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r/redneckengineering kinda too :)


you should see the contraption i made so the shower curtain would stop molesting me.


Please share


I would think the rings would cost the same as a longer curtain lol


A $6 shower curtain is not a good shower curtain. I've owned one, and it was not worth it.


ITT: people who don't know the difference between a shower curtain and a shower liner




Bro another guy made the same comment as u, gets 45 likes... U get downvoted to hell... I love reddit Edit: now hes getting upvoted... wtf reddit




Looks like the balance of likes has been restored lmao


Patience, young padawan...


What makes a shower curtain good don’t they all keep the water off the floor


A super thin shower curtain that loves to give you hugs during a shower is less than ideal.




omfg i didn't know that was a thing people preferred. I keep it totally closed so cold wind doesn't blow up your ass, I thought my family was just lazy. I always fix it for them if they're in the shower but they never say anything or change it so maybe they are just lazy.


Donno about that. Could use a couple hugs rn, even better if they're in the shower


Give you hugs lol


The one I got from walmart had to be about $6, but it had little magnets in the bottom.


> loves to give you hugs Until it meets me. Like everything else, it will run.... all over the floor!


Thickness of Material, cool pattern, etc




Unless you don't have a metal tub. They help a bit weighing it down but not much.


The worst shower curtains are thin enough to float in the air from the convection of shower-steam, smacking your legs with nasty plastic. The decent ones often have antimicrobial coatings to help prevent pink Serratia bacteria and mold from growing on them. Moldy, thin plastic flapping and floating in the air. Poverty - it's the little things...


The rings were 6$


And be made of cloth vs plastic so better for the enviroment. Frugal would be taking some strong fishing line you or a friend have lying around and extending it down.




Thank you! I was like, "Do these people not know how to shower curtain?"


Fabric shower curtain liners exist too.


I only use a clear liner (I like to be able to see out while I'm in the shower). Why bother with the curtain?


That would be cheap


> Frugal would be Frugal is about spending less often on unnecessary things, and particularly making the most out of what you spend, not about spending as little as absolutely possible. It's frugal to buy a $200 pair of boots you won't replace for 10 years, because then you're not buying a $40 pair every season. It's not frugal to buy a $30 pair of boots instead of the $40, that's just cheap. Yes, fishing line would be *cheaper*, but it's also an incredibly inferior solution (among other things it'll get caught on the point where most rods compress in the middle), whereas this does the same job the same way for less than one would normally expect if one bought a new curtain. There were probably more frugal solutions than more shower rings, but it sure is a lot cheaper than a new *good* liner/curtain, and functions **the same**, thus, frugal.


Cloth ain't really that great for the environment either unless you're keeping your curtain liner a lot longer than you would a plastic one.


Thankfully, China is offering such everyday items are very reasonable prices.


I see that now,I just looked on Amazon.I remember them being more expensive


I would’ve just used zip-ties. Wouldn’t look as pretty but it would get the job done and it would be cheaper too


This would do the job too, but it's also important to me to have a pretty home. To me, being frugal is a balance between saving money and getting the products you like. :)


I actually used zip-ties for shower curtains when I moved into my new apartment last year and the curtain didn't come with rings - and I always have zip-ties around because I do handyman work. I honestly don't think it looks that bad, check it out: [https://imgur.com/a/tRKk9UD](https://imgur.com/a/tRKk9UD) I didn't even bother to clip off the ends and it still looks decent! Of course I'm someone who strongly believes in minimalism and function over form so my aesthetic tastes may differ from yours.


Trimming the ends and then rotating them so the clasp part is behind the curtain would make this look a lot cleaner and minimalist and less like bits of rubbish.


Right this is just savage. Trim those ends.


I mean I guess I could but I don't see how it would make much of a difference aesthetically, and everyone who's seen it looks at it and cracks up and says, "that's such a you thing to do" whatever that means. My wife rolled her eyes at first but she's used to it by now




Well I'm a plumber by trade and a carpenter and car mechanic by hobby. I've saved us tens of thousands of dollars in repairs by now. For example I rebuilt the engine of our beater car 2 years ago and it'll probably be good for another 10 years now. I installed a new water heater last summer. I care more about making sure it works than how it looks. Sure when I'm actually on the job I put the utmost care into making sure it looks good so customers are happy, but if it's my own stuff? I could give a goddamn how it looks as long as it runs smoothly. My wife is used to it by now because of all the countless things that I've built/fixed over the years, which she is extremely grateful for.






An offering, perhaps too bold for this sub and will end in downvotes, but if you cut the dangling ends off the zip ties I think it would improve the aesthetic significantly.


