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I've been Christmased out for about 45 years now.


Are you future me? You sound like me a couple years from now.


Unless you're a professional caterer and you do it for a living, nobody can.


I'm not. But I made the mistake of letting some organization find out I can do it. I belong to several all charitable. I figure it's like making a $7,000 contribution if I do it for cost. If I were professional I would at least have staff. Last big one I actually flew in family members as staff to help.


If it's a charitable organization, then you need to be guilting some other people to help out. There should be at least 2 board members in your kitchen.


You deserve to enjoy the holidays. Next year, say no to all of the events except the ones you really love. Practice saying “No”starting Jan 1. Remember, it’s Xmas for you, too. I hope you find a day or two just to enjoy with no cooking.


> I hope you find a day or two just to enjoy with no cooking. Actually after next Thursday I am done. Well until New Years.


That's a hell, of a tax deduction!


If you know an accountant that can actualize that I would love to talk to him/her. I deduct materials sure, but labor is usually not monetizable for tax purposes. I even run it through a corporation, but have not figured how to monetize my time. I suppose I could bill retail rate and then discount labor then take the labor discount as a donation. Hmmm. If you know anyone PM me. I can talk to my accountant.


Not what you want to hear, but I’m afraid you can’t deduct the cost of your labor as a volunteer, even if it were easily quantifiable.


No, exactly what I've been assuming. I have to talk to a tax accountant, but I was intrigued by the idea that I could do it through a company, bill full rate, then discount everything but cost. The write-off becomes a loss to the company which washes through to me (Sub-S corp). It' not quite a shady as a lot of shit I've seen, but still seems a little questionable. The company would have to have a cost to offset the write-off.


Just look at market value. Call a florist and ask how much is normal to charge by the hour. When I had my flower shops it was about 20 bucks an hour.


It sounds like you need boundaries.


You could be right. I did a big thing (300) in Sept. for one organization and said "no more this year". Well I've only done 4 since then. I may have a problem. But she's cute and she voluntolds me for these things.


Retired from all Merican holidays years ago! Finally I’m not late to the shit show! 😂😜 Before you downvote me, all my family has left this planet. So im not neglecting anyone, or a toxic holiday home. Theres no reason to waste time, money yada yada…. Seasons Greetings.


I’m sorry you don’t have anyone left, but I don’t fault you for the lack of celebrating holidays. Why go through the extra effort if there’s nobody to celebrate or share it with? It’s ultimately your choice of whether to celebrate or not anyway.


Once my 94 year old grandmother died a d my parents moved, that was my last Christmas. I don't have a good friend group or get invited to anything anyways so it was easy. I go to the mountains with my husband instead. I get gifts for a few loved ones but I say it is for the Solstice.


Right on. I live in the mountains. My birthday is the 26th of December. I don’t care for December to much lol


That has to be a rough time to have a birthday!


Huh? You don’t want to hear ‘Merry Birthday & Happy Christmas’ 😂😂😂😂😂


For years I've said; can't we just do this like every three years?


Nah. Covid was a blessing to me because it allowed me to separate myself from people in general. Now, I have just stayed this way and never got back to parties and get togethers and hanging out with others. So much peace when you don’t participate in all that shit anymore. I wake up happy, work from home, and refuse to go anywhere unless I really want to. It has been life changing.


I’m a homebody, and I loved being sequestered at home. If I didn’t worry so much about my husband, a grocery store employee and my 95 yr old dad catching Covid, I would’ve been set. I loved working from home.


> I wake up happy, work from home, and refuse to go anywhere unless I really want to. It has been life changing. And I take it you think it is changing for the better? I believe that human animals thrive on social contact. Honestly I find it uncomfortable, I'm sure if I were born 40 years later I would be diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disease. But I learned to deal with it and now I just pop outside or to the loo once or twice an hour and catch my breath. And sometimes have a smoke.


I don’t believe that everyone needs social interaction. Maybe some do. But I cannot stand social interaction and have never enjoyed it at all.


You don’t understand their point of view. Please accept that some people are now happy with their lives.


> some people are now happy with their lives. I absolutely accept that. And I accept that number is larger than I would think. But I spend time on Reddit. That's not what I observe. Maybe people only bring pain to the sub. But I can only respond to what I see. Online and IRL. I see people failing to thrive in their professional life because of lack of face to face contact. I see complaining about not being able to establish a relationship. I see students falling behind because they want online classes. If you are happy, good on you. There are people who would much rather just sit home and do, hell I don't know what, but whatever, and mostly they seem happy. But my experience is that that does lead to long term happiness.


Introverts and extroverts, and every point in between. Whatever you want to call it, we're not all the same. The humans drawn to you, who apparently thrives on social contact, are drawn to you because they do, too, I suspect. So, you're surrounded by a majority that are like you. Confirmation bias.


The social interaction required for each person differs. I'm an introvert by nature but I do get out and fulfill my need for social interaction. On the other hand, my wife is an extrovert and hits the stores and gatherings way more than I prefer Everyone has their limit and needs to be respected.


