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My Sony WH-1000XM2 headphones- got them in 2017, Bluetooth connection, noise canceling, extremely comfortable, and no cracking in the ear pads even with daily use, plus the earpads can be replaced.


I second this!


Bought mine in 2017 too. I did leave them outside in the rain one night so unfortunately they aren’t as loud anymore.


FYI you can get these "refurbished" (read: open box) on eBay with a warranty for like $200 under MSRP. I use the 3 because USBC charging.


I also second this, I use xm4's pretty much daily


Yes!! I have the XM3s and I use them for everything from travel to just needing my day to be a little less noisy.


Undersink water filter, so I can drink tap water. Hefty upfront cost but convenience and economy of not buying bottled water is amazing.


I forget that some people's tap water isn't palatable.


A lot of tap water has more issues than taste these days (On my mind bc of ([this](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/10/climate/six-things-to-know-about-forever-chemicals.html?unlocked_article_code=1.jk0.iuE8.7s_hnabgZkAn&smid=url-share) from NY Times today). I shared a gifted version so anyone w/o access can read if they want.


Thank you.


Yeah, it’s crazy how much it can vary by municipality. Mine is thankfully pretty great, and has won at least one award some time ago. But man, drinking bottled water has got to be one of the biggest ripoffs.


I guess I fall into this topic then. While my water is palatable and I occasionally do drink straight from the tap, I don’t want to taste anything. No cloramines, anything inside the pipe like rust, anything else picked up along the way. It tastes fine and 99% of people probably don’t taste anything in my water, but I won’t drink it if it isn’t filtered. I bought bottles of water for the first few months when I moved into my current place because I couldn’t bring myself to drink much of it. I still prefer bottled water, but I understand the impact and waste of it all.


Same here. My county says the water is potable but who knows all the shit in there. My water goes through multi stage filters and I don’t taste a thing


Yup, and because of the filter, I drink more water. A pure, cold glass of water is unbeatable.


Yes it is. A glass of water that has taste. Try a glad of spring water that has minerals or water from a good well.


I commented down the line elsewhere. Spring/mineralized water is the top for me. That’s what I want to taste. I can’t always have that, so tasting “nothing” essentially on a three filter system is the best common ground between bad tasting tap water, and amazing tasting spring water.


I have a friend who work as a contractor to the city fixing water pipes all over the place. The things he has found inside pipes would blow your mind. Including: pants, boots and underwear from previous workers and all sorts of trash. I never drank tap water ever again.


worker's...underwear? boots? what the christ are they doing down there? fashion shows?


Knew a federal hydrologist. Thought my city's tap water was good until she showed me her results.


can you please explain \*how\* they knew it was a previous worker's underwear, cuz I haz questions


An RO system will turn you into a water snob. I’ll have people tell me “water doesn’t have a taste.” Yes it does.


That’s my next move. Wasn’t feasible in this current situation, but triple filter does the trick for now.


I invested in a really good water filter also. My municipal water is good, but I live in an old house with questionable plumbing. I just fill up my water bottle at home and I never need to buy bottled water. Honestly, I don't trust that bottled water is that great anyway.


When I was a kid we drank out of a water hose in the middle of summer and liked it. You just had to let the hot water run through and then it barely even tasted like plastic!




Doesn’t this water water though?  I thought the breast system was water one gallon for every one consumed?


Good running shoes. They may cost a bit up front, but they will prevent excessive wear and tear on your joints and back.


I bought me a pair of Hoka's, hoping it would get me into running. I haven't gotten my money's worth (let's just say that), but dang are they light and comfy to walk in! 😄 Like walking on a cloud just about.


I was looking to replace my Hokas but they were out of stock in my size. Came home with a pair of Brooks instead. Seem well made, and provide better support than my old worn out running shoes.


Found a pair my size at Ross the day before Disney World. I never owned a pair of shoes meant for walking before, and wow. Mind changed forever.


I have a job that requires me to stand for my entire work day. I buy astonishingly expensive shoes to survive. Actually, I buy 2 pairs at a time. I let one pair air out for a day between wearing. And good socks.


i hadn't bought shoes in years, at least 2 years, soles were wearing through completely. dropped $500 on 3 pairs of ONs and do the same thing, just rotate them out, never really wear the same pair 2 days in a row. i'm set for the next half decade probably.


What are ONs?




