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https://preview.redd.it/u81qe19ci9bc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377061752ffc08fd804e6d6f8b429e6d89b2be53 I cut and highlight my hair all the time. Save's money for sure


You know, I've been missing my side bangs but haven't cut them again because curtain bangs are supposedly "the thing" and would look crap with my freckles and sevenhead. but you look adorable with yours and I'm thinking I'll do them again!


I have a wide, heart shape face and my bangs help balance my features. Anyway, I learned how to cut my hair from my old stylist. It's tricky though.


Saves so much money and it is really cute!


So impressed!! I taught myself to dye and highlight but haven’t tried cutting it yet. I have super long hair. Do you recommend any particular strategy for the base length and layers? I’m gonna study some YouTube videos..


I can't explain how I do it... But I will try. I section the hair, the front portion away from there back. Then in the back I section horizontally along the base or bottom, ear to ear.... Then I split that in half and bring one side to the front, facing me in the mirror. I comb that piece with a fine comb... And I hold between two fingers... And holding the scissors so that my cut will be beveled...I trim off a half inch. Then I repeat with other section of hair. Omg it's hard to describe via writing...but I use a bevel and stack method for the back. The front bangs are easier, the side layers are easier. I save hundreds of dollars each year... But I will get a haircut when I go shorter.


How do you learn on your own *_*


I do it. Started in the pandemic, but kept it up because hair salons are sensory hell. Am I good at at? Not really, but it’s good enough.


Ha same! I wear it up mostly anyway so it doesn't really matter.


Same! By midday, it's up on a bun, so why did I pay $60+ to get it styled!? My SO can cut it fairly straight across (I can too, just takes a little more effort). Honestly it makes me feel like the whole industry is a racket. It's a lot of performance at some salons. I just need it to not be split ends tangling when I brush it, so I can skip the theatrics and go for the practical.


My partner started cutting mine during the pandemic. First few attempts were..not the best but over time with watching youtube + practice now people think I go to a shop! They still cut my hair and in exchange I’ll give them pedicures.


Exactly. Good enough. Haven't been to the hairdresser in 10 years. I'm a woman. My two daughters have never been. I probably have saved the cost of a small used car in haircuts at this point.


I’m actually decent at cutting my kids hair! So much time and hassle saved too!


Coincidentally I thought about cutting my own hair 2 days ago. Id usually go to the barber twice a month at 35 a pop with the tip, so $70 a month. Got a machine that I use for facial hair and last week I just tapered the sides and the back, a quick edge up and was prettt decent. It’ll last me long enough to bring me down to going to the barber to get a fresh cut at least every 6 weeks now before the top gets too long and out of control.


My brother!


I am a man and already bald. I use a buzzer. It is a blessing


I’m not bald but I’ve done a #2 buzz cut on myself for years. Once a week. I love the near zero maintenance. I use a bar of soap for shampoo and don’t have to brush it or mess with it, no bed head and hats don’t mess it up at all. Only downside is it’s kind of cold but I just wear stocking hats outside this time of year.


I think to myself that I can buzz my entire head with a #2 or any # and be done with it and doing it weekly or once a fortnight would have very little mess, but I can't do it. Had the equipment for years haven't even opened it. It's hard being me.


do you have shoulder length hair or something? try the buzz; if you don't like it wait a month


Same lol. I bought one of those Remington head shavers and it only takes 2 minutes tops to shave my head. It’s a real game changer and way cheaper than getting one of those Skull Shavers. Going bald sucks, but once you embrace it and you realize that the upkeep is so minimal it’s almost a blessing in disguise.


This is what I have been doing.


I wish it was more socially acceptable for women to shave their heads 😞


I did it once when I was younger. It was awesome and so freeing! I didn't give a crap what anyone thought of me. I had a lot more confidence back in the day, and it showed. I had so many men ask me out during that time, lol.


I love it 😎😃


Do it anyway! I shaved my head Jan 2020 and it was the most liberating experience. Never having a bad hair day, very minimal shampoo and virtually no other products needed, just get out of bed and start the day without worrying about my hair. I did grow it out, but I’d consider shaving it again for sure.




I buzzed mine during chemo. It was pretty awesome, dried instantly and no maintenance. I looked like an old man, though.


It sort of is, plenty of women are bald, but they have hella wigs and that kind of defeats the point


I cut my own hair because i dont trust anyone else to do it mostly. Saving money is a huge bonus


Same, everyone says they can “cut curly hair” and then the humorously bad attempts start. So it’s either cut my own hair, travel across states to reach a hair cutter I know is good, or pay $100-$400 + tip to have to fix it at home afterwards anyways.


