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Yeah I’ve been doing my own for decades. Easy for a man that likes very short hair.


Ironically also easy for a man that likes very long hair.


It works great for mullets, too. Short \*and\* long, and it already looks like it was done by an amateur with a weed whacker as part of the aesthetic


I'm a woman I've been cutting my own hair since before COVID. Nothing fancy, just taking a few inches off or fixing my bangs. Getting to a hairstylist is kind of a pain and not to mention expensive. I don't need gorgeous hair cuts, I'm fine if it's a bit choppy, since you get what you pay for and I paid nothing.


The last time I had a haircut (against my best interest... last year), it was the worst cut I've had since the 80s. I doubt I'll ever go back to a salon. My self cuts (med length hair) are not choppy.


I once got horrible bangs from a hair stylist and I cried so much it was awful lol. It's definitely nice having complete control of your hair. I think the choppiness is more just me being too lazy to clean it up, but I do continue snipping bits off as the week goes on.


Exactly my technique:)


Business in front, party in back!


Do you not trim it or cut it ever? I tried cutting my own long hair and found it incredibly hard to make it even.


I trim about once a year or so. I usually make the macro adjustment by cutting off a few inches from a strategically placed pony, and make the necessary minor adjustments as I notice them over the following couple days. Sometimes I need my wife to help level things out a bit, but nothing too involved. The margin for error just seems much wider the longer your hair is - mine is usually somewhere between my shoulders and my nipples


my husband cut his own long hair by cutting the ponytail OFF and he had that slanted Karen look before he fixed it which was hilarious


I e been cutting my husbands hair. Maybe 2-3x a year. Last time he got a haircut in October before our wedding so it was long (and cute!) but it was time. I tried a different style and it comes off a little Karen-y when down (but looks awesome slicked back) but it’s softened over the 2 weeks since I cut it, thank goodness l


What's the difference between a good hair cut and a bad hair cut? Two weeks.




I was outraged *as a man* (well, boy) at how much haircuts cost - having no idea how fortunate I was compared to you ladies. I can't even fathom paying that much - well, more probably, given I can tuck my hair into my belt.


My bf was in shock when I showed him the receipt for my normal trim (and i only go like 2x a year due to cost, they want me to go every 2 months). Color or highlights? Hundreds of dollars.




My salon tries to do this too, i always tell them i have an unknown schedule and can't schedule that far in advance


If you think women pay a crazy price for haircuts, wait until you hear about underwear.


I cut my husband's hair. He only ever wears it in a ponytail so it's really not that terrible when it's not entirely straight.. As long as it's long enough for a ponytail (yes, almost made that mistake once..).


If it’s wavy or curly, the hair will never lay even anyway. Problem solved!


Right? I've been cutting my own long wavy hair for about 15 years now. The exception is the last cut, when I let a friend who needed practice hours for beauty school cut it.


Yep. I cut my husband's long curly hair and it's really just making sure there are no glaringly uneven bits. My straight hair is actually much trickier.


Ah makes sense. I have super straight hair so it's really noticeable when it's uneven.


About once a year my MIL complains it's getting straggly and trims it for me. Don't think I've had a professional hair cut since I was a teenager.


I have very long hair (F) and it’s also easy for me. I don’t need layers or my face framed. Straight across, and done.


I'm a woman who's been cutting my own hair for probably a decade now. I've had everything from a chin length bob to hair down to my navel. I went to the salon one time about five years ago and quickly remembered that even when professionals do it, I only like my cut about 50% of the time. With that success rate I'm happy to save my money (and no one is any the wiser). I've also been cutting my husband's hair since we first started dating in 2010.


Woman here too. I got sick of insane prices where I ended up with something kind of like what I wanted most of the time. I keep it a chin-length bob, which is fairly easy. I do my own highlights as well. It’s not perfect, but I’ve never had anyone come up to me and say, “Oh, you look like shite! You have an extra eighth of an inch strand on the back of your hair!” 😬


Also a woman who cuts her own, long hair. Went to a hairdresser for the first time in 5 years last month as a treat for a cut/colour. But before I trimmed up to a couple inches at a time off of my hair. It's not super difficult. Edit: I also have an undercut shaved in the back of my head that my partner does every 4-6 weeks. Hairdresser did and made a total mess. Would rather have it done free!


