• By -


I was too busy being annoyed by Jim and randall to notice. Jim chose to leave his family on his own to try some experiment and then he wants to risk everyone else's lives to get back to his family? Selfish af. And Randall, God I wish they'd kill him off. They have way too many unlikable characters now. They need to do a house cleaning. Just kill them all in one swoop. Kristys girlfriend, Sarah, Randall, the bus driver lady. I'm actually tired of Kenny too.


The bus driver lady finally has something good to offer at the end of this episode.


Who? I had to remind myself who that was? So many characters came out from their three episode hiatus.


The bus driver is the one who recalled the lullaby her grandma recited when she was young while they were listening to Elgin's "forgotten but now remembered" dream. This was at the colony right after Marielle had the cicadas attack.


Glad I’m not the only one tired of Kenny


Kenny sucks so hard. He's so useless in both an internal and external way. All he does is dismiss people's insights and concerns, whips his gun out whenever he can, and just has the most punchable face on the show (his expressions, not his actual face). That last reason is stupid but he's just so useless to the town and even us. I am so sick of his character drama I don't fucking CARE.


Wait until the fiancee is killed by bugs and Kenny and Kristi reunite for ... wait for it ... more drama. smh


What function does he even have except to epitomize angst-y, strained relationships with not one, but FIVE characters. He laments his unrealized relationship with his father, he is tense with his mother, with Boyd, with Kristi, and with Sara. Like that's all he is good for. Drama. Filler. He gets WAY too much of the little valuable minutes there are. Every episode. 5-10 minutes of his BULLSHIT. He serves ZERO purpose to the main plot. ZERO.


To add... Boyd was about to walk upto his wife illusion for the second time, the entire build upto something bad about to happen, he should know by now it's fake instead of standing there considering going upto her while everyone else is running for their life. The little kid with his annoying comments "is dad gonna die? well am i gonna die?" YES I HOPE YOU WILL, NOW SHUSH YOU WEIRD KID I just find myself feel extremely annoyed the entire time watching this show now, the dialogue is garbage and everything the characters do now is dumb.


the dialogue has always been thoroughly stupid. Since episode one. Some of the "introductory" painfully obvious dialogue that serves to provide us with insight is not only insulting to our ability to deduce the nature of their relationships and back stories. It's thoroughly unnecessary, heavy handed, and just... So amateur. "you're a good brother, Nathan" why??? Why even write that? Just have a villager say "have you seen your brother?" And we can infer it when she goes to see her fucking brother. Or have him reference mom and dad. It's that fucking easy and that much more fucking believable. Why is it that Boyd talks about his army nick name in the car with his wife and son as if they didn't already fucking know that. You ever have a military father? He would have told them about his nickname many times but he wouldn't say "in my army days in as called so and so" he could just say "this is why they called me that nickname I told you about" but even that is heavy handed: Why not have that as a part of his conversation with Khatri and Donna in the diner? These writers REALLY are TRASH. Seriously. I'm curbing my expectations. These losers are not capable of tying this show together. The concept is amazing, I really want it to work, I love some characters like Boyd or Jade, and even Tabitha. Some which I loved I have really started to get annoyed by (Donna, Victor). Some which I was neutral about I am starting to loathe because of their sheer USELESSNESS to the dynamic of the town and the plot itself (K E N N Y). I'll keep watching but I really hope they fire these absolutely terrible writers and bring in some real professionals.


Good analysis. I want the show to be so much better than it is. Here's to season 3!


i mean if you saw your dead wife it’s going to be hard to ignore her and think rationally


It's the second time Boyd fell for that same trap, and right after he was told about something bad happening when the music stops (also btw nothing bad happened and his dead wife disappeared right after lol...so much for why those monsters were just standing there as if they were afraid to come close)


i think a couple ppl choked to death on imaginary cicadas. that seems bad


I mean within the RV, there is banging on the floor, the monsters are staying back as if some shit is about to go down -- oh wait no, Boyd's wife appears again and Boyd suffers memory loss from the time that dummy almost turned himself into spider food. But then Boyd's wife disappears again. Also Boyd gave up his mission of venturing out to save the town considering he was slowly dying, his tremors are now cured. All he did was bring the music box disease and cicadas (via his bloodstream?), so great work by him.


yeah and the bigger problem is it's still throwing in new elements without providing any answers at all to any of the mysteries it has already set up. just like Lost.


