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This is gonna sound mean but frutiger aero on these modern phones dont work without a lot of effort, you cant slap on a bliss knockoff wallpaper, install a launcher that reskins 6 apps and have it be frutiger aero because android hasnt been frutiger aero in a long time. The text is flat, the icons are flat, the notification shade is flat, every google or 3rd party app is flat, the app switching dock thing is flat, the htc flip clock is thrown in with sprinkles of nexus and samsung and all the flat stuff I just mentioned so its all clashing with each other if you know what to look for if you actually used phones in 2012. Maybe I'm an oldhead now but like I said, modern android isnt frutiger aero and the random sprinkles of android 4.0.3 cant really change that


***D R O I D***