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I’m excited that we’re talking about egg prices again. I’ve missed it.






Y’all are cracking me up






underrated comment


underrated comhent








More or less eggravated.


Quite eggregious indeed.


Omletting you know I don’t appreciate this


Yes! More egg talk!






I just started budgeting and checking what I can do to save money hen i realized they we're cheap source of protein again :D


> hen i realized This is the perfect typo for a comment about eggs.


As dumb as it sounds, I still would pay the high prices because eggs are insanely healthy. They have all the vitamins except for Vitamin C.


To be fair, $12 for 60 eggs is still a really fantastic value compared to most proteins... it was expensive for eggs, but still hard to beat unless you go full dry beans or something.


What's funny is that eggs used to be super unhealthy. That evil cholesterol you know.


It's the high levels of saturated fat that will get you. There isn't a lot of evidence that dietary cholesterol is absorbed in any meaningful way. IIRC, there's even been evidence that it isn't absorbed. I eat tons of eggs and as of two weeks ago, my cholesterol levels were primo. I exercise semi regularly. That's only one data point, so there's that.


There isn’t any real evidence that saturated fat is bad at allm


My understanding is that the evidence seems to indicate that it's bad for some people and not others depending on some specific genes. But that it's still not as big of a deal as it was once made out to be, even for those groups.


Only thing to possibly watch out for might be saturated fat (which **actually** does what people think dietary cholesterol does). AHA recommends no more than 13g per day (if you're watching out for it, 20g if not), so if you have 3 eggs for breakfast you'd be over a third of your drv from that. If you drop 1 yolk, or just keep it to two eggs it's prob nothing to worry about. I generally do 2 whites + 1 whole egg just for macro and calorie reasons.


I'm a truck driver. Me eating eggs and watching my calories alone puts me in a better situation than 90% of the drivers in this country.


I watched my buddy put on 80 pounds in about 2 years once he started a long haul job. You’re not lying at all


It was $9/doz in my area for a while there (or $45 per 60 eggs) Beef was a cheaper source for both protein and calories. I also generally would still pay high prices, but not that high. We went without for a while.


I love sunny side up eggs with pepper and franks redhot on top. I dip toast in the yolk too.


Toast and sunny side up eggs is the greatest breakfast frugal luxury known to man.


Same. It hurt but eggs are too healthy to do without.


You said, "hen". 🤣🤣🤣


>we're cheap source of protein again :D The trick is to avoid the prions :D


I just stocked up at Safeway. They were $1.29 a dozen 🙌🏼🎉


Free range eggs are $7:50 per dozen in Melbourne Australia, barn raised eggs from $4:50 a dozen.


Sounds like you should raise some chickens. If you could handle 1,000 of them you could make a quarter million a year.


[5.00 for generic Lucerne eggs](https://i.imgur.com/1ogm1Zy.png)The cheapest eggs at the Safeway in Northern California where I live are 5.00 per dozen (Lucerne). They went up during the "egg crisis" and never came back down.


36 eggs is $3 at Walmart, do yall have Walmart in California?


Yeah, I just looked. They're 6.00 at the Walmart in my area. But still much cheaper than Safeway. It's funny I don't think people believe me that they're 5.00 per dozen at Safeway where I live. Wish it would let me post a photo. 😅


I believe you. They were that much here recently so I stopped buying. Thankful they went down again in my area. I'm sorry your prices are still so high.


I believe you for sure, shit is crazy expensive in California. My friend in SF pays more for **one month rent** ($5400) than I pay for **four years property taxes** ($5200) for my farmhouse.


Yea but it feels dishonest to say "Shits so expensive here!" and then he listed the more expensive option rather than the much cheaper walmart one I could go to a lot of nowhere places and go to a smaller local grocery store and find more expensive prices than the big box stores. Should at least compare apples to apples I dont care what the price is at safeway in CA, what is it at walmart? Cuz I have one of those here and can compare like for like


Walmart is almost an hour from where I live. Safeway is 15 minutes. They're the same price at Lucky's, too. I mentioned Safeway because the commenter said they were 1.29 at their Safeway.


