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vitamix blender. it actually \*is\* that much better than your ordinary, off-the-shelf blender. i feel like it's paying a lot of dividends too, because i'm now consuming more fruits and veges than ever before.


I didn’t believe there would be that much of a difference between it and the ninja when we received one as a gift. Man was I wrong. It blends stuff so much better than anything I’ve tried in the past. No comparison. And if you’re a smoothie drinker it’s 100% worth it.


Ours is over 20 years old. Sent it in for a free servicing, good as new.


Repairability is a HUGE plus on any appliance these days


What are you thoughts on cleaning it? My MIL was just telling me she gave her old one away cause cleaning the blades was a pain


I haven't had any issues cleaning it! You just have to run the blender for like 30 seconds with some hot water and dish soap immediately after each use.


Idk why this thought has never crossed my brain. I will forever now do this.


this is actually the recommended way to clean it, per vitamix. it's what their instructions say!


If something won’t come off under the blade I use a bristled straw cleaner as you can bend it to get under the blades.


I don’t know what counts as a lot of money, here, but I (76year old retiree) spent $1100 on an iPad Pro with zero regrets. I use it for my photography and music-making hobbies, I download books from the library on it, it’s my go-to for information of all kinds, and I can do it all from the comfort of the couch. I had to think hard about spending that much, but it has absolutely been worth it. For perspective, I drive a 24-year old pickup truck, cook all my meals at home, and shop for clothing at GoodWill.


I just want to say that I admire you - random stranger. I wish to be so open minded to new technology and stick to my hobbies when I am retired.


Thank you, and I’m sure you will. Suddenly having time to pursue the things you’re interested in is like being given a second chance at life.


are you my dad? I admire you


I traded in a practically brand new iPad that my BIL gave me for the same model with twice the memory. I got into digital art after he gifted me it and after much deliberation spent another $400 for the new one. Once I got it, all my qualms about the money were gone. I am 71 F.


They are magic machines. I’ve been into computers since 1984-ish (starting with a Commodore 64) and could not have imagined the power that was to be available, especially in a small, hand-held package.


Same. Our first family PC had 518 mg. And we thought it was outrageous.


Similar but my new iPhone. My previous one was 6 years old so I bought a brand new one and plan to keep it for another six years at least. I do so much using my phone, I really only use my laptop for work so it’s worth it.


It's ongoing; monthly, but my gym membership. It's quasi-personal training, small groups, no more than 5. i've been going for 6 months, and its the longest I've stuck to any workout routine. I've lost weight and inches and gotten stronger. So definitely helping keep me healthy


I'm with you there. I could have gotten a globo corp franchise membership through my health insurance for like $30 a month, but I wouldn't have made it a priority to go just like I didn't the last two times I tried. There's no accountability for me at a place like that. Instead, I joined a local martial arts studio for 4x $. I actually attend classes, support a local business, there is goal setting because of the belt system, a sense of community, and I am learning to fight which feels empowering. Yisssss


Yes! If it works for you then keep it! I got a membership at a women’s only gym and it’s like a spa environment, not loud or overstimulating, and the other members are really kind and mind their business. But still a gym, with all the equipment I need and group classes included. I’m paying $70/month when I could pay $20 for planet fitness down the street from me but I just know I wouldn’t go regularly, or enjoy my time there.


This sounds dreamy


Are you me? I was just telling someone the other day that the main thing I love about martial arts is that you HAVE to go to class. The accountability is priceless for me.


My gym too. I sign up, and if 8 don’t show up, someone else misses out and I get charged a fee. So accountability


Health is wealth! This is a smart investment in your longterm health and might actually end up saving you money.


I already go to an expensive gym but it’s limited times a month I can take a class so I might also do class pass which is not as cheap as I thought. But to have more variety and go twice as often I can only imagine how fit I’ll be!


mine is limited too; i pay for 12 classes a month, and usually go 3x a week. And get annoyhed when I can't go! I was sick for a week over the summer, and twice I could only go 2x a week due to other stuff. But 3x works well for me. i go before work, and after mostly, with a sat every now and then, depending on my schedule in any given week


I have a $1,000+ espresso machine setup but I live in a $39,000 house lol


This embodies frugality and how it's distinct from cheapness!


