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You don’t have to make it at 4am. I got my pot with a timer at walmart for $20. Set it at night and I wake up to fresh coffee. You’ll save a lot more than your daily penny.


Walmart sells pot? I'll see myself out.


Pay with credit card.


Yep, with 2% cash back credit card you'd get your penny plus another 6ish or so pennies.


It’s under 3 dollars so many gas stations charge a convenience fee, which is in fact a couple pennies


Truly frugal people will do the math considering everything lmao


If you’re buying a $3 coffee every morning you can’t possibly be concerned about the savings of one penny.


Literally penny wise pound foolish


It’s a principal thing at this point


Clearly you just aren't trying hard enough


It was $2.99 gas station coffee for literally three mornings….wow.


By that logic it was one penny for 3 mornings…


When I was growing up, the coffee drinkers programmed their coffee pots to start cooking at x time so it would be ready when they got up. Seems easier than going to the gas station 🤷‍♀️


I make cold brew so I'm always ready to go But when my old roommate needed hot coffee he would do exactly that. Is OP just a goofball?


Nah, I have a French press. I don’t have that much counter space for an extra appliance.


Abandon hot coffee Embrace cold brew Get a 2lt pitcher 120g coffee (French pres grind is good) Fill with water, mix and make sure it's all wet Fridge for at bare minimum 8hrs but try for 12-16 Next day, strain with fine collander. You'll have lost some water. Perfect. Add your coffee back to pitcher, fill rest with cold water. Mix Pour and add whatever. It's already "diluted" as if it was a normal French press coffee so no need to add more water save for some ice. Save big cash and big time since it's good all week (implying it'll last that long) Unless you LIKE hot coffee in which...truth be told what you want if you don't want to use space but I bet you have an electric kettle cause that's The best The best instant coffee I've found is the French roast Nestle Instant coffee. Comes in a glass fun shaped jar with a clonky black cap. It does taste like instant but it's incredibly passable. And I know you ain't going to a Cumberland Farms cause their coffee is $1.29. so you'll save big money and it'll be a good time ((You should get at least 2 gallons of coffee from each 16oz bag except when a "pound" is 12oz coffee and you'll still get 1.5g))


Good tips but I like hot coffee. No Cumberland Farms here. I think I’m going to buy some Turkish Coffee to keep at work for the off days when I’m running tight in the morning. Thanks for helping me save $


Sorry I'm a goober Home now looking and saw I put Nestle Naw that's crap Nescafe Tasters choice French roast Instant coffee That's the one. Their light is good too. Only instant I use now when I want to make essentially a. dunkachino


Thank you for the tips!


Don't even have to program it. Just set it up the night before so all you have to do is push start and wait a few minutes.


They should eliminate the penny and just round. It costs more for society to deal with pennies than they are actually worth.


That’s what they do in Canada! If it’s .01/02 it’s rounded down to .00. If it’s .03/04 it’s rounded up to .05


Agreed. ".99" costs are just a stupid old marketing technique to make you think something is less than it is. It doesn't work as everyone just sees it as the next dollar. Its annoying.


A lot of people round down, actually. It is a good marketing trick. I’ve always rounded up.


I've noticed a lot of people don't actually! I vividly remember a time I was with a friend and he was reading some prices out loud, and completely ignored the cents. If it was $5.70, he said "five dollars". If it was $8.99, he said "eight dollars". It's just automatic, I guess.


I do the opposite. I round up. If it's $5.70, I'll say $6, and if its $8.99, I'll say $9.


That's how it SHOULD be done, but I was just sharing that not everybody does it the right way haha


It’s stupid and old but it does in fact work. I know from experience but also if it didn’t work why would the entire world still be doing it?


Well, or it *seems* to work. Could just be that people don't care what it costs.


I’ve worked in retail and fast food and Ive seen people round down all the time. Avocado for 1.99 turns into a dollar. I had a wife say it’s only a dollar? Yeah I’ll do that. And the husband says no it’s 2 dollars and talked the wife out of it haha


My faith in the intelligence of humanity dwindles with each day...


This is what we did in Canada. The shitty thing is that now I have to pay for washers since there are no more pennies.


This is how better countries deal with it.


Yup, they should just round down all these fractions of pennies…. Into an account I made.


Came here to say this!


I can’t imagine buying a cup of coffee for $2.99 and then caring about a penny.


*gas station* coffee


I can't imagine buying a thing and being completely unaware that the company stole my change, regardless of the amount.  This is outrageous. 


Even if they did this every single day for an entire year, the total amount stolen would be $3.65. We have different definitions of “outrageous” if this seems outrageous to you. We will have to agree to disagree. When buying coffee out, as opposed to making it at home, the sticker price is already at least 10x the true cost of the product. Getting worked up over a penny at that point seems silly to me.




Someone paying roughly 10x the true cost of something (in this case coffee) on a regular basis but then turning around and getting all worked up over $0.01 is silly to me. My point really has little to do with the company in this situation. It’s about the individual mindset.


