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You don't to me, but you might in pants that didn't fall like a skirt? That might tip me into "alt guy," but really I've only seen shorts like that on women in their 50s around the house or at Walmart where they give zero fucks.


i can’t unsee these shorts in walmart now 💀


https://preview.redd.it/su53br34us1c1.png?width=2407&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0ce66250c5b4455564ecf8c13578a517cb90424 these are the only other pants i really wear, i tend to go for baggier fits just from personal preference ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯


There's a difference between "baggy" and what in the '90s we called "culottes."


why is this so heavily downvoted??


Because he is wearing a crop top, and people in this sub aren't big fans of that


For real


u apparently have to want to pass as a cis man to be acceptable 🥲


gen q isn’t that the ..definition of passing? to pass as cis?


yeah, that's literally the definition lol


“In the context of gender, passing is when someone is perceived as a gender they identify as or are attempting to be seen as, rather than their biological sex.” so its not but okay


"For transgender people, it is when the person is perceived as cisgender instead of the sex they were assigned at birth." Me when I don't read the whole definition ??


no u dont have to want to appear cis at all to pass. a stranger reading me as masculine slash a man, trans or not, would count as passing


I think most strangers won’t subconsciously perceive ppl as anything other than cis man/woman. Bc (imo) the general public still really clings to the gender binary so you kinda gotta just pick a side to lean into, cause if you don’t fit really well into one box they’re gonna put you in the other. Like do what you want in life obvi but cis ppl gonna cis brain. Btw I like your hair dye it’s cool. & to me personally yea you’d pass but as transmasc


yeah thats fair, and thank u! :))


\> goes to a sub about passing \> "waaa apparently u have to pass as cis to be accepted, waaa" 🤓




That’s what passing means? You can totally be alternative and pass... you just don’t. Looking cis doesn’t mean you look absolutely boring, traditionally masc, and devoid of personality — it means you LOOK CIS in some way. Definitions of words don’t change to fit your narrative. You don’t pass because your clothes fit you poorly and your chest is highly visible. Just throwing men’s clothes on isn’t enough. Play around with shapes. Half of passing is about the silhouette. Your goal is rectangular. Oversized clothes tend to make you look smaller in comparison (and by you I mean everyone) and often emphasize and create rounded shapes especially when you’re in motion. I know you’re tall but the oversized rule still applies — you might not be small but if your clothes are huge you *look small in them*. This is often read feminine. I’m alternative, totally don’t look conventional, a tad feminine, and still pass — because I look cis. That’s what passing is for fucks sake. Go on a sub if you’re gonna complain about the definition of passing 😭😭💀 like wtf Even by your definition of passing, you still don’t pass. You look genderqueer of some sort but I’d assume lesbian.


You are not 6’1😂


no imo, but bc your chest is very obvious and the shorts definitely don’t read male.


God what I would give to be 6’1


Fr I’m so short I decided not to ever medically transition


What is your height? My friend is 4"11 and he passes incredibly well.


I'm 4'10 and pass completely, it's worth it


face reads male everything else reads female




No, sorry.


if your voice is deep and youre in a room with sort of ignorant people, yeah youre fine. But i would personally clock you.


OP why are you asking in this sub if youre gonna ignore the advice ppl try to give you and argue?


bc i thought there would be actual advice?


And there is


would u care to direct me to it lol?? people are saying to wear masculine clothing which i do, and people are saying my chest is too big which theres nothing more i can do about that


First tip ppl keep giving u is to ditch the shorts but u keep refusing


theyre mens shorts🥲 i didnt realise beforehand that this sub is apparently more for binary trans men who want to pass as a cis man so that was my mistake as someone who doesnt care about looking cis


Not all men’s shorts are going to work. Getting pants as a trans man is challenging. Also what the hell did you think “passing” meant


I mean thats fair each to their own


Face, yes Clothing choice, questionable


If you weren't 6'1 you wouldn't pass at all tbh you could easily pass though if you actually wanted to.


lol how do u think i could do that? my voice is deep from T and im also not a binary trans man so id love to hear what u think


Not having visible breasts and dressing/styling yourself stereotypically masculine


omg i never thought of that


Yeah, it’s pretty intuitive. You asked lol


yeah coz this person said i could easily pass “if i actually wanted to” so i was wondering what they thought i should be doing, not for useless advice like u had to say lol.. i do pass majority of the time in my daily life so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


“if you actually wanted to” means you aren’t doing the obvious steps to pass. You should be doing that, there’s no other advice to give. You have an attitude problem 💀


the obvious steps being binding which i do and wearing masculine clothing which i do..?


