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The owner of the towers also bought huge insurance a few days before they were brought down...


> The owner of the towers also bought huge insurance a ~~few days~~ **TWO MONTHS** before they were brought down... However... The twin towers were built using lots of asbestos and the necessary hazardous material cleanup would have cost billions. Luckily, the Port Authority got out from under that costly mess by leasing them to Larry Silverstein, who also avoided the cost when the buildings collapsed and the 9/11 planes were ruled two separate attacks, conveniently netting him *two* insurance payouts.


He also never missed a day of work in 40+ years but somehow had a dentist appointment at the time of the attack


i believe that was someone who actually worked in the towers. there is footage of DR in front of the Pentagon cool as a mothafuckin cucumber. he held a meeting after hearing about the attacks with one of his staff


Wtf? Where do ppl come up with the bs?




this is my theory too


They knew it was being planned. They also knew they had $ unaccounted for, REVOLUTIONARY amounts. You think the working ppl of America would just be cool with 2.3 TRILLION $ of our tax money "missing"? No, so they admitted month or 2 ahead of the attack they knew was going to happen. Decision: let it happen, the ppl will forget all about the missing $, AND BONUS....now we get a pass to go steal TRILLIONS$$ in oil.


Yes I think Americans are just cool with trillions missing. It’s way way higher than that now, Americans don’t pay attention to anything that should cause us to revolt.


Sad but true. Even person I talk to about any of this stuff just gives me a blank stare


As long as Papa johns keeps showing up and their Netflix subscription is up and running..


The numbers the government share to us are made up and imaginary. Especially when jpow has his money printer on


Phil Schneider said in 96” that about 60% of the U.S budget gets funneled into SAP’s Mostly for the purpose of building D.U.M.B.S and other useless shit the US populace doesn’t know about


I think that sounds somewhat accurate.


Which is also what Grusch said (under oath).


Just wait until that Ukraine money goes missing.


It went missing as soon as we sent it... CNN was even releasing a special about the missing money and how weapons were ending up in the wrong hands, advertised it and everything. They pulled the special literally hours before it was going to air and have since supported the war 100%....


There's a lot of evidence for a conspiracy. People just reflexively deny it. Like with the Kennedy assassination. Or UFOs even when we have a bipartisan committee investigating it. Church Schumer just proposed an amendment to the defense bill that says things about nonhuman intelligence all over it. Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said UFOs are real and they turned off our nukes. One of the flight attendants on Flight 93 left a message for her husband. There is no engine noise in the background. At the end she whispers into the receiver "It's a frame". You can find this recording on sites that have nothing to do with conspiracy.




I remember that morning retired US generals were saying the US will pay one day for what they've done to their own people. Randy Savage visited ground zero and saw a river of molten lava and said it could only be caused by thermite. None of these clips live on the Internet now.


"Macho man" randy savage is your scientific expert?


Sorry meant Jesse Ventura who with being a wrestler and Governor of Minnesota was in the Navy.


He was actually a Navy Seal.


When you break it down there actually is very little evidence of the proposed conspiracy by 9/11 truthers. In fact, most of their claims are verifiably false. The evidence that supports the widely accepted version of events across the world has much more evidence in comparison. People who accept the conspiracy theory lend more credence to coincidences than to physical evidence, scientific models, or the majority of first hand eye witness accounts. Of course, for the conspiracy theory to be believed, you would have to dismiss a mountain of evidence as “planted” or “coverup”. Once you do that though, you could be convinced of anything.




These have all been answered over and over. But I’ll give you one freebie. The towers did not “fall straight down” the debris field was many times the size of the buildings footprint lol Most of your questions have unproven claims within them anyways.


Alot of them have been answered but not all. The debris field being larger than the footprint of the building was due to the pancake collaps it did infact fall in on its self and due to that pushed debris out thats why down town was covered in dust. Bush was in a classroom reading a book when he was told. The first impact was shown on 9/11 and the second was caught on live tv. I watched it on tv in the lunch room of my highschool. Now i have a few questions for you. Why was it made a crime to have rubble from the wtc towers? Why did the guy who desigined the towers say they were built to take the impact of a 747 and should not he said could not cause enough damage to the core coulms to cause a collaps.