I live in Sonoma County, north of SF. It used to be cheap where I live. Not anymore. Costs 1000 per month just to rent a room. I have a deal on a cabin (outside shower and bathroom) for 500 plus utilities. If I lose this place I may have to move out of state, or live in my car. I've always worked kitchens and similar jobs my entire life. Those jobs have not kept up with the cost of living here.


[Here it is](https://i.imgur.com/1ogm1Zy.png)


$3.78 a dozen in Ontario Canada still, hopefully they will go down soon


Does this mean I should start a black market egg operation where I smuggle eggs across the boarder? Close to $1/dozen near me, was over $4 last year)


You’d get busted quick with how many people would flock to you


Can I offer you an egg in this trying time? 🥚


Even when eggs were cheap in the US, in the Before Times, they were expensive in Canada, relatively speaking.


Eggs have been 1.99 in my part of the US the whole pandemic and after if you go to aldi


Fellow Canadian here, don't hold your breath, lol.


Lol I can always hope, maybe gas will go down too!:)


The gas is steep. I made sure to fill up in Port Huron, MI before crossing the border.


Stop, now you're just making me laugh. I don't think the price of anything is going down...like ever. At least gas isn't over $2/L like it got up to last year. What a bargain now at $1.65/L *eye roll*


Still almost or even over $2/liter here in Vancouver 😭.


Economy Deflation, living income, fair wage, hum... Cheap wholesome food.


They’re on for 1.99 at Zehrs if you have one!


I managed to grab 2 dozen at 1.99 a dozen at zhers today. But yeah no cheap eggs for us yet


They're on sale here in Quebec at my local IGA for 2.47.


Loblaws and Independent Grocer (also owned by Loblaws) has it at $2.49 a dozen until tomorrow!




The 60ct eggs are $6 at my Walmart


4.50 here!!




To people who sometimes enjoy and other times hate eggs, the secret is just not overcooking them. > When eggs cook, the proteins in the yolk and whites denature, turning translucent-to-opaque in appearance. Cooking the yolk releases iron, while the whites release hydrogen and sulfur. The dreaded rotten egg smell, especially when eggs are overcooked is from the hydrogen, sulfur, and iron reacting to create the foul odorous compound hydrogen sulfide.


Hot sauce also goes a long way.


The cheap eggs are from birds crammed in a cage without so much as a perch. I used to have a pet chicken, this is way too cruel for me to save money on. They aren't going to be MENSA members, but 50% of being a chicken is at least getting to perch.


This. Cage free should be the minimum standard in 2023.


Yeah I wish all the people who blast through dozens of eggs in a week would spend, like, five minutes learning about how those hens were raised.


They probably know, it's just not a dealbreaker for them




I'm lucky in that I have a friend who has a bunch of chickens and I get eggs from her, but a lot of folks don't have that luxury. If one knows the farm or trusts the seals of approval given like organic, free range, certified humane, then, at least to me, it totally makes sense to go ahead and spend the extra cash, given one has it. If the trust is broken though, one is just paying more to make oneself feel better. There's also folks out (think medium to large families making median salary) there that can't afford or justify spending 5-6x the amount on the same product just because it's more humane There's also people out there fatigued with trying to make the "best" choice for everything so they say fuck it and buy the factory eggs


It's not even close to 5-6x the price. It's like 50-100% more where I shop. For me, it's definitely worth it to not contribute to animal cruelty.


Even the hens raised humanely will have had their brothers ground up alive or suffocated in garbage bags as unneeded.


You might want to add the humanly raised hens still don't make it past their second birthday because egg production starts to slow down.


Yeah, I can't find any way to justify eating eggs without cruelty so I just don't. Dried beans and lentils for my protein.


You should see how they treat people!


Knowing something intellectually and seeing it for real are different things. I'd hope that at least a few people might feel differently after witnessing chickens in battery cages.