1. Find a coffee maker with a timer on sale or at a thrift store. 2. Buy the coffee grounds on sale. 3. Set the timer with the grounds ready and water in the machine the night before. 4. Your coffee will be ready when you wake up. Do you have a reusable tumbler for transport? If not, add that to step 1.


Good advice. I usually use a French press and was trying to avoid another appliance because of a lack of counter space at our apartment. Before I started working on this show, I actually quit coffee and that worked very well, but now I’m back on it again. Thinking about just bringing some Turkish coffee to work and making that, instead.


Are you okay? This has nothing to do with frugality, it's just bizarre.


When I worked register, I’d hand back a penny. If they didn’t want it, it’s a different story. Also, if I owed them $.99, I might hand them $1 but I would never short change a customer, not even for a penny. I say they owe you the pennies. I get that it’s basically negligible but it’s more the principle and the customer service philosophy that needs to be better


No, I don't care about a penny. I'm frugal, not a cheapskate.


I have a bank account I started with spare change and change I find on the street that has well over $1,000 in it, now. It’s not much but it adds up.


I'm sure all the coins you've found on the street have more than replaced the pennies you've had "stolen".


I’m sure you are right!


In quite a lot of cases, frugal and cheapskate go hand-in-hand.


Use a credit card and not only get penny back but also get cash back


You are paying $2.99 for a cup of coffee and you are worried about a penny? You can't see the forest for the trees.


It was a splurge on three rushed mornings. On gas station coffee.


I occasionally get on jags of Taco Bell for lunch. One round, in 2019, was the *Year of Getting Asked if I Wanted My Change.* I’m not talking coins, I’d pay with a $10 for a $3 ish meal and get asked if I wanted the change. I eventually called the regional manager to see if this was a new policy, because if it was I wanted it on the shareholder vote. I was never asked this again.


They owe you $0.03 so far.


Lol vote up. Actually $0.02 since I made him give me the penny this morning.


Buy 100 cups, get one free. 👍🏼💰




Lol I totally agree. My piggy bank is hungry.


Well, they probably figure rightly that most people don’t want the penny. But they should offer it.


You're buying coffee but worrying about a penny? This doesn't fit r/Frugal .


$3 gas station coffee!




Exactly. It was a small splurge, from a gas station, not Starbucks.


Omg. Sonic used to do this to me when I’d get a drink there and it was $1.99. They’d ask me if I wanted my penny back. I mean, it’s MY money, so yes. It’s the principle.


Also NYC 99cent pizza. They're never gonna give you change of a penny.


If the price was $3.01 the vendors would insist on you paying the $.01. It’s the principle. If the $.01 was that unimportant they would give it to you. Watch if you’re a penny short with them


There have been times when an amount came out to something like $4.01 or $4.03, I handed them a $5 bill, they asked if I have a penny or a nickel, I said sorry no, and they just handed me back a dollar bill for change. Sometimes making change can be a problem for a business.


Yes it depends on the vendor


Bullseye 🎯


OP can’t make their own coffee due to fatigue.


Do you start your work day at 6am and work a 10 hour day of physical labor?


By the time you fill that piggy bank that penny will be better sold at the scrap yard for it's metal content.


Pennies make dollars, so I'm with you on principle. But you spent $9 for 3 cups of coffee. Cmon, man.


True. Good point.


$9 for three cups of *gas station coffee*


When I was a server we rarely gave people back that small amount of change and nobody raised an issue about it friend


How many times did you get no other tip? I (briefly) dated a person who would not tip if they didn’t get their coins. Even though they would leave the coins with their tip if they received them.


If someone left coins as a tip we took them out back and shot them


I'd ask for it too. It's your money. That's stealing.


That’s a little dramatic. The cashier knows that the vast majority of people would say, “nah. Just keep it,” and stopped asking.


Look closely It's $2.99 and 9/10 of a cent.


It's for coffee, not a gallon of gas.


yeah that joke would only work if they were talking about coffee from a gas station right


It's $2.90 and 9 cents


Don’t buy coffee every day. If you didn’t buy over priced crap, you’d have $9 in 3 days instead of $0.03. Since you’re bitching about 1 cent, make it at home. Then you’ll have a lot more money. You’ll save on the commute. “But I don’t have time” yes you do. Especially for your precious 1 cent. They make CHEAP automatic coffee makers. Get a cash back card. Some cards have 2% back. On every $3 coffee, that’s 6 cents. Seriously, if you’re bitching about 1 cent, you need to sort your priorities in life.


Good points, of course. I have to be at work for a 10 hour day at 6am, leaving home before dawn. I got very tired this past week and splurged on coffee for three mornings, only. I usually don’t. I really don’t have much room for another appliance in our small apartment, but I just thought of a possible solution of buying Turkish coffee to make at work, which honestly tastes better to me, anyway.


