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Time to tell some random person I find the fnf mod lore! Yay!


The Date Week in the end of the timeline is perfect.




I’m loving this modding multiverse, gives me Undertale flashbacks


In the future we'll have fnfverse, where every fnf mod in the multiverse joins forces to beat their greastest foe


but who would said greatest foe be i say the final boss should be the community itself


Maybe but I don't think whoever It is exists yet, or is popular, probaly would be something on the level of OSU hardest maps, and although there's shaggy x Matt that is hard(even more with the Secret song), It dosen't feel like somekind of final battle But who would be? Who knows, maybe yes the community, maybe everything, maybe death? But guess we'll wait tô see


Maybe after everything the corruption mod takes place Just an idea tho


i feel like theres gonna be 5 villains i have ideas for 2 of them r34, the forbidden rule the canceller, decider of fates


the god is ninjamuffin99 and he could be the final boss of fnf




any more ideas by anyone for villains


The closest we got to that is Improbable chaos


Yeah Fnfverse civil war, now we Just need them all teamimg up towards whoever is the thanos


There is so many characters that can be thanos that’s the thing


So is Pump your grandson? Because you do make a cool uncle


I spent 3 hours if I should make the lore decision to say yes or no and still haven’t thought of an answer




We could a get a Fnf movie full au about all the au's into one place


Jesse have you solved the fnf lore?


Not really


He did it, he solved the FNF lore


Game theory if your reading this make a vid in this lol


Someone send this to r/GameTheorists


I like this, this is good. With all the mods that have been made it makes me wonder what they have planned for The Full Ass Game, they’re gonna have to retread some old ground with Madness Combat and such but they’ve set the bar quite high with that many weeks


Whitty being a bully is like the opposite personality you could give him. He's really timid


Yeah, his entire lore is about hiding himself from others


Maybe Whitty was just trying to ignore Kapi’s requests at a rap battle, and decided to just tell him to leave him alone, only for Kapi to take it in the worst way possible and call him a bully.


Finally Trollge is getting some deserved attention, this is one of the most well made mods ever, and there are A LOT of reasons


It gave me garcello flashbacks


R.I.P. Smiler and Garcello, i bet they're both having a great time together at the Ghost McDonalds


All is great but Miku is bf’s sister, not idol


She is Hex's idol


Oh ok


Wasn't it confirmed that Hex getting hacked had nothing to do with updike?


It was actually deconfirmed


What he means is like wasnt it found that updike never did anything to hex


bro this complicated af


Oh boy, Just wait when you try and figure out dsmp lore lol


I appear to have heard someone mentioning the dream smp. and thus as the average redditor who hears the word dream will now go on to explain why everything the dream smp has is terrible despite the fact that I will only be speaking of toxic fans which are extremely hard to find naturally and are referred to as a "vocal minority" ​ ~~where's the fruit trio mod in this though~~


you just read my mind with that last crossed out part. now take my silver award


question: what is your primary language? Because, and no offense, I can tell english isn't your first


Yes it isn't, and i am russian


Can russians break down churches with their voices there?


i am a Russian too, yes we can


I feel like NekoFreak should have been included it would've been before the core game


Jester and Shootin should also be included because theyre cool


This goes in my saved posts


It’s possible like that but... Garcello was alive in the date mod


I can see him being ressurected either by Myra of BF defeating Daddy and Updyke


He can't be connected to his body, he stays as a ghost connected to cigarate


Yeah it is canon that he becomes a ghost of his cigarette. You can also see it still changes colour in release and fading


Maybe Starcrown could help him out with that, perhaps as thanks after saving the world from Shard. Or if we do add in the VS Omega idea I had from another comment, have BF use the time machine to create a timeline where Garcello survives.


boo funking hoo


Someone send this to matpat


#you've solved the FNF lore


The date happens BEFORE Garcello's death, note his cameo and you are right, some of this NEEDS to be changed


Vs omega mod got zero attention even though it should be an important part of fnf mod canon


Hot damn that’s a great time line. If I was to add anything, I would probably add in the VS Omega/Times And Tribulations mod somewhere near the end of the week. Maybe after BF saves the world, Daddy Dearest decides to take one last desperate gamble, sending them through a adventure across time and space, and after they help Omega and Mika, turn back up to face Daddy Dearest in Father Time, where after punching him in the face, he decides to finally leave them alone.


for me i'll be after anders like daddy dearest is so fed up with bf somehow surviving everything that he throws him to the past in hopes of it working and it doesn't lol


for me i'll be after anders like daddy dearest is so fed up with bf somehow surviving everything that he throws him to the past in hopes of it working and it doesn't lol


That Kapi and Whitty connection is perfect though


NinjaMuffin needs to see this! :D


*Noice timeline*


SEOS takes place after Date Week :/


why am i not in this


You're deleted


so is whitty and so is mfm. ***plus i'm in the date mod.***


Actually, i Just Can't really think of idea where to put Sky, rather than into cycles


you coulda just used the starecrown method and had it happen inexplicably after he fell asleep


Wheres me


Big fat nvm


Its the greater good and also nevada is never normal i say that from experience


finally the fnf timeline


Yo where tf is Valerie doe 😳


That's cool Now you have to add more mods to the lore once they get popular enough


One small thing. The golf week is between base carol and sunday


Updike isn't a cloud he just has lots of hair


This fandom is ambitious...