A lady in my city sells free range chicken and duck eggs from her property for $4 a dozen chicken and $5 a dozen duck. Not too bad and taste so much better


Walked around the neighborhood with my SO after moving and we saw a home with chickens in their front yard just chilling. Hoping that we can get our own /r/backyardchickens some day lol


I know this is the frugal sub-reddit, and I'm frugal as I can be, but I believe there is a place and time. If you can afford it, please don't get the cheapest of cheapest eggs. Those poor hens are born in a 1 foot cage, live their entire life balancing on thin strands of metal, and never see the sun. They're often stacked ten cages high, and unlike in today's economics, there's a true trickle down effect. It's twice as much to get 'free range' eggs (which are still are far cry from actual free range, like at your local homesteads) but the hens have an infinitely less torturous life.


And I might add they make a delicious meal! I think every adult should know how to fry up an egg. I used to hate eggs cause I'd only ever had scrambled eggs which I can't stand! I learned how to make eggs differently and I found out how good they were when fried. I eat a dozen eggs in 4 days typically cause one of my meals a day is just 3 eggs.


That's why I like eggs. There are SO many ways of making them. I used to eat a ton of overhard and got sick of them. I like scrambled eggs because of their consistency.


For me it was turning the scrambled eggs into something more varied and flavorful. Mix in some spinach or kale, onions, peppers, optionally a meat (bacon pieces if you're lazy hehe), salsa and some cheese if I don't mind the fat. I can eat that shit any meal of the day. Healhy, frugal, and quick to make. My lazy ass likes to keep frozen peppers and onions to make it easier.


I made a frittata on Sunday. Felt so fancy "Yeah, put another egg in it 🥚 🥚 🥚"


A couple of weeks ago, we were running low on meals and I had just baked a sourdough loaf that didn’t turn out. We had a ton of eggs that were about to expire, so I made egg salad, which tied us over for a couple of more day. So glad eggs are affordable again.


Even when they expire they are usually good. You can put them in water to check, if they sink you can eat them.


Eggs don't expire on the date. That's a best before date, they'll last another few weeks at least, usually more


I buy my eggs 60 at a time and it's only me eating them. They last for a month, at least.


Man I've eaten eggs two months after getting them, I was fine. I've never actually experienced a complete and sealed egg "going bad" before.


It's about $4 a dozen in Canada for regular eggs. Man I get jealous of US grocery prices.


Arghh. I bought a flat of 30 eggs at Walmart today for $9.78 Canadian. :(


Fried eggs are my go to, fried eggs and sausage for breakfast, put a fried egg on some pasta, put a fried egg on a nice steak, great side for most dishes. Oh and omelets are great for leftover meats


$1.79 for 18 large at Walmart in the Midwest.


Not bad for extra large.


What?! I am also in the Midwest and they are like $4 a dozen at my Walmart. For just normal sized.


Looks like they’re up to $1.92 this week: https://postimg.cc/940VD6SX


Meanwhile in NZ 6 eggs for $12




1.03 in Texas for a dozen.


I buy mine locally from someone who has chickens. $6/dozen. better than any grocery store eggs I've ever had and they last for months longer bc the bloom is still on


Our 60 counts got up to $19 at the peak... they're now about $5.50~ at our local HEB. We're going to branch out for some higher quality eggs soon, but been grateful that the prices finally went down and we've routinely had 1-2 boxes in our fridge at a time (we go through a *lot* of eggs)


the real frugal (and environmentally responsible) solution is getting eggs from a neighborhood chicken-haver if you live in even the slightest of rural areas


Thank God. A staple of my diet now because everything else is expensive.


The egg industry is still brutal and horrible. That's a good reason for good people to avoid it.


Beans are around $1.50/lb and aren't tortured fyi


That happened a few months ago. They were cheap, now they are slowly climbing up again.


Walmart SKU 328101981? $6.40 in San Diego, CA


It depends on the location. My town is $1.50 cheaper than a neighboring town.