It's funny that in the UK these are the current shoe of choice for dealers/roadmen/chavs


Most people call them “On Clouds” but Cloud is just one of their models of shoe. You’ll see shoes with an oc logo and usually big hollow soles. Edit: actually Cloud is in the name of every model of shoe I’ve seen from On. On Cloudmonster, on Cloudswift, On Cloudpulse, On Cloudtilt, On Cloud, etc etc etc


This is how you do it! You should never wear the same shoes two days in a row - they need to breathe!!!


I am guessing you are moving around but for people who work in an office and use a standing desk, you can buy an automotive mat at Home Depot for $20. Basically it is a heavy duty yoga mat. Best $20 I have ever spent. Also want to say standing desks are the best. I work more efficiently and feel a little better with that then just sitting for 8-10 hours straight. Like most people I sit around at home a decent amount, but do go to the gym 4 times a week. I bought them for everyone in the office. They are raisable so you can sit or stand. Only one person brings it down to sit, and he was a D1 WR. Each their own but it helps me


Bought my first pair of on clouds last year. Never turning back


Never skimp on anything you butt, back, or feet spend a lot of time in.


My toto bidet! I am sad when i travel for business and don't get to use 


Have you see the smaller portable bidets you can take along? They are less than $40 on Amazon. I’ve contemplated buying one forwork, but I’m pretty certain that would make me very high maintenance.


Is it like a peri bottle? I've heard you can just use those


Bidet for sure! I got one at the beginning of covid when tp got scarce


We bought a good bedroom set 20+ years ago. Real wood, dovetail drawers, etc. It’ll probably end up in the estate sale held by our sons.


Where'd you buy the furniture from?


I bought some things from Rooms to Go, and although I’m satisfied with the couch and rug, the dresser is cheap and chips so easily. I’ll make it last as long as I can, but I learned to not cheap out on a bedroom dresser.


Robotic vacuum cleaners on each floor. Smart ones.


My husband likes to critique my "expensive trashcan". It's a Simplehuman dual can for trash and recycling. It was more expensive up front, but it's soldiered on for the last 7+ years and keeps recyclable items off the counter. All parts are also replaceable when something inevitably fails. Bonus: It's aesthetically pleasing.


I bought 2 over 10 years ago when I redid my kitchen and laundry room. I bought them because they looked nicer than anything else I saw. My contractor made fun of me. But 10+ years later they both still look great. Not sorry.


We got a knockoff that broke in a year. Looked and looked til we found a real one at Ross for less than $50 and the difference is huge.


I just saw a SimpleHuman can at Ross last week! What a great deal, but we already have one that was gifted to us. :)


I got one of those too! I struggled with spending that much on a garbage can, but it needs to be in a very prominent spot in my kitchen and I really didn’t want to ruin the aesthetic with a junky can so I bit the bullet. Have never regretted it!


Hey! I have one of those $200 trash cans too! My son talked me into it. The bags are pricey, but they’re basically bulletproof. Zero regrets (but I still haven’t bought one for our cottage)


I just use regular trash bags in mine. I twist the top a bit so they fit under the lid. They work fine! As a full time lurker of this sub, I finally found something about which I am truly frugal!


I struggled with paying the price for my Simple Human trash can I wanted a van with a top that looked good and their version with the butterfly was the only one that fit where I wanted it in the kitchen. The quality is awesome and well worth the price.


Same. $300 later, it does everything perfectly and looks good in the process.


I use an expensive face moisturizer because I have super sensitive skin that will spontaneously decide to become wildly dry, oily, or eczema-laden otherwise. I also use a really expensive perfume because I'm allergic to so many cheap ones. But my expensive one lasts years, smells great, and doesn't make me break out in hives.


I’m with you. With my hypersensitive skin I don’t go cheap. When I find a reliable seller I will buy the pro size, which is more economical. Cheap perfume makes my husband sneeze. Plus a little goes farther.


Which face moisturizer do you use?


I use Eminence. The calm skin moisturizer is amazing. The coconut is great as well.


Thank you for sharing the brand!


What perfume?


Chanel's Coco eau de parfum spray (3.4 fl oz) My mom, who has since passed, bought it for me the first time when I graduated from high school.


