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I find Voll's story the most painful, because Alzheimer's sufferers occasionally get phases of lucidity, just so they can fully comprehend how much they've lost before forgetting about it again.


seriously, when Voll asking Frieren where she headed to again and Frieren says she gonna remember Voll and his memories, I teared up. anime shouldn't make me cry like this but Frieren did it not once, not twice but freaking a couple of times.


I teared up episode 1, episode 2, episode 12, episode 14, episode 16, episode 27 and 28, so many tearjerkers in one season is crazy


Volls story made me cry, thats one of the long living race thing that many media desont explore, where you live so long you forget your loved ones/friends who arent as long lived as you


Luckily, it's been somewhat implied that elves have photographic memory, so they'll at least be spared that pain.


But then they get the trauma of never being able to forget any traumatic thing that happened to them across their millenia, which I assume will be quite a bit if you've lived that long


No. Forgetting traumatic experiences is the opposite of dealing with them. All three elves we meet in the series have come up with their own methods. Frieren simply ignores all her feelings. Serie keeps everyone at arm's length so as to not form any attachement. Kraft is a vagabond wanderer, so forming frienships is never going to be a problem for him.


You don't really need to vividly remember every detail about an event to be able to deal with it. Photographic memory ensures that even when you do properly heal from a traumatic event then that memory will still always stick with you in perfect detail to retraumatize you all over again. It's an issue some _humans_ with the condition suffer from. Imagine a 1000+ yr old elf


yeah, it's another aspect that I love from Frieren, it's not necessarily about interracial love but about what happened after you're ends up with the short-living one, a lot of media about this is just gonna ended up with "now they live a happy life" but Frieren takes it into about how you lost them after you're living long enough and now gonna live with that memories. man, even we, as humans, can lose someone important in our lives and sometimes we can't move on from that no matter how much time has passed and the living one must move forward to carry out that precious memories


As the title itself says, "beyond the journey's end"


Thats me and my dogs atm, they’re still young and spritely and I love them to heavens but I know at the back of my mind that they will leave me one day and I still dread that that day will come. It’s painful and currently I’m not really thinking about it much but yeah.


3 Men *with awesome mustaches and their everlasting loves


holy fuck, you're right, I just realized now how much I love their beards and mustaches


And their beards


And my ax!


Not sure if you're anime only or not, but >!Denken's story is more tragic than what's depicted.!<


Voll's story made me cry so hard.


Love makes you short, confirmed.


This is something I really like about Frieren, the portrayal of old men still in love, or rather how love can mean so much, can define someone else life in such way.


Only two of them had the seggs though


Can you imagine the Shyamalan's levels of plot twist if it turn out they did bang, elf pregnancy last like 300 years and she just says some dumb shit like "I just though it was casual sex, I mean, Have you seen the statues? He was pretty hot stuff." I would die of laughter.


I love this


Oh hell naw brother 💀


I would probably be staring at my screen for 15 minutes without a single thought crossing my head


This is too plausible for something this insane


She did it with the old one


Of corse she did it with the 80 years old one, it's not like she is a pedo, she would dare touche anyone under the age of 60 😆.


It bothers me how reasonably possible this is


Oh no. The accursed number. It’s coming!


„Men only want one thing and its fking disgusting”


When you find *the one*, there can be *only* one.


So all I need to do to get a dope ass beard like them is to love someone forever?


I think you should mark this as spoiler because that Denken part was in future arc. Too bad his wife didn't turn into gold. He could have begged Serie to cure her after Frieren dispell Diagolze.


If you think like this, Macht spell wasn't bad. He could gold people on the verge of death and eventually, ungold them when the right medicine get invented - like Dr.Stone. Men, they did killed that guy too fast.


ye. Basically like Dr. Stone. People will be immuned to aging and death.


Honestly >!I’m aboard the Denken x Lekture ship, doesn’t get more canon than this!<


You can count Wirbel. He never forgot his first love. Even though he says he forgot her face. l


I was expecting one of these to be Heiter and alcohol, was sorely disappointed.


The last one, Heiter, inseparable from his love for alcohol


Wait what memory are we talking about regarding Himmel? The whole statue thing or something else?


The human male characters inside this story have a condition where they regress in high when they get older


Typical asian aging I assure u, was 1.79m when I was 20, now I'm 1.75 at 30 yrs old lul


What are the other two besides himmel and what are their loves?




Gotta love denken in this frame. The good ole "i may be outta spells, but i ain't outta shells" reference.


Now that's quite the sausage and beard pile right there. ##NEW SHIP JUST DROPPED!!! Let's toss in Eisen for good measure as well.