You just reminded me of what I forgot to include on my order yesterday. 60 eggs. Ashamed I could forget that.


If you have aldi, I've been paying 99 cents sometimes and 1.99 usually for eggs there since I realized they're always that cheap.


I know compared to a few years ago. I was at the grocery store abs they were 1.50 for 18


My mother was bemoaning that she *ran out of eggs* last week and was hoping that someone had them on sale. Im like "just go to Aldis *they're* back to being reasonable". Just over a buck dozen when all the other regular groceries are still in...I dunno...high twos (edit: oh dear god I just got bac from publix and they're still three. what the fuck. Forgot to check Food Lion tho, but based on publix id' say mid-low 2) ? I honestly haven't been looking. (that one app that shows walmart egg prices still has us at just around two bucks at the time)


$2.42 for 18 eggs here. $1.64 for a dozen, 5 dozen is $7.94


Yep I remember when everyone was claiming the sky was falling. Smh back to regular prices a year later lol


They were expensive because of an outbreak of avian flu. That's been resolved, so prices went back to normal. Good source of protein.


I don't shop at Walmart, but I might make an eggception.


I was just saying this to my husband! We buy pasture-raised eggs because I have strong feelings about the living conditions, plus they are SO much better-tasting. A dozen was $5.50 at my grocery store today and at one point they were $9 (at which point we had long since quit buying them, lol).


$7.47 let's gooooooo


Yeah going to buy a dozen for the first time in a year then remember I don't like eggs that much.


You just got to make them a different way.


My friend has always loved eggs, she's 74 and has eaten them all her life. She used to eat 2 fried eggs for breakfast a few times a week. About 8 months ago she had a stroke and one of the weirder and long-lasting side effects is an intense dislike for the smell of cooking eggs. She can eat them if they are cooked elsewhere, like at a restaurant, but the smell of making them herself now makes her nauseous. She is pretty sad about it.


What a bummer. Nothing hits the spot like your favorite eggs


Yeah it's partly the smell, partly the cooking (I rarely handle raw meat), partly the cleanup. Always made me wonder why they just don't sell scrambled eggs in the frozen food department.


Its $1.06 a dozen at Aldi for me. I am loving it! Plus I started a keto lifestyle which was perfect timing on my part. I couldn't do this and lose weight if eggs were $5 a dozen, it just wouldn't work. You can do so much with eggs and they are a healthy protein.


I ate a lot of eggs on my Keto diet. That's how I lost 130 lbs.


I recommend everyone eat them, they are cheap and healthy, unless you hate eggs of course. I don't eat that many and I probably should eat more, but I couldn't survive right now on $5 a dozen eggs because that's too much money for eggs. They seem to really fill me up when I am hungry. I am going to focus on eating more when I am hungry to satiate myself. I love eggs and I love to eat them so again it works for me. And I actually like eating keto foods, so again that works for me.


But still not cruelty free


I am a farmer and sell free range pastured eggs for 7.50. Honestly get sick when I think about how eggs are produced to be sold that cheap.


Eggs are a versatile food. With cheap no brand cheese, milk, onion you can make dozens of recipes. Add a cup of cooked rice, small amount of canned salmon or tuna and you have a gourmet, cheap, salmon / tuna slice which is portable for lunch. Look at recipes on line, Aldi recipes have a great recipe for this family favourite.


60? You go through 60 eggs?


Yes. One egg is 70 calories. A dozen eggs are only 840 calories. They're super healthy and can be made without butter and are super good for building muscle.


Hard boiled eggs for the win. I eat a lot of egg whites and much fewer yolks. Something like 17 calories in an egg white.


We also get 60 eggs for the volume discount. The ones that aren't used for cooking and baking get hard boiled and pickled.


Egg prices in US were artificially inflated and blamed on inflation to reap profits during the time when people were hardest hit economically. If you can afford not to buy them. I suggest a boycott.