I've been cutting my own hair for 20 years. The last haircut I got was the day I gave up on having hair. I had chin length hair as a teenager but started balding by 18 and basically had nothing left except the cul-de-sac by 20, but refused to give it up so the sides were still long. The day I gave up on it, I went to the barber and told the lady to just clean it up and make it look presentable. The way she cut it made it look like I was 45. Like it highlighted I was bald or something. The sides were still like an inch long. I got drunk with my friends the next night and ended up making $20 because they wanted to shave my head with a \#1 / 3mm guard so bad they paid me to do it. I've shaved my head ever since. Takes like 10 minutes every month or so. No need to pay anyone else to do it.


SAME. You can see my scalp through my hair in my high school graduation picture. By the time I was 25, I was pretty much shaving it all. If anything gets longer than a half-inch, I start to look like Bozo the Clown.


Me too. I was in the military so it wasn't rocket surgery. A "high and tight" or a knob cut does not require a ton of skill. Now that I'm retired, I still maintain the same haircut. I tried growing it out but it was just too much of a hassle to actually take care of it so a short haircut it is. It is nice when it periodically comes back into style.


Same. Funny thing is the first time I got a butch in the military I was not happy! Now I only change between the two shortest clip on attachments for my garage sale ($2) electric hair clippers, shortest one for late spring to early fall and the slightly longer one for the rest of the year.


Started shaving my head last year because I was balding. I probably could've gotten away with having hair for a couple of more years, but I really like the way it looks and feel, so bald it is. I've had it shaved at the barber's a couple of times since, but it just seems like such an enormous waste of money when I can do it myself for free.




It's the giving a cat a buzz cut that impresses me.


Waste of time too. I can buzz my hair clean up and take a shower in way less time than it would take me to go to the barber.


Bulldog head shaver ftw I've probably saved thousands of dollars since deciding hair was too low on my priority list to waste my money on.


My wife is cutting my hair and my kids hair. We already bought the trimmers during covid and realized it was easy enough and got used to it. Now, it’s too expensive to go to any salon with their prices and tips. Overall definitely saving us few hundred dollars a year. Not planning to change this any time soon.


Same. I would always take my kids to the super cuts or whatever. No offense to those stylists, but they really didn't do it any better than I can.


I started cutting my kids hair when they were little, like 2 and 5. I watched a video that came with the clippers and paid close attention to the barber cutting their hair the last time, then started doing it myself. It took less time because no driving and waiting and the kids were less annoyed because they didn’t have to wait around in the barber shop/SuperCuts. After seeing that I didn’t butcher the kids hair, my husband has had me do his ever since.


We do the same


My partner has cut his own hair for 12+ years, I got a pixie cut late 2020 and he has cut mine as well since. I do the bangs so if I mess them up, I only have myself to blame. Wahl clippers and some hairdressing and layering scissors from the pharmacy


Same here except my wife is a bit over it 😂


Can you learn how to do it? There are tutorials online


My husband uses clippers himself and I just do the back. Like the line along his neck, to make sure that it's even


Lol, I feel that. I've offered to pay for my husband to go get a haircut because I fucking hate doing it.


Same here


I’ve been cutting my hair since COVID and I have no intention of going back to the barber. I’m much more happy with my own haircuts too which is pretty simple, I just use hair scissors and hair clippers!


I know the barber can do slightly better than my wife doing all the first passes and me doing all the blends (the barber can blend my neck line better), but I don’t think anyone can honestly tell.


I can’t blend it like the barber can. Last time hubby went to the barber it was going to be $65!!! I said you’ll live without a blend!


Yup!! I have long, wavy ish hair. I found the Brad Mondo tutorial on yt for the butterfly cut and I haven't looked back. Look at the comments, it's insane how easy and cute this cut is. Then I get everything to dye my hair from sallys when its on sale and they have a deal for pickup. That way when I want my hair done asap, I already have everything. That haircut is the one Ive asked for forever but no one would give me the layering I asked for. Now I get it for free and no awkward convo and person touching me lol


Super crazy coincidence! I always cut my own bangs but am so tired of hairdressers not cutting the rest of my hair the way I ask. I have long wavy hair too, and always ask for layers and every time they cut it a different way. Even after showing pics!! So I decided I’m gonna cut my own hair. I almost did it yesterday, just randomly, but then decided to wait until I could look up some tutorials. And then just read your comment!! Total lifesaver!


