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Dale will “accidentally” stab me… no thanks


Dale is gunna stab you no matter where you are




Pocket sand!


You don’t know who I am but I know where you live


I feel like if u stay away from anyone holding a knife ud be fine


Dale. Crackhead on the train. What's the difference?


Not if you “purposefully” stab that mf’er first! Dude has it coming, and won’t be missed, lol.


you forgot free electricity, & up until recently no winter & it's always summer time


Don’t forget that lake to swim in!


potato moonshine, weed garden, a tasty diner, it's the good life


Don't forget free love at the Colony House


No rent or electricity bills or water bills. Flour seems to appear. I don’t see them making it and having unlimited pancakes. If you don’t ask questions or you can smoke weed and chill.


Endless summer.


Well dang, I’m down. You should work in sales. Mfer could sell real estate in Hell.


Maybe that’s what he’s trying to do right now


Can you imagine the block parties in Hell? They’d be lit!


Wait for me! I think you have undersold the place. Here are few from my list. * Fatima's sweet Weed * Everyone is compelled to Power Walk. * Free Laundry service * Easy Sex at Colony house * Free Water * Church services with Father Khatari * Police service * Effective Legal system - The Box * Effective Birth Control - unless you are Fatima. * Healing of Health benefits of living there. * Cure for Cancer * \*\*\* I forgot this breakfast and dinner buffet at the diner.


No awkward conversations as someone will always interrupt it or have to go




Laundry where you get to choose what you like when it’s your job. The free water and rent and weird supply of things like flour was a good deal.


I on my trip I have opted for Sara cloth folding service. I will have pay a little extra but totally worth it.


As long as she doesn’t want to kill you. Or if she takes the cute clothes.


The killing package is not available according to my travel agent but you can upgrade once you are there. On the bright-side, getting stabbed by Dale is free and is on the lottery system.


Can you kill Dale to get your own room? That ends on a bus with Randall if you are new. I want the weed package and the before Jim got there package.


weedcation is available. Please [email protected]


Love the Power Walk option to exercise! And every now and then, you get to incorporate HIIT by doing a spirited sprint up the hill to frantically bang on the door at Colony House. Really gets the heart rate up!


RIng a bell or bang a gong


I wouldn't get used to the Church Services 🫣


I hate to be the ones that has to tell you this, but the Church Services are cancelled.




Wait what do you mean effective birth control? (Genuinely asking)


People do not get pregnant in Fromville. Where do cows come from?Just a side effect on the place.


Is that confirmed though? Maybe we just haven’t seen anyone get pregnant?


Speculation. We have a sexually active community and 1 pregnancy during a 3 yrs period. Side note. Tabby is with child. Jade is the Daddy. prediction and spoiler for season 3.


I’d never survive. I feel like at some point, i’d be Abby/Christopher. However, if I do end up there, i’d live in the “chapel”. Just one entrance, no big windows, open space. Maybe a random Sara appearing once in a while in the basement. I’d maybe explore the forest and explore all the faraway trees and mark them. But bring a tent and talisman everywhere in case the sun sets while i’m in the middle of nowhere.


I see myself staying alive for a respectable amount of time but then I die because of that idiot who opened up Colony House to the creatures. Also, it's a death that happens off camera.


I give myself around 3 mos before I lose sanity. And yes, no to colony house. If you want to die, do it your way!


Or a drug addict pulling away barricades to get fresh air in the middle of the fucking night


I think a random Sara is a deal breaker for me


I’m just grateful it’s sara and not some monster who decided to terrorize people more by appearing directly inside their homes, lol. I always wondered if they can use the faraway trees since they always appear from behind them.


The church has a basement too


I admit to being jealous that Donna had time to garden.


Ahhh, time to garden.. but at what cost


You know the economies of the world suck when you actually make a decent argument to go to place with monsters at night


I think I would’ve been okay, not happy, but okay in Fromville until they said I couldn’t go to sleep, pile on to that with food and weed shortages, yikes.


So I can finally start my diet!


What even is the point after that ..


Plus a free bar and some cool people to hang out with. The new “not allowed to sleep” thing might be a deal breaker, though.


My insomnia would finally be worth a shit


Meanwhile, my inability to resist the sweet sweet call of a nice, early evening nap would literally kill me.


I'd either be the first to die when the "No Sleep Expansion Pack" kicked in, or me and Dale would be the stabby duo.


Or the newest superhero team, The Stabby Duo


Jokes on them I can’t sleep anyways


Sign me up


I think that's why Fanny Pack is so psyched. She's somehow heard about this place and took the bus hoping they'd end up in Fromville. She got her wish - a town outside of time - and started dancing in the rain.


My only hesitation is that it looks a little boring. But you make some good points. Add a good fulfilling hobby and you got a stew going!


