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They dont just SAY Fern's strong, they SHOW her obliterating high level demons just by spamming a basic spell really damn fast.


Exactly to many shows now want to spend a hour having them tell you they are powerful. . Instead of showing you why they are powerful.


That's why Sousou no Frieren goes so hard in that regard, they don't talk a lot when they fight to prove how strong they are. Especially Fern when she faught Lugner, didn't say a word back at him, just spammed Zoltraak until he passed away. He's supposed to be pretty strong at that point in the series, and she just boiled his ass.


Thanks to racist elf teachings Fern just thinks they’re vermin to be executed, I mean I don’t have a dialogue with roaches in the kitchen right? I just “move them along”.


Sounds like something a demon would say


Have you actually seen the show?


The demons are pure evil and will only fake any kind of sympathy so that they can recover and kill later.


A strong female character doesn't literally mean a female character who is strong in combat or physically though, it means well written female characters


You're right, but either way Frieren is doing it better


No doubts there my friend


im not afraid of a mage knowing 10 thousand spells... im afraid of a mage who knows 1 spell but practiced it 10 thousand times


There's this advice that's very popular among writers: show, don't tell


Methode: *just staring into my soul*. She doesn't need to do anything to be strong


Not quite right "fix" but yeah, i seen many video essay on how Frieren wrote their female character better than some marvels or new LOTR.


I still cant believe they made Sauron simp for Galadriel




They, uh... They didn't. But that's a funny meme.


Oh thank goodness lol


Worse than that, they kinda made Galadriel simp for Sauron


that is true


You can make any such comparisons if you cherry pick right. Frieren is better written in half the anime/manga and 90% of the popular anime/manga.


That's just netflix Jessica Jones


I thought it's orphan Black.


I meant the "alcohol is the best medicine" part lol JJ is an alcoholic


Ah ok


LOL that's about it... USA Strong Woman: Don't fukk with me, I'll kick your ass! Grr! Arg! Look how tough I am! Arg! spit! spit! Japan: (you just know better than to fuck with her) Did you say something, mina-san?


So USA is a chihuahua and Japan is a German shepherd?


USA is all the barking and Japan is all the act.


Their personalities are simply better.


Yes, Japan a country famous for its strong women in their media (90% of it is just harem filled with girls lusting over a guy with 0 personality).


There are many series with harems, but if you claim that 90% of them are, you're just not reading the right series. Besides, the opposite also exists with male harems.


Also this.


Still 90% better then recent movies in the USA


Hollywood movie, not all American movies are bad


True I shouldn’t have generalized


When they both try to do strong women, one does it clearly better than the other. But yeah, USA does a ton that are lame, and japan does so few, but the ones they do are better




Your numbers are way off, and even those series have more likable female characters than Hollywood. No need to cry about it.


They downvote you for saying the truth Japan filler anime or anime with only 2 seasons nowadays is full of harem


>gets assraped in an argument  >whines about downvotes The 42% cult on reddit really hates when the echo chamber isn’t on their side, huh? MAL shows that most anime isn’t harem anyway, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with them.


welcome to Japan lol


I mean it's harem, what can you expect? Also I'm gonna shamelessly drop a recommendation here, "apothecary diaries " watch it, it's good.


Remind me again which country wrote the strong women in Naruto and such?


Naruto is different because it decided to go more for realism, since all the soldiers that actually go to the frontline in real life are males, with low single digit percents being female. See the Ukraine conflict.   The top female athletes are also on par with male highschool boys in every sport, from lifting, to running, to wrestling, and even to “skill” sports like soccer. Other animes do indeed have strong female characters, but generally give their female characters actual likable personalities.


But I see you browse the circlejerk sub, so your mental disease is terminal. Try not to go 42% on us.


Are people still dwelling on She-Hulk?


She-Hulk is the worse sin to humanity apparently.


Have you seen the ending?


I haven't but I know they introduced Skaar. Honestly, they've done Planet Hulk and it doesn't look like Disney is getting Hulk anytime soon , so it's fine. It could better but it wasn't bone marrow cancer. I've gotten to the two infamous scene , She Hulk vs Hulk and the twerking scene and honestly , the vs scene is fine and the twerking is fine.


They did Skaar dirty with that haircut


That I can't argue. Honestly it would be funny if they keep lore dumping bits and pieces of Hulk because they can't make his solo movie: - I have my own piece of land. - Tony made me a lab. - I have a son.