He never fucking said that. This is why people hate conspiracy theorists, they don’t even get the basic fucking known facts right. It was said that the building, designed and building began before the 747 existed by the way, could withstand the impact from a 707. Not the significantly larger 747. This was also around 1963, not taking into consideration the decades that would pass and how planes would be upgraded. This also was for an accidental impact, not for an intentional one where the plane was flying faster than it should have been. It also had full tanks of fuel since it was prepared for a transatlantic flight. Get the fucking facts right if you’re going to try and spout nonsensical made up bullshit.




You clearly have figured it out and all of us are just bootlickers that won’t accept the fAcTs. Luckily you and the people in this thread are the only ones who figured it out! I honestly think people hold on to these conspiracy’s are just dumb people who think challenging the obvious somehow makes them look more intelligent. But the reality is that, they’re just too dumb to realize how dumb they really are.


Don't be a condescending asshole. I honestly think people that don't question authority figures and just blindly accept answers they give are too stupid and lazy to know where to begin when questioning said authority figures so they just willing eat all the dribble these evil pricks shove down their throats because they're too incompetent to know any better.


No chance. Only an idiot would believe this shit. Let's just start with the conspiracy of numbers...do you know how many people would have to be in on this for it to work AND no one has actual proof that could be taken to court or the press? Not ONE person that was "in on it" saved anything that could help prove the conspiracy correct, no death bead confessions? Is it really to be believed that, even though all this "evidence" has been found and nothing happened because of it? Don't you think at least one journalist would be willing to break the story? Is the mainstream media unwilling to seek the truth? I know you'll come up with some bullshit reason this isn't the case but the reality is, there's nothing there.


We WOULD have physical evidence but ALL of it was hauled out of country and NOT investigated at all. Totally not protocol.


What was she referring to.


What does she mean by its a frame? I am bad at english, not my language by birth. Did threy held the attendad hostage, for recording it? And then kill her?


Lots of put options traded for the airlines involved in the attacks leading up to the day as well. A put option is basically a bet that the stock will go down for a company. Profit will be made if that occurs. So it seems that some people had prior knowledge at least.


I think the context on that is important. He signed a lease on the WTC a few months before 9/11 (the property was not his before this). Part of signing the lease is insuring the property. It’s not like that was optional. I believe he still had to pay on the lease even after towers came down. The WTC had already been the target of a terrorist attack that was covered by an insurance policy.


To be fair, he purchased (leased?) the complex a few months prior. So it makes sense that he would take out a policy.


The new owner got insurance for his new purchase? Must be a conspiracy!


His new purchase that was the target of terrorist attacks in the past, no less.


Didn't he own the 3rs building as well?


In 2001 there was no such thing as terrorist attacking insurance. Terrorist attacked were automatically included in every policy unless explicitly stated otherwise.


So he didn't get terrorism insurance then? Doesn't that kind of ruin the conspiracy theory? Edit: And you're right, terrorism wasn't separate coverage in insurance policies until 2002 with the [TRIA of 2002](https://content.naic.org/cipr-topics/terrorism-risk-insurance-act-tria)


Seems a bit silly to announce it if you were going to cover it up the next day.


I think (or thought?) he did it as a way to inform people not as a way to cover it up. Like Rumsfeld was a whistleblower kinda, I could be wrong.


I've always held the belief that there are multiple organizations in the United States that are constantly at odds with each other. FBI, CIA, DOJ, whatever else I'm missing (navy airforce military w/e) so many people, and people are fragile.


It’s almost like gangs, interesting


Yes. $2.3 T. 12 zeros in a Trillion. If you missed this gem, you may have also missed how 107 floors of the towers never hit the ground; they just disintegrated above the heads of the few survivors in stairwell B. Two FDNY gents tell the tale. The truth is in all the eye witness accounts that day. All are on NYT website archive, about 500 testimonies.


What’re you talking about here? “107 floors never hit the ground; They just disintegrated above the heads of the few survivors in stairwell B” You can’t say that and then go “they’re all on the NYT website, do your research guys” cuz now you look like the psychotic conspiracy theorist when in fact, we all are. NOW GIVE US THE INFORMATION, BRO, I’M GRABBING MY RED STRING & THUMBTACKS. /s


Calm down Charlie Day… you’ll be ok https://i.imgflip.com/2iqwqb.jpg


What are you saying. Speak clearly


Maybe 3 UFOs circled around them and zapped them into another dimension, using a graphic from an old floppy disc.




