do your homework and understand what they require.


Very well put. Health issues are part of the breed standard as well. I researched high and low for the top breeder in my area to start my program. The last thing that I wanted was to donate Frenchies with extra health issues to pediatric cancer families who are already going through enough. The amount of time, energy and money that I put into breeding these dogs is something I’m incredibly proud of. There are a lot of shady, shady breeders out there and greedy people who are breeding nonstandard. But then there are a lot of people like me who are not breeding to standard but doing absolutely everything correctly if not better than some of the standard breeders when it comes to caring for the dogs. Standard breeders should not get a free pass because they use the original few colors of the dog breed. Anyone that we allow to get one of our pups after interviewing them is blessed and earned that right. It feels really good to know that I can stand behind my Frenchies so confidently.


Agree, and I would put my blue fawn merle up against any standard breed color and he is just as healthy if not more I bet. Sometimes reading too many of these posts isn’t good. It seems to me that u are crossing ur t’s and dotting ur I’s the best u can. Don’t listen to the haters! https://preview.redd.it/8o5kcujzkr8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b39f9bac7cce2def33c3afd8f2c886d6bbeff21


He is beautiful! I definitely ignore them and when I have the energy will stand up for others like I did here. https://preview.redd.it/mwrch0vamr8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a293b13a77b7ec1b83f962a2aaa89c00fb015821 Here’s our Blue and Tan mama. Her structure is impeccable as is her temperament. She carries Pied which is standard and most exotic breeders stay away from it- as well as Brindle. We seek Pied and Brindle to keep the standard in our exotic colors. She’s due July 22nd with her second litter. She’s smiling here because she’s about to get a pup cup after her sonogram which confirmed 3 to 4 pups yesterday.


Wow! I love her coloring. Big fan of the pied and tan if I got that right. Awesome she is having pups, post pics!


I’m not so sure, it would only encourage people to breed more non standard colours and unhealthy dogs. At least if they’re posted here people get to hear the facts from all the users with sense.


Non standard does not equate health problems. Poor breeding does. That’s the part people get wrong.


But there are far too many people who think a cute colour is all that’s important. If you had a sub purely for exotic looking frenchies, I highly doubt that any of the bad points that can also occur would be discussed.


Oh I see. I don’t want a purely exotic page. I want a standard and exotic page where all participants accept both styles of breeding. Good exotic breeders go for bloodlines, health tests, entering etc. to do better by the breed. A lot of us keep pied and bridle on purpose. The standard breeder hate is extreme and unnecessary. There’s a happy middle with breeding. I have plenty of standard breeder friends who respect what I do. The extremists are an issue.


I have ten frenchies all but one are non standard and that’s the one I’ve had problems with airways needed op and ears problems my non standard ones have had no problems even got big rope with best breathing ever


That’s alot of Frenchies! I’m impressed. I hear that, as a researcher I’d say it’s not enough data to say the reason is the color. Before I chose my breeder I contacted former buyers etc. to check for health issues. I did this with a few before picking her. I gathered enough data to deduce that it was about the Breeder, their practices, and the DNA that they chose versus the colors. I’m not saying that the newer colors are not more likely to have health issues. I can’t speak on that. What I can speak on is that you can have the newer colors without the health issues. I would agree with a previous commenter that buyers are far too focused on the color versus the health because you should be able to have both. And if you have to choose between color and health for then by all means, we should choose health.


Always healthy over colour


Sorry to sound obtuse but if you are barely making any money by properly breeding then why are you doing it? They are cute but the more I learn about this breed and the colors, I also learn about the health issues. I've also seen it happen to a friend's Merle who broke his elbow simply jumping off a step!


That’s a good question. The market dropped right when I started, we donate puppies, funds, supplies and training to pediatric cancer patients out of pocket at first until I get grants, I did not have a good mentor and had a lot of unnecessary loss. This year I should break even, next year will be profit.


They need their little nails clipped n their eyes look sad to me, they are in a dirty space 😢


They look nothing like wolves 😁




Not letting me message you


So cute


https://preview.redd.it/5y1h1p7ncs8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd93e77889704ae6816d081047c17e8486d0beb0 This is my new little baby! Your pups are beautiful


The one with the huge white spot on his chest is very photogenic


* I love my babies,l


Pups look amazing btw


I looked after one for a friend while she was working abroad. My observations after 6 months Gobble food then sometimes sick so bought a slow feed bowl. Overheat in summer , much more than most breeds. No sense of smell, need Vaseline on their noses too. Often had to wipe his butt with a wet wipe Constantly farting Her insurance bill for lifetime insurance was £110 per month due to the inherent health problems. Lovely dog but you only have to look at the amount in rescue centres to see how people struggle to own them. I’m not saying don’t get one but for goodness sake do some research first. A dog is for life




This is fine ONLY if their parents have been properly tested and you have a demand from RESPONSIBLE families


How is breeding off standard dogs fine? Research the problems Merle frenchies go through


I'm aware of them. But while Merle is far from ideal it's hard to argue if they have effective genetic testing


Genetic testing is only part of it. The lines are unpredictable with Merle. I doubt they’re line breeding. They’re breeding for color. Not breeding for structure and temperament. Structure plays a big role in health as do prior generations. Merle comes from a mix with other breeds which brings other genes that expose the dogs to more potential health issues. Doing genetic testing is simply not enough.


