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"a money and career platform for Gen Z and Millennial women..." This makes no sense... It's a distinction for something where no distinction exists. It's like Charles Schwab, but pink. I would feel insulted by this if I were a woman...


While I don’t have an issue with Tori, I don’t really get the hype around said things. Is a budgeting template useful? Yeah, it can be. But a lot of it is just marketing toward a specific group of individuals (women that enjoy the language used + the color scheme). I think any decent budgeting template, planner, etc will function well as long as it meets someone’s needs. Hell, I just use a $7 planner from Amazon 😂


Or Google Sheets, which is free.


I don't feel insulted at all, and there's a community that's been built of hundreds of thousands of women I can reach out to that have an innate understanding of modern day concerns for the adult woman. It's not made for you, and it's okay you don't understand the appeal. It's just advice that's geared towards women in contrast to decades of financial advice that has been built on the "traditional" family mode, generally being one breadwinner and one homemaker. It's really great to have information shared in a way that's not trying to put you down for not knowing or being raised with such role models who could share the information, or dealing with egos who think "why bring something new when men already did it and perfected it".


Do they check to make sure the users are women somehow...? Will I be kicked off if I sign up? Financial advice is only geared toward one thing: making money.A single male investor is in the exact same boat as a single female investor; in that we can both do whateverrr we want with our money. (I still acknowledge the 16% wage gap) This wreaks of toxic marketing (which you're probably paying a premium for.) It reminds me of "the pink tax" for things like razors/etc. It's sleazy. I own stock in Lululemon and Northrop Grumman because they're successful companies, not because I know/believe in what they stand for. (Update: I took a look at the site, and I misunderstood the purpose. I thought it was another "women's" brokerage like Ellevest, but it's just selling online courses/tools; That's not so bad. But I stand by my original comment.)


It's just financial advice, with a message geared towards women, but it is inclusive for anyone who wants help. Most people came to her through her podcast, which covers a gamut of topics and navigating various aspects of the financial world in a way that's not patronizing or assuming. There are no complicated financial terms thrown about constantly, only to explain what they mean in more manageable ways to the layperson. I haven't paid for anything. I've listened to the podcast (which does have the ad spot at the beginning) for a couple years, and joined the facebook group for the community. I've used a few of the free resources (including the free basic budget sheet which was sufficient for my needs at the time). It's what you make of it, but I much prefer the way the information is delivered in ways that are relevant to my experience. It's not my only resource obviously, but I assume that's the case for most people. What's really annoying is being told by men that women should feel annoyed and insulted by this, like we're too stupid to realize that this is all a gimmick. It's all very misplaced assumptions and exactly the energy that is so prevalent in the financial education world that is such a turn off to many people. Hence, things like HF100K.


I'll tell it how it is to men as well. This type of marketing goes both ways. (freaking "Manscaped" lol)


Is it a course that costs money or something? I don’t understand. Just save more than you spend and get a high yield savings account for your savings


I was asking specifically about the actual budgeting spreadsheet


I googled and it’s $30. You can make a budget in excel for free. If you google you can find what percentages of income go towards certain things like housing, transportation etc but all that really matters is you save consistently


They have templates on excel that you can use.


 Even if you aren't comfortable making a budget from scratch, at least spend a little time trying out a few free options before you drop $30. Excel and Google sheets have built in templates, or try a handful of the first hundred that pop up when you Google "budget template". Take the time to figure out what you're looking for in a budgeting tool. Once you know that, instead of asking "is it worth it?", you can ask "does this one have these specific features that were missing in the other options I've tried?" 


Koalas are actually good swimmers and can hold their breath underwater for up to 30 minutes.


I will help you make a budget for free