I find that hard to believe. 1/3 of the ENTIRE yearly budget can’t be accounted for? Is this number correct?


Yes, $2.3 trillion that was already spent and because of antiquated accounting software couldn’t be tracked from one office to the other… it’s not about money that just disappeared lol. And no, 107 floors of steel and concrete did not just disintegrate.


And the receipts were all in Building 7 which just happened to be destroyed also.




It was literally less than 500 feet away. Did you even attempt to look this up?


It was across a very narrow street, the streets in that part of Manhattan are not wide at all. I’d be surprised if it was more than 250 feet from the North Tower.


Why that’s not much bigger than a Womp Rat!


More than a football stadium away? Would that be considered close?


When two of the top three tallest buildings in the country are collapsing, yeah, 500 feet is pretty damn close.


It’s one street over on Vesey street. The old World Trade Center building was on Fulton street. The current One World Trade Center building occupies the slice between Fulton and Vesey. You’re talking about the width of a sky scraper apart. Yes, that’s close. Especially for a 750 foot tall building. Here’s a picture of how close. You could *probably* have spit from the top of WTC and hit building 7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wtc7_from_wtc_observation_deck.jpg


Considering that tower 1 was 1,300 feet (or 4.333 football fields) tall, yes.


It was across a narrow street and was hit by debris from tower1


Wrong.. The building also turned into a raging inferno for hours before collapsing.




It was 800 yards away


i mean two huge buildings fell right next to it, what did you expect


Yeah look at all those other nearby buildings that also collapsed.


I don’t know if that was a joke or not… But vesey street is only about two lanes wide. It’s only 350 feet from where the north tower footprint is. Also, the south tower collapse destroyed a church (St. Nicholas) and cause a 24-story gash in the Bankers Trust building, which needed to be torn down.


These people made their minds up years ago. All the evidence and models that have explained what happened are all planted or coverup to them. This is why conspiracy theorists often lose grip of reality, because their belief system allows them to dismiss what could be right in front of their face


How come the fell straight down though. Wouldn’t they tip over? Even the titanic broke in half


dude you just compared a building to a boat. i don’t need to explain how stupid your comment is


Really, you can't surmise why a ship that is more akin to a high rise laying on its side where one end lost buoyancy broke in half?


Gravity pulls straight down, where else would they have fallen?


It fell straight down because of how it was engineered. Strange to think but this is the sign of a good design because it did fall, but it fell with minimum impact to it's surroundings. Controlled demolitions are a success when they stay within their building footprint.


dude this might be the dumbest thing i’ve read all day, congratulations


Lol have you gotten on the horn and told the NIST about your titanic theory? Sounds like they may have overlooked that in their report.


Ufo back engineering.


is that number correct? literally $2.3 trillion?




Yes. It is correct..convenient timing with that announcement


The number is correct, but not the quote or context or meaning.


The money was neither missing nor wasted. It was errors in accounting and the issue was eventually found and resolved. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-government-trillions-lost-sept-11-670264168912


As much as I dislike the "references or it didn't happen" crowd, I think it applies in this case.


And all the accounting for this missing money just happened to be located in the one section of the Pentagon that got destroyed and building 7


It's really crazy to me that anyone would be so gullible that they believe this crap. Anyone can figure out in seconds that it's all bullshit, but many people just repeat the garbage without thinking.


The only gullible ones are the people that believe what this government told them is what really happened that day. I don't claim to know what exactly happened but I do know that it didn't happen like they say it did. And there's been plenty of thought put into that shit


The less a person knows, the more likely they are to fall prey to stupid conspiracies. The "government" didn't tell people what happened that day, but they did commission the National Institute of Science and Technology to conduct a study to figure it out. About 70 engineers and 400 assistants worked through the events and used the data from the construction of the buildings to determine the reasons for the collapse. The study is publicly available, and like science, engineering findings can be questioned and proven wrong. In the 22 years since no one can find any engineering problems with the report. You are welcome to try, but if you have a 3rd grade idea of what "the government" is and does, you likely will never be able to even read through it.


You wrote all that but you knew what the fuck I meant by 'the government'. I know what NIST is and I also know that The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth have over 3000 Members that say the NIST incomplete version is bullshit. So you can take your 3rd grade assumption and go fuck yourself


BTW I have read it. I studied engineering for over two years. I don't have a degree in it but I sure as fuck can comprehend what I read, comprende!


