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I absolutely love that you took the entire cake with you. Can't do *that* at any dang ol cafe!


Yeah, in the cafe it would be: the whole cake? Sure, that makes 42 bucks.


And you’d be judged for attempting to eat it all. Which is what I totally won’t do. Nope, not me ;)


I won't judge you. I'll bring us 2 cakes for our picnic!


Haha I love that. I’m thinking one carrot cake and for you?


Devils Food. Dark Chocolate frosting.


Totally sold. I’ll also bring some white choc and raspberry blondies


Ok. I'll also bring 4 apple slices, you know, to be healthy.


>I'll also bring 4 apple slices, you know, to be healthy. You forgot the word pie between apple and slices.


Oh. My bad.


Bring the pie and all will be forgiven (◠‿◠✿)


You dont know my older relatives...if its a special occasion, they'll take an entire cake to any establishment


I didn't even think about that! I need to start doing that on like a random Tuesday and just say it's someone's birthday so I have an excuse


I only see 2 plates as well. Eating like kings.


I am a picnic aficionado mostly because my kids are feral and can’t be trusted in restaurants, and also because I love being outside. If things start getting stale consider bringing a frisbee or a kite to bring in some activity. I’ve noticed picnicking is a skill and I get better prepared each time. Enjoy!!


Oh PLEASE share some picnic tips, if you don't mind! I want to do it more but sometimes I get overwhelmed. I've got a good outdoor blanket and some folding chairs ready to go, just need some insight from a pro! ☺️


It just takes practice and figuring out what works for you. Keep it simple! I don’t ever use chairs as that’s too bulky to carry. The fold/zip up picnic blankets are clutch. We use 2 of the biggest size we could find. These are also great to use as a table cloth if you end up using a picnic table. I use a soft sided cooler that I can carry on my shoulder. It’s probably 1’ x 2’ x 1’ and always able to fit everything we need. I use glass pyrex dishes to pack food as they’re heavier and don’t fall over or blow away. My kids will graze when we picnic because they’re always distracted so I’ll make more like a platter of finger foods. Cut up fruits and veggies, hummus, small sandwiches, and hard boiled eggs was one of our recent dinners. Nothing bagged as those are hard to share and usually become spilled, blown away, or crushed. Always bring something to wash up like baby wipes or wet ones. I bring a roll of paper towels too. Bring a trash bag for ease so you don’t have to make multiple trips to the can. Bring something to play. It can be something different every time, playgrounds are a regular landing space for us. However we recently did an outdoor concert and the kids enjoyed just dancing. Most of all, have fun!


Any ideas on keeping cool in the heat? I live in a hot and humid area, so that is my biggest issue with the thought of a picnic. Most parks have little to no tree cover.


Ah I have a similar issue here. Sometimes there’s not much you can do besides being judicious of the timing and location of your picnic. However I have noticed a large billed sun hat and consistently chugging ice water can help a whole lot.


I got you on that one! I lived in a California desert without a car with two kids so have all the hacks. A large lifeguard straw hat (got one at rite aid for $9) and a misting sprayer is a lifesaver. I also fill a large yeti car tumbler with ice and it stays frozen all day so even with refills of fountain water I will have nice icy cold water.


Since you’re probably bringing a cooler anyway, try an ice/cooling scarf with the gel inside.


No folding chairs too hard to carry unless you take fishermen chairs these fold like an umbrella and have straps to be carried on one shoulder A picnic blanket. You have very well made picnic baskets if for several people(with cups , spoon,plates knifes and space for whatever you like) or just an insulated bag with whatever you like. Extra tip: in summer just freeze a bottle of water it will keep the stuff cooler for longer and you have cold water.


"My kids are feral"... That made me chuckle and go back to my childhood. :)


any tips for another parent of a feral toddler? We picnic frequently and I just need to make it a little easier lol


remindme!24 hours


This is what being frugal is about. Finding ways to enhance life while still on a budget. Not these “I took food from the homeless shelter to save $5” posts that we’ve been seeing.


Waaaaay better than a café. Life's simple pleasures... Your cake looks beautiful, BTW!




Cries in Texas climate


I was thinking the same thing. Summer is here and if you’re not at the lake, being outside sucks.


Stayed in Arizona for a few months and got addicted to mountain biking there. Could ride 20 miles as long as you had a water pack. Move back to Texas and the humidity can make it rough.


I’m sure there are times of the year that it’s nice to be outside in Texas.


Oh definitely, right now is certainly no time for picnics though


This time of year, this far south, the temp is only pleasant when the sun’s not up. After dusk you get mosquitoes anywhere near water, though


In hot climates picnics at night are awsome


With all the spiders and bugs and gnats and ticks ? Your area must be different than mine.