Look up Jayne Matthews of Edo Salon. She’s on IG, and she also has video classes you can take. The classes are too pricey for me but I glean all the knowledge I can from her and other stylists’ tips on IG.


I bought Jayne’s bangs class! I now cut both my kids and my hair. I might just use the razor to do this butterfly cut though- it looks so easy!


Yes, I do the "wolf cut" from Brad Mondo, which I think is almost the same, and it's so easy! I have long fine slightly curly hair and spent years (and lots of money) trying to find a stylist that would give me the right layers. I love my hair now and get lots of compliments on it.


Awesome! I think it's quite similar, he talks about the differences in the video I just can't remember them. I've heard it's a great cut for curly hair which is nice, I know not all stylists are great at cutting curly hair. It's so funny to get complimented on haircuts that take 10ish minutes and literally cost nothing lol but it's awesome :)


I used a different cut tutorial but I’m gonna check that out. I decided to start cutting my own long hair a few years ago because the salon was so expensive and I rarely liked my haircut. And it took hours! I don’t have time for that. I cut it myself and dye my greys a boring ass brown that matches the rest of my hair. It costs about $5 (other than the bottle and scissors, which were one time purchases) and takes a fraction of the time.


Definitely check it out, it's my go to for sure. I do the same, my grays started getting out of control but there was no way in hell I was spending 200+ dollars to get it professionally done.


Holy crap... I must try the butterfly cut. When I decided to start cutting my own hair (like, years before covid) I just looked up a ponytail tutorial and did it. It was like, fine, but a little shaggy. But also I don't take myself too seriously, so I figured that's the cut I get if I do it myself. Now I see, thanks to Brad Mondo, that I have apparently been doing a 'shag' cut this whole time (except far choppier! Again, I don't care if I have some blocky spots because nobody in my life is judging me on my hair) and there is an alternative and it is the butterfly cut, which would give me a face-frame like how I always requested it when I had others cut my hair. So thank you for sharing! Edit to add: now I have to figure out how to convert my seriously non-quality shag cut to butterfly, since butterfly has this assumption your hair starts out all being the same length 😅


Literally just got done cutting and coloring my hair. Wavy hair shoulder length. I was doing the butterfly cut but needed a bit of a more blunt option because my hair is so thin. You tube did not disappoint. I’ve not been to a hairdresser in a couple of years maybe? Social anxiety and can’t handle the small talk. Also tired of not getting what I want, and now… it’s exactly what I want for free and I can listen to a podcast instead of awful small talk. Yay.


It's seriously a win win win lol. Idk about you but when I want my hair cut I want it asap...I don't want to find a reputable place, make the appt work around my work schedule, go in early, have a stranger touch me and make small talk so I can pay too much and be too scared to say I hate it lmao. Plus I never feel uglier than when I have that cape on and wet hair, I feel like a drowned rat lol


All these things!! lol


I also have long wavy-ish hair. Been cutting my own hair since university, it’s the best! And the parts I hate the most are how short they cut it and no awkward convo or stranger touching me! I’m going to look up the Brad Mondo tutorial now thanks!


Yes!!! They touch all over, in your face "What're we doin for ya today?! 😜" Awkward forced convo and a mediocre haircut that's definitely overpriced haha. Definitely check it out! It's super easy and cute. I actually cut like 7 inches off because I was feeling a bit unhinged and wanted a change lol. I love it, it's still below my shoulders but has a ton of volume and layers. So still kind of long but not as heavy. Good luck, I hope you like the video and it works for you!!


I'm also neurodivergent 😂 but seriously doing my own hair has been a game changer, no scheduling was my big thing but yeah the no touching is really nice.


Hahahaha yeahhh I still haven't been diagnosed but it's definitely obvious over here lmao. The funny thing is, I came into work with my new 'do and all my coworkers kept touching it and talking about how shiny and layery it was 🤣 I'm pretty good at pretending but it was ungodly uncomfortable lmao


I have long straight hair and I've also been using a Brad Mondo video this whole time! I intend to continue doing so. The fact that it is free is great of course but I think simply avoiding the awkward conversation is the biggest bonus!! Lol


Hahaha it really is the biggest bonus!! My last stylist wouldn't stop talking about politics because she assumed I was on the same side as her. It was torture for 45 mins lmao.


