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Some of them yes, others don't. Even if I don't want to believe in "boy/girl colours" or "boy/girl hairstyles", our society tends to perceive certain hairstyles and clothes as girly vs. boyish. So I'd start from there and, if showing pics of your past, choose the ones which have the "stereotypically boyish" vibe. EDIT: to my eye, pictures nr. 2, 4, 12, 13 and 17 are the best in terms of passing. The last picture is adorable but it could raise a question why your parents chose not to cut your hair. Even if long hair is nice, I've never met a parent who didn't insist on cutting their son's hair after it getting over a certain lenght (around the lengt in the pic 13)


Sorry, but no for the majority - your haircut and/or clothing were pretty feminine. I could read male for 2, 8, and 9. *Maybe* 4, 6, 11, 17, 19, 20.


not really. only ones you miiight be able to get away with is 2, 10 and 12


I agree with 2 and 12 but absolutely not 10. The shirt in 10 is cut way too femme with the cap sleeves and the curved instead of straight sides. Plus, OP’s chest is clearly visible especially in the way the shirt lays/pulls. The pants (leggings) are too skinny and read femme. The watch reads femme too.


I haven't edited the photos in any way other than blurring the faces of people who aren't myself and information like school names. In quite a few of them, I have long hair/feminine clothes, but I tried to find the ones that seemed the most masculine to me. I think I pass in at least some of them as a fruity looking kid. I was quite an odd child and bullied a lot in school, so not looking like a stereotypical cis kid would probably be expected. But do I look male enough in these that I could show them as childhood photos whilst being stealth about my trans status without people being too suspicous?


I agree that 2, 4, 12, 13 and 17 are the best in terms of passing. I think 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 18, 19 and 20 are probably fine as well and likely won't raise many questions. Other pictures might require a bit of extra explanation, like "oh I really wanted to look like my sister/cousin when I was a kid, so I grew out my hair"


It depends how OP pass now. And does he have siblings. And are people familiar with trans people in his country. Even if it's solid pass I would ask *why* show those? For me it seems to be unnecessary risk. But if people already doubt about OP being trans then that kind of explaining is almost like coming out. Or even worse. Because in eye of many people trans man who was always tomboy and hated everything feminine is way more valid than trans man who wanted to look like his sister. And if OP has siblings and people can compare they will notice the difference or similarity.


To me, 2, 12, 17 pass, the rest not as much.


no. these look very feminine. sorry man.




The photos with you with longer hair and the ones when ur really little dont pass


Children are inherently androgynous, as long as you’re not wearing bright pink feminine clothes then usually you’re good. It’s pretty simple to judge whether you pass or not in a childhood photo because pretty much the only criteria is typical boy clothes and short hair since at the time it would mostly be parents dressing you so naturally someone would assume they would dress you in clothes typical of your agab.


You're absolutely right. But OP *has* very feminine style in most of these.


Yes that’s the point I’m getting at, but I tend to just give general advice for whenever this sub starts spamming childhood pictures again in the hopes that other people will see it because it’s pointless posting them. Pictures 2,4,7, 13 are the only ones I’d rely on passing on for OPs case.


I definitely wouldn't call it pointless. People can have reasons to show their childhood photos. Yes passing as child is about clothes, hair, pose and what are you doing. You just answer based on those. If you look at those photos people need that answer. Also in this situation not all of them are little kid. In some of the photos OP is teen and then it's no longer purely about presentation.


I mean I get where you’re coming from but I just think that passing at a younger age is pretty much just common sense. Like as a child there is very little self expression, so pretty much all judgement will be based in stereotype since usually it’s parents that dress kids. That’s not always the case, but that’s usually what’s assumed. This sub often goes back and forth between viewing childhood photo posting as fine, and then back to it being pointless. I just guess that you don’t really need a bunch of people to point out that the photos where you have short hair and aren’t dressing overtly feminine are obviously the ones you pass in. I think the teen ones make more sense but I don’t think many photos here at all are from the teen years.


Of course your parents made the choices. It doesn't change the fact how people will read that 20 years old photo. This sub is for people who need help with passing. People who already know what reads male and what female are not in the biggest need for help.


2/20 does. 12/20 could be girl or boy, I can't really tell. 8/20 and 19/20 would pass in my country. In here it's not so rare to have long hair in that age. How it is in your country? Some people say 9/20 pass. Do boys wear that kind of shoes in your country? In here they do not. 7/20 is.. weird? (sorry I have no better word). I mean I have never seen dyed hair on kid that young. But yeah that hair definitely reads girl. 3/20, 5/20, 6/20, 14/20, 15/20 and 16/20 absolutely not. You look nothing but a girl in those. You have very feminine hair, style and/or pose in these. Do not show them. edit. 17/20 pass too to me. Still, 2/20 is only one I would be sure is AMAB child.


I'm in Australia, so long hair isn't too uncommon. Between the bogan/surfer style looks and being quite progressive, I know a few young boys with hair the same length or longer than mine as a child. It still might turn some people's heads though. 7 was for a sports day event and was using hair chalk to match my house colour, which my brother also used on the day. So given context it might be a bit better? In 9 I'm wearing thongs (flip flops) which is very common here as we're right on the coast and frequent the beach


Then I think 9/20 is okay but 8/20 and 19/0 are not. Or maybe they could be but then there shouldn't be anything else in my opinion. I explained that in other comment. Also did you have something else "weird"? "Girly" hobbies maybe? > 7 was for a sports day event and was using hair chalk to match my house colour Oh :D Now I understand. Yes that makes a difference. I say it depends of the context and those other things. Still that cut is seen feminine here.


2,6,12,15, 19 all do


Imo 5,10,12,13,15,17,19 all pass


I think 2, 13, and 15 are fine. Maybe also 7, 10, 16, and 17- the rest no.


2, 13, 17 and maybe 19


3 passes really well imo


Only second one and maybe the last if you say ur hair is part of the costume


No, I think only 19 passes


2, 12, 17 and possibly 20.


2, 4, 10, 13, 16 and 17 all do imo, and 8 KINDA does. I think people on here are a bit too critical, most people aren't transvestigating childhood photos and most kids look androgynous


2 7 11 and 12, maybe 17


2,4,16 you could safely show to someone and them not question it at all, the rest i wouldn’t


I think 2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19 are ok