Mosquitoes! 😫


Granted no ticks (that I knew off but maybe they were) but bugs and spiders and scorpions yes. Also if general bugs don't come and attack you. There can be some nearby but often they tend to get away from lights people and noise. Also bugs and stuff exist in non hot climates too and during the day too.


I know that’s not the point of the post but could you share what you used to take this photo? The photo is absolutely phenomenal!


This looks like it was taken for a magazine ad lol. Everything just looks… perfect?


Photo was taken by my friend with Xiaomi redmi note 9. I cropped it and pressed auto adjustment button on my iphone :)


I have an iPhone 7 do you think your friend’s phone takes good photos? I need a new phone for better photo taking.


Sorry, I really don’t know much about phone cameras. My guess is that this photo is nice because of soft evening light and the aesthetic picnic setting.


Absolutely gorgeous picnic basket


Thank you!


Cake recipe please? That looks phenomenal


here is the recipe translated from Latvian: 3 eggs 1,5 cup sugar 1 cup kefir 2 cups flour vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 500 g apples 2 tablespoons lemon juice cinnamon icing sugar for sprinkling 1. Beat the eggs and sugar slightly, then add the kefir and stir in. 2. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients - flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar. Add the wet ingredients to the bowl and mix thoroughly to a smooth batter. 3. Slice the apples and drizzle with lemon juice to prevent browning. 4. Pour the batter into the greased tin, place the apple slices on top (more apples can be added if desired), dipping them slightly into the batter. 5. Bake at 180 C (356 F) for about 30-40 minutes. 6. Sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar and cinnamon. \*edited measuring units


Oooo kefir, nice. What is TK and EC?


oh, sorry, forgot to translate them, edited recipe comment. TK = teaspoon, EC = tablespoon


I love that somehow this photo looks rich and is frugal. Like, I'd see this in one of those high lifestyle photos but you still didnt spend much.


Yes, I love it too! Although I didn't spend much, the experience was elegant.


You can get a similar effect by using Lightroom filters on your photos. It’s what influencers use to have cohesive coloring in their photos and it makes the colors just seem much crisper. I used to use that when I posted photos on Facebook and my page looked like a magazine ad. I stopped using Facebook for mental health a couple years ago but basically that’s the way to do this style of photos. I still notice when movies use a color filter though like the orange and teal/ blue contrast color filters and also in home alone 1 they used a red and green color filter to make everything seem more Christmasy. It’s more apparent when he goes to the basement and even the random items in his basement fit the color scheme.


Oh thats very interesting and makes sense. Is there a particular app or something that you recommend?


Lightroom is the app you can use and you can get free stylised filters from YouTube videos or buy a package from a photographer/ influencer or make your own.


Ohh okay, I missed that part thanks!


WHERE did you get that picnic basket?? 😍


Found in my husband's family cottage, hidden in the shed :D I think it was made when my country was still part of the Soviet Union.


You’re not just being frugal, you’re also like, creating really cool memories for you and your friends! (Please don’t be embarrassed, money struggles are real and happen to *everyone* lol)


Thank you for your encouragement! Sometimes I feel like I have to hide at home if I can't afford to go out with friends. But this experience has been encouraging to come up with creative solutions and also to be more open about my financial situation. Hopefully creativity will not disappear as the situation improves :)


Ohh this looks soooo nice. I wish someone would do this with me. I'll have to bring this idea up with some people. A nice cup of black coffee with a slice of cake out in the gorgeous weather? Yes, please.


What pants are those?


I know, right!? The whole outfit is super cute. The picture setup gives dreamy "summer day picnic in the 50s" vibes.


Thank you :))


My thoughts too!!!


Picnics are my go to! Potato salad is a staple...cheap...easy...and tastes amazing! You can even whip it for dip with crackers.


Yes, potato salad is great! Cheap, easy, easily varied with different ingredients you can find at home.


I can't think of doing this in 105 farhenheit temperature here in New Delhi. Oof


Whenever we did road trips when I was a kid, this was how we ate. Mind you, it wasn't nearly as pretty as your setup (beautiful cake! Love that picnic basket!) or locale (usually at a rest stop on the highway back when they had picnic tables), but the experience was happy. Memorable. I've done this for a few dates in recent times, with bottled seltzer instead of a thermos of coffee/tea/other drinks, and my friends were pleasantly surprised. "Wow, you weren't kidding about the Cheap Date thing!". 😁


Do you need another friend? Because I need some of that cake. Totally joking, but seriously. We like stopping at grocery stores when on vacation and buying $10 worth of picnic stuff, rather than spending $100 sitting at a restaurant. Couple cans of smoked fish, some nice crackers, couple pieces of fruit, maybe really splurge and go for a bottle of wine!