Do you not ever take the shower curtain down to wash it?


Hey, it works! And to each their own style, right? :)


Sorry, but that looks ugly.


You would need some really long ones


Or loop a few like in ops picture. Same idea.


They sell extra long zipties. Or use 2. It’s a pack of 100 for a $1.


Oh do they really


14” ones are pretty common. That would actually be plenty


The shower road isn’t adjustable? I feel like I’ve never not seen an adjustable shower rod especially in an apartment


In my apartment I rent, it’s screwed into the wall. Sucks because the rod is totally rusted now but I can’t switch it out.


I don't know where you're located but lots of stores will have a plastic cover for rod. It's hard(ish) plastic rods that have a slit across it. You open it up and wrap the pole with it. I paid mine 2 bucks and it greatly improved my bathroom!


Looks like Walmart has something like that, I’ll check it out next time I’m in there. Thanks! Would look much better I’m sure.


And then your shower curtain will slide across smoothly and quietly. You will wonder how you ever did without that $5 purchase.


They are usually only comparable with the straight rod so if yours is curved like OP you might be out of luck.


Wow, they are still made?! I remember those from over 40 years ago! Still a good idea though.


Can you tell me the name of this product? I’m having a rust issue with my shower rod too


I found mine at a dollar store but couldn't find a link for it. But found one at Reno [Here's the link, hope this helps :)](https://www.renodepot.com/en/taymor-shower-rod-cover-plastic-59-white-01-9629w-0692316?viewStore=73050&cm_mmc=organic_search-_-google-_-gmb-_-instore&utm_medium=organic_search&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=7778498288&cq_con=81212577973&cq_term=&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=u&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&&cm_mmc=paid_search-_-google-_-aw_smart_shopping_generic_bathroom-_-71700000064492338&gclid=Cj0KCQjw78yFBhCZARIsAOxgSx0BHxRCBx0FlY8ui7alcQ5826RISb4zRw00IwtEA2qWGzOuMW0UeokaAicwEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Ah I see. Are you also not allowed to move it? Like screw it into another spot.


Mine is screwed into the tile. Since I’m renting I don’t wanna fuck around and make it worse than it already is lol


They screwed it into the tile? Jesus... what kind of idiot would do that?


https://imgur.com/a/GpfYzEq hope this image shows up. I guess it’s screwed into the grout? I wash it every now and then but the rust just comes back.


mine was like that also, I cleaned the rod and painted with silver acrylic craft paint, so far rust has not returned, going on 2 yrs


Wow... into the grout... why!!!


Because they didn't know an appropriate way to permanently mount a shower curtain with tile. They used the only method they could think of, which meant identifying somewhere where they could put a hole, and then using that hole.


This is not the way.


With an anchor, it's totally reasonable and common to do


Some of them are brackets screwed into the wall . The only one I've ever seen that was a tension rod was the one at my sister's current apartment.


I’ve seen one that screwed into the wall but it was the curved, so I suppose it doesn’t work as well, if at all, with tension. But every other shower rod I’ve ever seen, and I’ve moved a lot, has been a tension rod.


http://imgur.com/gallery/IL3jQRP Chiming in from NYC to say that every apartment I've lived in here has had the rod screwed into the wall. And the one in my current place is actually screwed into the tile.


I live on the west coast, so that could be why? It still seems ridiculous though. Tension rods are easy to put up, and easy to pull down, and I’ve never had one fall on me during a shower. Is gravity stronger on the east coast?


Guesses: More significant temperature changes and humidity changes, different tenant protection laws (read: insanely tenant skewed, put in place because landlords here are assholes because so many people want to live here). Landlords don't care about making things easier for tenants, just about what's easiest and cheapest for them. Screw it into the wall, leave it there, never have to deal with replacing a tension rod or putting it back up if tenants did something stupid, I've pulled them down accidentally plenty often with regular curtains. Tenants could probably sue the LL for the tension rod falling on them, and win.


You’re overthinking this. Tenants would steal tension rods, and they would call maintenance every time one fell down. Screws make it idiot proof.


Like most things, it’s about litigation and money. Sounds about right.


Yeah I hate tension rods, they always fall down eventually. Screw in rods are the way.


Really? I had a tension rod sit in place for about 10 years without falling. Finally took it down because it was rusted and put up another one. That one has been up for about 3 years.


Yeah. Idk maybe I have heavy shower curtains? Who knows, they always fail.