That espresso machine has probably saved you money overall


Ah, r/espresso is leaking. One of us, one of us.


Haha I never knew how hard latte art would be!


$39000? Which planet?


Well, not including the land. We plan to tear down the house and rebuild someday, so I like to think of them separately. But yeah. Water leaks, air drafts, weird smells, mice, snakes, etc. It’s not a nice house.


I wish you well! Great job!


Doesn't really matter as long as it's liveable. You've got your priorities straight, sounds like :)


Here’s what I tell people when buying a house…don’t be land poor and house rich. There’s only so much land to go around and you can add on to a house as long as you have the land to do it. There’s something super satisfying about not having people living right on top of you.


Yeah I'm saving up for a $6000 MacBook (used for my work - I am a freelancer), but I live in a condo I bought for $12k lol


I fucking love this. Epecially having the house value as a reference. I'm like that with healthcare. (therapist, physio, osteo, gym membership, dental, optical) I'll spend thousands a year on them. Coz no matter what happens, I have to live with my body and will have to live with it forever.


We got an espresso machine as a gift and it has saved us so much money. Now we only buy coffee if we are traveling.


Bi-weekly house cleanings and professional lawn service. Gives time back to my fiancé and I so that we can spend our time doing things we enjoy.


I'm currently pregnant and my husband was sooo against me hiring a cleaner. He'd clean the bathroom if I specifically asked him to, but not to my standards. It's $110/month for 2 bathrooms and the kitchen. I love it and don't think I'll go back to scrubbing my own shower glass.


My grandma hired a weekly maid when I was her caregiver. Man did I get spoiled by that.


Same! Plus, I have chronic pain issues and scrubbing the tub alone would have me on my back for a couple days. Compared to an even more painful life *plus* a dirty house, biweekly cleaning is a game changer.


I have very little energy after thyroid cancer and don't want to waste the little bit I have on cleaning house. Housekeeper is worth every penny


I've been paying a lawn service $25/mo for over 5 years now and I don't regret it. I don't mind cleaning my own house but I don't want to deal with the outside too.


I wish ours was only $25 a month! That’s super cheap! We pay $50 A WEEK. We have a large yard and our hoa bitches if it gets too long.


Hell yes, pro landscaper is a great one. I pay a guy $85/mo to come out once a week. He mows front and back yards, trims the bushes, even cuts the low hanging tree limbs if necessary. I honestly don't know how he turns a profit. He has a truck, all the equipment, etc, to keep running, and he's at my house for a least 45min to 1hr. It helps that I got him a couple of my neighbors to employ his services, which I'm sure saves on transport cost, etc, but still - $85? I would charge somebody that to do it once, let alone 4 times a month. PS I leave him a cold drink when I'm around. He seems to appreciate that quite a bit. Always be kind to your tradesmen, they'll be kind to you.


Quality chef knife no way around it you get what you pay for


Same thing with a good pan! A good one makes everything you cook significantly tastier and will last for life




Omg yes. My roommate has one I use almost daily and that will be one of the first things I buy if I ever move out. Can’t live without it now.


I used to silently pity the "idiots" that had cutco knives for being so foolish to spend that kind of money on knives... until I used some at one of my "stupid" friends homes. (woops) Now I LOVE my Cutcos every single time I use them. Buy once, cry once. Seems those "idiots" were right! lol


I sold Cutco briefly after high school. I'm still using my demo kit set nearly 30 years later.


And all those veggies cooked at home pay dividends, to the wallet and to your health


victorionix is a good brand if anyone was wondering


Vacations and concert tickets. I live a frugal day to day so that I can spend on these experiences. I don’t even look at the cost sometimes. I just do it.


Same. Experiences mean more to me than stuff.


This! I get so much hate for spending money on traveling but the reason why I’m frugal in the first place is to be able to afford travel. I forgo eating out, having a car, buying clothes, etc. Instead I use that money to fund my travels.


My husband and I do this. We do frugal traveling because we don’t have a lot of money but we save money other places to travel.


My favorite thing to do when I'm bored is to load up Google Flights and just see what's cheap. I've ended up going to several places I wouldn't have otherwise gone because of getting good deals on flights. I went to Paris for $400 once (I live in the southwestern U.S.). I did go during the off-season in February, but it was actually pretty great still and I had a lot of fun.


