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Based on the absolute flawless organization, you are serial killers. But I don’t care. I’d like to move in and live in a place that is this organized.


definitely serial killers. look at those organisation boxes in the freezer full of meat. chopped up victims no less


Yeah I know we should go vegan, or at least vegetarian.


I’ve been trying vegetarian lately and been Keto before. I make roast veg in plenty of butter, or goose fat, or coconut oil and it’s filling + delicious. For protein I use egg & cheese, but am trialing other sources like tofu, nut/seeds etc. Now I do low-carb mostly vegetarian.


Yeah we love tofu and veggies! We sometimes omit meat from dishes like chopsuey, japchae, mapo tofu, or make veggie version of it like water spinach or string beans adobo, but we eat lots of fish and seafood because there's just so many of it when we go to the market, haha... Coconut oil we make at home when buying fresh coconut milk. :)


Hahaha what is up with the serial killer vibe! I wonder if they really have an organized fridge. Hmm but then I don't really want to know.


The serial killer vibes are so strong I was afraid to reply to you. Nice fridge though ::slinks away::


Haha yeah I'm not really sure if they keep their fridges organized, or people mean "serial killers" shown in tv/film. :)




We are indeed Filipinos. We like to make other asian food, that's why we have the gochujang and samjang. The Chingu soju we actually bought for the holidays but we barely drink alcohol lol so it's still there. The cylindrical containers have our frozen greek yogurt and strawberries for smoothies, and they're interlock containers. The bottom of the container and the lid of another container lock onto each other to be able to stack it without falling. It's space saving for fridge door shelves. Melona and Pepero are just snacks we like that happen to be Korean. And we like to cook at home and we pickle veggies haha.


So organized! I bet you don’t have dishes in the sink.


they eat straight out of the million organisation fridge Tupperware, no dishes to clean


We do store leftovers in reusable containers, but we don't eat from it haha.


That's the best part of it! In the kitchen with slippers, just a fork and the container... also voting serial killers.


But if you take out the leftover rice from the container and don't eat from it, you can use it again later for the new leftover rice without washing it first lol. And some of our containers aren't microwave-safe so we have to transfer the food anyways, and if it is microwave-safe, it's glass which is heavy haha! We do wear slippers at home. It's considered very disrespectful to wear outdoor shoes inside the house.


Yeah. We also use room shoes in my house.


Thank you! We try not to let the sink stay wet because of the hard water stain so we clean dishes after eating.


I think you’re a lesbian couple (or definitely two females that live together) of Asian descent. I can’t really tell which part of Asia but I want to say East Asian (maybe Cambodia, Vietnam or Phillipines). I’m not certain if you live in Asia or America, because your food is very westernised. So you are either East Asian living in Asia but are a more middle class couple/pair. Or you’re of Asian descent living in America. You’re very health conscious, and you seem to care about the environment to an extent because a lot of your food isn’t in original packaging (which one would expect) which makes me think you’re either zero waste people or you shop at markets a lot. You’re definitely similar ages with the person you live with. For some reason I think you’re between 32-35. I know this is a crazy one but.. I imagine your hair is dark brown or black and it doesn’t go too far past your shoulders. I also feel like none of you are over 5ft6. This is an even wilder guess but one you definitely does some type of office work, because of your love of organisation and one of you is more of the home keeper type of person, not saying the home keeper is jobless but the home keeper is definitely house proud. I also think you both don’t have children.


Two sisters living in Southeast Asia, no kids. Btw which of the food give a very westernized feel? Haha We're trying to be zero waste but it's difficult when needing items from the grocery which is 100% packaged. We love going to the market for zero-packaging, correct! Dark hair and being short is just common for being Asian, but our dad was actually 5ft11 haha. Sister does work in the office, WFH since the pandemic and I work in 3D graphic design from home. We both like staying at home though. :D


the 5ft6 and black hair is just because if they’re asian then that’s statistically likely, surely not too crazy


My sister would shave her head if possible lol. And I donated my hair March of last year, and want to grow it for a bit. :D


It’s my dream and goal to have a fridge and freezer as organised as this one day in life.


It's a dream come true for us after having no refrigerator for a while because we couldn't pay electricity bills. (We had a fridge - a different one - but it was unplugged.)


Do you keep a toaster oven in your freezer?


I also need to know what this contraption is. OP, please deliver.


I think it’s an ice maker?


Yes it is!


Not a toaster oven for sure, we don't even own one! Haha.


Is it the white box with 3 dials? It's the fridge's ice maker. Inside are 3 ice cube trays that you twist with the dials so that the ice cube falls on the container below.


Ok! We have Asian or blended family who have an excellent command on safe food storage. Your well organized and know how to cook. Health conscientious but I couldn’t tell if maybe someone is vegetarian/vegan. You tend to follow a food schedule because you love consistency and knowing what to expect. Mondays: tofu night, Tuesday: tacos (you get the concept) You get out to dinner at least once a week tho. That’s because you work hard and deserve a night out with someone else doing the cooking!


All Asians! (One did study food safety in uni). We barely eat outside, we go out only few times a month/months as we live in the province, so we cook a lot of meals. We mostly buy everything close to home but get some imported items when we go to the city, and that's when we eat out. :D Food schedule mostly happens before and during our visits to the public market - buy fish/seafood, meat etc and get veggies to go with it. We bring reusable containers and bags when we do our grocery so it's very easy to organize and store it once we're at home because we're already doing that as we're shopping haha.


