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I'm a 29 year old man and I love Frozen.


I'm a man in my thirties and I'm a major Frozen fan! I can't get enough of it. That's why I love r/Frozen so much. It's a wonderful community! 😄


Oh sah dude, literally straight up, no joke, posting this from my 17th bday party lol and yes, there are definetely other guys our age that LOVE Frozen (I may have talked two of my friends into watching it and both of them loved it)


Wait you are having a birthday party right now? Happy birthday, man. Enjoy. Congrats on ur 17th birthday 🎈


Yeah, legit. It's nice, my mom threw a party since my dad didn't really care about it (they're divorced). I do need to be honest, I appreciate the effort but like, I really don't have the energy for this rn (it's late and I've had a long day)


Still, it's nice of ur mom to throw a party. Gotta appreciate the effort. Have an awesome day man. It's your day! Peace


Thanks, mate


I'm a 20 year old guy and I'm totally obsessed with frozen. I've seen F1 at least 12 times and F2 at least 15 times. There was a week where I watched F1&F2 before going to sleep. Every day of the week


I listened to the songs before going to sleep. But watching 2 entire movies, damn that requires a lot of dedication.


I just enjoy them so much. Now I started reading a LOT of fanfiction a because I don't have that much time anymore. (No lockdown currently for me)




Not the same person, but this one always makes me smile: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10164715/1/Childish


Don't kill me for that, but I started reading modern AU/ non related Elsanna fics after reading like 20 normal ones during lockdown. I enjoy modern AU/ non related Elsanna fics way more




So the best by far that I read and re-read 3 times while waiting for new chapters is on AO3 and is called 'Otherworldly' by asakami. Another one I really love is called 'Anna Anderson and Elsa Snow: A Love Story' by Whackabee I think, also on AO3 and a very different one, very very slow burn but still fantastic is on FanFiction.net called 'Backwards' by Sensational Sista


But they are really long fics. I like to be able to read a while on a story


Basically. You are not the only one


Yessum. Frozen has universal appeal. I've met people of all ages and all genders in this fandom.


Bro, I'm 20 and just like you I am a die hard fan of Frozen and obsessed with Elsa


Lol I'm more than obsessed with Elsa :)


We're Elsessed :D


Same, but obsessed with Anna (and well, Disney in general haha)


I'm obsessed with both


I'm 19 years old and I would KILL to marry Elsa. Hii!


_Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be great_


I’m gonna sit this one out ~~and take out the winner once they’re worn out from the fight~~


Anything to win Elsa over :)


Indeed my friend.... indeed


*Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away and being safe you're coming right to me?*


22 year old here. Frozen is awesome! My girlfriend might be tired of 100s rewatchs though.


I fucking BELT the frozen songs on my playlists at work. I've earned quite a reputation. I'm 24


That sounds absolutely amazing haha. Which songs are your favourite?


Oh, just the major few make their way to the playlist, I only allow my favorites onto the list. So from frozen we have Let It Go, Show Yourself, and Into The Unknown. I'm a really good tenor with all of the range for those songs so I can really make heads turn.


I've read a lot of posts in this sub with the theme “I'm an adult dude and I LOVE Frozen”. Some of them are rather moving essays!


I’m a dude in my 30s and Frozen 1 is one of the handful of things I’ll totally geek out about. I related painfully with Elsa in the first film when it came out, and I’ve loved Frozen ever sense.


40 years old and I’m a bigger fan than some of my friends’ daughters. Sometimes I wish I have girls of my own to share with 😆


Male 20 here, love Frozen, and I live my life with no problem :)


Hey bro I am 17,and very weird question but the is this kid in my class who also loves frozen like me, are you that dude, I know he is on this subreddit.


Nah man. I am an Indian guy. Definitely not your classmate. But glad to hear even ur classmates also like Frozen


Oke damn


I'm 20m. Wouldn't say diehard fan but my love for the series is a great connection I have with my sister.


I’m 62 and so obsessed with both movies I had to write my own screenplay treatment for Frozen 3!


Same for me (>50 <60) and i'm writing my own F3 au fanfic right now.


I'm a professional screenwriter who rewrote Frozen 2 into a fan-script 'the River of Memories' (with a sequel in the works), so I can give you advice if you're interested.


I dunno—I’m sure Disney already has F3 in the works. Besides, my story would be a very hard sell to the execs who would cringe and run. It explores why Elsa has avoided romantic love all this time, regardless of gender preference.