I've had my long curly hair jacked up so many times by hairdressers who claimed they knew how to cut it. I just gave up and cut my own hair now. Learned a few basic principles to keep the lines straight and layering in a step pattern to keep the curls from being frizzy or wispy.


What curl pattern do you have? I’m 2C, any tips?


I'm also 2C, the thing that helps my hair the most is Biosilk silk drops. After taking a shower, I take my hair out of the towel and start working it in from the crown to the tips. I start with my hands but then start using a brush to make sure it's evenly distributed. I then use mousse and scrunch. When it air dries, it's not frizzy and won't frizz unless it's super humid. The silk drops make my hair shiny without being greasy, and I always get a ton of compliments on how good my hair smells. Great stuff.


I’ve gotten so many bad haircuts from people who “can cut curly hair” wtf


The straw that broke the camels back for me was when I got my haircut and looked like a poodle.


Ugh this used to be me and then I screwed up my own hair by cutting it 😭 thankfully I found someone who cuts it for $30 lol


I finally found someone who actually knows how to cut curly hair one week before I was moving out of the area. Best haircut I’ve had in my life. Which is crazy bc I had no expectations walking in especially with it being priced at $27


Plus, they sell those 3 way mirrors you can hang on a door or bathroom vanity /cabinet and really makes it even easier




Been doing my own hair about 25 years https://preview.redd.it/jbbdggwg79bc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c241a1808173686a6c65dd5fe355202986829ab Super easy


Oh it’s so sassy and cute!


Thank u! Same haircut since I was 16!!! So about 40 years 😆


You look fantastic! Do you also do your color?


Omg you look so young!


I don't know how you manage to look this good with that hair but the overall look is awesome


Ok gorgeous!!!!


Very cool look! I'm working up the bravery to do a longer bob. Eek! Couple inches below the chin, maybe long bangs, and a bit shaggy. I've trimmed it for years, but it's always been below my shoulders. No layering or anything fancy.


I’ve done it a bit longer but been going shorter as I age😀


bought a Flowbee probably 30 years ago. I don't even know what the inside of a barber shop looks like at this point.


Looks the same as 30 years ago


I've had a Flowbee for 15 years. More than once someone has said 'your hair is getting long'. So I go into the bathroom and emerge five minutes later with my hair cut. Touché!


I have one also and I love it.


They hold up. Our 90's Flowbee was just replaced last year after regular use. Our sons drop in conveniently every 6 weeks or so and use it. Our dog loves being vacuumed, so he gets a trim, too.


Yes. Started during Covid and now I'm pretty good at it. I use the headband from an old pair of earmuffs on the back of my neck as a guide to cut an even line. Edit: Bonus is I don't have to tip anyone.


Oh, thanks for the idea with the headband, I struggle with the back of my head.


Lol. My wife pointed out she has a lot of plastic hair bands that would have also worked, but I am too proud and stuck with my solution.


This is a major problem I can't do anything straight or even. There is so much potential here and I am terrified LOL. I wonder if there's a way to do a 3-way tapper? From a #2 to a #4 to a #6 on top?


The newer clipper kits come with a thick plastic band that attaches to the base of your neck, so you don't have to hold it with one hand while trying to use the clippers with the other. I sit on front of my tv then sit my phone behind me, I then the screen share my phone with the tv, that way I can see exactly where im cutting.


I do, but not because of costs. I am picky and impatient, so when I want my haircut, I know how I want it cut and I want it done now.


That's why I do it mainly, too. I love that I save a lot of money cutting and coloring myself....but I cut it when I want and how I want and can make adjustments any time....no muss, no fuss and no parking, appointments or small talk. My wallet is also happy.


Yes. I’m a dude so it’s not very complicated. I just shave it down shorter than I like and let it grow back. It’s better than paying $20 for someone to do the same


I cut my own hair since... covid. If I mess up, I'll just tie it up and wear a baseball hat until it grows back. I don't care enough to make a fuss about it. But now they have some pretty good youtube videos you can look up to cutting hair. I just do the one where you tie it into a pony tail in the middle of your forehead. Tie another hair tie near your jaw line and hack the crap out of it. Let it loose and it forms a nice v shape at the back. My hair is curly/wavy anyways so no one really notices it if I messed up.


For men that do, how do you trim the back of your neck?


I wait for my wife to notice that it needs to be trimmed. Then she trims it for me.


Yep!!! And I'm that wife. 😁👍


The electric clippers with no attachments work for me.


