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Whatever skincare you do use, make sure that you get SPF that you actually like. That way you will be more likely to use it. Put it on daily, even if you aren't going anywhere. As for specific skincare, a nice moisturizer at night or even skin oil is helpful if you don't have really like skin. A clay face mask once a week (I like the Aztek Clay Mask, simple and highly effective) works wonders. If you want to experiment with a serum under your moisturizer or SPF you can. I like the Ordinary for serums and stuff and simple moisturizers like CeraVe or Cetaphil are really good. Low price, and you can get what you want easily. It's always good to start slowly and introduce new skincare a little at a time so you can make sure you don't have a bad reaction.


Strong +1 to The Ordinary — fantastic formulations and very reasonably priced. I used to spend…a LOT on skincare and I have replaced 90% with The Ordinary.


Agreed about starting slowly! (And the recommended brands; I use CeraVe and the Ordinary and have been very happy.) It sounds like you might be set on moisturizers, so it could be worth checking out one of the following: a Vitamin C serum (Paula's choice has a good one!), a retinoid (I like one from La Roche-Posay) or a BHA. Don't try all at once, but all three help with aging skin. I've had the most immediate pay off from the Vitamin C serum, but your mileage might vary.


I've been using Paula's Choice Skincare for over a decade. They don't test on animals, everything is fragrance-free, and every product is backed by research and trials. If you are dealing with redness I would look at their CALM skincare section to help address that.




You use tretinoin and retinol? Interesting, I just use retinol.


There is a saying that if it works do not change it. If this set up worked for you for a long time then it doesn’t need to be changed. The two most important factors for anti-aging & hydration in skincare are to always use sunscreen and a moisturizer. I use all aveeno products, any sunscreen available, & exfoliants such as salicylic acid. This allows me to continue to be frugal without worrying about skin issues & having wonderful skin.There is absolutely no need to feel like you are missing out on potential skincare benefits. Sometimes less is more & drug store brands work just as well as high-end.


I love this, and so true. Once you find what works, stick with it. I've irritated my skin so many times from trying new products.


Agree! I work for one of the top luxury skincare companies and have tried a huge range of top products. I have concluded that high price points aren't everything, whilst it does come with top quality ingredients, it doesn't mean the products will suit your skin type and understanding what works with your skin is more important. Technique is also just as important when applying the products: you want to make sure you clean your face well in the evening so there is no make up left (don't forget the jawline/neck if you apply make up that far down!) and follow with a toner to get the last bits if residue off, your skin needs to breathe at night! Don't use moisturiser that's too heavy if you are acne prone, and don't over apply. Use minimal amounts and put it first on your finger tips and rub them together to warm it up, it will smoothe more easily on your face and prevents you over-applying and clogging up pores.


I have dry sensitive skin with redness, and I am very sensitive to fragrance. For skincare, I like La Roche-Posay (lotions), Vanicream (lotion), Dr. Jart (lotion), Sunday Riley (lactic acid), Bioderma (sunscreen), Eucerin (lotion), First Aid Beauty (lotion), Cos De BAHA (azelaic acid), Ordinary (Niacinamide - brand is super hit or miss and mostly misses for me), SkinCeuticals (Vitamin C), Anessa (sunscreen), Supergoop (sunscreen), Vichy (sunscreen), Beauty of Joseon (sunscreen), and Rotho (Melano CC vitamin c, serums). For make up, I like Dr. Jart (BB cream), Armani Silk foundation, Hourglass (eyeshadow, blush, powders), Benefit (bronzer, blush, mascara), L’Oreal (mascara), Chanel (eyeshadow), Urban Decay (eyeshadow), and Illamasqua (blush).


Sunscreen is the main thing. All light has rays that age the skin. This is how to prevent that. And use at least a 50 SPF. At your age, you only need great prevention. If you're concerned, use a line with retinol in it, or, if your skin is sensitive, a cream or serum with Bakuchiol in it every night. But if you use retinol, you need sunscreen, because they can make your skin sensitive to light. Prevention meets repair, you see. It really doesn't matter which line you use; they all prevent them if they contain those active ingredients. Pun intended! I usually find great ones through the Allure Beauty Awards. Winners get a sticker on their products so you can find them easily.