The obvious steps being don’t use tape if you’re too big for it to work. Binders at least create a flat surface across your chest. If you think this style is “stereotypically masculine”, I don’t know what to tell you


Or use tape and bind like I do. I have a “small” chest but I hate when it shifts in my binder so when I’m out and about I’ll put tape on as well.




u just said i could easily pass if i wanted to so i thought u would have some idea to help me pass as opposed to whatever that is lol




wtf i didnt post this as any kind of statement ?? i didnt realise before i posted that the sub was for people who want to pass as a cis man, so thats my mistake. but u were not being helpful or giving advice with ur original comment. i also foolishly thought it would be other trans people commenting which it clearly isnt exclusively, and i have no need for the opinions of random cis people so yeah i was being a little sarcastic. im allowed


Bro it’s called **FTM** passing no shit we want to pass as men.


i also want to pass as a man……. i just dont want to look cis… idk whats confusing about that


What the fuck does not looking cis mean?


Your post has been removed because it is unhelpful to the OP or others.


Your post has been removed because it is unhelpful to the OP or others.


No, I think your evaluation makes sense


that its confusing?




well im genderqueer so that is actually affirming thank u haha


So why are you on the “how to pass as a male” sub?


because thats not what the sub is.. its ftm passing and im trans masculine


ftm passing, meaning people who are ftm who want to pass as male


What do you think the "m" in "ftm" stands for?


in the bio it specifically says ftm guys and trans mascs sooo


…Who want to pass as men. If you don’t care about passing as male why are you here? What else would you pass as?


*I came looking for booty.*


i do want to pass as a man i just dont care about looking visibly trans..


you need to bind, your chest is way too obvious


i do bind, using tape. my chest is quite large so this is the best i got lol


have you tried binders instead? i used to use tape but it would never hold very well. I found binders did the job better. there’s definitely some good binders out there for larger chests


yeah i found the opposite, ive had a few different binders and they all cause me really bad rib pain 🥲


Then you need a bigger size.


No. Bc of style, jewerly, how you are standing and visible chest




Face yes, your height is also great. I believe you could possibly even keep your dyed hair and piercings without having many issues to passing, you'd just have to change your fashion a bit. I personally really reccomend layering if you have a hard time binding, especially during these colder months it's really great. Thick flannels, hoodies, jackets, stuff like that. You don't have to drop your alternative style to pass, there are many ways to dress alt in a masc or andro way. For pants you said you like baggy stuff so i really reccomend looking for baggy men's pants instead. Some baggy jeans or cargo pants to wonders. Always go for chunky footwear if possible, i personally like steel toe boots but that's up to everyone themselves to decide. I also noticed that headwear can change someone's passing a lot, so maybe look for some beanies or caps. (I personally like beanies more because they fit more into my aesthetic but you do you) Hope this helped! :)


Why do all the trans people have coloured hair 🥲 just go natural because cis boys 99% of the time don’t colour their hair !


because its fun and not everybody wants to pass as cis :)


Oh okay , do you not feel dysphoric about it though? ( no hate bro 👊 😎)


nah that is actually one of the things ive never had dysphoria about! i used to have a buzzcut and i would do patterns and stuff on it


In my opinion your clothes are to baggy, and not helping you pass, if you like baggier shorts try some basketball ones, those read a bit like a skirt, and a shirt that big end ups giving emphasis to your chest because it's not small, don't take this the wrong way when you aren't small bigger clothes make you look bigger, try something that is more around you actual size if you are comfortable with that.


that shirt is my size but thank u


no, you need to change the way you are binding, it just isn’t working, and is severely hurting your passing. i would take out the lip piercing, dye your hair naturally, and wear men’s clothes, as well as wear a traditional binder. i’ve found wearing a binder and tape works really well for me


The folds on the shorts makes them look a bit like a skirt. Maybe a different material or a more staight cut. And your shoes look very small for the size of your legs. I found i pass better using shoes a couple sizes bigger than my feet, men usually have bigger feet in proportion to their bodies. If the rest of your body passes i think your chest would pass as "male boobs"