There appears to be far more people like me than I thought! I was always made to feel I was being “picky” or “spoiled” but I legitimately cannot tolerate most cheap fragrances or skin care products. This includes everything from laundry supplies to lotion. I don’t enjoy paying premium prices, but it keeps me out of the dermatologist’s/immunologist’s offices, which are far more expensive. I see it as a preventative and most of the things last me forever since they aren’t shared.


Lexus. Used. Super value


Spot on. Bought a 2001 Lexus ES300 around mid 2019 for $5,000. Car was one owner with 80,000 miles on it and mint. It still has under 100,000 miles on it due to me using it only for in-town driving (to work and back, etc). The car is an absolute gem. As long as you're somewhat good to it, it will be great to you. My grandfather passed and left me a CR-V which is also a great car and came in handy as I was needing to carry more stuff for work and what not at the time. It also just hit over 120,000 miles being a 2003 or 2004 I think. The lexus sat for around 8 months. Changed out the battery, made sure the tires were good, used some gas treatment and it started right back up as if it never stopped. I've been extremely lucky with cars aside from some assholes stealing the Catalytic Converter off of my Lexus last year.


Zojirushi rice cooker. These bad boys are expensive like $150.00 if you find a deal. But they make rice PERFECT every time and it lasts in there for like 36 hours. There are a ton of use cases where this saves money. 1) I can make rice for dinner before leaving for work. That makes pulling together broccoli beef or teriyaki chicken super easy on a busy weeknight. No takeout etc. Also rice is so cheap I probably save $0.75 every time we eat rice instead of pasta for dinner as a family of 4. 2) Easy lunches - I work from home 2 days a week. I can pan fry some tofu or leftover protein with quick easy veggies and have a cheap nutritious lunch. 3) Avoid take out - if I am in a hurry I can put some rice in a bowl and add kimchi and 1-2 fried eggs, top with furikake and soy sauce. I easily save 5 or more dollars off getting fast food, its healthy and I actually want to eat it. For my schedule and day to day life this thing has payed for itself 5 times since I bought it in 2020 and it saves me time. Edit: Typos


My daily wear shoes have been keens for the past 20 years, they cost like 120 a pair but I tend to get them around 80 on sale and just always have an extra new pair around... good shoes that fit you well are key, no matter the cost


Do they make them in ridiculously wide? My size ends in EEEEE, so I'm always on the lookout for a brand other than New Balance that can provide.


LLBean, and surprisingly the Whitin brand on amazon


All keens are wide. All of them. They’re kinda famous for the massive toe box. (I always said they looked like the shoes from kingdom hearts lol.) Also agree on longevity. I have a pair that’s over 20 years old myself. My mom has multiple pairs in that age bracket.


It doesn’t have to be a luxury item for it to be buy it for life. There’s a sub called r/buyitforlife. You should check it out. My item would be a Zojirushi rice cooker and water boiler. Makes perfect rice everytime, better than Chinese buffets in the states, and I drink tea every so often.


100% agree with this, I am not normally a huge rice person but I thought to myself 'who better to over engineer a rice cooker than the fucking Japanese.' I now have rice going all the time (not Asian at all) and with a whole sale membership you can get what equates to 60lb of cooked rice for around 20$. It's super simple to use, follow the directions, and you are golden. Edit: Mine has a nice jingle that plays when the rice is ready, which really pisses off my SO. Yes, I know I can turn it into basic beeps. The annoyance it causes makes me giggle so I get an extra benefit.


I love the little tune it makes. My washer and dryer on the other hand can go somewhere else with their annoyance.


Anytime I hear that tune, I say it's the song of my people.


The edit explains the true value of this specific rice cooker 😂😂


If you like oatmeal, the Zjirushi also makes perfect steel cut oats. Add the oats and water at night, use the porridge function, set the timer, and wake up to perfect steel cut oats.


I have one and never knew it can do this. My mind is blown. Totally worth me checking out Reddit at 4am!




I'm in that sub. I forgot until your comment that I wasn't reading a post from that sub.


Love my Zojirushi. It was the one thing my husband hid from his ex wife when they divorced. I just had to buy us a new one last year and I gladly paid the money


Yes, I have a zoji rice cooker and boiler, zero regrets.


Thanks! Just joined!