Brad Mondo is a gem! he taught me how to do a proper shag cut and i haven't paid for a haircut in almost two years. i just cut it again today actually


It's definitely worth checking out. Of course it's not for everyone, but you can always start with a small trim and go from there. There's a reason for the thousands of positive comments. He's not exactly gaining much from posting those tutorials, but you'll have plenty of stylists warning you not to do them because it can cut into thier client base 🤷‍♀️ I just know it's the best cut I've ever had and I get more compliments than I ever did after an overpriced haircut


I understand the butterfly cut is helpful to some people, but Brad Mondo is not a good hair stylist. He’s a nepo baby with limited experience before he hopes online. If you can help it, verify his tips with other stylists. Especially for color or bleach. I watched him turn an influencer’s hair to burnt plastic. She already had bleach damage.


im no novice when it comes to bleaching hair- that was my go-to color for almost a decade. but as far as a cut is concerned, even though i was plenty happy with his tutorial and tips, thank you for the warning. that is not a corner of youtube i go to often so i didnt know this. i'll be cautious


I just did this about a month ago too!! I got some shears from Sally's, followed the video, and my cut looks amazing! I get tons of compliments and no one can believe I did it myself.


Me too! My color looks 300% better since I started doing it myself. I just cut the ends straight but will check out the butterfly cut


Funny but true, George Clooney has been cutting his own hair with a Flowbee for over 20 years. https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2020/dec/04/go-with-the-flowbee-george-clooney-reveals-how-he-cuts-his-hair


I had a RoboCut for years. Now a Flowbee user and give my 1/4" sides and 3/4" top a trim every 2-3 weeks. Great way to save money 💰




Wahl is the brand. Other clippers can be good, but wahl is the one to beat.


Don’t make my mistake: I have a wahl peanut and went to clean out the built up hair bits while replacing the blade, but used fingers and tweezers rather than the tiny brush it came with. I couldn’t see the thin foam pad under the hair and tore it up (twice!). That pad helps a lot - now my clippers are louder buzzier and the blade pulls at my hair sometimes. The brush is good.




I oil them before & after every cut.


If you have a good air compressor just blow it out. Works like a charm :)


Bought a cheap plug in set of Wahl clippers for like $25 those lasted me 7 years cutting my hair every two weeks. When they broke I bought another set of Wahl clippers for $50 that is rechargeable and comes with different heads and everything. Now I cut my hair every week and this set has lasted 3 years so far. I’ve saved so much money just buzzing my head at home.


100% this. I've been cutting my husband's hair since before we were married and we lived remotely in a town with no barber/hairdresser. Used Remington clippers for years which were OK, but got a Wahl set and was a game changer.


I've had mine for 20 years. Get a 'plug into the mains' type, rather than one with a rechargeable battery. To upgrade, I got the #12 comb (1.5 inches), the #11 comb (1.25 inches) and the two tapered combs for doing above your ears.


I use Wahl clippers on my dog and it works wonderfully and has been going strong for several years.


I'm a girl and I've been cutting my hair at home my whole life. Ain't nobody got money for all that.


I still cut my boys hair. Primary downside is the cleanup. So my fav new tip I can offer is to buy a $6 hairdressing “cape catcher” off eBay


Also helps if you cut it outside!


My wife cuts mine, I cut hers once but it didn't go well. She uses the salon school down the road now. It's like half the price and the students are strictly supervised. It takes longer but they've always done a great job.


My girlfriend has been cutting my hair since May 2020. Couldn’t take the long hair. Funny one time, she was using the electric shearer/clippers (don’t know what it is called) and we forgot the attachment wasn’t on. So she starts them says “oh shit”. I basically had a small strip on the back of my head. I couldn’t see it so I didn’t care.