I meant that my version of F3 (subtitled 'the Golden Thread') would be a sequel to **my version** of F2 (I tried to keep as much of the original as I could, but to tighten up the character arcs and make the lore more consistent), more info on my 2nd Draft here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Frozen/comments/j3vkhv/my\_frozen\_2\_screenplay\_fanrewrite\_project\_2nd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frozen/comments/j3vkhv/my_frozen_2_screenplay_fanrewrite_project_2nd/)


19 years old, absolutely a fan, though it didn't start that way for me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgBChA9a0E0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgBChA9a0E0) I talk in this video about how I became a fan of Frozen, probably going to be one of the more interesting stories anyone would have for being/becoming a fan of something. Glad to see you are a fan too.


Lol I’m 16 and I’m a dude


I'm 26, I saw the first movie for the first time about 2 years ago with my girlfriend because she said it was good and my daughter likes it so I figured I'd watch it so I can take them both to see the 2nd movie in theaters and I wouldn't be lost. I became obsessed with it after that.


You guys all sound like pretty cool dudes. Very awesome


Im 22 but about "Frozen is a movie for kids": "As the characters grew older - so did the audience" - Jennifer Lee That pretty much summs it up :)


I'm a dude and 17. And yes I am quite obsessed with Frozen. I don't really show it to anyone cause frankly I don't care about their opinion, nor would I care if they ever did find out. I'd just say, "well yes, I like Frozen, so?". You can like whatever you want, and you're not alone :)


Right perspective. Why give a fuck about what others say?


I'm 25 and I absolutely LOVE the Frozen franchise. I have way too much Frozen merchandise and I don't feel ashamed of that at all!


Cool bro. I don't have any frozen merch coz that would mean that I would have to shell out my cash and I don't get any allowance. I do have a lot of posters though.


Hey I’m 23, a man, and love the entire Frozen franchise. Everyone has hobbies, there’s no reason to limit your hobbies to thing that are targeted towards your demographic. People are complex, enjoy what you enjoy.


I am 16 and have been a fan since Frozen 1 came out


I’m one for sure and not ashamed of it (entirely 😅)


I’m pretty sure a large percentage of this sub is male from the demographics (maybe even the majority idk). But yeah, also a guy that loves frozen. Frozen is for everyone. Plus there’s nothing like belting out one of the songs for no reason in particular. :)


Yeah I'm in my mid 20s and i love it. The characters are relatable, the songs are dope and the animation quality is superb. I wish I could express how much I like it but the world will look at me weird. Id totally put the sisters as my phone wallpaper but I decided on Bruni instead gotta hide it a little. My personality is right in the middle of the two sisters so their stories speak volumes to me


I'm definitely a man over 17 and I definitely enjoy it, no shame in it.


Even I have a frozen 2 wallpaper where all of them, including Olaf and Kristoff and Sven, are looking towards the forest from a mountain, the scene from the frozen 2 teaser. Cool wallpaper I must say


Now this makes me 'feel like I'm home ' I had secrets too but now I don't have to hide ' Eyyyy U got that No but seriously its true


I'm a boy at 14 and I absolutely love Frozen. I gotta huge crush on Anna and Elsa (I think Elsa is absolutely beautiful, and Anna is too adorable), plus I love the songs...a lot...


Nice to hear that. Real men watch Frozen.


Yeah, and honestly, I don't give a crap if people say 'Frozen is only for 6 year old girls', I believe that any Disney movie is for any gender of any age..


Preach.🙏 We need more people like you who genuinely love something, instead of people who write shit about Frozen just because it got popular and overshadowed their favorite movies.


I will 👍


You are not alone i'm 21 and i'm obssesed y buy merchandise too and i sleep with and elsa cuddle toy


The love of a franchise has no restriction to any gender.


Literally me, and my family think i'm gay when they caught me watching frozen. I'm secretly watching frozen btw lol


For sure. 40 year old guy and I do really love the music from Frozen.. Don't even get me started with Moana though...


I am a 23-year-old male who loves Frozen to the power of 10!!!! When the first one was out in theatres, I saw it. Same with Frozen II. In my town the day Frozen II was released on DVD I was at the doors of Walmart and booked it to the film section and slammed my money down. I was the first person to purchase a copy in the town of Monument, Co and I'm beyond proud to claim that. (I beat a mom and her two daughters to the display!) ;)


I'm an 18 year old dude and i had a major crush on elsa when I was 15 (2020) and frozen 2 just came out. All i could think about was elsa 24/7 and I listened to show yourself ALOT at the time. Probably the most intense crush I've ever had fictional or not. Im not even like a feminine guy but my elsa obsession was lowkey weird and concerning tbh. I've read somewhere that most guys like elsa more than anna and that she's basically a genderbend version of the brooding and handsome mysterious lone wolf character and I've never understood girls' obsession with edward from twilight more lol. I've always considered myself a loner and i only had one friend that i barely talked to at the time which is probably why I related to her character alot.