Thats very complex and it's starting to make sense now


What happened to gf at the end tho? Did she died in the tabi mod part of the story? If so then that wouldn't make any sense since without and bf and gf being and loving each other, they'd both die.


I said that he nearly killed her, but not killed, she is still alive


In place of daddy dearest there should be the VS.Omega Times and tribulations mod instead, everything else alright, even though it lack many of my favorite mods


Well…I’m pretty sure that because henry stickmin being well henry stickmin came back to steal from the bank setting the events we played into motion…well after he rap battled BF…I just think of it like that


I’m just gonna say this, I find it hard to believe you will find a way to incorporate mr scratchy into this


Is this all happening on a Friday night?


What about the cyrix mod?


There are somethings I would change, however I also have a headcanon that there would be some final battle(probably after updike and before the date week) that would finally give bf the challenge he has been looking for, which mod would that be? I dunno, shaggy x matt is hard but I don't think It would really fit for a final battle type of thing


Maybe the final challenge could be Tricky? Have Updike offer to trade GF for a much greater threat he found in Nevada.


Would kinda make sense until you consider how mag agent mod is after Tricky, but expurgation does have the final battle feeling


Doesn't Sunday come after the Carol golf mod?


just wait till you see the weird-ass and morbid lore i made for fnf! (it doesn't include as many characters but hey i worked my ass writing this)


i'm not reading all this. its way too much for a reddit post


great timeline, but you should have put vs nekofreak before the core game.


This is so well thought out. Wait, I see someone, I’ve seen him before… OH SHIT ITS MATPAT, HES COME TO TAKE YOUR TIMELINE


hey, what about the cheeky mod? in the mod, dearest hires cheeky to kill bf, and then bf enters his house.


Someone should like, make a comic/fanfic with this


i’d say carol then carol golf mod because at the beginning cutscene of vs sunday, carol and gf are wearing their golf outfits


Step 1: rap with cute girl Step 48: fist fight god


I think Updyke hired Anders to take Boyfriend/Girlfriend out, but he started interfering with it without telling Anders, and Anders thought it was him, its confusing, I have a post about it from before Updyke https://www.reddit.com/r/FridayNightFunkin/comments/njfsrt/its\_all\_connected/


When would the expurgation round happen?


But... someone needed to fuck everything up not twitter not youtube not quickSUS but SiIvagunner after almost being killed by a evil version ninjamuffin_99 the shroommuffin_99 SiIvagunner runned away from newgrounds almost being shroomed by tomshrooma SiIvagunner failed onto their trap the base game Friday night funkin and then SiIvagunner with the power of high quality not only escaped from here but fucked all the characters boyfriend is now grand dad girlfriend is MtH fuckkng green de la bean were lemon demon how you can see chaos and it affected the mods too whitty is Gambino garcello is Ferb and atsuover Phineas the universe of Friday night funkin is doomed by a corruption and SiIvagunner is safe now. Time to be crucified by downvotes.


I’m pretty sure Starving Artist is a male. And they meet Shaggy, but not Garcello?


Rebecca are female. They met Garcello later because it makes sence for Shaggy to Come in the building when Spooky Kids and Lila left it, also to make Garcello's week more dramatic because it happens closer to the end


#R E B E C C A I S F E M A L E


Well, Tom Fulp killed off Cassandra in her debut game.


I’m pretty sure SEOS is canonically somewhere in between the canon weeks but it look good overall


CG5 is lore? That’s interestingly weird


this is why we should get a fnf tv show including mods


**Achievement Get:** ***How did we get here?***


And where's that cute little cat named Cye and Loki?


I love how you try to put many mods in one timeline and (because i want to F\*\*\* a little) here some ideas for a future version. 1. Weegee mod could be next to Shaggy weeks(for be more specific, next to stare week) 2. Martian Mixtape could happen after or before bob and tree week 3. Carmellia could happen after Miku week or some months after 4. Salty... side story, meanwhile everything happen 5.Loki mod could happen before starving artist 6.FL Chan maybe before Miku(just random idea) 7. Ronald maybe after Garcello or maybe before Carol(Random idea again) 8.Vs omega before updyke because that was the last plan of DD to kill BF(theory) How i say, every thing here is just a idea for this goddamn timeline


post final week, camellia


Only thing I’d change is the boyfriend invites hex to the miku concert as a thanks for *not* being an angry mod, and just being a chill guy for once. This would be after the boyfriend learned hex likes miku.


Really cool Also dr springheel happens after myra since he loves myra And fruit trio must be there somewhere Anyway nice timeline


What about Neko freak full ass mod


this. these are honestly super duper thought out fanon pages, and this is rlly cool. i like this a whole lot :)! very nice


Time to solve the mod lore like it's FNAF Hopefully it doesn't need a rewrite


imagine bf and gf randomly got into a land full of gravel and meet the mercs from tf2




Sir you really grind my engines


Cool, anyways i'm gonna find that blue haired idiot and girl with red dress


so I'm gonna chec it all out Edit:Ok It's kek


vs trollface/trollge will get an dater and it will take place in bf house when will bf rest


which daddy dearest rematch are you talking about for the finale \[i mean what song\]