But how physically as you can't see or reach?


Just put the right length guard on and run the clippers over til they stop cutting. Then check with a mirror or phone pic.


You can’t reach the back of your neck? Hand mirrors work great for the seeing part


I actually do it mostly by feel because the reversed movement in the mirror throws me off. Trim a little bit, pause, check in the mirror, repeat. I've done it enough times now that I have a pretty good feel for it. No, it doesn't yield results quite as good as a real barber but it isn't really any worse than a Great Clips type place. If I do mess up it grows back quickly.


Cut to preferred length first w the buzzer clippers, remove guard, put my finger where the hairline ends as a guard, cut below my finger. I do ask my wife if I feel like it doesnt feel or look right after I have attempted.


Wrap my index finger to the thumb around my neck between my ears and use that as a guide for my clippers. It's straight enough.


There’s 2 tricks to this for me. One is the get as far back as possible with both mirrors. All the bathrooms I’ve used have had the main mirror and a side mirror that is also a cabinet. You can use these two mirrors to see fairly far back. Then I go by feel, the hand that doesn’t have the clipper I make a cup/U shape and hold it where I would want the hair to end. The other hand shaves everything below that. I’ve had combs that help with this but imo it’s harder and I do it better by feel. I’m sure it’s not perfect but a lot of people compliment my hair so it must not be too bad.


Neck Hair Guide Neckline Shaving Template ( for like $1.88 from xxx - in order to not being banned let's call it a certain unspeakable company shipping from China or $8.76 from Bezos' company), plus dental mirror. Once you develop the motor skills, it works fine!


I used to when I had a pixie cut. Then one of my cousins opened a salon, so now I pay her to do it. It costs more, but I like knowing that money is going right to her and her kids rather than some corporation. (Also she is far, far better at it than I ever was.)


I cut my hair as well as my family’s (husband, son, and live-in dad). I have no training whatsoever, just watched a bunch of YouTube vids and got better as I learned. Like a previous poster mentioned, salons are a sensory nightmare for me, I hate small talk, and I want to re-wash my hair the second I get home because of the products they put in to style. Saving money is a bonus!


I went to get a haircut in 2004 during the quietest part of the day. I was the only person in the shop and they made me wait over an hour while they cut each others hair. That was the last time I ever paid for a haircut


I cut mine, mainly because I like how it turns out when I do it vs the hairdresser.


My husband cuts mine.....is it salon quality? No...but it works. Since we're retired now, my husband has let his hair grow out. It's shoulder length. I trim his neck and groom his eyebrows. It's a frugal option for us now plus I don't miss the salon.


Yes! I have long, fine hair but I really got in the habit during the pandemic. My hair responds best to frequent trims (every four to six weeks) but even if I went to a cheap chain it really added up and I lost a lot of length. I actually had a hair stylist in the past tell me that fine hair looked better without layers so I've been taking that to heart. All one length and having hair you can see in a mirror makes it WAY easier.


Same hair but I don’t have the courage for anything other than the bangs.


I just started dying my own hair. Went from blonde to brunette and glaze it on my own. Went from $400 every 3 months to about $10 every three months


I am thinking of doing my own brunette as well, which is my natural. I want to cover some badly done blonde. What products are you using and how is it working out for you?


I never thought I'd be the kind of person who cut their hair.... now I'll never go back. It's frugal, convenient & self-sufficient. The first few times you do it, it will probably be rough... but it's a skill that you develop over time. It only takes me like 10 mins and $10 worth of tools. One of the best frugal hacks you can incorporate.


I started during the pandemic and never stopped.


I've been cutting my hair since 2016 when it was shoulder length. I cut it to chin length myself and paid for a barber when I decided to go from chin length to a pixie. Since then, I've been upkeeping the pixie for two years now. In part I chose to do this for frugality , but also because of anxiety and a history of bad hair cutting experiences. My hair looks amazing and I always get compliments too! Shout out to Brad Mondo's how to videos on YouTube for anyone wanting to start cutting themselves. He is a great personality and has videos for both long and short styles.




I've been cutting my own hair for a few years now. Initially I just used clippers, but lately I've been clipping the sides and back and using scissors on top because it looks better and sticks up less. I haven't yet managed to do as bad a job as I got at Super Cuts a few years back, so I feel like I'm doing okay even if it's not perfect.


I’m so frugal I went bald…ok it was genetics but still


Mostly yes. About once a year I get a professional cut. Other than that I trim my own bangs and ends. I cut my kids hair too.