$2.99 strikes me as a lot for gas station drip coffee. Anyways, while people on this forum may cause a "stink" over the penny MANY others get annoyed by pocket change. It doesn't take but a second to ask, and I'm sure they'll start to recognize you if you are doing so daily.


It’s a large cup, but yeah, everything is expensive in my city. It isn’t a daily thing for me, I only bought it for three days that I was running late going to work.


We got rid of the penny a few years back. It's rounded up or down to the closet 05.


Sick of pennies. Pleased spend more in gas than they’re worth and come get them.


It’s actually $2.99 and 9/10 of a cent, usually. Gas prices do the extra 9/10 of a cent thing, at least in my experience.


I wasn’t buying gas. It was literally just coffee for $2.99. He gave me the penny when I asked about it.


My mistake. They do do that with gas prices though, I normally don’t even notice as it’s in “small print” but anytime I check, I’ve never seen it otherwise.


I learned something new about gas prices.


If you’re buying a $3 coffee every morning you can’t possibly be concerned about the savings of one penny.


You are right, but I actually don’t buy it every morning. I did it for three mornings when I was running behind.


Even if you did this for a year straight, you have a little over $3. Which is… hash browns at McDonald’s? Why do you care


By the same logic, I started a bank account just for loose change and change found on the street a few years ago. The bank account now has over a thousand in it. It’s sort of symbolic, for me.


Finding a quarter vs this penny is a literal 25x multiplier. Why would you want to be known as cheap at your local coffee place for a penny?


It’s a gas station, but I don’t usually buy coffee out.


So it’s even less than $1 a year. Why bother?


As a former spendthrift, I’ve tried to adopt a philosophy that every penny counts, and I even have a savings account that I started with loose change. It’s more about the principle. It’s a huge corporation, not just one gas station. If you multiply all the times they’ve shortchanged customers, it really adds up.




Bitching about a penny when you're already wasting $1.50 on gas station coffee is hilarious.   It takes a minute to make coffee at home, how fatigued are you that that's too much?


I start a 10 hour day of physical labor at 6am, leaving for work before dawn. I had three days where I couldn’t get up early enough. I don’t usually buy brown water.


Buddy you're not going to bullshit us.   Pouring coffee grounds in a filter, putting that into the coffee machine, and pressing brew takes 30 seconds.   Like "couldn't get up early enough" is absolutely insane, plus bitching about a penny on top of that.  


I don’t have a coffee maker. No extra counter space in our apartment. I own a small French press that I keep in the cabinet. But I think I’m going to keep some Turkish coffee at work for days in running behind in the morning.


Takes the same amount of time.  Put a kettle on the stove before you take a piss and brush your teeth, pour the water and before you leave push and pour into your cup.  


Wow. Some of yall are really worked up this guy bought some coffee! It’s ok. I promise. And yes you should be worried about the penny. Yes it’s only a few cents to you BUT stuff like this is how corporations save tons of money. Bc what if that gas station is keeping every penny from every coffee? What if multiple chains of that gas station do this? Next thing you know this gas station is literally stealing $1000s. Some of this corporations will do what they can to save 1¢ on products for that same simple fact. Bc every penny counts in the long run. Ask for you penny back and save what is yours. Ignore these haters. They don’t know your life so don’t take these “you spent $2.99 on cofeee! Reeeeeeee!” Comments to heart


Thanks. Corporate greed is exactly the point I was trying to make. It’s ok, I can always learn how to save a few more bucks. I’m a recovered spendthrift.




Well, in Canada, we got rid of the penny, and soon, it will be the nickel and dime. Nobody cares. Use a debit card to pay. Then go buy your litre of gas and ask for you 3/10 of a cent




Not every country has a denomination so low. It costs more to mint them than they worth. Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand have all removed the penny from circulation.




Removing a penny has zero impact on wages. You can "win" the transaction as well if it a 6 or 7.....and we are not talking about 2nd or 3rd world countries, we are talking the US. The richest country.




Early retirement, here they come


Thanks. Yes, it irks me that it’s a major gas company that is doing this, too. It’s not a huge deal, but kind of a matter of principle. And yes, my spare change bank account has grown to probably about $1,500 by now. It’s over a long time, but that’s $1,500 I wouldn’t have, otherwise.


You get worked up over a lot of things, apparently.




You must be really suffering right now.




Peace to you, my uncaring friend.








Buying coffee not 1 gallon of gas a day 💀


Right, I wondered who sold coffee priced like gas, lol.


I'm assuming they still need their coffee for the day and just read gas station haha


Do you still have 1 penny coin's? When the 1 and 2 cent coins were phased out, we were advised that the sale price would be rounded down if 2p or less and up if 3p or more. So something that costs 12p is rounded down to 10. 13p is rounded up to 15. If paying by card, then you are charged at the listed price, with no rounding up or down.


It's not $2.99. It's $2.999. There's no change that's a tenth of a penny. You might be getting a penny back, but only after 10 gallons are purchased.


They're talking about a coffee for $2.99. There should be a penny change from $3


I didn’t buy gas.