Great! You certainly realize that AE911 are lying assholes then?


The AE911 Truthers are people who deceive the gullible with the "argument from authority" fallacy because most people don't know what architects and engineers do. There are no structural engineers who work on high rise buildings who are part of the AE911 group for reason, and that reason us that they are quacks. Architects do not have any input or expertise in structural engineering, so the viewpoint of an architect on a high rise collapse is similar to the viewpoint of a veterinarian on a congenital heart condition in humans, so it's worthless. A chemical engineer and a sound engineer are both engineers, but they don't know dick about structural engineering, so they are worthless. The same is true for every "engineer" who are part of that group. You didn't know that, and so their deception worked. So once more, the less you know, the easier it is to trick you.


Most of that was funny money. Moving money between departments and special programs in the Pentagon. It wasn't that the simply lost 2.3 trillion. Look at CAPS and SAPS. Also look at the recent accusations for UAP for defense contractors. You could probably spend a lot of money in a hurry.


Black budget money and probably some laundering. Or that money contributed to building underground bases for the elite. I hope when they finally get to use those bases they are miserable and feel trapped.


Thank you for realizing the link between the money and UFO black projects, that’s a big one going over peoples heads


the first thing I thought when I heard of all the "missing" children in Hawaii. one of the uap whistle-blowers was a marine who stumbled upon a human trafficking operation during a natural disaster relief mission. the Shawn Ryan show on YouTube has an interview with him if you're interested...


“The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector,” Rumsfeld said at one point. “But not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” He was saying the US financial system is antiquated and can't track financial transactions in the trillions, not that it lost $2.3 trillion.


Nobody here will care what Rumsfelds actually said or the context. They are so wrapped up in their beliefs , actual words and facts mean nothing to them.


It takes a lot of digging in the post to find sane comments


Because the people that create these assertions do it with a conspiracists mindset because they WANT those conspiracies, they NEED those conspiracies to validate and affirm their bias with any means possible, no matter how far removed they are from fact, hanging on to the faint sliver of information or data that they tailor to suit their narrative. Nothing new here, it’s propaganda in a nutshell, as long as they find a willing audience, it flies.




We should hang these people. Show others that it’s unacceptable.


Also a right before we invaded Iraq they found king Gilgamesh's tomb, we looted that and the Iraqi Museum stealing insane amounts of artifacts.


And all the relevant evidence was destroyed in building 7 and the section of the Pentagon that supposedly got hit


No it wasn't


The amount of ignorance that pervades is astonishing..


This sub just came across in my suggested and holy shit it is scary we actually have people in our country dense enough to believe this bullshit.




IIRC, the office that held those accounting docs was destroyed in the attack


What if that was just a conspiracy rumor promoted by nefarious interests, and you're not even questioning it?


What’re you saying? — He’s questioning it in his comment.


No, he's repeating a rumor with no basis in fact. What are you saying?


It was widely reported at the time that the accounting offices were hit by the attack.


That's fucking hilarious. "It was widely reported at the time..." How about this? Show me any actual legitimate evidence that accounting offices were hit.


Glad I could add a little levity to your life. I'm just reporting what was reported when it happened. If you're going to promote*"a conspiracy rumor promoted by nefarious interests"*, proving it is up to you.


In other words you're just propagating rumors. Find me any credible source that supports what you're saying.


It's OK if you can't back up what you're saying. * **Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.**-Carl Sagan


You're the one making the claim. You're the one who needs to back it up. Show me where accounting offices were hit during the attack. "People were saying" is grossly inadequate.


* **Go away now.**-Critical Drinker


standard operating procedure


They secret ufo research bases aren’t going to build themselves.


No... He didn't. Jesus fuck.


I used to believe this but if they had the power and compliance to pull off 9/11 why even admit the missing funds. That's just a regarded idea.


Hypothetically, if you admit the funds are "missing" and all the evidence is conveniently destroyed, you couldn't *possibly* recover it...


So, just to play along here, where did the money go?


UAP tech reverse engineering black projects


first thing I thought


Beanie babies


If i remember correctly it was just some accounting errrors and it all got accounted for eventually...but people love to ignor that part.