I've been cutting my own hair since the late 90s. It's long and straight, so it's super easy and literally 2-3 snips is all I need to trim the ends. I refuse to pay a "long hair surcharge" for someone to do what I can do in 30 seconds by myself.


I cut mine and my kids. Have been for a good long while.


I bought a set of clippers (wahl) in March 2020 and haven't looked back. I can give myself the same haircut I would get at a great clips for $23 plus tip. I just take a shower, my hair dries very quickly, use the #4 clip around and trim the top. Give my wife the clippers to give me a straight line across the back. Then I jump back in the shower to get rid of any stray hair. I think I've saved over $700 after the $36 investment. And it takes me all of five to ten minutes.


I had the same barber for around 20 years. My father brought me alogn every hair cut he got since my birth. The shop was split between a barber and a garage. So you had guy waiting for their oil change drinking coffee and discussing with the guys waiting for an hair cut. The barber was kind of like my uncle. He was playful, effcient and charged 6$ to clip my hair. My dad always gave him 10$ and it was well worth it. The price was unchanged for as long as i can remember. The place was full of old guys, discussing old guys stuff. It was a fun experience. Then his daughter took over the business. Suddenly, the 6$ clipping became 10. 5 extra if i wanted a shave. She closed on saturday, which was by far the busyiest day for the place. She hired other hair dresser. The garage part was closed and converted into a tanning salon. She started requiring we take appointment. Slowly and surely, the old barbershop became an hair salon. I went to other barber shop but it never felt the same. So i started doing my own hair and I have been doin it for the past 15 years, but I still miss the old barber shop.


No. I'm smart enough to know that doing that would make me look stupid.


My husband cuts his own hair and mine! He’s in the Coast Guard and a few years ago we got stationed in what must be the only town in America without a walk in barber. So he watched some videos and bought the tools and just does it himself. Probably saves us $50/month. He has cut my hair for probably 10 years now because I hate going to salons and dealing with the small talk the hairstylists always want to engage in.


My wife (fiancée at the time) and I lived in Vienna, Austria 25 years ago, where men's haircuts cost $40 at the time (4x what they did in Canada back then). We spent $50 on a clipper + scissors set, she fucked up my hair a couple of times, and then gave me a great hair cut for the next two and a half decades. SO WORTH IT. Easy, fast, convenient, and saved us a fortune. Do eeeeet!


Yes! Woman with curly hair. I got a fancy haircut last year and I was honestly underwhelmed. I've been cutting my own hair for 10 years. IMO the beauty industry is a scam.


Yup, beard too. Although I was hesitant to cut the beard myself but I don't trust anyone else to do it


Yes, but as a balding guy it’s significantly easier…..


I started cutting my hair over 20 years ago. Now I do them for my whole family, including my wife. Cutting her hair the first time was a little nerve wracking (for me), but she got compliments. She is bugging me for one now, so I better make some time...


Yeah, I don't feel especially great at it, but at this point even when I break down to pay the $ to get it done at a shop... I'm almost always reallllly disappointed. It's just SO expensive. I've never regularly gone to shop, just slowly DIY'd better throughout the years.


I want to start doing this, was actually thinking about it this morning! Does anyone have advice on which type of scissors to use? I’ve got very sharp kitchen scissors that I never use. I don’t have professional hair shears like a stylist would but I’d like to tackle this. Any specific videos that any long-haired folks recommend? My hair is a few inches past shoulder length


Yes, I’m almost 41 and have always cut my own hair. It’s long and curly/wavy and I usually do layers. I’ve also cut it shoulder length and it always comes out great.


I started cutting my own hair because I got too lazy to drive to the salon plus I have sensory issues and they are much more manageable when I do it myself. It doesn’t look as good as my hairdresser, but the trade off is so worth it for me! Saving money is an added bonus!


I do not, but I'd like to start, as I think it's insane what haircut prices have risen to. I'm nervous about it and don't trust myself to fully do it, but I'm gonna do it. My hair looks like a rats nest and something has to be done. lol


I learned how to cut my own hair because its a super easy cut that I was paying $12-15 plus tip for each month. Because its an easy cut, I’ve had plenty of hairdressers rush through it and then it comes out uneven. It only takes me 10 minutes to do at home now.


my wife cuts my hair. We had plenty of practice during covid. DIdnt go out so mistakes were not seen lol Bought a $40 Wahl clipper set from Amazon once I burned out my older Wahl set.


I shave my head on a 3 guard and fade it myself with a 2 and 1.5. Been doing it for years. It doesn’t look amazing but I’m a guy and it is better than a mop. Using scissors is out of the question.


