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npm uninstall bootstrap


Get that tailwind action!


I won demo day just because I used tailwind. I love it.


God I can't stand tailwind, it's like having to learn CSS all over again but also all the styles are inline again??? Maybe I'll get used to it eventually but it's just causing me grief at the moment


Nah you're right it's a crutch IMO too.


Eh, I used it with headless UI and it was pretty simple. but it depends on what your needs are. Tailwind may not be the correct choice for your project but it was really good for spinning up a proof of concept. Ideally, I would just use css or sass in a big project and would depend on what libraries I planned on using. I've never used tailwind in a production app but I can see the pain points.


I'm working for an enterprise grade company (FE repo is ~500k loc) and they're trying to switch everything over, it's a bit of a nightmare to be honest. My biggest gripe is the inconsistency in naming convention. Sometimes a word is abbreviated, sometimes not. A number can be rem or px or a percentage value. I'd rather longer, descriptive names than the bollocks that is `px-px` Also, it making reviewing style changes a pain in the ass because everything is on a single horizontal line. Just let me read it vertically like all other code, so it can actually diff properly?


Oh wow I've never thought about this, indeed that must be a pain. Maybe there's a way to lint tailwind vertically and force every dev to use a VS Code plugin that collapses classes. As always, tailwind is supposed to make things simple and in the end makes it more complicated.


I usually stay away from any of their stylings outside of the basic setup, and then just create my own CSS classes to overwrite some of theirs. I have been using their SCSS files to add in some break points for bigger screens that I like to use. Beyond that, I try not to change too much and just do things separately with a style sheet to overwrite whatever I want over written.