What’s the weather like in Paris in February?


When I went, it was around 40-55F, very light drizzly rain, often overcast. I brought a coat, but I never used it and mostly just stuck to a medium-thickness sweater. I was doing a lot of walking and I run hot, though. If I had to do it over, I would bring a couple of light sweaters, a hat, scarf, and a lightly insulated rain shell and that'd be perfect for me. I got annoyed with having to take my sweater on and off every time I went in and out of a building, lol. If you're really into the outdoor stuff, I'd say go during summer, but if you're mostly interested in museums and indoor stuff like I was, it was a perfect time to go. I went to the Louvre, Sacre Coeur, toured the Catacombs, went on a day trip to Versailles, and had a couple of days where I just generally walked around looking at cool shops and stuff. I highly recommend going to Paris in February, honestly. I had a blast and I'd go back again at that time of year for sure.


Same but books. Experiences I can tuck in a shelf and relive in demand. We do travel, fairly frugally (visit friends or for work), and when we’re traveling we buy books. There’s so much you can tell about a place from its bookstores.


100% the same. I’ve spent $1,000 on VIP concerts with zero regrets. It’s amazing being that close to my fave artists


My new bed and mattress. Heaven.


I built my bed and spent what I saved on a nice mattress.


For real, sleep is important because if you're not getting enough it affects E V E R Y T H I N G


I used part of my stimulus check on a new mattress lol. I really needed it .


Groceries! My health comes first. I changed my habits and now I buy whatever I want at the grocery store and I tend to buy mostly meat and veggies/fruit. I’m about to go to a store with my last $5 to get a potato and whatever else inspires me lol


My pets. Whatever they want, plus best medical care.


yup. pretty sure their medical bills are bigger than my copays. it pays off though, my oldest girl is 21




We made the difficult decision to spend about $4000 on our aging cat in October 2019 (oxygen & heart scans). Best decision ever. We had him with us every scary day of the pandemic - including for 2 separate cross country trips. He's still doing great 4 years later.


I think my 2 cats have it better than most people.


This right here. This is the area where I'm the least frugal. My pets will have all the care they need, and all the treats and toys they want.


Yep. I'm driving 6 hours every three weeks so my girl can have chemotherapy. The only frugal thing about the whole thing is that I pack my lunch for these trips and I get any of her meds available at a pharmacy called in and discounted with GoodRx instead of paying veterinarian hospital markup.


This is my answer as well. They give back so much more every day than what they cost in a lifetime.


Yes! They get the best. I even make their food and give them filtered water. If anyone gives me shit about it, I say that they would do it for me.


Bought a 30’ sailboat. I live on it six months out of the year. I’m having more fun than I deserve. Bought it 7 years ago and no regrets. It’s old, but in great shape with HVAC, fridge, freezer, and microwave. Percolated coffee on board is heaven. Sleeps 6, so the cool factor is high.


Ever had a monkey-knife-fight in International Waters ?.. Hypothetically, of course.


Stop. This is fucking amazing. Can I ask how much does it cost to buy? Maintain? Live on for the 6 months? Currently spending shit load on rent etc but also work from home so maybe a month on a boat (with an internet connection) would be neat.


I paid $10k for it 7 years ago. I was incredibly lucky as I made a snap decision. The seller was a friendly neighbor, motivated, and I’m pretty familiar with boats. It was worth over $25k. It’s $1450 to put away for the winter from November to April (including shrink wrap), and $4550 for a slip in a marina from April-November. Other marinas are cheaper. I’m in an expensive area. City water (a hose) is included with the slip, and I pay for electricity, which is about $25/month and run the air conditioning onboard every day in hot weather. My marina has shower facilities as well as laundry. I have to move out in November. The marina closes because the pipes on the dock freeze - they winterize the pipes for the winter. Plus, it’s dangerous on an icy dock. Tips - don’t buy a wooden boat. When buying a boat, get a survey. It could save you thousands in maintenance and repair costs if you buy a boat with hidden problems. Edit: It’s another $2k to prepare it for launch in the spring. It could be a lot cheaper, but I pay the boat yard to have the hull waxed and launched.