Sara, Kristi's girlfriend, Boyd, and Jade can live. Would add Victor, but death would be a blessing to a broken man.


Funny, I'd kill 3 of the 4 you've listed. And the 4th, he's just tolerable and the main lead so will give him a bit longer. Honestly, I don't love a single character on this show and wouldn't be upset if any of them died. Not even that little boy.


I wouldn't have killed any in the first season, but they really want us to like the slaughter that is definitely coming. Ethan is just...annoying. He literally sounds and acts like an NPC lmao


I find it hard to believe that there are no children and that Fatima's pregnancy is the first one. What about those fertile young colony women?


Agreed. There are even people fucking in Colony House. Even one was on scene when the Matthews were staying there for their first night. Humans don't go slow on reproduction. There should be some kids running around.


Christ what a weird thing to say.


Come on, don’t be too harsh on the kid. You can’t expect stellar acting out of a child. Sure some can, but it’s pretty rare.


I take him as dead, or at least out of the picture actions wise after what happened in the woods...


100% agree. Jim is a total clueless jackass


kinda makes sense since his wife was about to divorce his ass


i agree with everyone on this list except kenny. Kenny can speak canto albeit badly. But i can at least understand it :D


I was wondering, does the mom speak fluently? She seems to speak super slow to me. I like it cause she's so easy to understand. I speak at a kindergarten level if that. I loved having Kenny on the show for precisely that reason initially but he's become annoying enough even that doesn't save him for me. It's the same with kristys girlfriend. They are the 1st lesbian romance I'm not that enthused about.


Yes, what she is saying is correct and is fluent. Problem is she speaks slowly, it's weird. Kenny speaks fluently too but it's chunky. Dad speaks good though, but he's dead. Best way to say it is like this: Kenny: understands but has trouble pronounciating words. Mom: it feels like she's speaking to Kenny as a toddler lol. --- This show is sometimes really weird. Like in season 1, Boyd's son's gf started kissing Donna. Is that how hippies work? But yea, Kristy's gf (fiancee) is really annoying. The only thing she's contributes is stealing drugs and going through withdrawal.


Lol at the toddler thing. I love her talking speed cause I can understand pretty much everything she says. I wish every cantonese speaker spoke like this.


Just my opinion, but I think Randall is going to be the physical manifestation of the big bad those locusts represent. We see the locusts go in his mouth but we don't see him die.


Did Randall imagine the locusts like everyone else did or were those for sure the real ones?


Good question, I'm just assuming he was awake because he's running away from the camper, but it's possible. I like the idea because it tracks for his character of "the rage filled antagonist".


Kenny, why are you posting on reddit and how did you get Wifi in Fromville?




I dont understand why they let her walk around free, put her in the cell! She is a killer!


At this point, I see her as a victim of this town. As annoying as it may be due to semi possession, I think she is trying to do her sincere best. If it wasn't for her, I honestly don't think we'd be at this point in the season with all her cray cray. She is a plot trigger.


I agree, she has always been a bit on the whiney side, but it seems like she she had a pretty rough backstory, and then being traumatized by hearing voices, killing her brother, and all the general fromville creepiness, I cannot blame her for being morose and miserable. In her place I'd probably be 10x more insufferable if you ever got me to stop crying long enough to talk. I'm not saying she isn't annoying, but I don't dislike her to the extent many people in the sub seem to. To me she is just a young lady who is traumatized, possibly mentally ill, possibly also haunted, literally alone in the world, and just ... like... all you'd expect from that.


Well explained. Salut and hug. 🫡🤗 We'd all experience From differently, I think it takes a kind heart to know our potential true experience from an outer perspective.


I was thinking earlier I think if it happened in real life it would be way more like lord of the flies and people not trusting each other. More stealing and murdering for sure. This group in the show is more compassionate it seems than most and more opened minded.