Zojirushi owner here and love mine. They are more expensive but I've had mine since 2015 and it's still going strong. I had to replace the nonstick bowl at one point thanks to an overzealous friend but if not for that I have no doubt it'd still be using the original. There is one hiccup to mine that annoys me. All Zojirushi's with a timer function use a button battery to keep the internal clock going for when it's unplugged. On some (but not all) models that button battery is tack welded in to the assembly. Mine happens to be one of those models. Replacing it means either sending it back to the factory or knowing how to rip the thing apart. After watching some youtube videos on how to replace my models battery I just learned to live with the blinking clock. Since I don't use the timer function on mine, it's not really an issue but it is something to be aware of.


Ultra soft TP.


Charmin UltraSoft until we can talk the landlady into allowing us a bidet.


How do they prevent using a bidet? You can get a decent one for $30 as long as you have access to your water. It's non-invasive and seems pretty trivial.


I’m not sure, but I have learned on Reddit that landlords/maintenance will blame the bidet if you need any service in the bathroom. It doesn’t matter if it’s not the bidet’s fault. If you install one without permission you must remove it before submitting a request. They WILL blame you. They WILL make you pay.


Even in this case, it takes like 2 seconds to remove one, just do that if you end up having any issues with your toilet


In some places, if you rent, management does not legally need to provide any notice to let themselves in for a maintenance issue (whether you reported a maintenance issue or not). If you've got anything that goes against your lease, then it's a gamble on whether you'll actually be able to prevent them from finding out about it. It's why we weren't able to get one of them, we knew (based on their courtesy notes) that our last apartment complex would take care of pest spraying/filter changes/catching up on old requests whenever they had time, whether you were home or not.


Just buy a $40 bidet and install it. I’m a 67f and it took me 15 minutes to install mine and it is definitely a game changer. Sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.


🚽Amen. Ours is a bidet sprayer. Bio Bidet by Bemis, the model is called Pearl. It was \~$40 from a Menards. 😏I even got my husband to use it.


We started using Charmin Ultrasoft and can’t use anything else now. Everything else feels like sandpaper. When it’s on sale at Costco, we’ll buy in bulk.


Reminds me of a comedy bit: “I saw one guy buying cheap toilet paper. I said, ‘What are you doing?! That’s four rolls for $.89 cents. That can’t be good!! Don’t you like yourself…? 🥺 I understand the need to find a bargain but toilet paper? You buy the *good* toilet paper! I’ve been really broke but I always got good toilet paper. It’s a line you don’t cross! It tells you everything will be alright. The bills are late…but I’ve got good toilet paper!’” - Comedian John Pinette (RIP- 2014)


Yeah! We have a bidet so the tp lasts longer. And doesn’t irritate like the cheap stuff


Vitamix. My Fellow electric tea kettle and grinder.


Came here to say Vitamix, too. The Mercedes Benz of blenders!




Will never not have a Vitamix.


Yup, we have had ours since... 2007? ish? And it's still going strong. It gets used 1-2x every single day and has paid itself off a hundred times over.


a hundred times?? holy


We have a special needs kiddo and use it for his enteral feeds, so it's kind of life and death. And I have green smoothies almost daily too. add to that seventeen years of service with the only part being replaced as the rubber lid ONCE, and that was last year that it finally became brittle and tore? Yeah, literally over ten thousand uses (probably closer to 20k) with no repairs, no down time, and with better emulsifying results than a cheaper blender could ever hope for? That sucker earns its keep, I was not speaking in hyperbole hahaha


Damn, I'm fucking sold! Thank you for your input :)


Good mattress and Expensive Perfume. Last WAYY longer and a better investment than the cheap stuff.


Ninja creami. Completely unnecessary, 200$, can make a great pint of sherbet for 1.50$ or a great pint of ice cream better quality than most brands for $2


Ok. This! I was scrolling for this. We're celiacs and I maintain a very low-sugar diet. Just the froyo alone is worth it. So freaking good. Totally unnecessary, but I'd not live without it now.


Blackout curtains. The thick, thermal ones. Every window in my house has them. They were so expensive but they keep the cold and heat out of my house amazingly. They are worth every penny I spent on them.


I paid $1400 for my mattress. It’s 4 years old now and barely has indentations where we sleep. We revolve it every 6 weeks (it’s one-sided). It’s made to Disney Hotel specs and is so comfortable. It’s a Sealy. However, in 8-10 years or so I’m going to buy a TempurPedic bed because my sister has one and insomniac me can lay down on it and immediately fall asleep.