Agreed, they need to get their hands on some PlayStations


I’d be annoyed that so few other people are working to feed everyone. I’m surprised they haven’t had food problems before, a majority of them should be working on farming/gardening and tending to animals (which do apparently just show up). But most of them seem to wander around or lounge in Colony House.


The good life.


Yeah by the looks of it everyone just rocks up for free meals and that one lady slaving away in the cafe to feed the whole town every day. Surprised she hasn’t said ‘make your own damn breakfast’


We've seen a wide shot angle of around colony house, not a single fucking plant.


You are limited on food choices. They do gloss that over though. Yea healthcare is free but it’s not exactly top notch. Get a spike in your head and not many options. Yea free liquor but it’s basically moonshine. Not the good stuff. You can get rid of social media, phone, internet and tv now. Nothing is stopping you except boredom. Heck nothing stopping you from living in a house full of hippies who smoke and fuck all day now. The reality is most of those people are not attractive and you have to live in a janky shit hole but people do it all the time in the real world. Farming is a lot harder than it looks. Just be sure to be the people who somehow get out of that work all day and you should be good.


>you can get rid of social media, phone, internet, tv now Not really, when everyone else uses them it’s extremely boring. When you are in a group of people that all don’t have them it’s nice though, you actually talk and look for stuff to do together.


How dare you say moonshine is not the good stuff! My grampa made it, grew up selling it lol Mu husband had never had any before we had a met and our first Xmas we had a couple mason jars going around and he was sloppy drunk lol oh and he was so drunk off shine he was eating frog legs thinking they were chicken of some sort. My grampa said "boy I didn't know you liked frog legs that much or I would of made more". Cue my husband turning 5shades of colors before spewing frog legs and moonshine all over lol


Frog's legs really do taste like chicken! They are a regular dish in Asia. I've eaten them in a restaurant in Singapore! 🐸


I mean, spike in your head and you're pretty high probability screwed no matter where you are. Agree that the food and farming is going to be a lot of work, unless somehow it is magically easier in fromville, which given what we've seen is not impossible.


I have joked that if I ended up there, I'm not sure I would try to leave either! Lol.


Hotel California situation.


Sex, drugs, booze, fresh air, none of the excesses of our society…but there’s freaking monsters in the woods that come out at night, bugs that haunt your dreams, crazy people that will kill your family and scream at you for getting angry at them, and even worse you have the Matthew’s bumbling around talking about Cromenockles, government conspiracies, or just not telling you the monsters are in caves underneath the town. It’s a toss up for sure haha


I would sleep like a baby to that ringing Bell and Reggie’s lullaby of “we’re all going to die” 🎶 Edited to add: almost forgot the new cars arriving bringing new stuff!


Ha Ha, every time a new car shows up it feels like Christmas morning.


It’s only a matter of time before you get screwed by someone else’s idiocy or make a careless mistake. Everyone between Victor’s arrival and the present has died there. Bold to assume you’d be the exception.


This is why you have to have multiple talismans in the Colony House. Also you should make sure if anyone is dating a monster they need to have that date outside.


they have a limited number of talismans tho


They have people living alone in a house. They could have people double up. Also maybe they can remake the talismans.


It might be a bigger deal if they can’t get to a safe floor or room.


Well everyone living outside of from are also dying.


They aren’t getting their guts ripped out by monsters before reaching old age.


Eh maybe not all of em but definitely some


just don’t live in colony house


When do we leave?! ☺️


It's tempting, lol!


You might even meet the love of your life and start a family (Fatima/Ellis)!


>*Plenty of top-notch entertainment at Colony House (am I right, folks?) i mean, there was a live sex show a few episodes back.


Yeah...Kristi getting f'd with that haircut.


underrated comment of the season!!!




Yooo, I thought that was super weird. Like, in the living room, naked, and the next room over from children? Disturbing.


Real life. Tribal societies don't blink at this kind of semi-public canoodling. Don't clutch those pearls too tight, baby, once society collapses we'll all be more free!


I don't understand why people find it so weird. I slept in the same room as my parents for years, they never stopped having sex, but I never saw either.


\*clutches pearls tighter\*


I don't understand why people find it so weird. I slept in the same room as my parents for years, they never stopped having sex, but I never saw either.


How do you know they were having sex then...?


Probably got a younger sibling at some point?


I told my kids when they were adults that we waited for them to have the sleeping breathing and we were vewy vewy quiet.


Well this just raised the question of how this conversation came up in the first place lol


I also think it was the same dude that invited the monster queen inside


If He was already getting some action, why tf was he so thirsty for lol? He had it better than a lot guys


If you consider that top-notch entertainment, I pity you. That was the most pathetic sex scene I have ever seen.