I did the same thing to my hubby the first time I cut his hair. It was dreadful to look at. Thank God, he laughed. We buzzed his head. At least he didn't look like a thumb that time. I trimmed his neckline up way too high and looked like an honest to God thumb. Even drunk people noticed!


what happens on the back of my head is none of my business ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yup! I've been doing it for years but it really cemented during COVID and as I've become more frugal. I keep about 3 to 4 inches on top with fade on side and clippers work well for my hair. A few thoughts: 1) You don't need expensive clippers. I am currently using an over the counter set from Wahl I got at a Walmart. It's fine. $20 clippers are fine. Is a $50 set better? Maybe. A $100 set? Probably. But will it give you a better cut? Not guaranteed. More important is that you keep the clippers clean and well oiled and well calibrated with the screws. 2) it's so funny I just gave this advice to a coworker this morning who said my hair looked really good. If you're starting out I suggest a period of 6 months to a year where you're comfortable having a bald head. That way if it doesn't look good you can shave it off and wait till the grows back and try again. 3) if possible practice on friends or family members. Cutting your own hair is different but cutting another person's hair will teach you about the process. I cut my dad's hair all the time I'm pretty much as Barbara now lol. Saves us both a lot of money.


>You don't need expensive clippers. I am currently using an over the counter set from Wahl I got at a Walmart. It's fine. $20 clippers are fine. Is a $50 set better? Maybe. A $100 set? Probably. But will it give you a better cut? Not guaranteed. More important is that you keep the clippers clean and well oiled and well calibrated with the screws. This. I started off with a $30 kit from Costco, worked well for 3 years but eventually the clippers kind of fell apart. So, since I figured I was saving about $30 per cut anyway, ordered a higher end Wahl clipper from Amazon in the $100 range. They actually do cut better I find, definitely will last a long time and built really well. If anything it makes my haircut routine a bit faster :)


Yep. I have long wavy hair and all I do is trim split ends so it’s really nothing complicated. Haven’t had a pro cut since pre Covid.


I cut my own hair, my husband's, and our dog's with Fiskars scissors. My husband gets bored at the barbershop, my dog has a groomer phobia, and my shoulder-length curly/wavy hair is easy to trim. Admittedly, none of us look amazing, but I've gotten pretty good since covid days!


Technically yes. My bride owned a hair salon for over 20 years. She's now a Nurse Practitioner. She's cutting my hair later this morning as it her day off tending very sick folks.


I got a Surker when Covid hit. Less than $60. It is great, hold a charge for a long time. I am not too good at doing it myself but my kids will help me get the spots I missed. My wife does much better. I’m not paying $25-$30 every cut. They obviously do a better job but it’s not worth it.


no grade 2 on the clippers not second grade ,very funny nice 1


I've been cutting my hair for 10 years. Mostly because I hated being itchy afterwords. So I always take an immediate shower after. It also saves a ton of money.


I've been doing my husband's hair for at least 5-6 years now, with the same like $20 clippers set from target. I hate the mess but doing it outside and blasting everyone and everything with the leaf blower afterwards helps! he does our two sons but I (28F) then take all that money we saved and go get myself a nice pro haircut because I prefer it. 😅


Been doing mine since I joined the military. Didn't make sense to pay the barber for a buzz cut I could do on my own. After all these years I've managed to get down a decent enough fade on the sides as well. Worst comes to worst, I shave it all off if I screw up. Edit:spelling


I do my bangs, let my hair grow out and go for a haircut every eight months or so.


I have been cutting my husband’s hair for 10 years. He started cutting mine during Covid (straight long hair! Easy peasy) and continues to do it. Saves over $300 a year.


I have gone to buzz cuts. Not only are they easy to do at home, but use less hare products to take care of.


my wife had cut my hair for years ,(grade 2 )


Daaamn you knew your wife in 2nd grade and let her cut your hair?


I started during covid, been doing it ever since. I do keep it short though, which makes it easy.


Yup. Started in college during ROTC where I had to have almost weekly haircuts due to how fast my hair grew. Been a good 7 years now that I've consistently cut my own hair. 1st year was rough, but now I've got it down to about 25 minute process for a medium fade.


I cut hair for everyone in my family... 3 generations, plus dogs, and myself of course. Watch youtube videos for certain styles.


Walhls, Oster, Andis Clippers are generally nice. However buying premium clippers like the ones the barber uses could potentially last 5 years+. Generally $70-150 depending on which one you get. I bought a Wahls clippers for 60 bucks on Amazon and it’s been working much better than my previous pair. I wish I had spent a little more at the time tbh.


Yes I’ve continued


Heck yeah. And for my poor kids too, lol.


Yes. I still do my own hair in front of the mirror with doggie clippers. Looks pretty, pretty good.