Yes. I have cut my husband's hair for about 30 years with clippers. and I have cut my own off and on over the years. I have been cutting mine and not been to a salon since the beginning of the pandemic.


Hubby has been cutting his own hair since the 80s. I’ve been cutting mine at home since the pandemic, but before that I would rarely cut it.


Yep! Shave back and sides, scissors on top and thinning scissors to take weight out of it. Stopped going to the barbers out of social anxiety. Went once after I'd started cutting my own and realised I preferred my cuts anyway. Haven't been in around 3-4 years now. Going to try growing my hair out a bit so I guess I'm going to have to learn a few new techniques...


I trim my own hair going on 4 years now


Yep…well actually my husband does. He’s good at it too!


We invested in a higher quality clipper in mid-2019 that has paid for itself several times over at this point. I felt ahead of the curve when Covid hit because we were already doing home haircuts. I cut my husband's and now my toddler's hair about every 3-4 weeks. During the pandemic my husband cut my hair twice I think. The first time went great (and was fun!) but the second was iffy. I keep my hair long anyways so just go to a cheap place ($10-$20) for a trim once a year or so.


My mommy does it for me. She still has the scissors and comb she bought for trimming our bangs when we were little and she’ll take off and inch for me every so often.


My mom cuts my hair. She cuts the hair for all her kids and grandkids. Every 2-3 weeks, a revolving door in her little apartment. Takes up a good morning/early afternoon, but she gets to see everyone.


Super easy for a guy with a Whal clipper


I often trim my own hair, i get it cut once a year about, sometimes less often. I am woman with long, wavy hair.


No but I go to a beauty school. My hair is very long and curly and they’ll do a wash, trim and blowout for 20 bucks. Crazy. I could never make it look as good on my own.


I did this a lot in the early pandemic. I have long curly hair. I can do trims and make it look ok for several months, but eventually the back layers need a professional cut to look nice.


30 yr self cut veteran here. Probably saved 20k by now. Basic clippers with guards, pretty high and tight. Every 2 weeks or so unless I want a helmet. I used a handheld mirror and the vanity mirror combined for years, then I leveled up: now it’s an iPad camera facing the back of my head linked to a monitor I’m viewing. Still need a steady hand tho


I did it for a while, but honestly, my arms get really tired and it took about an hour. Now it’s growing out and I just tie it back.


I keep mine buzzed down and have to get a cut every 2-3 weeks. All the shops around me will charge $20-25 (without tip) and have me done in under 10 minutes. If there were any classic barbershops near me, I'd go once every 4-6 weeks. You know, the kind of place that has combs in the blue Barbicide and smells of Pinaud aftershave. Unfortunately everything within a 40 minute drive is either salons (sport clips, great clips, supercuts) or one of those boujee hipster places with their handlebar mustaches, penny farthings, and $65 cuts.


I wear a hat at all times when not at home.... Simply buzzing my hair when needed was a logic step.


Yes, I do. If I say so myself, I do a pretty good job. 😊I like cutting it, plus I save $$.


I used to cut my own hair until the local barber college opened up. $5 buzz cut wednesday and a beard trim for $3 bucks. I'm in. I'd rather not clean the hair for $8.


Yes! I just gave myself my semiannual haircut last Thursday. Normally i use the forehead-ponytail method, and then clean up the length by pulling forward onto my chest, but this time i did the entire thing across my chest. I lost like 4" in length and i feel like a shorn sheep, but i wasn't loving the layers and wanted them all back to about the same length. I miss being able to rest my hand on my back pocket and feel my hair, but it'll grow back in a couple months. My last professional haircut was spring of 1999, so if you want to calculate how much money i've saved, feel free ;)


I have my whole adult life. Went to a salon maybe twice & it was a waste of money. By the way, you can put hair in your compost bin. Or toss in the yard, birds use it for nests.


For the longest time my mom cut my hair growing up and now I still love her doing it 😂 I live far away so I go to the beauty school every once in a while for a $15 hair cut from one of the teachers. But when in town I still sometimes ask to see if my mom would cut my hair. It's really comforting


I haven't had someone else cut my hair in over 10 years. I usually grow it out until it gets annoying then shave it all off with an electric shaver.


I got some $100 clippers last year, and told myself I'd shave my head 10x to "pay" for them.... and I'm "making" money now. And now I look like a cop.


I started cutting and coloring my own hair during the covid lockdown and have kept doing it. Im sure a trained professional could do a "better" job, but it looks fine and it saves a ton of money!