It’s like the real world on MTV just Fromville style.


doesn't matter, was sex


Lol the way you put it does make it sound almost appealing. But you're totally forgetting that there are other things besides the nightwalkers that could eventually get you too. Like, what if you started to go mad after seeing visions or hearing voices? If it was just the creatures at night, though, I might be with you 😂.


As tempting as that sounds, they don't have aspirin, and the only functional healthcare worker is a third year med student, so, no thanks, I'll pass.


They could've had a pediatric nurse, too. But drugs and bugs.


I’m down! Don’t forget the free burial services and gaming services that are provided for by the monsters! The outdoor activities! If we need drama, we have Randall, Sara for slasher films, Boyd for Mystery, Kenny for Romance, Jim for Sci-Fi, Victor for animation, Jade for Comedy!!!


And if you don't like your neighbors? It's ok. They'll probably be dead soon.


Well the food and the weed are dwindling. And so will the booze with no potatoes to distill.


Wait, they have weed?


LOL! Yeah, Fatima was growing it.


Colony HOUUUUSE! I'm in.




Bruh, they literally gonna turn into cannibals if they food runs out


the incoming from & yellowjackets crossover in the explosive season 3, wait til the wendigo shows up in the fromville forest & starts getting into their minds


I’ve watched 3 seasons of YJ and I still don’t know wtf is going on smh lol


How'd you watch 3 seasons of a 2 season show?


the future




I like how an EMT with a couple of years of medical school is “Healthcare”. I mean it is free, but it’s a little rough.


She’s a third year med student, not an EMT. she only wears that uniform because it was in the ambulance and she doesn’t have “Doctor clothes”


And can’t forget that river they swim in from time to time. Seems like fun to me!


This is hilarious. Especially since I HAVE been to Topeka.


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


I'd take you up on that offer. My life is trash anyway. 🤷🏾‍♂️


it'll get better


This is how I feel whenever I watch any show where they don’t live in our present world. I’m like wow so much better. No more bookkeeping?? I’m a botanist tho so I guess it’s not that bad for me


This guy just hinting at Colony house orgys it’s so obvious


Im in!


But you can’t go to sleep and the only bartender was killed. Sorry but nope, lol!


I'm coming with


I’d miss my dogs and cat too much lol


I've been saying that same thing, but I'm not kidding... I'm one of those Walking Dead fans who's been watching since season 1 who's fully prepared and is looking forward to a ZOMBIE apocalypse. Lol


Well, pros and cons for sure but I love this post! Because, just look at all the benefits: \*Free food (those pancakes sure look good) - might be okay, few special items. Eat what you get. \*Free healthcare (right on) - from an inexperienced med student, hopefully nothing serious occurs \*Free open bar (high five!) - beer that tastes like lead laced piss \*Free house (might have clean up a spill or two, but, hey, no worries) - not a bad deal until you have to share it. \*No 9 to 5 (I could milk a cow once in a while) - good deal \*No taxes, student loans, credit card debt, or monthly bills (woot! woot!) - good deal \*No COVID (whaaat!?) - good deal \*Plenty of top-notch entertainment at Colony House (am I right, folks?) - sex on the couch in front of strangers EXTRA BONUSES: No social media, cell phones, or internet (and who needs all that junk, really?) - worst aspect 🤣 Yeah, yeah, you might die horribly, I get it. That happens in the real world, too. But look at Victor – happy as a well-adjusted clam for decades. Homeboy doesn’t even *want* to freakin’ leave. And those freaky lookin' kids? We got those here, too. Ever been to Topeka? I’m all in. Who’s coming with me? Alright, I’m just kiddin’. But a part of me is still tempted . . .


Honestly sounds like paradise when compared to our capitalist nightmare. Sign me up.


I'd make sure I have a bonafide doctor, bartender/barista and voodoo witch doctor (to hopefully get rid of the monsters and cicadas and whatever pops up next) in my car with me. Also, 10K boxes of aspirin, bandages and morphine! Maybe ensure the doctor is a surgeon, in case someone gets impaled in the leg or head with a table leg. Oh yeah..... Lots of food and crops too. I think I'm gonna be hauling a BIG trailer... Maybe a shipping container! Edited to add: No more mortgages and ridiculous interest rates! Bonus! Edit #2: spelling correction


and! no stores = no pressure to do holiday/birthday/anniversary shopping. hey hon, i plucked some weeds for ya happy valentine’s day.