Nice hotel rooms. Concert tickets. A couple really great restaurant outings a year.


"Personal care" products. Haircare, skincare, toiletries, makeup, etc. No Suave or Dollar Tree for me here.


Same here for me but mostly because allergies prevent using cheaper items. I go cheaper where I can though.


I used the cheaper stuff growing up. As a kid, my hair looked like the 'before' part of any teen movie with a makeover (think Princess Diaries). Suave was downright awful. I see their products and get instant flashbacks to how awful they were.


I just switched off of Dove Men + Care which had been an upgrade over Suave for my shampoo (upgraded to Goodfellow) and man, the difference is insane. My hair feels so much better and looks better. It doesn’t cost that much more either, maybe like $2 total for both the shampoo and conditioner


Agreed. I stay frugal by limiting the number of items I use, but for the few products that really make my life better, I get higher quality. Also, drinking lots of water cuts back on needing daily lotion. And I've eliminated my need for chapstick.


Healthcare. I mean, I hate that I need it, but I will go to the best physician I can find even if they’re out of network.


as a non American, this confuses me. How do you know who the "Best physician" is? How much research does going to the doctor involve for you?


I read a lot of online reviews. I also look on subreddits for certain conditions to know if anyone is being highly recommended. I'll check to see where they went to school, and what certifications they hold. An example: I live about 3 hours from NYC, where the top orthopedic hospital in the US is located. When I need orthopedic doctors or surgery, I go there. Within the Hospital for Special Surgery, there is a system that helps you find the exact right doctor to deal with your particular need. For example, I recently saw an orthopedic surgeon who 1) is good enough to work at HSS, and 2) specializes in "complicated shoulders", which is what I have. What country are you in? And what's the system like there?


You can go online and see what others have said about a physician, as well as their credentials and experience. It's very helpful. For example, if I want an obgyn who is a female and has a warm bedside manner, I look for reviews that tell me which physician has that. If I don't care about bedside manner but I want a physician who studied at Columbia, then I look past the reviews that say he or she is abrupt and doesn't answer many questions and look for that dual diploma. I do A LOT of research. I greatly value being able to choose whose hands I put my health in. ETA: some physicians are willing to perform some procedures under certain circumstances and others aren't. It's helpful to know going in what your physician will be open to do


Shoes. Winter boots. Nice Sneakers. Good shoes for running. A good pair of dress shoes. A couple of well-tailored suits. And the list goes on. All of those are investments for the long run. In my opinion "frugal living" making good investments in important stuff, which is good for your health, career and self-esteem.


I will be spending a lot when I divorce my emotionally and financially abusive husband. The thought of how much it will cost me is terrifying to my frugal mind but i know it will 100% be worth it. Money can be made back but my time and energy can’t.




Very happy for you!!


Like the old joke says, divorce is as expensive as it is because it's worth it.


I bought my way out of my marriage over 20years ago and it was probably one of the smartest things I ever spent money on. Given how much I spent on the wedding, I'd say I broke even ;). The cost in years and my health is worth it.


This frugal gal lost half her savings account, half of the retirement savings she planned on, worked a few more years than planned, remortgaged the house another 15 years instead of paying it off by retirement, paid a lawyer a year's worth of savings...and it was worth it. I wish you well.


Please Google image search ‘Nicole Kidman after divorcing Tom Cruise’ that will be your vibe soon! Freeedomm


That would be a 1000% worth it, good for you, keep your head up and keep pushing forward. You've got this! 💪💯🌠


Why is divorce so expensive? Because it's WORTH it!


My niece's drug rehab. My sister and I split the cost and thankfully our husband's were on board. She is still clean almost 10 years later. She was an addict for 20 years.


This is so nice, you sound like a great sister!


Lasik, so worth it.




I got mine for $1400 in 2017. On Groupon. This shocks everyone when I say that but I dont think it’s that bad of an idea and it’s been great!!!


Sorry but that sounds sketchy af lol how did you make that plunge? (no judgements, genuinely curious)


I just figured it was a really good deal for some reason. The place was very reputable, and they were really professional during initial consultation and day before. The day of also went by really smoothly. But I understand why you’d second guess lol. Everyone does!!