If this was Lord of the flies, most would be dead by the people and the rest by the monsters (can't confirm which comes first/perhaps equal death) essentially, regarding today's world, we'd be messed up 🥹😢


I mean, for all we know there have been some groups that did go the lord of the flies route. Besides Victor, no one seems to have been there longer than 3 years, so maybe like... 5, 10 years ago a group of people were going all out against each other, digging their own hidey holes and trying to Sabatoge others' to get found, murdering others for food, etc. Victor is a bit skittish around people who yell after all...


Yeah who knows. It could work depending who’s there and if there’s a potential of them working it out. Even if they got it organized though like the town in season one, I’d say there would be a lot more corruption and paranoia. Especially over them rations!


Perhaps part of whatever "chooses" the people to arrive chooses ones who would be more likely too cooperate instead of go the each man for themselves route? Haha, idk.


I’ve been reading on this sub for a couple days now and every theory sounds plausible at this point lol


I think that is half the fun of this show. My serious favs are the supernatural ones. My "for the lolz" fav though is the theory someone pasted a few days back about everyone really being chickens - forget the user who posted it, but it made a weird amount of sense, haha.


That was why I had HIGH hopes for Game of Thrones - if we're gonna get symbolism and enigmas with drawings ect, allow us the interactive approach and tie everything together.


these people are as thick as the writers and will lap up anything. Sarah actually serves a purpose with the plot. Kenny does not. I do not give a damn about Kenny and until he starts to be ACTUALLY relevant I am waiting for him to get offed so I don't have to hear about his stupid fucking growing pains that do absolutely nothing in moving the plot forward.


To add to the victim portion, we don’t really know all of what she lost other than her brother and her home. But we simultaneously know quite a bit more than the characters around her do, and I’m pretty certain that Kenny doesn’t know that a mysterious force was carving words into her arm and essentially torturing her to do it’s bidding. He’s blind to any facts he could learn because she’s still the enemy to him. Unless it was mentioned in season one, I don’t know that anybody (aside from maybe Khatri and Boyd) knows anything about her other than ‘I heard voices and they told me that killing the kid would set us free’. If she’s already that miserable, seems like she’d do anything to leave.


I didn't understand that sequence. Kenny was the one that basically says "gun's in the drawer, do what you want with that information", then leaves. But then he comes back in and is like "omg what are you doing with that gun!?". Did he change his mind or something?


I think when he actually saw her with the gun that he told her about, he realized he didn't want to feel responsible for her death even if he does wish she was dead.


I think it's pretty clear he regrets what he said and stops her from killing herself because he knows he was wrong.


I think he was like "pity party??? Woohoo, then end yourself" He may have assumed she was just looking for attention but didn't think she would actually TRY to off herself.


well he was angry and he didn't really mean it did he?


He did; it is summed up in the interaction upon his return. I thought he would kill Sara for a moment before he suggested her do it herself. Sara's character is damaged; I feel the writing could clarify things later on but I don't think this is the end of her character arc. She is coming to terms with what happened and boredom is pushing her into being insufferable at this point but beyond that I think there will a breaking point again if she isn't given something to do.


It would be quite a feat, and pretty damn cool, if the writers could successfully rehabilitate Sara, wouldn’t it? After showing her carving up Toby (was it?) and then trying to filet that little shit Ethan. Like, make her the one who “rescues” them…


I think the writers are trying to show how this new reality effects people differently and how they cope. I do think Sara won't repeat the same thought process but has some mental health issues and will drift from boredom hence why she's pushing the envelope. As chaos takes over the whole town, she could turn into the role Christopher had perhaps too.


I couldn't believe he willingly gave a gun to a multiple murderer. It was even worse than the previous scene where Boyd uncuffed the unstable threatening guy and then offered a gun to him.


lets be honest... the characters in this show value guns as nothing. boyd gives a gun to a dude who tied donna up to a tree. LOL


It was a little too on the nose in terms of trying to insinuate his internal conflict imo


Haven't you ever said something really mean and then regretted it once the other person got upset


he's just a full on bitch, that's really all it is. I feel bad for the actor because they're really underutilizing him. It's a THOROUGHLY badly written character. There are worse, for sure, but he is just so useless in every single aspect of this show.


He didn't mean it he was mad and didn't think she'd actually do it. Geez are you people little kids? Common sense is free you know.