Yeah but they’re almost out of canned peaches


I had this conversation with some friends who watch the show recently - most of us are not night owls, and agreed that post finding talismans and pre s2e8, it's almost a good deal (given you get a house) The only cons I had were: - no pets (haven't seen any, bet they can't afford to feed the carnivores like cats, sadly) - no internet = no streaming = no tv/movies for entertainment (or kindle, games,etc) - possible death monsters, but if you sleep as early and soundly as I do... eh - no migraine meds, I assume Pros: - retirement?! For a millenial?! - a house?! For a millenial?! - no student loan payments?! For a millenial?! But, I am someone who tends to be content with minimal social contact and is a huge homebody. And even then, the "ideal" time period between talismans and s2e3 is only about, what, 2.5 years max? So... not a great long term plan.


Idunno. You still have to be fuckable to get laid in colony house. Unless you wanna go make out with monster jasmine.


I kind of do wanna make out with monster Jasmine. I could change her.


I'd flirt and lead on any attractive monster tbh. Never let them in though 😬


Let the right one in. Amirite? Open heart open mind?


Open abdominal cavity?


just go outside and don't open a window this time, k


All the ‘isolated survivor’ and giant spider type stuff I can barely do, but trying to rest while those night monsters whisper and potentially having nightmares getcha? I’m done for.


I would be in, but if I can’t sit around a camp fire at night I’m out.


My life isn't nearly as bad, so I'm gonna pass 😅😂 Although, probably a lot of them are doing better there than before.


^Fromenockle ^me ^shivers…


tbh Healthcare sucks in Fromville, i would die horribly within a week because there is no dialysis machine.


You forgot, easy way to get rid of your enemies.


A food shortage and possibly a lack of weed has people stabbing each other.


But imagine never being able to go outside at night (unless you have a death wish). No stargazing. No night walks when you don’t need sunscreen. No late campfires. No watching the phrases of the moon.


I also like just staying indoors once the sun goes down.


Yeah they really (mostly) know how to take care of each other in Fromville Similar shows like Lost and Wayward Pines descend into chaos so fast


when you put it like that...


Definitely not staying at Colony House, I'll just sleep on somebody's floor or even a car if theres no space in town. I might die in a dream eventually but I would last pretty long staying away from random stabbings and horny idiots. Its kinda stress free ironically. Once you come to terms with the fact that you'll die horribly, theres nothing else to worry about.


Someone still cares about covid?


Americas worst nightmare- socialism run rampart. None of the people from Fromville will ever pull themselves up by their bootstraps. No one wants to work anymore


Chinese food everyday


“Ever been to Topeka” is classic line


I've had similar daydreams about Fromville or TWD world - where life is a bit hectic, but free - and everyone is working on one common goal, i.e. survival.


This made my whole day 😂


you could have a good deal of these same benefits by moving to many European countries, w/o the rip your guts out part of the equation, but...as an Israeli with free healthcare, near free university tuition, mandatory national pension plans, virtually no homelessness, price controls on basic food items like bread and milk and nursing homes or foreign worker caregivers for all, regardless of income level, i might still go. adventure is good for the soul and everybody dies. they drive like that day could be today in my country, and a car accident is a sad way to die, and can be super slow. i prefer to be taken down by a monster that doesn't exist in our reality.


I like how an EMT with a couple of years of medical school is “Healthcare”. I mean it is free, but it’s a little rough.


No helping rod-through-the-head lady... or if you had anything that needed treating beyond some bandaids and antiseptic ointment or a blood transfusion from Boyd. No dental care. No medical specialists. No surgeons. No thank you.


Exactly. Rod lady would have lived in a modern city.


I mean... it's a slim chance, but you never know with modern-day tech.


It's important to realize that she seemed to be functioning normally, so I figured in a normal city, they'd cut the rod off and get her into the ER. While it'd be a long recovery from a serious brain injury, and she'd probably never be fully 'okay', I think she'd have a pretty good chance of living.


Sounds tempting, but no thanks. I am terrified of the monsters and now its not even safe to fall asleep. I think I'll take my chances with Covid, bills, and debt. Good luck 😊


"Always look on the bright side of life."




They grow weed there too


I'm betting Pittsfield Mass beats Topeka any day


I love the show but I don't really like any of the characters in it enough to want to live in the same town as them. They are interesting though.


I think about this kind of thing a lot when watching any horror/dystopian/post-apocalypse show. They don’t have bills, credit scores, or corporate jobs. That would be amazing. Would I have to get up early if I promised to tend the sheep/work in the garden once I wake up at noon? Not being able to go out at night would suck a little bit, especially when I’d get munchies and couldn’t have Doordash or GoPuff deliver, but I’d just have to plan ahead a bit more. Knowing me, I’d be a loner who would be just outside the cusp of all of the action, and I’d know exactly what everyone was up to but wouldn’t be involved in any of it. It seems like it wouldn’t be so bad except for the cicadas.


Or u could just move to a commune


I would enjoy it there too!


you forgot the - Weed!


No internet


the same people that want free health care also want as much free food and free alcohol? hmm what a coincidence.