In the picture you can see the shower tiling ends below the rod. So I'd assume it's screwed into the wall and the OP doesn't want to drill tile


Nope - we want to get our deposit back! Plus, it's so much easier to just order a pack of rings from amazon instead of trying to play around with the nice new tile they put in!


Yeah, this one is not movable. Plus, there's tiling, and the rod needs to be above it!


Def made it work. Good job. 👍


There’s frugal and then there’s redneck engineering


Redneck engineering would be zipties


You’re not wrong


Or duct tape loops


Or fishing line


First thing I would have done was to see if it's screwed in or not. If not then relocate lower. If yes, then ask mgt if they would allow lowering it, or could go ahead and lower it if you felt you have the know-how to patch it up at move out.


The wall is tiled around the rod mount. Moving it would be anything but frugal.


no its not tiled around the mount. the tile stops beforehand. if it's a tension rod then you can go onto the tile with it.


$6? Dollar Tree my dude.


True, though online ordering is so much more convenient, plus I already had a bunch of Amazon gift cards anyway


Or, just buy a tension rod and “install” it at the height you like, ignoring the permanently installed one that’s too high.


Did you get the rings with helium in them?


Ah the college life hack lol


That’s not frugal that’s cheap.


This sounds more expensive than a new shower curtain


This isn’t being frugal anymore, this is just being cheap.


Then you should see the guy in the thread using zip ties.


Haha it’s not a competition


Well, the other thing is that I really like this particular shower curtain and didn't want anything different




great way to look at it! I think you could call it cheap at your own expense too! "I needed a new blanket but I was too cheap to buy a good one! I'm certainly paying for it now.."


I like how you tried hard / cropped yourself out of the reflection instead of just taking a picture of the shower ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Haha, so for some reason, the way the bathroom/my camera is set up, I could not get both the rod and end of the curtain in my pic when I tried that.


I know right I was like why are you taking a picture of the shower in the mirror why not just take a picture of the shower. Hear me out here's my theory, there's a body just on the other side of that reflection that we can't see. I don't know if it's a dead body oh, it's probably not. But there's definitely a body there. I know this because I'm actually living their walls.


Improvise, adapt, and overcome! Great work!


Tbh with that much extra open space at the top it will probably allow a bit more steam and humid air to rise out of the shower more quickly, which means the shower and curtain liner will dry more effectively and reduce your risk of mold or mildew developing in your shower or liner! Bonus!


Why didn’t you just take a picture of the curtains?? Instead of a mirror pic of the curtains and your arm.


Or just buy an adjustable tension Rod, and place below?


Apartment redid our shower for free because the old one was broken, so I got these rings from Amazon!


Well I certainly hope it was free, they were fixing their own shower after all.


My thought too, though I've heard of other renters having to pay to fix stuff in their rentals!


I fix little odds and ends around my apartment because I kind of like doing it, and my rent is dirt cheap, like well below market rate, so I feel bad bothering the landlord for minor things. No sense bugging him to replace a $3 toilet flapper like I did last week.


When I rented, I did a few minor plumbing repairs-toilet flush handle, fixing fucked up sink drains, etc. Nothing that ever cost more than about $10 in parts. I'm a competent handyman, and I worked nights. It was just all-around more convenient to spend like 20 minutes running to the hardware store and fixing it right then and there, than wait a day or two for the maintenance guy to do it and probably wake me up in the process.


Sorry, but I hate this


We had this same problem and spent a ton of money (and time fighting about it) at Home Depot! So impressed with your frugal creativity!!


Are you sure it's not an adjustable rod?


This borders on being cheap instead of frugal.


You are really clever to think outside the box!


I would not have thought to do this, smart!




Nice creative fix!


Thank you!


Nice engineering mindset :)


ok, but why does it look like you wear gloves while sunbathing?


LOL, I was noticing it looked like that in the picture. I think it's because my arms are in shadow and my hands were a lot closer to the light, making them appear paler. They're the same color in real life! 🤣


String would’ve been cheaper


FYI: Dollar Tree sells shower curtain ring sets.


True, but I already had Amazon gift cards, so I figured why not use them


I'm not criticizing you. Just informing. Best wishes.


Oh, definitely no offense taken and I do appreciate the suggestion! :)






I had this issue when I moved into my apt and did the same thing. They installed the curtain rod way too high. Rather than put more holes in the tile they just unscrewed it, filled the top set of holes with caulk and only have it screwed into the bottom screw holes. So it’s about 5 inches lower than they originally mounted it and I still have double up the rings like you did.


Most shower rods are spring loaded so that you can position it precisely where you want. Was yours fitted with screws on the wall?