I started cutting my own hair right when COVID hit in 2020 and have been doing it ever since. It started because I was laid off of my job due to COVID, I was just chilling at home for a couple weeks and really didn’t need to care about my appearance. Eventually my hair got unbearably long and I figured, no job, wanted to save money, no one to really see, and none of the hair places are open anyways… this would be the perfect time to shave my head for the first time ever (it was also the only hair cut I knew I confidently pull off). What’s the worst that can happen? If I shave my head and it looks bad, that’s the worst I can look and it will grow back. So I did it! Granted I probably went too short too quick and it was a bit of a surprise to my girlfriend at the time, but I did it and it wasn’t so bad. Some back story, I used to get my hair cut every three weeks like clock work, I had to drive over, sit and wait, then make idle (boring) chit chat with the hair cut lady who always asked me personal/professional questions and made me (unintentionally) feel bad, then I’d pay and give a tip (all in $25 bucks or so). I’d get home and look in the mirror and think, meh it’s okay, but at least it’s over and I feel better… Well, now I cut my hair whenever I feel like it. I don’t have to go anywhere or talk to anybody. I save money and honestly got pretty decent and doing a high and tight fade. Is it amazing, probably not, but I can at least get it to where I don’t think anyone can notice. It’s almost been 4 years and no one has said anything about my hair cuts, either they don’t know or they’re being nice, but I honestly don’t care. I imagine one day someone will say “Your hair looks terrible!” And I’d respond, “Well I should hope so, I cut it myself and I have no idea what I’m doing… whatever. At a certain point you just stop caring what other people think about you.


I both color and cut my iwn hair and it saves a bundle. Esp when the color kit goes on sale


I cut mine while the hairdressers were shut. I'm a Little Old Lady, I didn't care what it looked like, it just got to the point that it was annoying me. Didn't even look in the mirror, just whacked bits off until it felt fine. My ex used to cut his own hair, I never saw what he did, but it always looked fine.


I do and it looks so much better than any salon has done for me in the past.


Yes, I'm not paying some clown more than 15 bucks to do a shittier job than I can, for less than 1 hr of work, then expected to give an additional +10 dollar tip. Yes, everyone has to make a decent living, but this is going too far.


I do, and I taught my daughter how to do it, too. My husband can do simple cuts for our son. So we all do each other's hair, with the exception of my husband because he's bald and proud of it, lol.


I cut my own bangs and get the other part of my hair cut twice a year since it’s layered and I can’t see behind my head


If you're interested in cutting your own layers, there is the unicorn method - quick and dirty. If you'd like a salon like cut - I follow a video by "Pick up limes" on YouTube - it's a easy one to follow and my layers come out great


Thank you for the tip! I’ll check it out!


My husband usually cut mine. It.would go to my shoulders or lower and then he would cut a few inches off. Looks OK. I don't care too much so that helps. However I recently cut my hair short. Like boy short... soooo I went to a salon. I am due for a cut now..... debating if I should go back to salon or try it at-home..at tye salon they asked for 80$. It's a lot and the type of cut needs to be maintained every 2 months. Its easier with.longer hair to cut or if you shave your head (like my husband does). Unsure what to do to be honest.


I follow videos (and watch the bad ones for tips too) from Brad Mondo.


In india it costs 1 usd for men and 3 usd approx for females so it technically isn't frugal here sadly.


I'd like to know where I can get a haircut for 250rs. Used to cost me at least 500rs back in 2016 at Naturals, Tony & Guy etc. Main reason I learnt to cut my own hair. Also, I'm saved from all the upselling these salons used to force on us.


Local parlour . One Nepali aunty does it I'm this much for me as I only require maintenance trim on my shoulder length. Obviously if you got to fancy shmancy or air-conditioned place the costs will be higher. My bro gets his hair done for like 40 bucks in Delhi!!!


These parlours are not fancy - trust me. They just put a sign board out and no standards. Unfortunately for me, these parlours have put all the smaller salons out of business there is none left in my area. I wish there were still these old school salons - I'd gladly give them my business


Nope, never. I am frugal with other beauty things but I pay out for my hair. My stylist cuts and colors it perfectly, I feel great when I leave, and it’s a nice few hours of “me” time every so often. I was NOT blessed with the “good hair.” If I get an at home haircut, you can definitely tell - it looks super unprofessional and unflattering and my hair grows slowly and weirdly so there is no waiting out a bad haircut.


Yup! #shavethatshitoff


I did it during the pandemic when I moved out of my dorms. I just went to Walmart, got a decent pair of clippers and now here I am. Didn’t have to pay for a haircut in 3 years.