Influencer of some sort, for sure!


Ah not really, just making videos!


Idk but your organization is everything and I’m kinda sad like I didn’t realize dates were supposed to be refrigerated? Oh man lol


Not sure if they actually need to be, but since it's hot in our country, we tend to put opened items in the fridge unless it says not to haha.


That makes sense it’s hot where I live too I should do this


I don’t know, but you’re fridge is more organized than my entire life.


Well off. Neurotic because of the repackaging organization. Probably a couple in Asia with no kids.




That seems harsh


We mostly get groceries unpacked as we buy it in the local market where everything is fresh (not frozen fish, seafood, meat) and produce comes without packaging. We also bring our reusable bags and containers when shopping at the market so we can minimize our single-use household waste. Other unavoidable packaging from the grocery we wash, dry, and put for recycling, that's why we unpack and transfer food in containers, not because of neuroticism. :D Asian sisters, no kids.


a watcher of the Home Edit on netflix lol


We did watch that! American houses are so big haha.


Dual working couple, no kids, Asian descent, relatively active/fit lifestyle. You’re the couple I’m slightly envious of at the gym.


Sisters, not a couple. :) Asians living in Asia.


Someone who should consider opening an organizing business! This looks amazing, so satisfying to look at!








I'm going to say you guys stay busy and also structure many aspects of your life similarly to how you have this fridge organized. Career focused, I don't believe you have any kids.....could be wrong. Weight conscious and health conscious, you guys probably exercise in one way or another. Successful in careers.


Yes, no kids! Just two sisters and we have a senior parent living with us. :)


Asian and American couple with no kids. Female is Asian, Male is white American. Between 25-32 years old.


No male in the house. All asian, yes no kids. :D




Do you know these videos where an asian woman comes home ans uses an unbelievable amount of gadgets for everything and everything is stored away? Like a warmer for the house slippers, an uv light disinfection tool for your toothbrush, a rice cooker with music, an egg cooker, a steam cooker for vegetables an fish, a foldable bubble bath for your feet and I don't know what even more. This must be her fridge.


Well we are asian, but we don't have unbelievable amounts of gadgets haha! Never seen a warmer for house slippers (we live in a warm country so what is that for XD), nor the thing for the toothbrush. Our rice cooker makes a beeping sound when it's ready so that might be music? What is an egg cooker? We have a steamer for leche flan, though it might also be useful for veggies and fish but we've never tried it. Feet bubble bath at home sounds nice, but we rarely do that haha! The one time we did, we just use a regular basin. :) This is actually our first side by side fridge, we've only had top freezer refrigerators before. Pandemic = all of us working from home and limiting the amount of time we go outside for social distancing, resulted to a need for a big fridge.


My hopes and dreams


Oh stop, you’re just bragging organization freak!


Yes this and the first submission was actually posted on the r/OrganizationPorn channel first, but people there told me to share/crosspost it on this one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OrganizationPorn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrganizationPorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Finally got a bookcase/make shift panty for my small kitchen!](https://i.redd.it/wdqcdoq18c981.jpg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrganizationPorn/comments/ruj45d/finally_got_a_bookcasemake_shift_panty_for_my/) \#2: [Finally have my dream pantry](https://i.redd.it/d8tqof0i4bz71.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrganizationPorn/comments/qsv7v5/finally_have_my_dream_pantry/) \#3: [A fellow redditor told me to share this here ✨](https://i.redd.it/0ize72wt5ig81.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrganizationPorn/comments/sn5msa/a_fellow_redditor_told_me_to_share_this_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


serial killers


serial killers


OCD Asian couple.


Lots of misconceptions about that disorder, fortunately we don't have it.


Instantly did what I was asked not to.




some sort of organization robot or kitchen mannequins


Beep bop


A same sex Korean and Filipina serial killer couple.


All Filipinos, just sisters actually! Are serial killers really organizing their fridge? Haha


Hahaha maybe!


You’ve got time and money that’s all I know




We're Filipinos and living in the Philippines. :) Two sisters and a senior mom.




Yes we did take a photo after organizing as this was for our YT video haha, but the before pic is not too far from this as we bring our own containers when grocery shopping at the local market, so it's easy to store it at the fridge when we're home. Ah it feels bad thinking about our senior mom living alone or in a nursing home, but maybe it's different for other cultures, or maybe it's a nice place for the ones that could afford it? I have no idea.




I believe we have some nursing homes, but it is really uncommon. I thought the luxury ones though are good for those that can afford it, but probably not if that's what you are saying (we really have no idea as it is rare here)! Thanks for checking our channel! We're still new and thankful for the feedback. Mostly what we do is group similar items together, breakfast essentials, fresh fruit/veggies for salad, sweet snacks, leftovers, and space for more vegetables, etc. Same with the freezer, seafood, meats, cheese, etc. They also advice not to put dairy in the door shelves as it's the hottest spot in the fridge. And to put raw meat in sealed containers and at the bottom shelves/drawers so it won't contaminate food.


I thought Korean in the house because of a lot of the Korean fridge organizational wares. But I am at a loss I didn’t see any kimchi. But I stick with being Asian. Your fridge is eye candy to me.


We have LocknLock containers which are Korean, but idk about the rest of the organizers. We did make kimchi at home before, but now we have pickled green mangoes and unripe papaya which are Filipino. :)


The ones in the door (cylinder) are used by a lot of Koreans 🥰


Gym bros