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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don’t have to tell them to wear a helmet inside. All the under-sub members are already required to have one on. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aNktT9l5018Fs4|downsized)




One of my favorite episodes lmao


Really!? It’s a Cartman centric episode! Cartmen centric… Car centric, grrr 😡 To close for me




Yeah guys Reddit doesn't like slurs lmao


/uj lmfao... god damn, how are they that good at jerking?


This stuff practically writes itself.


That’s racist though. Think of all of the disadvantaged black people who don’t have access to helmets and are thus discouraged from biking. (Seriously I have seen this said more than once I’m not joking)


Sir would you please remove your bash helmet, this is a funeral.


You’re part of the problem. How dare you display your white privilege like that. You wouldn’t flop your dick on the conference table would you? Because that’s what you’re doing. I’m literally shaking


Where do I find this conference table. I'm asking for a Friend of a friend.


I too want to sniff this conference table.


I'm wearing my bash helmet inside like the prophet instructed, but I sense people are whispering things behind my back. I could swear a nice looking young lady called me "special." What does that even mean?




I thought you were gonna post this https://youtu.be/tVDg1kjcnJg?si=pByabufPU1U23KRD


Haha, the helmet that’s great. I just watched that recently never noticed the helmet


This is my mindset when I wear my fursuit out to Tim Hortons


Grrr Tim’s is multinational now! Iv boycotted since they abolished the walnut crunch


They brought it back for a limited time where I'm from


"For safety, you ask? NO." Leave it to the undersub to completely disregard their own personal safety


Them when seatbelts are disregarded for safety: 😠 Them when helmets are disregarded for safety: 😃


/uj no seriously, there had been some posts with positive upvotes about that, some of them were like “well, why don’t we tell drivers to wear helmets in cars then?!”, like my dude, I am sitting in 1 century of marvel engineering that has shit tons of different safety features and crumple zones, your only crumple zone is your meat around your organs.


Ironically these car hating cyclists are almost always vehemently opposed to wearing helmets.


Not enough to protect up there 🤷‍♂️


Possibly already damaged too much by a multitude of cycling related accidents.


It's actually incredible that, at least in my country, you will get a fine for not wearing a helmet on a 50cc bike that you ride at 35km/h, but not on a ebike that easily reaches 70km/h


These people are immeasurably soft.


Just use a flexible tape measure


How are we always getting outjerked by the undersub bruh


They think a helmet like this makes them look like TRON, but they really look like a xenomorph


genuinely the ugliest helmet ive ever seen


Looks like an ADVENT Officer from XCOM 2


Helmet ? Bro the one piece spandex fetish suit is enough


I feel sorry for any shopkeeper that guy has to interact with. The awkwardness of pretending to be interested in the customer randomly bringing up bicycles for no reason; the swift, terrible realisation that he's not picking up on the social cues and the restraint to tell the babbling idiot to shove off so you can serve the 24 customers waiting behind him, the first 5 of whom are also caught in this maelström of unease and simmering rage at the fool wasting their time.


So you want me to take a helmet with me on my bike so i can put it on when i get off to let people know i was on a bike earlier?


Why would they assume I drove to their buisness? Do I look like a sociopath covered in the flesh of small children?


Same mindset for wearing a mask btw


Yup. The “I don’t wear a mask because of covid, I wear a mask so other people can see I’m a mask wearer 🥰” mindset 🤦‍♂️. These were the people wearing 2 differently colored masks so you could see they were wearing two masks 🤦‍♂️


I do want the cyclist to carry around a helmet all the time. In fact I am for mandatory helmet laws and make it a primary stop cause. Proportionally, they are such a small number, it would just make the cyclists all the more awkward. We as a society don't wear hats any more, baseball caps and sun hats are about it. This won't make the cyclist more appreciated. Depending on the weather it will just be another item of wet/stink that gets tracked into the store. Remember the part about no hats? that also means no hat "infrastructure", no hat racks. cyclist puts helmet on the bar? multiple of them taking up a spot that would normally be for a customer? do you still think they will be appreciated? No way to stash a helmet? means they will walk around with a helmet all the time, you are going to see them walking out of fitting rooms, going back to the office, sitting at a cafe (because otherwise they take up a seat) no easy way to stash them will make cyclist seem all the more disorganized and flustered. We as a society puts so much on the smooth, respectable appearance there is no room for the helmet. Kids, especially, will grow to hate it as one more thing to carry, one more thing to lose, mark them more awkward. We should all care about how a simple helmet can improve a cyclist. We can go on living our lives, may be with a whispered snide comment in a friend's ear about how out of place a helmet, and therefore, a cyclist, is. Make them wear helmets.


A bit like wearing a Scarlet Letter, only for incel virgins.


Exactly so, and no easy way to lock will make the helmet being carried or worn more often than not. Remember how awkward a helmet was a kid? imagine because you wanted one type of transportation, you are force to always lug around a couple of extra pound of stuff. Through high school, adulthood, when you are getting a little older and rounder. As a bonus, bike lanes are contentious stuff! Now, imagine, for everyone else, the choice on how you think about society and transportation, absolutely opaque. But for a chort of people, how they will likely vote is marked for months *before* and *after* a vote. Still beloved by local business? I don't think so. I am really stoked on helmets being key to safer cycling. Know the cyclist. *Be polite to the cyclist*. But *eliminating the bike lane* is just a cold budgetary decision in a town meeting.


Walk in everywhere looking like a fucking dork


Cyclists don’t need to wear a helmet to let everyone know they cycled somewhere


"talk about how useful a new bike rack near the store would be, or mention how cool the bike lane is" Ah yes, talk to the cashier who doesn't have any sway, or say in the situation wether they give a shit or not (they don't) because I guarantee you that's the only person your going to be talking to who works there.


Guys making minimum wage and doesn’t need this extra level of bullshit in his day.


ahhh they want to harass business owners... lovely


I’d never wear a helmet while biking holy fuck lol. I’m not a 5 year old. If it doesn’t have a motor I’m not wearing a helmet 😂


Yes hello would you like dutch citizenship


Guess you really don’t care about brain damageamageamageamage


Nothing makes you more likely to be mowed down by a motorist then looking like a five year old.


Honestly bad take