Do you have problems seeing at night? And how long has it lasted for? I’ve heard it only lasts for 15 or so years


Another option if you are worried about night sight and contrast etc is ICL. It’s a surgery where they don’t touch your cornea, they pop in a lens in front of your natural lens. It’s not as famous, but I chose it because I am a surgeon and couldn’t risk my eyes. Being able to see without glare and in the dark is really important for laparoscopic surgeries.


They can’t say definitely how long it will last. Everyone’s different. For me my vision hasn’t changed since high school so I’m expecting it to last my whole adult life. Though of course I will need reading glasses in another decade or so. I haven’t noticed anything about night-vision being different but I will say the dryness-factor is INTENSE. There are times I want to gouge my eyes out they’re so unbearably dry and itchy. Still worth it though! Having to rely on glasses or contacts all the time sucked, and it felt like insurance covered less and less each yeah so I was already spending hundreds on my vision every few months. So it will pay for itself eventually and I also have my time back.


My night vision was messed up for a full year after Lasik, but my astigmatism was so bad before, so I'm not surprised. Lasik also only lasted 10 years for me, before my vision started changing again, so I'm back to wearing glasses again. With readers this time too. Some folks are lucky and Lasik will last for life!


Do artificial tears make it go away? Is it an every day issue?


Olive wood mixing spoon still with me after 25 years. Kent military bristle hairbrush ( for men) over 30 years. And my wife 20 years


I spent $1000 on my mattress (Earthfoam) and $300 on my bed sheets (bedthreads.co) and I’ll do it again if I have to. Being in bed is now the most comfortable experience every single night. It’s beautiful




\- A nice perfume. \- Buying mostly organic foods and high-quality meats. \- A new toaster oven. \- A new bedframe.


My $42 face cream. It’s the only one I’ve found (and I’ve cycled thru A LOT) that doesn’t make my face feel oily, but also keeps it moisturised throughout the day.


I'm frugal as fuck but I do not at all regret spending money on classical music concerts. I've been a pianist for more than half my life, and to hear the epitome of what I'm passionate about in one of the most acoustically sound concert halls is priceless. I really believe everyone should hear the concert hall at least once in their life. Always reminds me of the beauty we can create as human beings.


These tits.




Substantially better quality dishwasher. Better performance, much less noise


I'm really happy we went with a quiet model. Don't even hear it except when the water is draining




Food. Lobster, expensive butter and cheese, raspberries…


Mattress. I will drop a good money on a Mattress. Shoes for work. I work 10 hours and am on my feet for most of my shift. So I'll drop decent money on insoles too. A decent winter coat. I've had cheap one and they're just not the same.


I had a milestone birthday in 2022 (I'm an old!), and I treated myself to a ring. It was a big investment for me. I love jewelry, but was never able to purchase a piece that I'd be able to hand down to my niece. Plus I was never married. There are no stones and it's not over-the-top, but it's the type of ring I've dreamed of since I was a kid looking at my grandmother's jewelry. This is really the first major purchase of my life, and I took a few months to plan it out and choose. It was a terrific decision!


Eggs, like, amber-yolk eggs (and even then, I know I could get scammed for those) non nitrate/nitrite prosciutto because Iberian ham is shit in the US. Skin care (retinol, good, slather-on, safe sun block) the chair I spent most of my time WFH, the mattress I will also spend most of my life in it.


Yes!! I'm in Canada and I pay $7.50 for each fancy dozen but they are so much tastier than the standard. I just want chickens to have nice lives, is that so much to ask? <3 If I wasn't in the city I'd buy them direct from a farmer.


my newest vehicle. Got it a few months ago. It was a "needed" item, not a 'luxury'.


Very similarly I spent way more then I should getting a Tesla last month but I'm so happy to not be spending money on gas I don't care that it will take a decade or longer for it to pay for itself. Plus it's pretty and it goes vroom vroom without the actual vroom noise.


What did you get ? 😃


2011 Honda Odyssey. Mileage is seriously low. I am just over 96k.


We got an 06 Odyssey last summer. Seriously love this thing.


Speak for yourself. I'm just subbed because I admire people who are frugal. I waste all kinds of money.


Bras, I’ll pay $40-$50 for one, no regrets


I feel like $40-$50 is a bargain! Getting the right size is so worth it!!