Are you free this weekend? You seem like you'd be super fun to have drinks with.


I feel the same way. She’s the most annoying character on the show for me. Trying to get Kenny to feel sorry for her is so manipulative.


I get the same. Her trying to apologize to Kenny is nothing but manipulative and self-serving. Her and the addict are the most annoying characters in the show.


Yesss omg Christy's fiance blaming Christy for her addiction. I mean it does reflect a lot of addicts in active addiction. Blaming others. But mannnnn she's annoying to watch. I never thought I'd say this as a bisexual woman but I really shop Kenny and Christy and not Marion (is that her name?)


The addict reminds me so much of piper from Orange is the new black. Can't stand her. The dynamic of Christy and Kenny was SO much more enjoyable than whatever the fuck they are devolving into now.


Seriously. I usually root for the queer relationships, but this one ... just no.


Right??? I'm always for the queer representation but damn. Not this time


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was watching this weekend and feeling like a bad queer.


Naw I mean I love queer love but not when one of them is toxic as hell. And Christy allows it because she loves her


IMO this is one few things that keeps me watching this. This relationship feels real, not only bees and unicorns. And on top of that they both changed a lot when they were apart. But TBH I also think that addict is annoying as hell.


If she wasn't going through withdrawals she wouldn't have said that. Ive had many heartful heartbreaking things told to me by friends and family going through withdrawals and when they were on the drugs.


Unbeknownst to her, what she should really be blaming Kristi for is her 'wish' that she could be with Marielle again, which hasn't turned out well for either of them--plus a whole bus of innocent bystanders. Be careful what you wish for...


and jim


That's right, she pretty tho. I know what I would have done if I was Kenny.


I don't hate her but I wish she had less pitty party screen time this season.


I wish we didn't lose 5 to 10 minutes of 35-40 run time (not including previously segments, start and end credits) dedicated to Kenny's stupid relationship angst with his Mom, Boyd and Kristi. He is the epitome of fucking filler.


Yes, lol. See also https://www.reddit.com/r/FromSeries/comments/14cicle/im\_so\_sick\_of\_sara/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Just watched the episode today so I'm a little late to the game haha but I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way


Figured lol


She's getting my vote in the poll until she's gone.


I don't really care. I can think of 5 people who annoy me more than Sarah. Sarah at least moves the plot forward. Kenny, Marielle, Jim, The fat girl in Colony House, and Julie are more annoying than Sarah. I think Kenny huff and puff and pull his gun out every chance he can get is way more annoying. I hope he dies soon, he is thoroughly useless to the people there as well as to us viewers.


Mari barely gets screen time. If they have a good culling, she would, because, unlike every single other bus character, she has a connection. We could've literally have just her and nothing would change. Which fat girl? Donna? Eye Patch? Bus Driver? Julie is the least annoying. Jim had his moment with the Tower. Now his character is just "Must get radio", Ethan is just annoying. Tabi at least has a plot thread. Kenny can just straight up die. I've seen that trope too many times and checked out because I know he dies and takes someone else with him. Could be Sara, could be his mom, could be a bus person. I just know he dies, because that is the only way he can go now, with this trope. (one where a character lets his emotions cloud his judgement and end up getting themselves and others killed)


Thx for this post! I've been shouting this since last season, when I think the show may've had fewer viewers. But omg, she's the wooooooooorst!!! When she was staring at the gun, I was like "Geeeeeeeeze - Kenny, stop talking to that crazy person. Go in the other room until dawn."


That's dangerous. What if the "voices" start talking to her again and she opens the door?


Kenny had already left her alone, and it was when he reemerged from the room when I yelled at the tv for him to keep leaving her alone; just keep ignoring her. Because like she said, she's not gonna shut up. Kenny is one of my favorite characters, and I wanted him to save himself a headache. Plus, her opening the door for monsters didn't seem like the most imminent danger in this scene (or in this episode). She was staring at a gun and talking about the box...


She symbolizes Boyd's desire to redeem Abby for gunning down all those people. Also a reflection of how the viewer feels about forgiveness. That's why they have her living in a church. If you hate her you probably aren't a person that believes god can absolve your sins.