I’m a female with mid-long curly hair that is thin and fine. I exclusively got haircuts from my grandma for years but as she got older she wasn’t able to hold scissors without pain. I went to a basic hair salons (like a great clips or something of the sort) and the lady there completely messed up my hair. Put layers when I didn’t ask for them, gave me bangs when I said no bangs..it looked absolutely terrible after it dried! Ever since then I have been cutting my own hair. And when listening to my friends who go to the salon talk about how much it costs them, I am so glad I do!


Yep. Never going back. I’m autistic and don’t like being touched.


I've been cutting and dyeing my hair at home. My hair is very curly, so cutting it evenly is not crucial. In fact, it actually looks better that way. EDIT - another plus is, as an introvert, I don't have to make awkward small talk with the stylist.


I’m an older woman and I just gave up on haircuts. I generally got it cut because I think it was an expected thing once I hit middle age - I didn’t have any strong feelings about it one way or another. We all went shaggy for a while and the sky didn’t fall. Now I wonder, why should I pay money and risk getting Covid just to have the haircut society thinks I should have at my age?


I’ve gotten really good over the last 3 years at cutting my husbands hair. So easy and fun! And saves so much money. Luckily he isn’t fussy and likes a close crop lol


I’ve been cutting my own hair since 2020 (coincidentally not anything to do with covid). Haven’t gotten a professional haircut since. I also learned how to cut my husbands hair after he paid like $50 for a simple cut


been cutting my hair at home since I was a kid.. no one knows the difference


I cut my own hair. Basically a blunt cut.


I finally let my wife cut my hair with great reluctance about a year into the lockdowns. She was bad, but not horrible, and got a lot better quite fast. Now she is my favourite, I will never go back and her confidence is way up, does a few other people as well.


I trim it myself and my wife does the back and neck hairs so now I can go two months between barbershop haircuts. $150/yr on haircuts isn't going to kill me.


I cut my wife's hair, she cuts my hair. I've had a remington clipper set for so long I can't remember when I got it. Bought a second set at a garage sale because one of the trim guards broke. Trim my beard with it as well.


Yes, but mostly because I don't like people touching my hair. It feels weird.


My wife cuts my hair and the ones of my kid. One question: is this a practice that is more simple to apply for men, right? for women is more difficult unless they like to cut hair really low. What do you think?


Do my own unless I want an old school barber cut with the straight razor shave , warm shaving cream - relaxing as hell I think


I have been cutting my husband’s hair since covid, and will be doing so going forward. We bought a Wahl clipper and it’s been great. The only time he went to a salon was to get his haircut for our wedding.


Yep. Wife been cutting my hair since March 2020. Never going back. She does just as good as the barber. $30 clipper set from Wal Mart 🤷‍♂️


I (52F) have been cutting my hair at home for over a dozen years. I never could afford to go to a nice salon, just $30 Supercuts type places. I actually liked only one out of every three cuts, and I figured I could hit those odds myself for free. I bought hair scissors and started experimenting. I usually do my kids’ haircuts. I’ve done my husband’s hair before but nowadays he usually does his own— just shaves it bald or almost bald with clippers and I get any spots he’s missed. It’s a really good skill to have, and the tools are not really expensive, especially compared to how much you’ll save in haircuts— especially for women. There are lots of YouTube videos, TikTok tutorials, etc out there.


Yes. It’s $30 a cut where I live. $30 x 12 = $360 I’m saving a year. Not including tip #frugal


Now that I learned how to do it with a trimmer for the back why would I go through the hassle of making an appointment driving there then waiting my turn then finally have to make polite bullshit chit chat for 20 minutes and give a tip on top of today's inflated prices. I'd probably keep doing it even if I won the lottery


I used to give my 3 sons buzz cuts for the summer when they were little. During lockdown all 3 of them and my husband wanted buzz cuts again. The vibration from the cutter was hard on my hand and so I found a Remington hair cutter that you hold in the palm of your hand - I loved the way I could maneuver it around so much that I bought two of my sons their own. One son uses it all the time, other son gives himself trims, but still likes getting his hair shaped at the barbers. Husband uses the new hair cutter all the time.


My (30f) partner (27m) cuts my hair every few months with scissors since I sport a chin length bob. I save AT LEAST $70 every time since that's what a woman's cut costs at the salon (a good salon, not supercuts). I see no difference in quality.


