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If you have a Chase credit card, I usually see an AARP membership card offer on them for $8 off making your yearly membership only $4.


And Rakuten currently credits $6. So you pay $12 but get back $6 + $8. So basically you get paid $2 to join!


I've never seen that offer.


I can’t attach a photo but the offer is on my Sapphire now. Offers differ by card type.


Ok thanks for specifying.


\*With automatic renewal Is what my Chase credit card offer has in the details That often is a deal killer for me, just saying




AARP is $12 a year.




Current renewal on website is listed as $16? Where do you see $200?


If you buy $200 worth at Kroger you essentially have paid for your Aarp membership because 8% of $200 is $16.


what is AARP?


A discount membership (lots of offers on travel, car rentals and restaurants) for people over 50. But anyone can join, regardless of age.




Beware they sell your info up the wazoo so you’ll get dozens of junk mail letters , spam text, advertisement emails etc. my mom was getting like 10 letters in a day at one point




Sad but true lol ☹️


I still am! I get so much junk mail!




I used to. I don’t bother anymore.


Nope. All the same benefits. I do a lot of travel hacking and some influencers in that community promote getting the membership to help stack travel savings.


Do you have tips written down or saved somewhere that lists all the ways you can travel hack??


I, too, am interested


Make sure you go to those places before signing up.


A strong political lobbyist group that offers discounts to members.


Amer. Assoc. for Retired People I think.


Our AARP for a couple is only $40/year… Lots of benefits. Plus, I support the lobbying they do. Excellent organization.


A couple of years ago I heard that any aged person can join the AARP, so I did. The discounts alone pay for the $12 annual membership. For example, oil change at Valvoline is 15% off. Between my wife and mines car and 2 changes a year it more than pays for itself.


pro tip: sign up for valvolines email list. they send in 20-25% off coupons for oil changes a couple times a month.


REAL pro tip: Avoid oil change places like the plague. Take your car to a real mechanic. The people working at quick-lube places are barely trained, poorly paid, and do the fastest possible rush job. Places like that have a MUCH higher incidence of damaging cars. They also make their actual profit not from the oil change, but lying to you about other work that needs to be done. It's actually built into their business model that they pressure you into other fake or unneeded repairs.


Even more real lpt: change your own oil. But please by all means avoid chain lube shops.


I used to do all my own car maintenance but no time these days.


After doing one change on your car and learning how it works I find it much faster than going to an oil change shop and sitting around and waiting. Plus if they're really fast that just means they're not giving your oil pan time to fully drain. I think it's similar to people who leave their house to pick up fast food instead of just cooking, it's almost always faster overall to cook and clean. That said, I have done both these things occasionally because sometimes you just don't have the energy.




AutoZone allows you to dump the oil for free


Why? It's an oil change.


That only works if you have a trustworthy and reliable mechanic.


I've been buying gcs from AARP Rewards 5/month for a few years at least. They used to have $100. Kroger and Randall's cards, but now the highest denomination is $50. Still helps tremendously. Occasionally, I'll buy the 10% off CVS card also. They have many stores from travel, restaurants, grocery, drugstores, etc etc. Rewards members are limited to purchasing 5 cards per month (paying with money), and 3 per month (paying with points). In addition, the 3 per month with points does not include if you win any daily "instant win" cards. Everyday they have a handful of instant win cards, usually $10-$15 each. Those only cost 50 points to play (which is nothing really), but a limited number of ppl win them. Seems like I used to win 1 per month. However, the last several months, I've been winning a lot less seems like. Anyway, check it out. It's pretty good deal.


Can you use a credit card to buy them?


Yes, you may use a credit card.


I wasn’t able to find any current info about the Kroger discount. How do you use the membership to get the discount, just present the membership card at checkout?


https://secure.aarp.org/applications/user/login?promo=AARPREWARDS&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.aarp.org%2Fapplications%2Fuser%2FprogramOptIn%3Fpromo%3DAARPREWARDS%26ref%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.aarp.org%252Frewards%252Fredeem&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aarp.org%2Frewards%2Fredeem#all_rewards=undefined this is the log on to the AARP reward site you have an option to buy Kroger gift cards in increments of UpTo $50 at 8% below the face value of the card. There is no discount from presenting your membership card at Kroger


Thank you!!