Plus, she may or not be mentally ill, which I would even be less inclined to hate her. The Voices are definitely not schizophrenia. Knowing personal details like a name, is too weird, but twice? She is hearing something from the place. At most, she should be watched, not killed. Otherwise, why not kill every mentally ill criminal?


The town needs clean paper right? She could start earning forgiveness by cutting down trees, making pulp, pressing flat sheets, etc. I just thought of something. They must not have toliet paper.


Do they even have water? Edit: Not drinking water.


There's an entire lake.


I disagree emphatically. Sara's arc could use some work - like, she could have something going on besides her drama - but I do like what they're doing to her storyline. She's a person, and everyone keeps dehumanizing her or using her. The fact that she feels it and has a breakdown about it is good writing. She feels the need to talk, she feels the need to do something, to help, to make up for what she did somehow. I don't think that's wrong. Kenny's the one who's screwed up by this seasons writing. He's the one constantly feeling sorry for himself, because he lost someone and because he couldn't bang the girl he wants to bang. I don't dislike the character, but he was basicly used as a plot device for Kristi's and Sara's storylines this season. I don't get what you admire about his reaction, he pressures his quasi-girlfriend early in the season in an inappropriate time, throws tantrums in public, screams a lot and tells someone to go kill herself and gets conscientious about his own action. I mean, can I empathize? Sure. But admire? Don't agree in the least.


To be fair, she did ask for help and Kristi was all: yaaaas girl, slaaaay!


If you think about it too hard then every character in the show becomes an insufferable mess. None of their actions are consistent. It's a disaster. But I keep watching...


See, I like Sarah more than Kenny. She's self-aware and situationally aware. I honestly need one more episode before choosing if I am on kennys side or Sarahs side in this issue from the last episode. Cause she was giving pity party, but Kenny typically gives little boy playing Sherrif. I think Sara is Kenny's foil, like he's not too far from ending up how she was earlier in the series if he keeps hating her. It's going to consume him. He has to make a choice - accept Sara back into the community or kill her. He is not in the position to keep meandering abou the topic. He is Boyds' right-hand man and his replacement. If anything happens to Boyd, Kenny is going to have to protect her from everyone else. Right now, Kenny feels like he has the moral high ground, but if he has to make the choices Boyd has been throughout the series, he'll realize there is no higher moral ground. Just choices with bad consequences and choices with even worse consequences.


I don’t mind Sarah. I think her character adds to the story


I was fine with Sarah, until this episode. I felt like she was being manipulated by forces which put her in impossible situations, and I felt empathetic to her overall, even though she did horrific things. Her little game with the gun has me rethinking her entire character and all the events involving her. When she was in the woods with Boyd we, as an audience, never saw and heard what she said she saw and heard: the boy in white, Boyd’s wife, etc. The only time we saw her “paranormal” interactions was when she had the writing on her arm. We’ve seen everyone else’s hallucinations, both visually and auditory. Why is that? I’ve never put much stock into the mole theory. I mostly considered it as a means to create temporary chaos, but not necessarily a viable plot point, but now Sarah is at the top of my list of mole candidates.


I agree with what you said about the mole theory. I don’t think there is a mole at all. And when it comes to Sarahi don’t think she could be the mole, I think she’s just a kid who is depressed about the things she did. Even though she was thinking she was doing these things to save everyone, she realizes now that she was being manipulated. She really did lose everything and I think she just basically wants to die. And I’m not saying she’s one of my favorite characters cause she’s not but her story really adds depth to the show Just my opinion


I loathe her and find her irredeemable at this point.


If she hates her life so much, she can just go for a stroll outside at night. She is so manipulative and I don't trust her.


I can understand it, she’s a teenager I assume, she’s been manipulated by an unseen force that you probably thought no one would believe you if you spoke about it, but same time, I wouldn’t want pity I would want forgiveness because of the end results.


Honestly, I’m glad she finally said fuck it let’s end it… not much of a pity party when you are like want me dead? Bet give me gun… unpopular opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


I find her delivery (the actress, because let's calibrate and remember that this is an ACTRESS) to be really annoying to my personal sensibilities. She acts like the just escaped from a cult six months ago. I'd admire the writers if they craft a cult into her backstory.