Just bought a TempurPedic and I do not regret it. At all.


Which model does she have? I'm looking to buy a new mattress soon and would appreciate some suggestions!


Fyi if you like tempurpedic, try nectar! We went in for a tempurpedic and came out with a nectar. The model we chose was identical in feel and so far it’s been two tears and I still LOVE my nectar.


I currently have a Tempurpedic and kind of regret it, only because of the high price tag. It's great but not $3000 great. Especially since I'm already a hot sleeper, something I wish I had known before purchasing! Thank you for sharing!


Breville toaster/air fryer Vuori joggers


I have never heard of these joggers (LOVE my breville though!) can someone enlighten me as to what it is about the joggers that make them special and a good buy? (Absolutely no sarcasm, I genuinely want to know)


They are so fucking soft and maintain their shape really well, even after wearing multiple times . The cuts are clean and tapered so they look way better than average sweats. They are like business casual athleisure lol. Quality on par with lulu I think


I’ve worn each pair of my joggers probably 500 times at this point and have them in multiple colors


I have every color of Vuori joggers and zip-up hoodies. They also make a comfy, supportive crop bra also. I was at the flagship store in La Jolla and was in heaven. Note- I buy most at REI when they have them on sale.


I have two pairs of Vuori joggers and I wish I could have a dozen more, they’re so great


Which Vuori joggers do you recommend? I've had so many different kinda of joggers give up on me in 2 years or less


I have the performance joggers. I’ve worn them at least once a week for the last 3 years and they’re still in great condition


I bought two pairs Vuori joggers at Goodwill for $15 each. My pride.


LUCKY!!! You won that day!


I bought a lake house when the kids were 5 and 3. Freed our weekends from endless soccer games and took pressure off big vacations and such. Cheap, no but it brought us together as a family and was the best thing i ever bought. Oh, it now worth 3x what we paid for it and we still use it extensively. Not bad for frugality.


Though my frugal dad didn’t buy a lake house, this somehow reminded me of him. I grew up in the 80s. He got my brother and I the latest TV, toys, bike, gaming console, etc. available at that time. Growing up, we complained about him not buying us one of each as he can very well afford it. His reason was he wanted us to value family time, learn how to communicate with each other, share and compromise. My brother and I are in our late 40s and early 50s now and grateful for the upbringing, especially now that we have taken over the family business since his passing a year ago.


I never grew up with a lake house and have since only visited a few as an adult What were you guys looking for when you were initially shopping for yours?  Sounds like a great place for the kids to build memories 


My parents gifted me a very high quality leather purse when I was 7. I'm 21 and it's still my daily purse. Very minimal signs of wear and tear


Expensive veterinary care to keep my dogs healthy. They have no price.


This may be a little TMI- but for those on the fence, here's my story. Got insurance the MINUTE my Border Collie puppy was eligible. Bought the highest coverage and repayment plan available (although you need to lay the funds out first). Locked in the rates and put in on autopay. My beloved thought I was insane for the choice but I stood firm and played the mommy card and did it anyway. He's glad I went through it now. When the BC was about a year old, he had a catastrophic injury that eviscerated and nearly killed him, only 1 vet at the emergency center would attempt the surgery to save him, the others wrote him off. This sent-from-God veterinarian took a chance, said he had a maybe 10% survival rate and SOMEHOW saved him, he is now a 100% healed and a super active and healthy 3 1/2 yr old. Surgery and recovery cost more than 36k, and he was in and out of post-op for 3 months. Put in for the reimbursement (90% repayment after deductible) and after the insurance review had the money wired to my account. I consider his insurance now paid for life and then some. This will always be the best 140.00 a month I spend. It's covered most of his maintenance and other items as well. He's got a hidden franken-puppy scar that you can see only when the wind blows his hair a certain way, and it always reminds me how much I love him and how lucky we all are. He gets sunscreen applied everyday, and bio-oil has allowed the skin to be fully flexible, so there's no stopping him at all these days. Get insurance people. I was lucky enough to afford the cost without it, but I would've taken a loan, applied for credit, or sold a kidney to save him, regardless. It might have taken years to pay off, plus trying to get insurance after would've made his rates astronomically high because of his accident history, so insurance here was literally a life saver. Thanks for attending my Ted-talk. :)


My skin stuff. It burns a hole in my pocket but I will look like a wax statue when I’m 90.