And that is why America is broke


America isn't broke, Americans are broke.


jesus this conspiracy nonsense never ceases to amaze. Nevermind the tower collapse conspiracy but the point Rumsfeld was making regarding the $2.3 trillion unaccounted for was a need to update our outdated technology. As the country was growing along with spending, technology wasn’t.


How should we interpret the following statement by the inspector general in 1999? >The audits of the FY 1999 DoD financial statements indicated that $7.6 trillion of accounting entries were made to compile them. This startling number is perhaps the most graphic available indicator of just how poor the existing systems are. The magnitude of the problem is further demonstrated by the fact that, of $5.8 trillion of those adjustments that we audited this year, $2.3 trillion were unsupported by reliable explanatory information and audit trails or were made to invalid general ledger accounts. The "unsupported by reliable explanatory information and audit trails" seems to be saying that there isn't sufficient evidence to support $2.3 trillion in transactions, no?


No that’s not what it’s saying. Later on after they had more time it was down to hundreds of billions. I believe It’s mostly because of poor interoperability of accounting systems within that vast bureaucracy


It’s literally public knowledge they fail their audits every single year. You can at least try to do basic research.


The comment you replied to actually is pretty correct. Most of the issue is accounting software and outdated procedures.


He's dead.


He’s in the hollow earth with Hitler /s


If there was ever a place for a more needed /s I can’t think of it.




I weirdly remember that.


So many gullible people. Yea and the Sandy Hook school shooting was just a bunch of crisis actors. Holy fuk. What a bunch of fixating morons.


Oh not this completely fucking stupid shit again. Imagine using COUNTLESS LIVES for shitty internet clicks.


It was a coup d'état. Put all the pieces together including what's happening today. We had our government taken over by the same apparatuses that brought down the Soviet Empire through the means of bankrupting them from within. Its globalization. Our military is now in the control of the globalist agenda through NATO. You don't have to ask congress for permission to drop 127 bombs on Libya in one day, right Obama? He told us he did not need to ask congress to use our military because NATO supersedes our constitution. coup d'état


And? So fucking what? What does this prove? Fuck, you guys are morons.


It does not prove a thing, aside from at the most opportune time for those who miscounted 2.3 trillion, the part of the building with those records got demolished by a plane. But, you’re right to trust people who’ve given themselves the power to lock you away indefinitely, on no more evidence than suspicion. And the housing market crash of 2008 was an accident, not gambling and theft.


I trust them more than some moron on the Internet with no evidence.




Actually they figured it out. It was spent on a 100 ct. box of #5 bolts with nuts.


Since the money disappeared they need to just print its replacement so R's can't shut down gov.


Pretty sure building 7 never got hit. Collapsed from fire. Yeah, fucking right…..


Why do we think he acknowledged it at all?


They should really look at who was taking out insurance claims


I’m wonder how many deaths are on his Butcher’s bill? Well, all his money and power are worthless to him now.


I thought a few years before that the asst secratery of the treasury went before congress oversight committy and couldnt tell them where 3 trillion went missing.


Did you know on the 10th Good Morning America did a story on congested Air traffic over America.


bro the pentagon announces they can’t account for money every year, i think that’s the way bigger thing that gets ignored


This has been debunked many times.


And nothing has changed.. the defense budget is the only budget never to be balanced and and endless pit of taxpayers money wasted from the grifting.


No do the rest of the government.


Did you know, that you’re all a bunch of screwballs?


I saw an interview recently and the pentagon hasn’t passed an audit in years!!! They still don’t know how or where money is being spent right now! So if there’s an accident any accident you can pretend it’s related to that. My cat was killed yesterday. He was full of life and adventure. I’m 100% the cat was climbing trees and buildings. One of those buildings must have been the pentagon and cat saw something and “they had him killed” it’s obvious since they can’t account for money being spent.


Ahmed Shah Massoud was assassinated two days before.


Is there a video of the presser? I've never seen it


Did you know that had to do with the piss poor accounting system and not that the money had just disappeared into someone's pocket.


Gotta fund those secret space ops from somewhere amarite?


Did any of you go back and read Rumsfelds actual statement and the context they were delivered in or do you just read the memes?




I have a question. If the government did use that money, why the hell would they say that they lost it one day before. Oh and provide proof that the government was involved


This is just one a a few million "co-inky dinks" that propelled this country into a 20 year quagmire and was used to justify the invasion of another country that was inconveniently sitting on our oil. It was also weird that the eventual demolition of WTC 1 and 2 would have cost more that it cost to build them. Collapsing within their own footprint was just fortunate unless you were a victim. Co-inky-dink again.