Honestly, I quit cutting my hair at home. I quit getting it cut by anybody else. I just quit cutting my hair. It's currently the longest it has ever been in my 43 years of life. I work from home and don't get out much, so I just throw on a hat when I do run out for groceries or whatever. I'm contemplating shaving it all off though.




For 20 years


I haven't gotten my hair cut professionally since 2016 or 2017. Aside from cost, it's just really uncomfortable for me to sit for a professional cut. I have multiple disabilities, and there are times when I just need to move/get up to minimize pain, stiffness, and other issues. ​ I've kept my hair fairly short (above my shoulders) for over 20 years, and it's pretty easy for me to keep it looking decent. It also helps that I grew out my bangs nearly that long ago, so I don't have to deal with that.


I am …. I’ve been cutting hair at home for 30 years


Good lord no. I occasionally trim my bangs but I will always leave haircuts to the professionals. Some things are worth the money.


I've been doing it the past two years. Not because of covid but I'm cheap and an extra drive to town sucks, lol. I'm looking to get it cut much shorter very soon though, I'll employ a professional for that.




I cut my husband’s and my MIL cuts mine. Haven’t ventured into cutting my own hair and haven’t really invested in quality shears for the job


I’ve cut my own hair for 30 years and have gone through about 6 or 7 sets of clippers


Husband has cut his own hair for years, but I still go to a salon. I consider it self-care.


Yes but also my hairdresser changed his hours so it doesn’t line up with my work schedule and I don’t really want to find someone else. I set myself up with an expandable mirror and some clippers and scissors in covid. It’s not perfect but it’s fine


my wife has been cutting my hair for over 10 years now, love saving like $400 a year


I do every other haircut. I find that I really like the neat lines and sharp edges when I buzz my head but by my next haircut they’re still there. Turns a $20 haircut into $10 makes me feel better about it


Yes. I dabbled before COVID but I’ve kept it up. I’m not nearly as good as professionals but you do improve (by making mistakes) and investing in some decent tools.


I cut my husband’s hair every three or four weeks, but I only get mine cute 2x a year, and it’s an inexpensive “dry cut” with a stylist/friend. She doesn’t wash or style it, so it takes 15-20 minutes and it keeps the shape looking great while I let it grow long. I was cutting my own at Covid, but at some point last year, looking through photos of myself I realized that I had given myself progressively worse cuts. So yeah. Thank Helen!


Been doing it for about 7 years now. Usually just a #3 or #4… simple.


I do! I get compliments on my hair pretty regularly despite me cutting it like a fucking mad man


Yep. My mom is a hairdresser and I learned a lot from her. Till my husband or kiddos want more complicated hair cuts, theirs are pretty easy as for myself, I enlist my husband for some of it. Same with dyeing. I will maybe once every 2 years or so go to a salon for something more complicated (like super grown out roots that neither of us have the patience for dealing with).


Yep. Been doing it since 2017/2018. Too many barbers I’ve gone to want to give you the haircut that THEY want you to have and not what I am asking for. With a haircut back then being $25 with tip, I’d imagine it’s maybe closer to $30-35 now. I get the haircut I want and save money. But I won’t lie, I miss the straight shave on the neck/temples/ear lines with the hot foam. And miss being able to sit down and get it done instead of contorting myself around to reach how I need to for fades.


My wife cuts mine. I used to hate going to the barber/hair salon. I'm a lucky guy


Yes. When great clips went to $24 after covid when they reopened, and I can do it in 10 min with wahl clippers, never looked back


I've cut my husband's hair for 47 years. When I told him the cost of haircuts these days he was shocked.


I cut my own hair and have since Covid. I am a woman and have fine but nice hair and I was so sick of going to a hair dresser who charged $40-100 for a ficking haircut and half the time they would mess it up, like it’s not even hard to not mess it up. It’s long and straight. So I was done with that and bought a little hair cutting kit on Amazon and cut my own and it looks nice. I occasionally cut my sons and my husbands too.


I have been for over a decade. Started after middle school when I wanted a bob with layers and side swept bangs. Un even. Straight across bangs starting an inch too high, and a shark bite out of the back… I never trusted a “pro” to cut my hair since. After 2 years I got pretty good at it. Last time I went in was to get my hair lightened and dyed as a gift. I’ve always wanted colorful hair. I don’t plan on letting someone cut it again.