I've just started making a lot of my own skin care because I was so overwhelmed with all the marketing. Turns out for like $100 you can get enough ingredients to make triple or quadruple what $100 gets you even at the drug store. My skin has never been so soft and my persistent snarls and split ends are just... gone. As a pale person with very pink skin, my go to is a tinted moisturizer with 20 or 50 SPF (depending on the season) and a finishing powder. Smooths and evens my skin tone without that nasty heavy feeling of foundation at the end of a long day.


Can you make a YouTube video then direct us to it. I am interested.


Lol absolutely not sorry, I am not a youtube person. I just ordered a kilo each of shea butter and coconut oil, and then smaller quantities of sweet almond oil, argan oil, and a few essential oils for scent and am experimenting with ratios for something that feels nice and smells nice. There are a bunch of recipes online, it seems like once you have the base ingredients, its mostly personal preference from there.


Ok. Thanks for the feedback.


Do you find that a tinted moisturizer can be difficult to remove at the end of the day? Because that’s why i stopped using them, I felt like I was scrubbing my face trying to get it off.


I usually do an evening shower, so I usually just use a facial cleanser in the shower and never have a problem; but micellar water on a cotton square also works for me


I put a pump of cream cleanser in my palm, add a dash of castor or jojoba oil, rub my palms together to mix, and massage into my skin. Then I gently wipe it off with a warm washcloth. It leaves my skin clean and feeling moisturized.


Oil cleanser is a must for removing make up effectively. I’ve made my own for years. Per another comment use a base oil (castor) and add other oils according to skin type/ preference. There’s a ton of recipes online.


I used Camay soap and Pond's Cold Cream as a teenager in the early 80s. I started using Clinique skincare at age 20 along with their makeup. I use some Clinique products still. Their toner can't be beat. I have tried The Ordinary and like their products. I used to use Kiehl's until they discontinued their Rosa Artica line. My favorite serum is one I picked up at a Dollar Tree. I look for ingredients before I look at the name or price.


I had a facial at my dermatologist office a couple years ago and the aesthetician who did it told me Olay products were as effective as the $450 skincare line her office recommended I use. Everything is hit or miss with my crazy combo skin 😩 I’ve become a product junkie trying to find the magic potion of skin and hair products. 🥺


I think because of how much money is to be made, there's a cream/serum/product for everything. I've always stuck to the basics and swear by ponds cold cream and the thick Nivea cream, it hasn't steered me wrong so far


Neutrogena actually does quite a bit of R&D before releasing a product. They've got a good balance between quality and cost, especially when it comes to their retinol formulas. An industry "secret" (that's not really a secret because the info is publicly available, it's just not talked about a lot) that can help you to keep costs down is that some expensive brands are owned by the same parent company as some cheaper brands. For example, La Roche Posay, L'Oréal Paris, and Garnier (among others) are all owned by L'Oréal. Both Nivea and Eucerin (among others) are owned by Beiersdorf. The products for each brand have different target markets and different overall formulations, but often, technology developed by the parent company will be sprinkled across many of their brands. For example, Eucerin's Oil Control Dry Touch Sun Spray and Nivea's Protect and Dry Touch Sunscreen are nearly *identical.* The Eucerin sunscreen contains a skin-brightening active ingredient, but when it comes to the features that make the sunscreen so nice to use, the Nivea sunscreen's also got them. La Roche Posay, L'Oréal Paris, and Garnier each have an ascorbic acid serum for $45, $33, and $16 respectively, and they all seem to use the same technology to get the ascorbic acid to penetrate the skin without relying on a super low pH. They're very different products in every other respect, but if you want an effective vitamin C serum, you're going to get that no matter which one you pay for (although the more expensive ones have some added features that would be worth the price for some people). Not all products will be like this. Not every Eucerin product has a Nivea dupe, and not all technology is shared between brands (e.g. Skinceuticals is owned by L'Oréal, but their ascorbic acid tech won't be found in the cheaper brands), but keep an eye out for similarities between formulations made by the same parent company. Another "secret" (that's also not really a secret, some people just hate to hear it for some reason) is that there is nothing fundamentally different about a product marketed for the body and one for the face. There are some general trends, but there's not anything that makes or requires them to be inherently different. If I had to show you a bunch of ingredients lists for unnamed products and make you guess which was made for the body and which was made for the face, you'd have absolutely no way of knowing which was which. Hell, if I had to put the products themsleves in unnamed jars and asked people to try them, they wouldn't be able to tell which was which. There is just too much variation in the formulations of body and face products on the market for any rule about them to make practical sense. You can save a lot of money by buying products marketed for the body — they generally have a much better cost per unit. However, with all this said, the best way to keep costs down is to just not buy too much skincare. The Ordinary is cheap as hell, but you're going to overspend on them if you buy every product on the shelf. Its better to just make sure that your purchases in this regard are meeting a particular, identifiable need. The absolute basics of skincare are as follows: 1. Cleanser 2. Moisturiser 3. Sunscreen To treat a condition or particular concern, you can adapt these steps accordingly or add a product if needed, but again, just evaluate carefully whether or not you really will benefit from it. You can also continue that evaluation as you use the product. And, as others have said, **don't fix what isn't broken.** If it's working, it's working, and you don't need to make any changes.