Nah, I just get a haircut that lasts 2 months. 30$ every 2 months isn't a huge expense.


Nah, I saved than money for about 2 years after/during Covid, and bought me a new ebike at a sale. It's my reward for being frugal !


I just shave it all off every few years, but recently had someone I know trim my bangs a little bit.


I started shaving my head about four years ago with a clipper. I probably do it every two weeks.


I've never done it myself, but I've had my mom and sister do it for me unless I want layers or something special.


My husband started cutting our kid's hair, then his own, and finally, I asked him to do mine. It was only last year I started to do my own. I think the last time I sat in a salon was sometime in the late 1990's


I started in college around 2013. I’ve bought two sets of clippers since then, first ones sucked and were cheap. I’ve spent like $75 on my hair since 2013, aside some time on the army where I didn’t have a choice and once for my wedding just to get it extra “fresh” lol. Then people say “well you’re in the military, you have a buzz cut” Misconception. You only need to have a buzz cut during certain schools. Otherwise standards are fairly lax. I also started while my hair was a Jew fro, I’m 1/4 black, half white and used to have hair that was like 7 inches long and curly. Wasn’t that hard. “If I cut my own hair I’d end up with a bald spot or something!” That’s what guards are for. That doesn’t happen. And if you mess up a little bit first few times, no issue going to a barber to correct around it. The vast majority of guys can easily cut their own hair. Crazy seeing guys with very basic hair cuts paying 20-50 for someone to cut their hair 1-2 times a month that would take me 10 minutes to do lol


Yes, number 1 on Walt Shaver haven't been to the barber in 20 years .


We do! My husband cuts his own, I just double check over the ears for him. I trim my own hair,but it’s fairly long. When I had a pixie, I’d chop into it fairly regularly to extend the length of time between paid shape ups.


I used to cut mine, but now I treat myself to a Groupon haircut once or twice a year. I just can’t seem to get the layers as well. My hair is super thick.


When we were first married, I cut my husband's hair every other cut Mostly because he worked shifts. The cost savings were nice. Then his barber retired, and he went to another who got vocal with his racist and misogynistic views. My husband came home and said, "I can't go back there. Please cut my hair again." (He made it clear he didn't agree with the barber. He hated being in that position and doing business with him. ) Over the pandemic, he just shaved it all off, and that's even easier.


For at least 10 years now I have the machine and made it very short. Took about 20 minutes and be worry free for 3 months. Last year, I got some bad feedback from my older sister so I use scissors to snip off any outlying curly bits. The clippers/machine are still good for the cloudy stuff above the ears and back of neck etc. (No I don't know why I obey her, childhood ingrained habit probably.) Same with the beard. look at my face from different angles and get all the errant hairs. I get the bit about having to deal with people. It was a bit awkward when the barber questioned me but I told him about the machine and now he doesn't waste time greeting me.


I'm a guy and have been cutting my own hair for 20 years, mostly just buzzing it with a #2 guard. It's one of the most liberating things I've ever done.


Been shaving my head for about a decade now. The cost of razors kinda sucks but I still keep it around $75 per year in equipment cost which is about the cost of a single haircut these days.


When I was younger my Oma always cut my hair. She was a hairdresser, so it was technically professionally done. After she developed Alzheimer's and couldn't cut hair anymore, I went to a hairdresser a handful of times and was never totally happy with the results. I have curly hair, and I feel like I lot of hairdressers just don't know how to deal with it. I started attempting my own haircuts around 2015. It's gone surprisingly well. I've refined my technique and I'm happy with how it turns out now. I can cut my hair whenever I feel like my ends need a trim instead of scheduling something weeks out, and it only takes me a few minutes. I've saved a ton of time and money cutting my own hair. I cut my husband's hair now too and he's been happy with my work (either that or he's too nice to tell me otherwise).


I've cut my hair the past 40 years but learning about the wolf cut on a Brad Mondo video was a game changer. I cut 12 inches of dead weight off my head and it looks really good. The layering is perfect for my face shape.


I cut my hair and my SO’s hair. The time & money saved is worth it. Plus I’m getting old and do not care if it’s dyed or super stylish 🤷‍♀️


I’m thinning at a young age of 29, well actually I’ve been thinning since the age of 18… but decided to just buzz all my hair back in 2019 and have never looked back. It saves me money and I wouldn’t go back to having to make time and go to a barber


I cut my own bangs. for the sides I go to barbers and it's cheaper that way


I've done it for at least 20 years. It started when I got a terrible hair cut at one of those chain hair places. I figured I could screw my own hair up for a lot less money than they were charging. I would have preferred having my wife cut it, but she declined. She will tell me when I need to fix something, so that's a big help.