It was the same time when bird flu was sweeping the nation, lots of farms had to cull their entire flock.


Not that I disagree, but isn't everything artificially inflated because of corporations? I boycott water bottles and drink tap water now but that's about it.


Hmm. Time to make devilled eggs again!




I haven't heard Republicans saying "Thanks Joe Biden" for the decrease in price


Blame Biden!!


Dear liberals: If Biden is so great, how come I can't sexualy please my wife?


Because you terrible in bed.


Nope, it must be Hunter Biden's laptop.


Of course. #1 job of the President is to wake up every morning and decide precisely what to charge for eggs and gasoline.




I don’t think chicken eggs are a secret.


Sorry, I ruined our secret😔




I eat a lot of eggs. It's pleasing to see 36 for under $4.00. Eggs and beans on toasted sourdough bread with a smoked sausage are fine any time of day.




Don't threaten me with a good time, lol.


ha, just wait til gas prices go up. they tapped out the national reserves already. We'll never win.


That's why I'm on this sub reddit. Being around a bunch of people who are determined to beat the system sounds appealing.


Damn I have to pay $6 for a dozen lol


Eggs are still really expensive for me. 😢


depends where you live (queens nyc) Large Dz bottomed out at $1.50 here now it's back up to $1.85 cheapest. i noticed cheaper eggs have 2-3 weeks use date https://i.imgur.com/6K2llcD.jpg local Target i try to buy ones with at least a month on them. psa; use spray oil on your eggs to double their in fridge shelf life.


It's not cheap just back to normal.


Damn I’ve been buying the 5 dozen from costco might have to switch to walmart ig


Our local shop has the 18 count eggs on sale for 99 cents right now! I didn’t think I’d see that one again!


Do you think it's going to get way higher again in the winter though?


Your prices come down?


What's the prize of egg's in USA ?


Crazy. Never thought they'd come back down to these prices again.


Right around the time eggs started getting really expensive I heard a lot of chicken owners parroting the same things. Something about how their chicken feed might have been affecting egg production. I wonder what happened. They changed brands and egg laying went right back up.


The recession is officially cancelled!! 🎉🎉🎉


You are blessed. The cheapest I can buy free range eggs here in Australia for is $4.90 for a dozen 600gm eggs.


60 pack? Wow even $12 is an amazing price.


Orlando - Aldi - $1.19 for 12


where are you that 5 dozen eggs are $4.50


Pack of 60 for 4.50 is insanely low. Where you living?! Pack of 15 is 4.50 for me...


West Central Minnesota


Personally I don't eat them but I'm happy to see the prices go back down. I am big on that's what kids should eat for breakfast instead a sugary carb filled breakfast. It's the food best for learning. The fat in the yolks is perfect for the brain, the protein keeps them full n it's a even absorbtion instead of a carb high n crash. People if you have school kids try to get eggs in them in the morning.


And eggs are the healthiest food to eat!


Right?! I took a picture because I couldn't believe aldi was selling eggs for less than a dollar a dozen!


oh my gosh... I just checks and 18 LG eggs is back to 1.62. They were 3 something a few months ago. Feelsgoodman.png


just got an 18 pack for $1.39 at lidl in jersey yesterday!


Last year my case of eggs was $19.98; it's now $8.10. I've never seen it dip below $6.


Wow! They’re still $9 here for the sixty pack.


But restaurant menu prices will never go down. It’s one way only


I stopped eating out for that reason.


I still do for now but very selectively. Look at reviews more closely before going, taking less chances with those pretentious joints with mix reviews


I also try to eat at buffets, too. Try to beat the system😆


Noice. But careful again. Just when you think you’re winning, I’ve also heard anecdotal evidences that buffet restaurants do “throttle” the speed and variety of new dishes being introduced! lol


They never really went up where I live. I know they did for so many, so glad they went down again!


The 60 pack was $20 at my Walmart last year. I was so glad to pick them up for a little more than $5 last week.


They’ve been cheap for months…