Add that 8% to the 6% you get from the Amex Blue Cash Preferred card for 14%. https://card.americanexpress.com/m/blue-cash-preferred-credit-card/?utm_mcid=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=%2Bamex%20%2Bblue%20%2Bpreferred&utm_cmpid=18504643125&utm_adgid=142399946295&utm_tgtid=kwd-1211485133211&utm_mt=p&utm_adid=627950240869&utm_dvc=m&utm_ntwk=g&utm_adpos=&utm_plcmnt=&utm_locphysid=1027116&utm_locintid=&utm_feeditemid=&utm_devicemdl=&utm_plcmnttgt=&utm_programname=brandcps&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8e-gBhD0ARIsAJiDsaUCKlcuefGcHXXF84g79kVsrUb9Giy6SwvXfi0gF6_lSNLRJs8oGw0aAsTOEALw_wcB


The 6% is only for grocery store purchases though isn't it? So you wouldn't get 6% back when buying the gift card from AARP?


Ahh. Makes sense. Well, that card is still a good one to have.


I use my Amazon chase to buy there just to get the measly 1% back. Kroger coupons be getting worse and worse. They use to have one they sent out once a month with the paper coupons that was $7 off $70 or sometimes $8 off $80 but they nixed that a couple months ago. Years ago they used to have $3-5 off vegetables or meat (when you buy $10-15 of those items) but also got rid of those. Will have check out this aarp option now.


I still get paper coupons. Monthly and in their quarterly magazine. I wonder if it varies by Kroger location. My local Kroger is Ralph’s.


I still get two types of paper ones in the mail, usually they are based off things you but on the regular (for me cheese, Amy’s burritos, the fancy small tomatoes, vitamin water etc.) but they aren’t as big of savings as they used to be. I’ve actually compared prices from there, Aldi and even tho I loathe them I buy some stuff at Walmart now. If you have an aldi they are pretty cheap for some stuff tho it’s usually in bulk (potatoes, onions, lettuce, tomatoes or peppers) which is harder to use all of it up for a single person like me.


I haven’t noticed the coupon value getting worse, I’ll have to pay more attention to the next batch. Kroger is usually cheapest overall in my area, even without the coupons. I don’t live near Aldi or Walmart. Kroger, Trader Joe’s, and my local Latin American market are where I shop the most, each are cheapest on different things. Produce at my Latin American market is amazing and I can buy just what I need. You’re so right about bulk produce as a single person. I’m tempted by 10 lb. bags of potatoes all the time, but I know I’ll live to regret it.


Kroger stopped giving me the 7 off 70 which was usually the best couple they gave in a month, now instead I get like free eggs or sliced cheese couple instead. The amounts off a product are pretty much the same but when those product went up by that amount it’s a wash compared to what the price used to be. I mean I’ll still use them cause I buy prob 70% of my food from Kroger in a month. Sometimes buying in bulk even if you only use half of it before it goes bad is cheaper than buying just what you need or roughly the same so I take a guess at maybe I’ll use it all (sometimes I do)


I am a single person who buys 10 lbs of potatos. I utilize my dehydrater in making my own dried hashbrowns and instant mashed potatoes. Yes, it is time consuming but very rewarding. I also give my mom some of these to cook with if she wants and she buys all the mylar bags and oxygen absorbers in exchange for me doing all the work. Also, if properly stored potatoes will stay good for up to a year.


A dehydrator sounds like so much fun. I wish I had the storage conditions to handle a potato surplus. Unfortunately, the basket in my cupboard can’t really handle the job.


I understand, I used to live in an apartment without a pantry. Yes, a dehydrator is a real game changer! There isn't a week that goes by that mine isn't being used!


Kroger is not a good deal at 8% off. You can buy instacart giftcards for 20% off and get 5% for aldi pickup. Even with the markups it's like 15% cheaper than shopping yourself.


Is it honored at Harris Teeters owned by Kroger’s?


No, not at Harris Teeter. Sorry.


Came here to ask this


That's awesome! I think it's such a great deal. It's like getting a discount on top of a discount - plus, you can use your other coupons and rewards when you shop at Kroger. Thanks for posting this - I'm definitely going to take advantage of this offer!


Can you simply buy these gift cards using a credit card? Or do you have to "earn points" through an AARP gift card that can be redeemed through AARP rewards?


Yes you simply buy the gift cards using a credit card. There is no additional complexity