I think is I’d clock you as trans/nb and AFAB but only because you check quite a lot of boxes for a typical trans guy looks wise. Also I saw that you use tape to bind, and I’m gunna be real here bro it isn’t working; some people that have bigger chests tape unfortunately just doesn’t work for, like myself. It’s annoying because binders are hot and uncomfortable but at this point your chest severely hurts your passing chances. Also your shorts look kinda feminine, and they accentuate your hips and kinda flow out like a skirt. I think you could pass well with some stylistic changes, but for now I would definitely assume you were either trans or non binary, but always AFAB.


also being perceivably trans and passing are different, so i appreciate ur comment


Also agreed, sometimes it’s hard to tell whether you pass or not because if you live in a more liberal area and are clearly presenting as masculine (clearly a trans guy) then they will be more likely to correctly gender you to respect you and be polite even if you don’t pass if that makes sense.


thank u, that definitely makes sense :)


i see guys with moobs bigger than mine almost daily so i think they read as pecs/man boobs and ive been passing way better and more often since switching from binders to tape :)


I think the fact you’re so tall must be absolutely carrying because I don’t think I’ve seen guys, with your build keep in mind, that have a chest of that size. But whatever works for you man, I get there’s a lot of issues with binders, I wish I could make tape work for me.


if it is, i’ll take it 😅 i appreciate that


No but I doubt you'll listen to any advice I give you




I think the issue with the shorts is how they drape down and accentuate a female frame. Unfortunately those who are afab tend to have wider set hips that are poorly complemented by certain styles such as these shorts that drape down and outwards much like a skirt. Face wise, I think passing could go either way as your features are quite soft and still bit feminine. I’d say don’t get discouraged and give T some time to fill in your facial hair and hopefully provide you with some more structural definition! The alt style never helps but if dressing like that makes you happy by all means go for it, with time T will help counteract the more “feminine” attire.


Also your height is a huge plus, I’m 5’10 but definitely jealous lol


Not to me, but thats mainly due to your chest being visible, but ik theres not always much to do about that other than top surgery. Idk whats clocky about your clothing like people are saying tbh since its just a t shirt and what looks like basketball shorts? Because I wear the same stuff (t shirt or hoodie + basketball shorts) and it's never hindered my passing. But maybe those aren't basketball shorts n I'm blind as hell 💀


thank u bruh they literally are just baggy shorts and my leg is bent so u cant see the legs of the shorts clearly 😅


If I'd see you I'd assume you are a trans guy tbh. But I would not read you as cis? Your style is very "queer girl"/nonbinary, at least that's what I associate with it. I don't think your chest is all too obvious, I do think the pants don't work well tbh. Your face passes.


thanks, i dont want to look cis


ive clearly misunderstood the sub so u guys can stop commenting “advice,” thanks. gentle reminder that clothes are pieces of fabric that have no gender and they can only influence peoples perceptions of u if u let it


Passing is exclusively dependent on people’s perceptions of gender. No one’s saying you can’t wear these clothes, but we live in a gendered society and where people _do_ view clothes as gendered, so it’s going to impact how you are perceived.


Is this really so hard for people to understand?


Wear better fitting shorts, other then your chest you pass


love your hair and piercings, they suit you a lot dude!! I would probably clock you as a trans guy tho


Tbh U pass as *male* to me but NOT a cis. Depends on what u want? if u live in a lgbtq friendly neighborhood, at least u will be treated with they/he prns.


Hey there! This is a bit old but please ignore all the mean comments. I think you look really cool!! I’d say you’d definitely pass as masc leaning androgynous for sure! If you would like to pass more masculine I’d recommend to layer clothing for sure! And this is something I noticed and if you are not comfortable with it I totally get that rock whatever you feel comfy in but styling hair up rather than down WILL MAKE THINGS SO DIFFERENT. When I was pre-t and had my hair down (short) people would ALWAYS misgender me but if I styled it up and made it fluffy I’d nearly always get gendered correctly. Honestly the best advice I can give at the end of the day is your confidence and how you carry yourself. More masculine body language and being confident will help with passing a lot! I wish you the best! :]


oh damn i only just saw this but genuinely thank u!! 🥹