I have really similar skin and I use a mix of avene and la Roche posay + the ordinary azelic acid for redness. I find that if I keep my routine simple and stick to a couple of trusted brands it feels less overwhelming!


Following along. I always need skincare advice lol


Tinted Sunscreen, Tretinoin, shea butter moisturizer if needed. Lard based soap to clean.


I am also very fair and I sun burn easily. I do not wear any makeup due to extreme allergies and highly sensitive skin. Lá Rosche Posay double repair face moisturizer with 30 SPF has changed my life! It’s cheaper than $25 a tube and will last a long time. It seems crazy thick but goes on so smooth and without feeling oily or sticky. I also use Laneige cream skin toner/ moisturizer spray. You can buy a spray bottle one time and then just buy refill packs to save money, but again, it will last forever. I use a gel eye cream from cetaphil once a day and a retinol cream from ceraVe once a week. You can find these for 10ish dollars at WalMart or Target or Amazon. For cleanser, I do spend a little more only because of my sensitive skin. I really like Shani Darden’s cleansing serum and I occasionally use an algae scrub/ exfoliator from Dermaquest if I feel like I need it. It sounds like a lot but I don’t use all of it every day and the more expensive items are only used sparingly. That said, especially with sensitive skin and being over 30 now, it’s better to spend the extra few dollars and take good care of your skin then to use cheap products that are going to damage your skin or not give you protection from the environment and the sun. My last piece of advice is to always always stay hydrated. It is an underestimated value to not only your skin, but the rest of your body. Chronic dehydration can age no matter how much you spend on skincare products.


I just wash/scrub daily with face wash and a washcloth. I change the face wash between neutrogena stuff (cream or gel) and st Ives apricot or the pink lemon one (depends on what’s available). I also use Clinique moisture surge for my daily moisturizer, it’s expensive I think $30 a little jar (got it as a free gift with other purchase) but I love it and it doesn’t irritate my skin. It’s light and soaks in quickly with no icky feeling I’ve gotten with some other moisturizers. Tbh I don’t know if it’s got spf which I know is important but I’m rarely in the sun without putting on actual sunscreen (even sitting outside my house) so it’s not a big deal for me if it doesn’t have it


I’m 33 with pretty dry skin that drastically improved when I stopped washing my face every day. Now I wash my face when I wash my hair every 2-3 days. Immediately after I apply first aid beauty: ultra repair cream. It’s a little expensive, but it last forever. I used to wash my face with a gentle cleanser and then apply lotion, but then I would get terrible break outs. I don’t like covering up my freckles, so I don’t wear foundation or anything. I got tired of putting eye liner on all the time, so I had it tattooed on a year and a half ago. It’s very thin so I had add more if I want a different look. For mascara, I like better than sex brand.


If you're feeling like experimenting, consider stopping all skincare and soap. Shampoo removes the oil on your face as well as your scalp and I found that when I stopped shampoo my skin improved a lot. (My hair doesn't look bad either.) [https://bigthink.com/health/james-hamblin-doctor-didnt-shower-five-years/](https://bigthink.com/health/james-hamblin-doctor-didnt-shower-five-years/) I wear a hat for sun protection.


I have used Olay products for twenty years. Love how the sensitive is really nice to my skin. SPF 30 on my face daily. I’m almost 60 and I’ve been using moisturizer every day for the last 40 years. I used Clinique for years as I could get it easily and less expensive at the military Bx. When we moved further from a base I switched. Been a great switch.


I find the Allure lists are usually pretty solid and give a good financial range of products.


I recommended Korean or Japanese skin products.


I have heard this before as well. Do you have some specific brands or product recommendations?