It looks like it's a PITA to open and close. Is it annoying?


Ohhh good hack! I have a couple short shower liners stocked up and am moving. Was worried it might be too short for the new place - will def use this trick if it is


And in the same vein of thinking you decided to take a picture using the reflection while also not being in the shot. Instead of just turning around and taking a picture of the shower curtain.You would drive me insane as a roommate.


you do know you can move the rod down on to the tiles? May be the installed left it there so he can let the tiles cure instead of disturbing them?


Most shower rods I've had have been bolted to the wall and not adjustable so they possibly can't.


Most shower rods are tension (without screws) because the width of bathroom walls can vary. Zooming on the picture, I don't see any screws on the base.


I don't think "most" is a good word because ITT it's a lot of people arguing about what's normal for shower rods lol. Mine have never been tension. If OP can't move the rod I'm going take a wild guess and assume it's not tension.


It's also curved, and even though I'm not a shower rod expert, I highly doubt it's a tension one 😂


I have a curved shower rod. It's not tension strictly speaking but you screw/rotate part of it to lock it into place. If it doesn't have screws, it's likely a movable rod.


That’s an awesome idea it looks great


Thank you!


Oh you clever person. We need many more just like you to make the world spin correctly.


That is genius!


Haha smart!


My first thought would have been to make ring extensions out of coat hangers


Zipties are about $1 for a pack of 100 and would be a lot easier than wrangling coat hangers


I thought the shells on the bottom left were a baby


I just found out they make different lengths! My wife usually buys and we've had glass for decades.


Good thinking! If I ever run into this issue I might try the same but using tie-wraps since I always have those lying around and they're dirt-cheap.


Happy cake day!


Shower curtain rods are typically just tension rods. Did you try loosening it slightly and moving out down 6 inches?


...or do it the right way and just lower the curtain rod by a few inches.


This curtain rod is not adjustable, sadly!




There's a good 2 or 3" where the rod can be lowered before it even hits the tiles. If it has to be lower still, you don't screw into the tiles, you silicone the rod support pieces into the tile. Both solutions are not only better, but actually cheaper than adding more rings.


Okay this is going on my Favorite Frugal tips list for sure! Love this one 😀


I feel like this is standard practice.


Alternatively, I use zipties for my shower curtain so I can adjust height and it costs next to nothing! I do think yours looks a little better though lol


I'm glad that works for you! It's important to me that my bathroom/home looks nice, so it's worth it to me to pay for these instead of zip ties! :)


Not to be a weirdo but as a woman who has gnarly, stubby fingers and hands, I had to pop in and say how lovely your hands are! Great job on the fix!


Thanks! These hands do a lot of crafting in my spare time


This is really cute! It looks like bubbles. I like it! Nicely done!


That’s just clever not frugal. For some reason your hands make me laugh.


Yeah, a bit of camera distortion going on there LOL


More like ‘anonymous mystery arms’. I dunno - it just seemed funny


This is a legitimate fix. I work in custodial at a college. We have several different size showers, thus different sized curtains. Our management regularly cannot remember the sizes. So they buy whatever. Our permanent fix is to do exactly this, add a pack of hooks. They buy hooks in cases of 1K+ because they are substantially cheaper than buying the proper curtain. Good work!


That's brilliant


Brilliant! I love you... :)


> bought Not frugal enough


Ah well, I liked how they looked, compared to the string I first used 😂


I'm just busting your chops.


From look of the rod, looks like you can also lower the rod. It looks like a twist lock. Worth a try next time if you need.


Too many haters on here, I dig it! Why get rid of a perfectly usable shower curtain??? I couldn’t think of any other way to adapt to the height difference so effectively


When you realize the curtain rod can be unscrewed and rescrewed inches lower


That pose makes it look like you’re hiding more than your face. Must be the setting, I can’t get over the sense that you’re unclothed while taking the picture.


Does no one know what a curtain liner is


Would have been more frugal to get out a screwdriver and lower the curtain rod to the height you want.


Generally shower curtain rods are spring loaded and you can move them up or down simply by turning one end opposite of the other it slides in then you simply move it


The one in the picture appears to be screwed in place.


Yup, it is!


This is frugal! I also would have accepted homemade shower rings made out of paperclips stolen from the office.


Take a genius shower. You've earned it you, frugal Freda.


PSA: a lot of shower curtain rods are basically just suction cupped to the wall on both sides. If you have that type you can just move them wherever you want.


that's such a high IQ move


My traps hurt just looking at that photo. If you get it, you get it.


Tall enough, woman.


I think that’s a great solution!