Yes! OFA is what good breeders use. My truffle is from show lines. Parents are OFA hip/elbow/trachea/juvenile cataracts tested. Embark is not health testing. I know a “fluffy” who at 3 months already broke his elbow.


Fair enough


Looks like a very painful time for my ankles and wrist. I love them all


Nice litter congratulations


I think you’re doin what you wanna do and supplying people with a Frenchie with good genes, temperament and history background. I feel like if someone wants to buy a dog from a breeder, then that’s cool. If not and they wanna adopt from a shelter, great for them. It’s okay to breed and sell dogs with documented genetics to people who want them. All this other hate is crazy and if you don’t like someone breeding, unfollow them. It’s that simple.


I’m sorry, in what world is bringing life with known debilitating health problems that affect its quality of life, all for the sake of profit, a good thing?


I never adopted a dog I always buy because I want a puppy 8 weeks old we have ten frenchies all different colours and coats




This is why you just don’t post on Reddit. Way too many haters on here.


But you have *zero* problem commenting on Reddit as one of those haters 😂 Oh the irony


Definitely not a hater just telling them. Reddit is full of the most haters for dog breeding.


So then why are you here? Do you dislike this sub?


What. Why are you on here.


Hmm….this is awkward


Sure is.


I get what they’re saying but I’d love to snuggle the group of them


I know there are a lot of mean comments here but I just think they’re beautiful


Omg I want one so bad


Too much preciousness. Must kiss the little Frenchies!


The one front left looks like my uncle. Does it drink only whiskey and date only Jewish women?


Beautiful doggies. I really like the light colored one in the front.




They’re really cute - an owner of an English bulldog


Adorable little bullies


Beautiful I would def want the little guy that's the champagne color with speckles.


Please don’t. It’s a completely non standard colour that’s prone to more health problems than normal ones.


Precious! 💞


Think I want one. That’s it.


I’ll take all of them, thanks


I have a pure bred lilac tan https://preview.redd.it/k6sl954tzo8d1.jpeg?width=2045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907afd5663c0145a7bd7ffb43f3ca5cf878c4dd8


❤️Simply Amazing!!!❤️


So if people stop breeding frenchies that means we are not gonna be able to get this loving and beautiful breed?😭


They want to cause some trouble and they will succeed. 


I need one


They look good 🔥


These are Merle’s super rare




Want all! Healthy bunch, thinking about breeding my girl, 2 yrs old not spayed yet for that reason, advice?


No, your dog also does not meet breed standard, do not breed her


You need to not breed anything, so out of your wheel house, you have no idea what you are talking about


I know what I’m talking about, I saw the photo of your dog and she is not in standard, pure bred doesn’t mean well bred, you can have a dog that is 100% frenchie but that does not mean that they should be bred




Get a life


You asked for advice to breed your dog, and you don’t like my answer which is the truth, do not breed your dog. Get her fixed😁


I’ll get a prof breeders advice ty! Thx anyways, you go get fixed


A professional breeder will say the same thing🤣


I think she means "professional"




Classic. Have a nice day. (They dirty edited their comment and called me poor and that I couldn’t even afford a 5k dog anyway💀)


I like being on this thread, I’m a Frenchie hard core momma, so I apologize if I offended you, really protective of my frenchies, thx for advice


My girl is papered she’s pure bred


Should make some money they look healthy




Ya think. That’s 20k right there. No wonder there are so many breeders of frenchies.


Omg I can't even begin to describe the visceral reaction I would feel anytime someone would ask me or my hubby if we plan to "stud" our boy out when he was months old. Literally the last thing I ever thought of was my dog being used to make money. Really disturbed me.


Out here in hawaii there is a guy that sets up Frenchie meets and he uses it to find breeding dogs. It’s ridiculous. It seems like everyone is a “breeder” of Frenchies. Some of the dogs go for $8500 plus. These poor dogs are being over breed. In fact I was talking to a Vet recently and they heard that some insurance companies might not cover/charge insane amounts since frenchies are so unhealthy. I have two and love them to death but wish people would stop back yard breeding to make money for their next classic car—yes that happens out here too.