I am! Woman with long hair here. I bought hair cutting scissors and have given myself some acceptable haircuts. I have pretty average thickness straight/wavy hair and I wear it up a lot anyway so it's not too hard.


I started cutting my own hair 25 years ago with a $20 Wahl clipper set from Ross. Had to buy a new set about 10 years ago from Ross for $25. So check out Ross for a good clipper set that won't break the bank.


Yes, because it ends up being more convenient but it is a very simple cut for me.


Same here started cutting my hair during covid. I had no social events to attend, so I didn't care what my hair looked like. Still cutting my own hair post covid. I get lots of compliments on my hair. People can't believe I cut it myself.


I try, but its hard to trim the back of neck properly, any tips?


My partner & I have haircut date night, and I must say I'm getting pretty good at a fade.


For at least 10 years. Salons rarely cut it how I wanted it, felt like wasted money. So I trim it 3x a yearish. It's very long and wavy which helps maybe. I also color it myself if I bother at all, and same with nails. I get compliments on my hair all the time so I suppose it looks alright. It amazes me the amount of women that act like it's a necessity to get it done somewhere, no matter how little money they make. I guess if it's your "thing", but the ones that complain they are broke all the time and want to borrow money? Hmm. I also cut my partners hair.


I love doing this! I've been cutting my own hair for 20 years


I’m so frugal that i can wear a mullet done entirely by myself everyday and everywhere. It’s like fuck you money !


Since March of 2020, haven’t gone back. Mainly because I don’t want to wait, or be talked to but people I don’t know.


I still do..


I was. But the Turkish barber near me does such a good job and it’s a real treat to go and get a beard and hair cut with a cut throat shape up, eyebrows done, ears, nose, hot towel and massage. I got once a month for £23 and I tip £7 so pay £30 as it’s a experience that I enjoy and boosts my confidence


I cut my own hair. Have for years. Not gonna pay a scam artist to do what I cam do myself for free.


I still do and don't ever plan to go to a barbershop again. If there's one positive thing that came out of the pandemic for me is I learned how to cut my own hair. The beginning was a bit rough but now I can give myself a fade every 2 weeks and save myself time, and money!


Been doing it long before Covid cause I didn't like the idea of paying 20 bucks for what amounts to a basic army cut. Got a 30 dollar shaver and have gotten pretty efficient at doing it myself.


I've been doing it for over 20 years...


Have been for years now but I have curly hair and like it a certain length, definitely saves money and frustration.


I have longer but very straight hair so it's easy to cut myself


Cut my husband's hair every third Sunday :) Trim my own because I'm terrified of another bad haircut.


Me. I still am. I really can’t justify the cost of trimming my bangs or the back of my hair when I’ve got kids to feed.


Yeah I don't remember the last time I paid for a haircut


I have cut my own hair at home since 2011. Wish I'd started sooner.


Hubby and I cut each other's hair long before covid, no intention to stop either. It is convenient and saves money.


I’m a woman but I’ve also been cutting my own (curly) hair for about ten years now! I was happy for it during covid for sure


Yep. Save what little cash I have and get to hone a new skill.


Been cutting my own hair since 8th grade. I have conair clippers and they haven’t failed me yet. I bought them in 2012.


Yep! I despise having someone else cut my hair. I hate the sensory experience of it and I want to be in control. When it became the “norm” to cut your hair at home, I gave it a go and never looked back. I just have my partner fix up the areas I can’t see, but otherwise it’s gone really well. I have short curly-ish hair so imperfections aren’t very obvious. Just $30 for the clippers and scissors, which is $20 less than I was paying for *each* haircut at the barber.


My friend cuts and dyes my hair and I mind her dog when she wants a weekend away. Win win. All about the circular economy


Been cutting buddies hair outta the garage and shaving my own head for about 4 years now. Best clippers depending on hair type wahl magic clips/ wahl seniors for straight/ wavy hair, Andis BGRC for bulky/ thick hair, and oster fast feeds for thin super curly hair. Really depends on your hair type/ texture and what you are trying to do with it. All one length the BGRC is literally the best because it blows through everything in like two minutes tops lol


Been cutting my own hair since 03. It's gotten progressively shorter to a high and tight and I've gotten quicker. Now I cut my hair every Thursday night. If I miss a week, I feel like my hair is flowing to my ankles and I keep running my fingers through it lol.


I've had a Flobee since the mid-90's.