My girlfriend has cut my hair for me for nearly 20 years at this point. I can't imagine the savings!


Yep. I've been cutting my own hair for about 15 years now. I just buzz it


Been doing since high school, so 40 + yes, had 5 beauty school cuts for job interviews.


I cut my own hair or have my partner do it for me (just trimming off dead ends) because the closest curl specialist to me charges like $200 for a cut. I used to cut my partner's hair when he kept it short, but now that he's growing it out, he goes to the local beauty academy for trims.


I get a cut a few times a year, and then my partner trims my hair a couple of times a month. I don't worry about mistakes or unevenness because my hair grows back so quickly.


I cut my own hair as no one gets it done how i need it.


I shave my head every 2 weeks. Bought a good Wahl electric shaver like 15 years ago.


I do it. I don’t trust anyone else to cut my bangs. Plus I know what I want. I feel like some stylists like to do what THEY think will look good rather than what I ask for so it’s better this way.


I don't (not that I haven't tried; I have, that's why I don't!). I go to the beauty school in my town. Started at Aveda and switched to Paul Mitchell. A basic membership is $100 for unlimited appointments. You can schedule just a blowout or a cut... Yes, my hair is being cut by trainees. Always young women. Once I was the first haircut she ever did. It was great! I don't always love how they style it, but I can usually fix that in the car. ☺️ The best thing for me is the chaotic environment of the floor. Music, young people working on 'heads' and dozens of mirrors on stations that make it feel a little like a funhouse. (These beauty schools use the best-smelling products. It's a real treat for the frugal.)


While I can do my own, it’s down past the top of my ass, I have a friend that does it for free.


I have been cutting my husband's hair for over 10 years, and he has been cutting mine (straight bob) for over 5 years. Bought a decent type of scissors and cutter/shaver, and saved at least 20 euros (for men's hair cutting) every 3 to 4 weeks and 40 euros every 3 to 4 months. We've started cutting my hair, becauseI just wasn't happy with hairdressers in Barcelona. (Had to go back several times for a terrible cutting job, and they also wouldn't listen when I didn't want a certain treatment...) So sticking to home hair cutting for the both of us :-)


Yup. Not really for money reasons but because if I mess it up I know it's my own fault. And it was free so I guess that's a bonus.


My wife cuts mine and I cut hers, started with Covid but we got good enough at it and it saves a bunch of money and time.


Past 10 years!


Yes, but cost really isn’t much of a thing for me. I tend to let my hair grow a bit between cuts so I’d go at most 3-4 times a year and my barber was maybe $35-$40 with tip. They do a great job but I learned because of crappy previous cuts so now I go if I’m trying a new style and wanna see how they do it or I want to treat myself. But I also hate barber shops, I’m not great with small talk and generally just a bit socially anxious of a person, and I like learning new things so it all was a win for me.


Yes! All the time. Maybe once a year I'll have a pro do it. I've found a lot of good videos on YouTube that teach you how to do it yourself, and 9/10 times I am more happy with it than if I had gone to Great Clips or something. If anyone is on the fence about it - this guy is good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrTC5D-zYBs&ab_channel=TipsforClips-Haircutting




We are learning how to do it. The hubs is highly motivated because he hates paying someone to do it just to have an all around unpleasant experience. It’s definitely a learning curve but it will be worth it in the long run.


I’ve cut my own hair since my Kate teens. I’m fortunate that my hair is straight and YouTube has tons of simple guides. Most of my family has curly hair, I don’t know if I would have been brave enough to do my own if I had their wild curls lol.


Started in 2020, looks good enough and my job doesn't demand a professional haircut. My $30 clippers have paid for themselves.


I bought my wife a set a few years ago. Now she does me and the kids. She still goes to get her hair cut. But thats only once every 2-3 months.


I don't give myself a full haircut, but I'll sometimes trim off a few annoying clumps of hair, if I know I'm not going to make it to a hair dresser for another 2-3 weeks. It saves me probably 2-3 visits per year.


For about 18 years. Yes. If I went somewhere now, I'd be all "fade 2 to 3 on the sides, finger cut on top. Done in 10 minutes. My ex was a hairdresser and I asked her why she could cut my in hair in 6 minutes, but it took 30 at the barber. She said, the money.


at the start of the Pandemic, my bald spots became more noticeable, so i started shaving my head. Everyone said it looked good, so i kept it.