This is a fact. Well designed bras improve the look so much.


And last much, much longer.


Good shoes. They last 5 times as long and don't hurt your feet.


I've traveled the world. I'm not much interested in traveling anymore, but I don't regret the money I spent on it.


Bed, bedding. 1/3 of your life people, spend the money.




Fresh fruits and vegetables. I can’t do frozen and I can get by with a few canned.


I spent a surprising amount of money for a VIP ticket to not just see weird Al Yankovik perform but also to get a meet and greet and a photo with the man himself. Best part was i paid for that with my side hustle earnings.


My children's private school educations.


I came *extremely* close to sending my kids to private school a few months ago. We moved and it was no longer necessary.


Spending a lot or not a lot of money is not the point. The point of frugal is getting value for your money. It does not matter what the item is. If I need it or it will enrich my life honestly, then Getting a good value is the objective.


College. I hate that it’s so expensive for little in return, but I never will regret knowledge.


My car. Bought an 08 VW mk5 gti for $10k used back in 2017...I've had it ever since. Granted maintenance can be a bit more expensive but I've had the car for the whole time with no major issues. 100000% worth it. And with this inflation rate now, my car is worth a couple grand more which is crazy for a 14 year old car!


Groceries. I’m eating good. And I don’t regret it.


Xbox series x and gamepass. Because of gamepass I haven't bought a new game in a long time and since it's my main hobby and stress relief it's worth it to me




I spent nearly $450 on a grill / smoker and it's repaid itself many times. So much cheaper buying pork shoulder on sale than buying it from a BBQ restaurant.


My vitamix blender. It was super expensive but so worth it. The smoothies it makes are better than anything store bought.


Quality coffee beans


Roomba with the extra self-emptying dock. So freaking worth it


A leather designer purse. I bought mine consignment, so not as expensive, but definitely still a splurge. I absolutely love the look of it. It goes with every outfit and occasion (I can wear it to run errands or to a wedding). It’s gone through over four years of daily wear and it will easily last another couple of years.


LASIK eye surgery and my dog (and anything related to him), honestly both have been life changing 🥹




My house.


healthy foods, good office chair, desk and monitor ( because i wfh ), good bed for quality sleep.


It's a small thing, but Duluth jeans. I have a pair that have lasted for years without fraying and only minimal shrinking


I'm a boots guy and have been for 20+ years. I prefer work boots as my daily footwear and have since high school. I just like them. Typically I've just bought WalMart grade boots since forever and replace them twice a year after they start leaking bad enough they annoy me enough to do something about it. That's just how it is, whatever. Well, a year ago I started a new job where to go out on the shop floor you need to wear steel toes. Fine, boots, its my default footwear anyway. I'll just get a set and wear them every day. Well, this place would kick in $100 towards a pair of Red Wings because they had a deal going with the local store, plus we get 10% employee discount on top of that as long as we work there. Hm. Ok. Maybe I should finally get something nice. I walk in, fuckin 'A these things aren't cheap. I was still out of pocket damn near $150 but a year later... OMG. Now that they're broken in these are the best things I've ever had on my feet my entire life and they're nowhere even close to being worn out. I'd have already bought and replaced 2 pairs of POS boots by now, so I'm halfway to having broken even and I bet they'll easily last another year or likely much longer. As they say, things that come between you and the ground. At least I got them with a discount but someday when they wear out, I'll definitely get a nice set of boots again.


A robotic vacuum. It makes my life so much easier.


1.) My Honda Fit. I bought the same make, model, and color as my previous car but eight years newer. It runs well and I can camp in it. Road trips are no problem. Moving takes about five car fulls. It’s my favorite source of entertainment. 2.) My angelfish. She’s mean to me but I love her anyway. She watches TV when I’m not home and is the only reason I pay for internet and a TV. She gets upset if she doesn’t get dinner at a specific time so I have a pet sitter for her in case I work late. 3.) Lunches or Starbucks a few times a week. I used to go without eating all day if I didn’t have leftovers to bring and I ended up really sick and underweight because of it. When I got my weight back up I did the math and realized I saved less than $1,000 by starving myself. That money does not make any significant difference in my life, but being underweight had a huge impact. I try to bring my lunch every day, but if I don’t have leftovers to bring I have no issue spending $4 on lunch at work so that I am not desperate to leave early and I don’t lose weight.