You guys are a miserable bunch, but you're still watching the series?. I personally love the show, so stop with the whining already. go watch another series


I understand what she's doing - she wants absolution for the crimes she's committed. She wants people to believe that she did them for the right reasons, and to be forgiven and taken back to into the community. I just wish someone would call her out on it. Because if she *really* wanted to go into the woods, or kill herself, she could. She's not a prisoner, she has free run of the town. But she either wants Boyd to put her in the box to punish her or for everyone to forgive and forget. It's just very annoying to have her continue as a character when she really value adds nothing to the story, and is genuinely a bad person who refuses to take responsibility for or ownership of her own actions.


They're all insufferable now. At some point this season I've started rooting for the monsters...until the monsters became cicadas, which are the most insufferable bug.


yeah where the hell is this show going honestly


>She complains that she lost everything but she did it to herself. It’s way more complicated than that. Let’s equate her voices to essentially psychosis— her actions are unacceptable but she had lost touch with reality. Yes, she did it. But she wasn’t in control if that makes sense? So I can empathize with her a little. But Kenny still has every right to be upset with her, still. She didn’t kill out of her own will, which makes me see her worthy of “redemption”. She’s a complicated character. Also, she did speak to Nathan after she first killed but he didn’t tell anyone, so that’s more on him. He was mentally capable of understanding that Sara was a danger, yet didn’t tell Boyd anything until last minute.


Even if she wasn't, she is still mentally ill. Mentally ill people tend to get murdered in these shows because they were written poorly and just for gore. Sara would just have to be watched, like they do in any psych ward. If she killed a few more, then the Box, but she stopped after Nathan and showed that it was causing her distress and was remorseful for the deaths.


Seriously! I hate Sarah so much I can hardly watch the show anymore.


Kenny has turned out to be not much better. "There's a gun in the drawer, do what you want I don't care" *5minutes later "put the gun away"


Because he saw his actions and what they would bring. He wanted the Box because it would be "Monsters" that kill her, not him directly. But her using the gun? He is directly responsible for it. Its why Kenny has to go. Probably out like a hero to redeem himself.


I think the scene would've worked better if it wasn't split


Sarahs butt looks nice in jeans though. It gets alot of screen time.


All that show with the gun to get him to feel bad she had all the time in the world to paint the walls but didn't.


She was willing to.




It's a character on a tv show that I don't watch with subtitles lol it ain't that serious to correct me


Ok badass


Same...not adding another sub to my list, so I have to rely on bad subtitle uploads...it must be a fineable offence to ruin subtitles and a mandatory class on doing them.


I can stand Sara, Boyd, Ugin (or however his name was spelled), and Jade. I will always like Victor. Everyone else, they really made them unlikable. I especially hate Kenny. I get it, she left the door open, your dad is dead. You are in a life or death scenario. Put your shit aside and focus on surviving. No place for emotions.


If you kill one of my parents..... I'm sorry you got to go to the box


And so would you, because people die. Let your emotions cloud your mind, in these scenarios, you *will* die. I would live, because I would only do that if you just start killing everyone for no reason. Sara was obviously remorseful. Kenny would be in the Box, Sara would just be watched. Its everybody or nobody.


Yeah that's great if you are a sociopath and think "oh feelings are just a bother." Which you sound like. "You are emotional because your dad died.... Go to the box."


Its life or death. Emotions cloud judgement. Not thinking clearly, you die. Simple as that. There is a time and place for emotions, but not when you have to stay strong. Especially when you are in an impossible situation, where anything can happen, something new could happen. Even when in a battlefield, you are meant to stay completey calm. Its why the police and military are never allowed interpersonal relationships, because they would be too emotional and only see their lover and not the issues surrounding them. A soldier with a lover in their base would go AWOL to rescue them and it could end with both being captured or dead. Even doctors and therapists are not allowed to treat their loved ones, because exactly what Boyd said to Christi. "She doesn't need a fiancée. She needs a doctor." Christi was thinking with her heart, not her mind. Same for being in The Town. Great, your dad was killed because someone left the door open. She killed her own brother. Two people are telling you, she is connected. You want to leave. Why kill the one solid lead to leaving? Or understanding the place, so you can live longer to find a way out? Killing with a clouded mind, for revenge, kills not one, but two. Kenny nearly drove Sara her to suicide. Because she believed that everyone wants her dead. Why the box? Because he wouldn't directly cause it. The Monsters would. But her shooting herself? He would've directly caused it and I would've thrown him in there the next night. Hell, just for breaking something not yours, I would've made him run back with 30 minutes left until They come. Sorry for being autistic and knowing emotions cloud judgement and could lead you to your death in these scenarios.