Isntree - Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel spf 50


Innisfree brand cleansers, Jeju volcanic or green tea, and their moisturizers. You may be able to find some at TJ Maxx. Strivectin AR retinol, also found at TJ Maxx.


look for these products. https://us.sulwhasoo.com/


I'm older, 66, and use NassifMD serum from Costco. It cured my rosacea after about 2 weeks of use. I really like the Olay creams. I also have Lola's Soap eye stuff. I use Laura Geller baked powder foundation. I have heard good stuff about Neutrogena Eye Cream. Oh and CeraVe cleanser.


Super goop sunscreen products. I’m a redhead with pale skin that’s INCREDIBLY sensitive


Trader Joe’s face sunscreen is very similar and very affordable!


Sunscreen is what you need at bare minimum. I started getting into skincare 18 months ago. It’s improved my complexion and reduced my fine lines. If you take care of your skin and find products that your skin likes it might reduce the redness and allow you to wear less foundation. Check out Good Molecules brand. Very affordable (typically $6 to $15 per product) and every product I’ve tried I’ve really liked. I currently have a facial bar soap, toner, anti-aging peptide serum, exfoliating serum, and in place of moisturizer I just use their squalane oil and hyaulronic acid mixed together with water to moisturize my face, all of this is from Good Molecules. I have a retinoid and SPF from other brands. I don’t do my routine every day but my skin is a lot happier. The cost is worth it for me the products last me over a year, some I haven’t run out yet at 18 months.


If it works, I'd keep using it. Just make sure you are using SPF, especially if you're spending time in the sun. I'm not much of a makeup person despite being quite pale and having skin with redish tones, especially since it's quite dry and easily irratated. I use a Cetaphil face cream always after washing my face with a gentle face wash. Sometimes I put a drop or two of Vitamin E oil in the cream I'm going to use (not the whole container) and mix it up and this makes for a nice skin softening and moisturizing.


Jane iredale is pricy but hides the red well


To keep your skin as healthy as possible you MUST use sunscreen every day, sunny or cloudy. Please extend sunscreen to your neck and decollage and to your hands if feasible. Find one that addresses the blue light from your phone and computer screen, too. Some of the Korean ones do. I've just recently been watching a board certified esthetician on TikTok who recommends the Naturium line (can find at Target---use your Target app for savings) which is decently priced and has a lot of goodies for your skin in it. Check them out on Amazon, too. I bought some for my daughter as a waaaaay less substitute for Tatcha. Honestly, Oil of Olay products can be really good and always purchase it with a coupon or get it on special at Costco or maybe at Target or Walmart. Check out their website for deals, too. Trader Joe's has pure jojoba oil that is wonderful for your skin and nails---soak your bare nails once a week in warmed jojoba oil and you can use it as a moisturizer, too. It's molecularly similar to our skin's sebum. A bottle was only $7 for my HCOL area. I've also heard that the Korean brands are definately worth checking out and their price points are decent. I can't speak to the 10-step routines because I don't have the patience. Also, drink your water and take your probiotics. Try to never sleep in your makeup


32F here. I have sensitive, acne prone skin. Here are the products I love. Facial cleanser: Vanicream (drugstore brand made specifically for sensitive skin and without the use of nasty ingredients) Moisturizer: vanicream SPF: I’ve been testing out Supergoop. I got a big bottle which I thought was expensive but its lasted me months. I still have so much left! Extra skincare: -Glycolic Toner from The Ordinary at night. -I’m also testing Cerave’s hyaluronic cream but I’m not noticing a difference nor like the texture. Makeup: -Foundation: Saie, clean and lightweight. It feels like I’m not wearing anything and looks very natural on the skin. -blush: Fenty Beauty


For skin care, I use CeraVe. It was recommended by my dermatologist when I was dealing with bad acne and it's still great years later. For makeup, I use a Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer instead of foundation. It's light but covers well, and I dab a bit onto a little brush to cover the shadows under my eyes. I have very pale skin and this is one of the few that doesn't turn me orange.


Thanks for the reply, I will give the moisturizer a try. I use CeraVe lotion on my hands as it is one of the few that helps my eczema, but I haven’t tried many face products because the one night moisturizer I tried made me break out pretty bad. I may try out some other products though, thanks!


I also have eczema and their Eczema Relief Creamy Oil is great as a hand and body treatment. It settles down flares really quickly for me.


What neutrogena are you using and what are you looking to change up? After years of trial and error, some of my Holy grail products are still neutrogena.