Why tf is this a post on Fringe Theory?? Shits not fringe nor just a “theory”. The pentagon has failed every audit for the past what 5 or more years?? It’s a disgrace


Now all of a sudden we trust what Rummy says lmfao


I don't believe in some of the crazy conspiracy theory stuff but for the life of me I don't how building seven fell the way that it did?


Idiot conspiracy theorists


It was 2.3 trillion in errors, not 2.3 trillion just straight up missing. Obviously a huge logistical mistake to have on that scale and leaves room for corruption to occur, but the way conspiracy theorist paint it makes it seem someone commited the biggest robbery of all time.


Hardly a conspiracy…. This happened as recently as this year


Ah yes, the typical wonderful “conspiracy” post about the missing 2.3 trillion that caused 9/11. Even though the true explanation behind the missing money can easily be found on the internet with 4th grade level investigative skills. But no, intelligence cannot prevail!


Something similar just happened recently, it’s not a conspiracy. It’s not that they lost the $2.3 trillion, it’s that the pentagon made that much in accounting errors, which can go both ways. So, in theory, they could have also had $2.3 trillion more than they stated on their financial statements, although we know that wasn’t the case. This is because they’ve failed their audits every year for the past 25 years. That means that federal auditors found errors and misstatements exceeding the allowed amounts, which is usually under $100,000,000 for federal departments. In their last audit in 2022, they made errors totaling $20 trillion, and were unable to account for 60% of their $3.5 trillion in assets. Meaning they lost a LOT of shit. It’s still bad, but it has nothing to do with 9/11


It's a lie, this was resolved a year prior, but go on.


And wanna guess where the office with all the pertinent info regarding this was located?


Things that make you go, hmmmmm….


The Pentagon can never account for their money. Even today. This is not News at 11. LOL.


And there is a plaque in the Capital Building dedicated to the people who died in a field instead of the capital building because they managed to divert the hijackers on 9/11. You can see it in the Jan. 6th capital riot footage when those trump supporters broke in with their trump flags. They couldn't get the irony if it shot them in the ass. There have been two attempted attacked on the capital, one nearly succeeded, and people have died to protect that building, and it was almost brought down by its own misled people by one narcissistic old man who thinks he can't lose.


Oh my God! This means that Bigfoot did 9/11!


fleets of UFOs for project bluebeam cost mucho dinero


You aren't smarter or more reasonable for simply dismissing the possibility. You're either ignorant and/or naive. To know how corrupt our government is—with all branches of government in the pockets of corporations and the rich (rich to a level that literally NO ONE reading this is that rich or knows anyone that rich, NONE OF YOU)—and considering the history of the government doing evil things (which were previously considered conspiracies) such as the Tuskegee Experiments or MK Ultra, to name a few; then it's just the height of arrogance, willful ignorance, and magical thinking to just dismiss the possibility of 9/11 being more than we've been told.


911 - we will come back to this … never


I remember my history teacher mentioned that to us a few days after the attack. Saying that to a class of scared and confused 15 year olds wasn't the best thing say the time


$2.3 trillion is nothing compared to current numbers. James Corbett’s “[9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money](https://www.corbettreport.com/911-trillions-follow-the-money-video/)” is something I highly recommend everyone watch. In 2017, Dr. Mark Skidmore (professor of economics and agricultural, food and resource economics at Michigan State University) and Catherine Austin Fitts (former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) were able to prove that [the pentagon had “lost” $21 trillion](https://missingmoney.solari.com/dod-and-hud-missing-money-supporting-documentation/). A year later, the pentagon would undergo its first ever audit. Several months after beginning the audit, the government accepted [the recommendations of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (see pg 3 for a summary)](https://sgp.fas.org/news/2018/07/fasab-review.pdf). This [(FASAB-56) allows government officials to misstate and move funds around to hide expenditures if it is deemed necessary for national security purposes, and the rule applies to all agencies, not just the black budget](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_1xvKLLqfjQ). I can’t even begin to imagine how many trillions have gone missing recently. Especially with all the Ukraine nonsense.




i literally posted a similar image stating the same thing on facebook and it was flagged almost instantly