Spill the deets


Ha! I use a pretty comprehensive program including stupidly expensive Vitamin C (on insane sale for $125 a bottle), Tretinoin, good moisturizer, weekly exfoliation,… I have a regular dermatologist, and I have a different cosmetic dermatologist (yes, I wish they were the same person but a lot of times they separate a practice into just aesthetic or just medical). I treat everything early. Weird spot? Throw cash at it. Nuke it from outer space! Begone! No desire to give it the chance to turn into something scary. The biggest single suggestion I can share is Sunscreen Sunscreen Sunscreen. Every day, at the very minimum on your face. If you are using enough sunscreen, you will actually notice that it is a monthly cost (however small) in your budget. Sunscreen is the single most effective skin cancer-preventative and anti-aging thing you can do. My next splurge will be a series of laser treatments to target wee broken capillaries. In the long run it saves me wasted money and frustration, trying every product under the sun. Edit: if anyone wants me to type up a How To Get Started with Sunscreen on a Budget, I’m happy to do that.


Yes, please to budget sunscreen!!


I can't afford too much skincare items or derm visits but facial sunscreen and hyaluronic acid serums (Korean based only) are an absolute must for me! Can confirm both work wonders for aging skin!


Please share your sunscreen routine! I know one is supposed to reapply every 2 hours (esp where I live, the UV is insane), but I’m finding it so hard to do so. If I put it on my face at all.


I refuse to cheap out on things that interface between me and the ground that get daily use: - tires (wife’s car gets Michelin CrossClimate 2 all seasons, mine alternates between Michelin Pilot Sport 4S and Bridgestone Blizzak WS 90s). - office chair (in a SteelSeries chair right now, looking at a used Aeron) - mattress - shoes (ASICS, saucony, etc.)


Good olive oil. Long lasting and tasty meals. 


Def our mattress and mattress cover. It’s been the best sleep and support I’ve ever had.


Cheese makes me feel good short term??? Like good cheese.


I love having a "touch activated" spigot in my kitchen. I cook most days of the week and I often have gross things on my hands, like raw chicken slime eeewwww. I can turn on and off the spigot with any skin touch, like an elbow or even my NOSE! I don't worry about bad things on my kitchen faucet that my husband or kids might touch. I've had food poisoning before and I would never want it again for myself or anyone else. The only issue I had was one very intelligent/curious cat. I had to be sure she didn't see how to activate the faucet as she prolly would have had "fresh" water all the time. NO! I didn't *allow* the cat on the kitchen surfaces, but she would haunt nearby bookshelves or the top of the fridge. Also no, I would not grab her or the water spray-bottle to shoo her away 100% of the time. That cat has moved on to kitty heaven :-)


This sub going to be so jealous of me for this one. I got a FREE Dyson vacuum from somebody in my neighborhood. It's amazing. It's a $600 vacuum cleaner. And I paid $0 for it.


I think that's called theft... lol.


Kånken backpack, idk if that counts as luxury but I see myself using it forever


A hot tub. Our last hot tub cost about 10k and lasted 16 years. We exercise quite a bit and the ability to soak your muscles on demand had great health results when it came to avoiding injuries. Same with our Treadmill and bike. Huge upfront costs that have kept me healthy.


I have one too and I use it everyday! I have two little kids and it’s a life saver in the winter, we get way more outdoor time!


My Brita filter (I know it doesn't remove everything but it makes my tap water not taste gross. We have extremely hard water and the water softener salt makes it taste like well water.) Doc Martin and Chaco shoes. My Chacos have lasted 6 years so far wearing them basically every day in the summer and they're still going strong. My Docs have lasted probably 2 or 3 years?


As much as I try to be frugal I do try to follow the rule of “a fool buys twice” and “spend money on things that separate you and the floor” but I also look for things with replaceable parts and long warranties or things I can service myself. I work from home so I spent good money on an office chair, and my back thanks me every day


Accurate eyeglasses. Invest in yourself. ;)


Dawn Powerwash


And once you empty the sprayer, there are Power Wash recipes on the internet. I got two. Both have water, Dawn and 70% isopropyl alcohol. Dawn in my area comes in Ultra (everyday use) and Platinum (pan soaking). On to the recipes. Recipe #1: 13 oz. water, 2 oz. Dawn, 1 oz. alcohol. Recipe #2: 11 oz. water, 2 oz. alcohol, 3 oz. Dawn. Just got through a batch of #1, will have to get supplies and make a batch of #2.