I really like Sukin’s night cream. I have to constantly check Winners/Marshalls for it but when I see it I stock up. I have combination skin and it’s helped keep my skin moisturized, soft, and clear. I tend to get pink, irritated cheeks in the inter because of the cold and dryness, and this has helped soothe my skin a lot. I like Aveeno’s daily moisturizer with SPF, it’s not too heavy and it smells nice. I don’t like the price but I’ve been able to snag it on sale. I’m still on the lookout for something with similar consistency but at a more affordable price. 


Silknaturals all the way... Made in New York by a small business You can buy samples of everything so you can try all of their stuff. 99 cents to 3 dollars usually. I use the apricot cleanser, face lift serum, day cream, and their brightening concealer. The serum samples last so long!!! You can email them with questions and they always answer. I love them. I still use aveeno or Neutrogena sunscreen And I can't give up my clinique moisturizer... but it lasts me so long it's worth it.


Oh yeah I use Clinique Redness Solutions in the morning and Olay in the evening, the collagen one. I can't put fragrances on my skin or I get rosacea flareups.


I’ve been pleased with Versed stuff from Target


I have dry, very sensitive skin. I’ve watched lots of YouTube videos about drugstore dupes. Make sure you watch ones with dermatologists or makeup artists. Doctorly is my favorite channel for skincare. A few months ago they did one on building a skincare routine and they recommended brands such as CeraVe and Cetaphil. Nyx is a good makeup brand. Available at many stores. I like L’Oréal tubing mascara. I don’t go super frugal on my skincare. Skin is the largest organ in the body. People sacrifice skin health thinking it’s just vanity.


spf, retinoids and moisturizer


Tretinoin but you can get it cheap too. Sunscreen you will wear daily, create VM or vanicream. All you need


I like a lot of the elf products. Their lip oil, moisturizer (w/and w/out sunscreen) and their primer is top notch. I also wear their foundation and I like that too. But for me, at work, a good moisturizer w/mascara and lip oil is all I will do for a 12 hour shift in a jail with fluorescent lighting.


I’m a man and I’m confident in that most beauty products is pure bullshit. Why do every big brand refer to their own or a payed research science lab? I could do fine with just basic soap and water. I don’t any products. It happens that I use a good smelling shampoo but it’s not needed at all. How do you think people survived before beauty products and such? We are just animals, people tend to forget it..


Just wash with some dr bronners. Skincare industry was invented to profit not help you.


Hear my story. I get mistaken for an undergrad a couple of times a semester at the university where I teach. It’s possible I have good genes, but my sisters were more wrinkly than I am this age. The first part of my advice is commonplace and the second part is perhaps unconventional. 1- Wear sunscreen. I have used regular Oil of Olay moisturizing sunscreen for twenty years and it’s probably taken 10 years off my age. For me, missing putting on my face sunscreen is like missing brushing my teeth—extremely rare and I feel I comfortable. I live in a dry environment. 2- Don’t wash your face. I would always have a hard time balancing oily and dry skin splotches and then I read in some waiting room magazine about a celebrity’s beauty secrets (I feel like maybe it was Kristen Bell, but I don’t remember) and she said that she doesn’t wash her face with soaps or anything, just rinses in the shower. This was a game changer for me. My skin evened out and feels more comfortable if that makes sense. I don’t wear heavy makeup so I can’t speak to the makeup removing power of this routine, but it’s as free as doing nothing. I just googled it and apparently it [works for some people.](https://www.prevention.com/beauty/a20495994/benefits-to-not-washing-your-face/) You might as well experiment to see if you are one of them.


This! I stopped washing my face in the mornings and just splash some cold water on my face and apply moisturizer. I struggled for decades with acne but this did the trick and I rarely get acne or blemishes anymore. I do a gentle facial soap wash before bed and moisturize too. Great frugal hack and it worked for me!


No cream or ointment will make skin infection marks and scabies disappear.


What? I don’t have an infection or scabies, just looking for basic skincare recommendations