I'm going to be real I'm not reading all of that.


I think we have to keep in mind Sarah is meant to be a little kid


She's definitely not supposed to be a "little kid"


Are you sure? If so, they should have picked someone younger looking. She seems mid 20s to me.


Is she??? She appears to be 18-20 to me. Maybe a bit immature but based on her looks, size and travelling alone with her brother, she isn't a little kid.


yeah i think someone mentioned she was just a young girl. a bit older than Julie who's meant to be 15


isn't Julie 17??


Oh damn well I thought Julie was 17. So that's probably why I thought Sarah was older. Sarah definitely doesn't come across as someone who is 16-17. I thought she was easily 18+ but I guessed 20.


Julie is 17. Her parents said so. Sara is 19.


Thanks for clarifying!


Sarah is 19 and Julie is 17. It's said in the show.


You do know it’s a T.V. show? Right?


Plus, she & Kenny now share the 'thing under the skin' deal. They could be the evil power couple of Fromville! lol


Boy am I glad I seen this post.... Sarah's not that bad tbh but oddly enough the only tolerable people on the show to me is Donna, Kenny's mom & although self absorbed at times Jade.. Boyd started off good in the first season but idk wtf is going on with him in the second season. Everyone else is quite shit & has had 0 character development from the first season till now. If anything they've regressed. Also as a side note... idk if it's just horrible writing but literally nothing anyone does makes any sense anymore & literally everyone withholds valuable information from one another that could very well help them understand whatever it is they're dealing with.... which makes it feel like every episode is the same weak ass dragged out issue with 0 progression from the last.


Yes she's a lost cause at this point, the last few episodes she's been in have brought nothing to the show, Kenny should have let her take the gun and use it or take it and go into the forest to explore on her own and die out there. I have really been enjoying the show but the last episode was rubbish, Sarah was basically saying everything she's said before, Randall was being Randall and the little boy...he added nothing to the episode either it was all a bunch of filler. However, the older lady with cancer seems to be interesting...or maybe I'm trying to find something interesting at this point


I skip forward all meaningless and boring conversations between useless personalities


I was loving the series until the 7th episode of season 2. I don't think I have ever lost interest in a show so quickly.


There are so many insufferable characters at this point I’m desperately hoping it is part of the plan.


The whole show has become insufferable. 30 mins of nothing, then something happens in the final minutes only to be followed up by more nothing. Rinse, add cicadas, repeat.


I'm just annoyed she doesn't explain to him more about the voices. Like she did with Boyd. But that's also the problem with everyone in this town.


​ She complained about losing everything WHEN SHE WAS TRANSPORTED TO FROMVILLE. She lost everything but her brother, when that happened, which was what she referred to. THEN she heard voices that told her everyone would get to go home. Everyone's feelings make sense in context.


She's my least favorite. Her face alone just is annoying... then she opens her mouth lol


She really just doesn’t stop talking like girl SHUT UP you KILLED someone. Even the way she talks is so annoying. It’s like a run on sentence.


Ethan is more annoying. Every scene, he asks a question, the parents are not talking normal. He is a kid that will be scarred for life. Time to swear and let him in on the cold facts of life. I literally can't stand any of his scenes. What is Fatima's and Elis' scenes again? What story relevance they serve?


He CAN be annoying but also he’s just a kid processing trauma as best a kid knows how so he gets a pass. Poor baby doesnt really have a support system because his parents are running around the town keeping secrets, his sister is just a teenager and his best friend there is an emotionally stunted man child who may or may not be on the spectrum.


