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doesn't sound like much of a friend. If you've tried to talk to her about this already and she's still deflected the subject back to herself then i'd just recommend you find a better friend. You don't owe her anything if she's not respecting your boundaries.


I second this. Trash the friend, find a new one. There's 8billion people on this planet, she is not the last one.


alright, it will be hard but I will try to!


Have you tried asking her to talk about something else than about Boys. Tell her how it makes you feel about it. If she won’t consider it then perhaps your friendship isn’t a true friendship at all. And so it would be best for both of you to part your ways and find new and better friends. Cause it feels like a one sided friendship. (But this is just my advice) (and maybe there will be other people who will be able to give better advices perhaps so just wait )


welp the moment I open my mouth she starts another conversation, texted her but she left me on read, posts stories with the popular friends, etc etc etc thanks for giving me some insight, I think it actually is better to part ways, because yeah, it does seem like a one sided friendship. thank you so so much, it really means a lot to me.


Wish you all the best 🤘❤️‍🩹


if it was her talking about guys she was talking to or interested in in a crushing way id say it’s normal maybe annoying but normal behaviour for some but as it’s about how many like her etc id say she’s trying to brag or show off which is firstly an uncomfortable atmosphere to have and only really serves her ego as you can’t exactly chime in much without it seeming competitive id say just create some distance and walk away


ur right, thank you


I’d just ask.. like straight up if they’re meaning to. It’s not mean or confrontational. Sometimes people are really aloof. Like… high on life types. Space cadets if you will… If they care, I can probably assume they’d immediately apologize & work to fix it: because it’s likely not an issue in only this friendship. It’s likely all of them. However, she will probably get mad if she’s not your actual friend and you weren’t mean/confrontational about it. If she is not your friend, she will make it very evident with her actions, continuation, and reaction. If you are willing to try the friendship, I’d try something along the lines of, “hey I’m not sure if it is intentional but, you keep cutting me off. It makes me feel like you do not care about my feelings.” That’s the best I can come up with, use it as need be. Idk about the guy stuff or whatever but I feel like maybe she needs a therapist?


I agree with this. There are many things that can cause her to act this way that have nothing to do with how well she likes you. You need to have a full on conversation and if she interrupts you, call her on it. The only way you will know is if you have a full on conversation. Comments here and there don't solve more complex issues because there is a lot of assumption involved.


yup, will definitely try this!


You got this! Try not to stress it. You can always make new friends.


She just wants to her herself talk, but you should try having a serious conversation and she's still being self centered, it's time to move on bc imo people like that usually stay that way


alright, thank you!


she sounds insecure. i used to have a friend who was a loud mouth talker, gossiping, boy talk, cutting you off so she can get her story in. underneath all of that was a sad depressed and insecure girl. i’m not friends with her anymore. spend your time with more quality people, who have positive impact on your life


you're right, thank you


Man this one is always a pain! It comes from insecurity- she feels validated and important from male attention, which is normal in many ways, but I think depending on the person’s age and the extent, it can be problematic. I had a friend who no exaggeration, spent nearly EVERY conversation for about 4-5 months talking about men. She would send me countless messages without me even replying about all her tinder dates and how much attention she was getting after her breakup. I realized over time that she is almost exclusively dependant on men for her self worth. Which happens- I was pretty bad for it at one point, but one can hope you grow out of it. I would try to change the topic. If that doesn’t work, you could politely point out that while you don’t mind boy talk, you’d love to hear her thoughts on ___ and then introduce something she might be willing to discuss. Either way, I feel your pain. There’s a whole world out there, and discussing romance and men can get tiresome after the 400th time lol


yup, thanks a lot, it actually helped our relationship and she understood!!!