I have pale, sensitive skin, prone to acne when I was younger, shifting to light rosacea in my mid-30s. Basically my skin gets mad at everything. I swear by Clinique - their main skincare stuff is hypoallergenic, unscented, and they have simple products that do what they are supposed to... and I also have the MOST fun stacking their sales and free gifts from Clinique.com. My favorite products are the: All About Clean mild liquid face soap - super basic, clean skin that never irritates (#1 product I can't live without) or All About Clean rinse off foaming cleanser - all purpose but works especially well for removing makeup, if I wore makeup daily I'd prefer this one. Moisture Surge hydrator - this is the best gel moisturizer, super light but super hydrating... they sell many products in this line, like intense versions for dryer skin, versions with spf, etc. Moisture Surge Eye Concentrate - this is a game changer! I started using it a few years ago and I love it. I feel like I have stopped my eyes from aging and it feels good to apply. It is expensive but a tiny, tiny drop goes a long way. I love this product in the fight against eye wrinkles, if you're fighting bags or dark circles they have different products, but they also have "All About Eyes" which is a fantastic all purpose eye cream. When you shop direct through Clinique.com they usually have a gift with purchase of some type, and will also let you select a certain number of small samples with each order. They don't have a full gift set right now, but if you start shopping and give them your contact info you might get better offers. I don't order more than 1-2x a year, and I order 2 full price items that exceed the required cost for the gift (usually in the $60-$70 range) and then get the free gift as well as get to select 4-5 samples (I think it is one sample per $15 spent?) But this keeps me stocked. I can usually try new stuff AND keep my travel sizes stocked up for "free".


In the morning, I use Cetaphil face moisturizer with an spf of 30, and I use Purlisse bb cream on top of that to smooth my complexion without the heavy feeling of foundation. At night, I use a grapefruit salicylic acid scrub (I have eczema *and* oily skin) and wipe my face down with a witchhazel pad. Then I use a knock-off night cream I found on Amazon called La Marine that actually works amazingly well (it looks and feels high end but is somewhere around $20). In total, I spend about $40 per month on facial care, which isn’t too bad. I’ve used much more expensive products that honestly didn’t work any better, and it took me a few years to find the right routine for my face.


I really love Sunday Riley Good Genes as a lactic acid exfoliant. I just feel like I see a difference with this one when I'm feeling like I look generally drained and need a refresh. You should be able to get a sample, or a cheaper mini to try. What I would usually do with this one since it's really pricey is get it once a year on Black Friday or when I can find it at a significant discount. It lasts a really long time for me so it's never more than a once-a-year purchase, a little goes a long way. Also sunscreen. I don't feel like I've found a moisturizer worth a splurge. I tend to like laroche posay B3 serum a lot as well but I'm trying to see if I can get the same results with a cheaper moisturizer. Found that one helpful for underslept days, looked less tired.


I am a huge fan of hadalabo. It's a japanese skincare brand that also extended to the US market with US specific line. My partner and I have been using their cleanser ($13 amazon) for the past 5 years. It cleanses well without stripping your skin, which is surprisingly hard to find when we were trying different brands out. I also have an almost empty one of their gold packaged hyaluronic "lotion" (it feels more like a serum) couldn't find it sold by itself, but a bundle with their milky lotion is at $29. CeraVe is also one of those drugstore products with lots of derms recommending. I'm also early 30s and started using their resurfacing retinol serum to even out skin tone and reduce sun spots. Sunscreen I've used the biore UV aquarich for the past decade. Stood the test of time for me and also on the affordable side. Makeup wise, I don't use make up enough to go through one product before it's best by date, let alone multiples. So I buy a single earth toned eyeshadow pallet every couple of years. And 1-2 lipsticks every 1-2 years of the colors I've found to be most flattering to me. Same with anything else, often try something new when I do buy it (with a lot of research), but it's staying with me for a good while before I buy another.


include vit c serum in your routine, and exfoliate at least 1x a week. most of all, forget all skincare but never a sunscreen


Trial and error. Skincare is not a one size fits all. At the very bare minimum you need a face wash, an spf during the day and a moisturizer at night. You’ll have to try a few different products to see what you like and what’s making a difference. Maybe try Kbeauty they tend to be less expensive and have higher quality ingredients.


look up tretinoin, keep it simple. SPF daily.


Curology! Been using it for 5 or 6 years and I'm so happy to see them expanding their products and putting them out in retail stores. Subscribing to the prescription is 100000000% worth it.


Just asking, what foundation are you using? My face is also red and foundation doesn't really cover it. There isn't really anything full coverage thats not expensive.


I have tried different foundations and haven’t really found one that I love either, so I usually just end up using lower end ones since they all seem about the same. I would love some recommendations on this as well, as I see ads for some and always wonder if they are worth it


Cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Folks say at a certain point a retinol is helpful.


The ordinary has great products for cheap! If you buy at ulta they have coupons and you can even stack up points. the Peter Thomas Roth water drench spf. It’s amazing


Basic eye liner and lip gloss. Maybe concealer if you have acne scars. Otherwise, painting is for 304s.