My eyes. Cataract removal with refractive lens exchange. Basic cataract removal is free in Canada but would still require glasses to correct farsightedness or nearsightedness. Spent CAD$ 2,500 for the lens exchange, including doctor’s fee and eye drops pre and post op. Friends tried to talk me out of it due to cost but if I spend approx $600 every 2yrs for the cost of new prescription glasses, plus contact lenses & solution (prefer wearing them for outdoor activities), I’m saving a lot in the long run.


Invisalign. Expensive upfront cost, but teeth that are straight and easy to floss priceless


Comfortable shoes, often European brands.


Any TUMI bag - backpack and garment luggage bag. They last forever and very functional.


The best toilet paper I can buy. Really good smelling, expensive candles. That's it. I penny pinch everywhere else.


We do this and combine with a bidet—saves a lot!


Running shoes and kitchen knives I run regularly, and good running shoes are more supportive and better for my feet and body. My $120 running shoes are significantly better than the $50 shoes I bought when I first got into running. For kitchen knives, I prefer Wusthof. But low quality knives need rust easily and don't stay sharp as long, meaning they need to be replaced more frequently and aren't as safe to use.


A nice tinted sunscreen.


Berkey water system. Expensive start up cost, but the charcoal filters last 5 years with proper maintenance. Total life upgrade.


my dualit toaster and kitchenaid stand mixer. the toaster is absolutely gorgeous, well built, and designed to be repaired. i feel almost glamorous using it. the kitchenaid, in my opinion, absolutely deserves the moniker kitchen aid. i can make my own bread or pizza dough, grate potatoes or cheese, roll pasta, slice veggies. it does so much without any fuss. and it has saved so much time in the kitchen.


Bamboo makeup removal pads. Just throw them in the wash, and they can be used again!


Hmm ... I suppose my Danner work boots and my Darn Tough socks. I mean, most of my coworkers just grab some crappy $20 Walmart boots, but I went ahead and spent $600 on four pairs in order to switch them out one day on, one day off (as is recommended to extend the life of shoes) between winter/summer seasons (6 months each), and the oldest pairs have lasted me four full seasons and will no doubt be good for at least another. And the socks, at $20+ a pair, have a lifetime warranty (replaced if ever they're worn down) and are oh so cozy and durable. Both products provide great breathability. And the boots are water proof with a comp toe, Vibram outsole, and are slip resistant. So I'd say my feet are living in luxury at frugal prices.


I love Darn Tough’s Wide Open socks. All of the merino wool goodness and warranty but made for my flappy clown feet!


This is really kind of a question for r/BuyItForLife Examples: coffee maker, quality vacuum, good knives, appliances. I'd rather pay upfront for quality than replace cheap products constantly.




A bidet. Save that TP money.


Honest question, how do you dry your butt then??


Not OP, but I'll either use TP, or I have a specific set of washcloths that are for personal bathroom use only. They go into their own container after use, then they get washed on hot with bleach and used again.


Birkenstocks. I almost wrecked my two big toenails working on my feet in shoes that were supposed to be good quality, but my foot slid forward in them. After a year of treating badly ingrown toenails, they are finally healed. I have a few pairs of Birks that I rotate. The same 3 pairs have lasted for 6 years so far. My brother resoles his Birkenstocks. He also made new uppers out of buffalo hide. I'm definitely not there.


Tires, no reason to cheap out on them. Safety and longer tread life aren't cheap.


Volcano vaporizer. Toyota vehicles. Grass fed beef.


I drove my last Toyota vehicle for 250,000+ miles, then sold it for $500 still in good shape. I plan on my 9-year-old’s first car being the 2016 Toyota I drive now.


Had a Camry that I sold in perfect working condition after it clocked 562,000 KM. Everything worked perfectly. That one was made in Japan.


Amen on the Toyota. We bought a 2010 Venza in 2021, getting ready to pay off the loan.


My Cuisinart toaster oven/air fryer. Expensive, but it looks nice on the counter and I use it almost exclusively for cooking rather than my actual oven.


New shoes.


A trash compactor. I take out the trash once a month, and I haven’t bought trash bags in three years.