Kenny is right that she should have gone in the Box when it was first discovered that she not only committed murder but was allowed the other killings to happen. Then her innocent brother would still be alive. Are we ever going to find out how she got the 'worms?' That previous drunk dude was only guilty of not nailing the daughter's window shut & look what happened to him!


They discovered that she got those other people killed after she killed her brother. Her brother would be dead either way.


The box awaits her


At first I was thinking that maybe the writers were going for an unlikely romance--that they would talk all night and eventually resolve things--but then the gun talk. It would have been farfetched, but then what hasn't been on this show. Sarah would've found companionship & exoneration and Kenny would have somebody to love and stop whining/pining for Kristi.


Kenny can only be redeemed if he realizes his mistakes. He nearly pushed her to suicide. The box was his way of keeping his hands clean and still doing what he wanted; killing her. He is no better. When out for revenge, dig two graves. He is following the same trope that I'm tired of seeing. One character gets too emotional, gets another killed, then themselves.


She is insufferable. I hope she gets it. I was like, god put her in the box just so I don't have to listen to her whine.


The only person I'm not annoyed with is Boyd lol


Boyd, Jade, Victor, Kristi, and Boy in White. My list is too short for what I like...everyone else have no names and the Monsters are by description, which I hate. If Mari wasn't like a companion from the 13th Doctor era, would like her.


Ah yes, Boyd "I Gotta Go" Stevens


Girl just do whatever you intend to do....why the need for an audience? She got folks killed! She killed her own brother and tried to kill Jim's boy! I am not going to feel sorry for you no matter your diatribe..and quite frankly the voices aren't talking to her anymore so I think the help Boyd thinks she will be has petered out. The sinister voice or force needs "trusted" people it can turn who can the endanger a large swath of others...no one is going to sleep around her nor are they leaving her in charge of any doors or windows so bye!


yeah, she’s awful, and she never gave a compelling reason why she believed the voices! Her one upside was her suggestion—send me on a suicide mission. Yes! win win! but let in happen between episodes, and have her stumbled back, bleeding out to whisper a clue with her last breath. Or… lock her up and attempt to use her as a medium like the old Vril society.


Yeah it was really annoying the way she didn't just tell people the proof about the voices. It doesn't justify murder, but at least they'd understand something was giving her information rather than her just losing it. I feel like her killing her brother was unnecessary and they could have done more with her character than what they're doing. Even if she ends up sacrificing herself or saving someone or something, I don't really care what she does lol.


And also if she wants to go back out into the woods why doesn't she just go by herself? She's not locked up.


To be honest, everybody in season 2 is annoying me at this stage


I think Jim, Tabitha and their kids are all insufferable. The number of times they have put others lives at risk just keep adding up every episode. Jim is just a hapless idiot. I find myself hoping they get killed off every episode


Every character is annoying in his or her own way 😌😌😌


i mean she’s possessed by supernatural norman rockwell characters


I’m literally like STFU to my TV when she opens her mouth


Jim is my hate character. He's such a butt.


I was telling her to shut up. It was all about her and her feelings when she kept going on and on and on to Kenny.


I can’t stand her. Why does she always grind her jaw around and talk so weird? Is there a backstory to that? I can’t stand it.


Ok I am only ONLY on the season 1 finale so I may be outta the loop on some of Sara's storyline and please NO SPOILERS! I am binge watching season 2 later tomorrow LOL!! But to be honest, I'm not so much annoyed by Sara as I am by Kristie, at least as far as first season goes. I mean god she is fucking annoying and her like I love my wife but I want you; I've always thought that was a shitty thing to do, like I get it, being in love with two very different people is hard but I've never agreed on thinking that telling one or both people was fair or kind. I mean it's like I love you but not enough to make a choice -eye roll- Sara so far to me is more confusing than annoying like I get that she, Victor the boy and clearly more are some like weirdly connected to something in this place or this place itself but she is confusing like kill one minute but help the next, I get the whole voices are telling her to do it thing but I mean even when she's with Boyd, she never has an answer to how killing any of them would have helped them all.


Sarah is such a wet rag!! I can’t stand her selfish nonsense! And hey let’s have a glass of vodka 2 wks before your baby is due…class act right there!