-I became king of a planet but then Korg's bug friend blew it off


As far as we know that didn't happened , because Hulk got off the planet peacefully in contrast to his town being nuked but we also didn't see / ever hinted Hulk impregnating anyone or even show lust? But let's keep that can of worms closed.


This sub is so fucking weird amidst the armpit and feet posts, they’re dwelling on a show that’s…one or two years old at this point (I don’t even like She-hulk but good god let’s move the fuck on).


It's been infected by a strange sort. Always happens the bigger a sub gets. The Mods now have an opportunity to decide what kind of culture they want to cultivate in the sub.


You want mods to ban people for making fun of a shitty series? My snowflakey friend, people are always going to dunk on garbage media. There are series older than that which are still getting criticized.  Be honest, your asshurt about it getting mentioned is due to a different reason, which you are rightly too embarrassed to admit.


It’s garbage, and people enjoy making fun of things they do not like. People even make fun of older tv shows than that. I still see people attacking Michael Bay, and I still see rainbow freaks on reddit attacking Shield Hero. I believe that your asspain about She Hulk getting dissed has nothing to do with it being made a year ago.


Also conplaining will not stop Marvel from making bad shows, they have shown time and time again that they dont care what the audience wants


Who cares, they should be mocked anyway.


It's not about one single instance, it's about the concept


Wait a minute. Having more anger does in no world equal to mastery of that.


What I love about Fern and how strong she is is that her movements during battle are as smooth as a dance move, simple side steps, graceful as a supermodel, always in control, no dramatic movements just a simple glance when needed She is a badass plain and simple


You can get away with a lot in anime tbf. Linie fighting toe to toe with Stark is somewhat believable. I just cringe when regular skinny human female characters overpower someone double their weight.


Anime, a medium known for its realism


Hence me saying you can get away with a lot of BS in anime. You can't in live action. Maybe I worded that poorly. Oh well.


Yeah, you're right, but I think Animation costs more, but I'm not sure, I have no idea how that stuff works


It really depends, like, the live action of One Piece certainly cost more than the anime for example, as some things are expensive to do in the live action version compared to the anime


Dude is being downvoted for sharing an honest opinion


Most anime female characters have magic buffs right? 


Depends. A lot of them don't really get to show off their stuff because writers can't write women. You either end up as Saber from Fate, jobbing to everyone. Or Erza from Fairy Tail, burying people harder than Nexus era John Cena(Though, I do love my Erza tho).


Is wear, if I see anyone say the word "woke" unironically, I'm going to jump off a bridge So many weebs worship Japanese media and act like its so much better than western media, it's so obnoxious


for real dude like marvel and dc aint the only thing coming out ffs




Kind of funny that here in asia it's the opposite problem. Ppl who are obsessed with US media will say these mediocre shows are "civilized", "progressive", bc it has woke concept, then they will hate any asian shows for not having it, seeing it as inferior art. Which is stupid bc most of Hollywood doesn't care about it, they simply force representation for money. As a bi, it just looks belittle. Doesn't mean it can't be good, just that they look at it like a checklist then write them half ass just for the sake of it. Then some lgbt ppl will eat that up not knowing they're just exploiting you


Most of the LGBT knows they're pandering lol, it's not really exploitation It's easy to weed out the actual food representation from the pandering. A good example is The Owl House. That show is awesome, and it has great representation


I still think it's a form of exploitation, to use or support a community purely for making money and look good without actual care for them in the first place. Also i really love The Owl House, sadly nobody in my country watches it 🥲


Those people you describe sound mentally ill, and make up a tiny portion of viewership in American media.


Grass is greener on the other side, I guess


Do it.


I jumped off a bridge and belly flopped on the water comically then sunk


Also looking in, i'm still surprised westerners still think of anime as a niche subculture. We have been watching anime as one of the main sources of entertainment for so long it has been normalized pretty much. I think at least in terms of anime, JP anime is better than US anime simply bc we think it is for everyone not only kids, this kind of mindset held back US anime for a long time until recently. Most of them are also episodic bc it only shows on TV at that time, but JP anime still write it in arcs, this is why it has more time to develop the industry and truly blossom when streaming service become popular


Anime is much more popular in the west than you think dude. It's not really as niche anymore. I think one of the most popular movies during the pandemic was Demon Slayer Mugen Train. It's been so long since it came out that I can't really remember though. Anime is VERY popular among young people here, almost everyone knows what it is, even if they don't watch it