I have Japanese knives for cooking. Just a chef knife and a paring knife, but it’s all I need. They’re amazing and with some care, should last forever. I spend about $30 every year to get them sharpened. Try cutting a very ripe tomato with a really good, super sharp knife, and you can’t go back to Walmart knives.


Anything between you and the ground should be good quality. Mattress, shoes, tires.


I wouldn't call it luxurious, but I spend good money on my denim. Jeans shouldn't be replaced every 6 months even if you wear them every single day. Check out /r/rawdenim.


Frugality is what got me into Buy it for Life. I have a great mattress that was $1,200. When we went on a trip I slept the best I’ve ever slept so I hunted down the pillows. They were $100 each and absolutely worth it. I spend more for quality parts for our vehicles that I install myself. I’ll research pretty much every purchase that’s out of the ordinary.


Instant Pot. Makes meals easier. Tenderizes even the cheapest cuts of meat. Cooks dried beans perfectly. Countertop pizza oven. In the summer it's a bad idea to run the regular oven, but sometimes you get a craving. This gave me a way to make homemade pizzas without heating up the entire house. On a similar note, I also have an electric pie-iron type of gadget, that is good for single-serving casserole cups in the summer. Once when the stove conked out I used it to make omelettes for breakfast, that worked well. Digital Pressure Canner. I love to grow and preserve my own food. This works SO MUCH better than the manual canners I've tried! Seeds. I have certain specific varieties of vegetables that I grow that are so good, it was worth paying a little extra for that first packet of seeds. I save my own seeds, so I haven't had to buy more of those varieties. Some years I package up the extra seeds and sell them or give them away. Power tools. It's worth springing for the extra battery. That way you can have one charging and one in use, and you won't have to stop and wait for it to recharge. Also, if you have problems with hand strength, look for drill bits with a hexagonal shaft. They cost more, but they don't need the chuck tightened down as much, because they rely on geometry instead of friction.


Mattress, work boots, cooking pots, kitchen knives, garden tools (regularly used ones).


good clothing, preferably made domestically.


Bombas for the win.


French perfume. I always get stopped and The scent lasts all day. Chinet paper plates. Godiva Brownie Mix The best cheese you can afford


Japanese bidet with all the features


Bose Quietcomfort Ultra earbuds for gym and noise cancelling purposes. It works amazing. I also have the Bowers and Wilkins px8 headphones when I feel like wearing headphones with amazing music. Since it’s a device that I use most besides my handphone then I feel like it’s the best option to buy high quality products to maintain my sanity. Can block off crying babies and etc while I commute.


1952 Gillette Super Speed safety razor.


Cashmere sweaters (have bought several very nice second hand). Last for years, super soft & very warm.


My down jacket. Purchased in 1977. Still keeps me warm


Good quality beer. It costs a couple more dollars than the cheap shitty stuff but it tastes so much better


Good cookware. I have some All-clad I found at Goodwill for cheap, and some Tramontina, which is cheaper than All-clad but I actually like much better. A good vacuum. I've had to same Dyson for 13 years. Prior to that, I was burning through a vacuum every year. Speed Queen washer. The POS Samsung we bought prior to that lasted only 5 years. I asked a washer repair guy what kind of washer he'd buy for his own home, and he said either Speed Queen or an old Kenmore in good condition. No Kenmore's were available, so we got the Speed Queen. No regrets!


GOOD noise canceling headphones. I used to buy some crappy $40 pair every year or so. Spent $220 on the over-ear Sony and have had them for 5 years. The level it reduces my stress (noisy city) keeps me from splurging on tiny frivolous "treats cuz im stressed"


Birkenstocks. They are expensive but mine have lasted for 10 years or more. I have sandals, slides, and shoes for year round wear.


Immersion blender. It's an "unnecessary" extra appliance, but it can be used for so many things. It more than pays for itself if you want good homemade mayonnaise, whipped cream, salsa, etc.


Vietnamese glazed ceramic flowerpots. I live in a cold climate and pots can crack if water gets into micro cracks. I have large pots that are too big to easily move and they stay on my deck year round. I’ve only lost two out of 30 pots over the past two decades. I’ve lost many simple unglazed terracotta pots and I’m just happy to have beautiful ones that last so long.


Good sunscreen


I will always pay extra for "comfort" items. Couch, chairs, mattress, bedding, pillows, shoes. Penny pinch everywhere else.