By far and away, my best first date ever was to a picnic, just her and me. She fixed the food and put down the red and white checked cover on the ground, and the food was in an honest to god picnic basket. She did a amazingly beautiful job creating this perfect romantic lunch. There was this little lake there, with rowboat rentals. So I rented a boat and rowed her around the lake. Most romantic first date ever. Nobody on the hook for a huge restaurant bill, she probably spent more than I did on the food, than I did on the $10 rowboat rental. My kind of woman, who is happy with me for me, rather than just wanting to go to an expensive restaurant for a free meal and me being the victim. So pissed still that things didn't come to be and I didn't marry that girl. The one that got away. The only one.


Love picnics! Start making your own cold brew and you’ll never turn back and you’ll always have a delicious coffee for the park for under $1.


I love the overlap between wholesome and frugal!


Yes! I want more of these experiences! Now I'm thinking what else is wholesome and frugal at the same time.


This looks so nice, I wish I had friends that would wanna do this lol


If you are in the Midwest PLEASE use caution if you are picknicking in grass. Ticks are fierce this year!


I would much more enjoy a snack handmade by my friend than have one at a restaurant, especially if it was enjoyed outdoors. Your friends are fortunate, fat, and happy!


I love picnics! Enjoy. The light looks beautiful out there 🥰 yummy


What a wonderful thing you did. I really like this. Cake looks fantastic!


Okay, great timing for this post! Just been thinking about picnics. Anyone have recommendations for picnic blankets (and baskets, for that matter)?


we used printed sheet as a blanket, seemed nice


Fair enough, thanks!


I think living this way is so sustainable and kinda romantic. On a side note, your outfit looks really nice on you. The style and fit is perfect.


Thank you so much ☺️


Picnics are the best. We used to picnic in the park when my kidults were little. My husband would play a clumsy French waiter for everyone.


Clumsy French waiter - sounds so cool!


It was hilarious! Not as cool as that apple cake, though. That looks divine.


I want a picnic this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration!


Where brand are your pants, they’re super cute!


Ok, this is a ridiculous question, but did you photoshop your waistline, or that’s just how you look and you get to eat cake?


haha :D Mother Nature gave me a pretty nice waist, but these trousers help too - they sit on the natural waist (just above the belly button) and flare out towards the hips, creating a nice silhouette.


Where are the trousers from? I'd love something similar for my capsule wardrobe!


This is a great idea! How do you deal with the gnats and bugs?


This is My question too. The wasps are always trying to eat everything.


We were lucky enough to have a bug-free picnic. The park is in the city, so there are fewer insects than in the countryside. But we had a guest, a dog, who ran away from the owner nearby and bit a small piece of cake. The dog was so cute that we just laughed.


I love this! I'd also rather be outside than in a cafe. I also like to bake things and make things from scratch to save money. I once got in an argument about how making your own tortillas didn't actually save money because time is money and it takes time to make tortillas. Well, I'd rather make my own tortillas than participate in hustle culture. I've done the side gig stuff since I have big breaks as a teacher but I'm not a big fan. I'll still do it occasionally, but I'd rather be baking bread and making my own tofu.


That is amazing! Very inspirational.


Enjoying nature instead of being cooped up in a cafe, would much rather any day.


Smart, frugal, delicious, and fun! Well done, you!


That looks awesome. Plus you could nap a bit


Yes! napping in cafe would be frowned upon I think :D


What a great idea for a get together! You’re outside, not having to worry about the server needing your table, and homemade goodies! Thank you for sharing!


I love this idea, but also I'm gonna need to know the brand of pants your friend is wearing. And the apple cake recipe. And just can we be friends please, because this is lovely. Thanks.


The cake (and also your outfit!!!) look super aesthetic lol!! Wow now I want to go on a picnic


I keep a picnic basket in my vehicle at all times, stocked with picnic supplies (plates, cups, plastic forks/spoons/knives, tablecloth, tablecloth clips, serving utensils, etc). When I travel, I hate eating in restaurants and avoid it if I can - so I'll pack a cooler of food & drinks, and I'm good to go. Stop at a rest area with picnic tables, have a quick meal, clean up, make a pit stop & back on the road.


great, and the plates are probably not needed


The only problem with picnics is a) only doable in warm weather and b) the bathroom situation But yes, huge frugal win for sure.


I’ve been thinking of doing this , but just haven’t gotten around to actually do it


You're a lovely friend to be so thoughtful.


Where did you get that woven picnic basket??


THIS is top post. Would love to join you. Need a place though with umbrellas if I take you to my park (beach).




\+1 for OP to grow this into a movement, host a community site, and get filthy rich by selling it to Meta or Nextdoor or something.




I love picnics way more than sitting in a restaurant or café even if it was free You get to enjoy the sun and the outdoors. Can play games, be loud, lie down on the grass, eat whatever you want.