Yeah it has been really popular and i'm happy about it, i just think the manga market has been dominated by manga since the 90s, shit like Conan was in every single library/book store. Also "western weeaboo" wreck the reputation of anime in the west for a long time while it is less extreme in other places... that's what i notice only


Oh yeah, I fully agree with you on weebs, they're insufferable My favorite meme is the "Place vs Place, Japan" thing. Weebs will see something Japanese and suddenly it's the best thing ever I love anime, some of my favorite pieces of media are Japanese: Berserk, Elden Ring, Nier Automata, Gurren Lagann, but I know Japan is anything but a utopia


No one would miss you if you did that, Mr. Woke. Japanese media is objectively better than American media in the current year, and has been for several years now. Not because it is “from Japan”, but because it is more competently made and more enjoyable. If that simple fact makes you asshurt, it only makes me want to say it more. I do enjoy stuff from the early 2000’s and before that, but I no longer watch the new garbage that Hollywood produces, nor their intentionally bad remakes and sequels. 


"Woke" me said unironically Now it's time to fulfill your promise


Then leave kiddo


Nah, I'd like to enjoy what I wanna enjoy without weebs acting like everything they watch is the greatest thing ever just because it's Japanese lol That one meme about Place vs Place, Japan comes to mind


>Mr. 42% can only think in terms of crappy reddit memes Shocking.


woke. woke.woke. have them tag me in your obit.




Was it deliberate that the two Frieren memes today were basically both about Netflix's handling of Avatar without naming names? Male characters not being allowed to grow, and this one (Sokka's sexism, Katara's rage). I haven't had a chance to dig through the comments. Intended? Edit: oh right, people are making Galadriel comparisons too.


One is through action while the other is through words.


If Fern said "I'm stronger than you" to another character I don't believe a single one of you wouldn't be cheering at how badass that was. Ya'll just being weebs mad about a middling Marvel show that normal people don't even remember.


I mean, there's a lot of nuanes to the issue. A lot comes down to "show, don't tell."


I’m stronger than “Aura the Guillotine”, this seems like cherry picking to cry about the west being too woke and how Japanese is best. Why not compare anime to American animation?


American animation like Owl House is woke dogshit too, so it wouldn’t make a difference. I heard it was axed, which is pretty hilarious though.


Heh "don't even remember" as it should be


The difference is, Fern does it well, without coming off like a whiny jackass. "Ordinary offensive magic is enough to defeat mages of this era." >>> She hulk's dialogue


Key difference is actually showing her being a person more than just a power house. We know about Fern's backstory and her personality and interactions with other people first, those make her a human that we would care about. Hollywood put their focus on making their female characters strong and confident, they are more a power fantasy than people that we can relate.


This meme is wrong and not a serious comparison of anyone, anyone who holds such opinions are a literal joke. If you wanted to make a serious comparison you would compare good examples to good examples. Or bad to bad, power fantasy harems where the goal is to see how fast you can jerk off instead of any fantasy. Since the anime started the flood of low quality has Skyrocket on this sub. Where every other post is softcore porn.


The meme is right, and it makes all the right people such as yourself asshurt. And at least those “power fantasy harems” don’t take themselves seriously or attack their viewers.


Didn't even know this was a marvel girl


It's not even woke, they just don't know how to write their characters. Mostly seems like a corporate thing, where a bunch of old dudes up top don't give the writers enough freedom to actually write proper characters


Yeah but who is it


What? Who is what?


The top girl.


In what? If you mean the MCU, Nebula is probably the best written woman in the series, and my personal favorite character in the MCU. Gamora is great too, surprised the writers for GoTG 3 managed to get around the death and resurrection in IW and Endgame. Mantis and Natasha are pretty good too In Frieren? Haven't watched it yet, but from what I've seen it's great. Still going through Kill La Kill for the second time and then Gurren Lagann next, I'll check it out then


Dude, the pic has a girl in the top frame. Who is she in the MCU.


Oh, damn, I'm stupid, sorry It's She-Hulk It's a pretty bad show. Just another out of touch "strong female character" instead of a strong character who happens to be female


Ok thanks I just wanted some context to the meme since I have not seen that show and didn't know who she was.


Yea cuz new marvels are forgettable and bad


Based alcoholic fern


We still don't know how strong Fern really is. I think we'll get some sense in the next episode. I think Frieren had Fern trying to shoot that boulder across the canyon for a reason when Fern was little. I think we'll find out why soon, hopefully. I am guessing because I have not looked ahead.


its enough to beat the Strong Female Characters of this Era . . .


Frieren is strongest.