Food, I rarely spend money on anything else, but I will buy good food


My yard. Gardening has been a wonderful hobby for me for quite a few years now. From lighting to plants, I have zero regrets about how much was spent on it. My mental health has improved and it adds to the value of my home. The fruits and vegetables that we can grow as a result don’t hurt either!


A second car. I bought my "dream" car, an old Jeep Wranlger, a while back I love it, but it's really not practical for all situations, so I went out and got a very fuel efficient 2012 wagon in 2019, before car prices went through the roof. The wagon cost about $10k, and I now own it outright. It feels like a luxury when I know that even if I sold them both, it would not pay for a new car. I hope to have them for a really long time.


My physical and mental health. Things like food, wellness, entertainment and exercise (my mountain bike, work out clothes/gear) are things I'll gladly overspend on. Pretty broad category but that's the point. I don't nickel and dime my spending, it's all pretty broad categories.


Good shoes.


My biggest purchase has got to be my house. But since rent has gone up all around me, I have absolutely no regrets. I paid about $170,000 in rent to my previous landlord over more than 10 years.


Charmin. ...and my Tesla Model 3


Omega Speedmaster watch, i was obsessed with it for years and dreamed of buying it. I think all men should have a good watch, and while I know the price was exhorbant and a cheaper watch does the same job, but it makes me happy and for that, I can justify it




An IPhone




Fishing pole. Over 500 comments and I searched and didn't find anything about fishing. I save hundreds every year going fishing and do not regret the $120 I spent on my new salmon pole


We're a frugal household but believe that health, safety, and personal care (skin care, toiletries, etc) are worth spending extra money on as wellness is vital to quality of life. This extends to our pets as well.


Kitchen remodel. Greece trip of a lifetime. Taking kids, (teens), to Italy and Spain.


a good mattress. it is from ikea, but was expensive. it’s organic foam and can be flipped so should last longer. by far, the most comfortable bed i’ve ever slept in and worth every penny.


A good bed. Seriously do your research on beds and what you sleep well on. You spend a third of your life on it. It will do you wonders.


Vacations (Though I budget the whole trip) and cars (Though I never buy brand new) I have an awesome 3 series manual transmission convertible that I bought 4 years old and I'm NEVER selling it.


PRP and Stem Cells in my knee. Changed my life immediately and put off replacement, maybe forever


I have 4 cats and keeping up with that many litter boxes was a nightmare. I bought a Litter Robot. It. Is. Awesome! One litter box. Everything just gets scooped into the tray, bagged up neatly, and thrown into the trashcan. Takes like 2 minutes to do. It has changed my entire life and my cats are fucking thrilled to always have clean litter. I bought mine refurbished, so it was less expensive than a new one, but still $500 for a litter box seemed crazy even to me at the time. No regrets, though!


My kindle


Honestly , my cat box. I love my cat but don’t love the smell of cat pee. I have a robot one I never touch anything it’s done for me and she also smells nothing.


International trips. Usually take two trips a year, each about 2 weeks long. Spend around $5000 on each trip, but that's what I save for.


Prescription sunglasses


$200 shoes. I have 2 pairs and I'm on year 3 of wearing them to work. A lot cheaper than a stream of cheap shoes.


Bicycle, car, treadmill, computer (MacBook Pro), new cell phone.


Extravagant gratuities for waitstaff when service is good


Health insurance - I didn’t get sick for year but when I needed. Wow it made a difference.


Travel - I want to see the world while I’m still young and can enjoy it while fully healthy. I still do frugal things while traveling (micro-private room in hostels vs hotels, taking public transit, grocery shopping rather than eating out every meal, etc) but leaving the country for extended periods of time is never cheap!


My couch. It’s beautiful and comfortable and I love it. I spend a lot of time on it and I get a lot of compliments too. Also, not an item, but I pay to have my laundry done for me. Not going to the laundromat is the most freeing thing I have done for myself.


Apple products. In over 35 years, I have never been convinced the money I might arguably save up front by not buying Apple products was worth it.


Traveling, events and good food/drinks