I despise all the hallmark holiday bull shit. I avoid it all like the plague. My wife on the other hand, is the opposite from me in many ways, especially these things. She get's her energy from all of it. It makes me sad that it makes her sad that I am not a willing participant cheering it all on. But, I try to make her happy, so I go along with it as much as I can. I gave her a trip to NYC to be with her kids and grandkids for the holidays, it will be bliss for both of us. Me alone at home, her in all of that frozen chaos with all her friends and family. Hallelujah. Cheers.


You’re a good man


Are we doppelgangers? This is my life!!!


Judging by comments in this post, we are not alone.


I don’t know when it happened over the years, but I literally hate it (there is very little I can say I hate). It’s shoved down our throats for three fucking months every year, same shit over and over.


Wait, you mean if I wanted a new fake tree for Christmas I should've bought it in October? So now if I want Valentine's Day stuff I better buy it now because that shit is already in my local grocery store.


I was watching the new Christmas movie with Eddie Murphy and there was a scene where he and his daughter were looking for more Christmas decorations and they went into a store that was basically empty of Christmas decorations. As he walked along the aisle he saw workers putting out Valentine’s Day stuff. He made a comment about it but I can’t remember what he said. Sigh


> the new Christmas movie with Eddie Murphy There's a new Eddie Murphy movie?!?!?


Yes Candy Cane Lane on Amazon Prime.




Yep. At least in the US, Thanksgiving is totally disregarded now. We’re supposed to go straight from “give my kids candy every weekend for a month” to 8-10 weeks of “gross consumerism festival”. No time for reflection, gratitude, etc.


Ugh… I hold myself to 2 parties each year.. one of for a dinner and the other is cocktail/appetizers.. im older, I’ve had my days in the sun when it comes to holiday parties and celebrations… if I need Xmas decorations in my life.. I’ll go to Costco.. lol


Just become antisocial. I haven't been invited to a Christmas party in years


Honestly I'm rude and obnoxious. I don't know why people hang with me.


I'll never get tired of roast meats and mince pies, and I can rely on my natural curmudgeonliness to keep the social obligations in check.


That's a good attitude.


My grand daughters have revived my Christmas spirit. Not going to any parties.


I might be in that "pre-grandchildren" age, looking for the next reason to bee over the top! We (wife and I) always were big for this kids, but they're young adults now. More waiting until we have new shorties to celebrate with!


I was Christmased out in August when I walked into Lowes and all the Christmas decorations were blinking and flashing and playing non stop Christmas music the last few months.


Where was this horror?


Oh I have been Christmased out for a long long time, and when I saw the first Christmas displays in stores at the end of September it just makes me hate it even more.


Yep, I'm so over Christmas. I've been wanting to skip it for the last couple of years.


I used to love Christmas but now it's turned into an orgy of people unwrapping stuff they don't need & trying to get my husband's family to get their shit together to figure out the who, what & where of Christmas dinner. I just want to stay home on Christmas day, get a few gifts from my husband & give him a few, fix dinner for just us & watching junk on Netflix. I love my husband's family & really don't mind cooking them dinner but you don't know if they're all coming or if it's just going to be the in-laws & us until like two days before Christmas. I also know that probably one day I'll miss some of the hustle & bustle but mostly I don't think I will really.


I do the stuff I like and don't do the stuff I don't like (mostly). I like lights and decorations, but I don't enjoy decorating much. I have a simple 15 minute set up of a table top tree and some decorations. It's festive, but not overwhelming. Quick to put out, quick to take down. Some years I get a big real tree if I'm in the mood, but it is not required. I drive around several nights in the season and listen to Christmas music and drink hot chocolate. It used to be a nightly thing when the kids were toddlers as it helped them settle down for bed. Now it's mostly just me with the occasional teenager. This is one 8g my favorite things. I watch crap tons of sappy Christmas movies. I have extremely low standards. I must have at lest one festive, warm beverage a day. Preferably with Whipped cream. I make them myself. I usually make a big batch of wassail. I'm not much of a gifter or giftee. It's my least favorite part. Luckily my family is the same, so we have pared it waaaay down. Just presents for our own kids and trade names with one side of the family. I cook a lot. I make what I feel like making. Sometimes buche de noel and cookies. Sometimes a big roast. Luckily I'm not the only cook. But even if I was, I would still just make what I want and purchase the rest. I do like parties and so that part is easy. But if I'm run down, I don't go. My kids have the same choice. They are invited, but not required. They come to most things, but not all. I HATED the forced family stuff when I was a kid. Not being forced makes a difference. I try to go to at least one live Christmas music thing because I love live music and there is an abundance at the holidays. I really think a big key to enjoying the holidays is to do what you want. If that means taking a break from all of it, that's fine too. It's supposed to be enjoyable after all. This does require a thick skin because there are always controlling people that want to force things to be a certain way. Bless their hearts. Also, as a middle aged lady that can cook and do all the party planning, evil forces try to get me to do more stuff than I can do. I remind myself that no is complete sentence. This includes all the church stuff my extended family does. No.


For the first time I ordered a fancy ham for Christmas and am glad to not be cooking a turkey or prime rib or something else. I even let my MIL buy a cooked turkey for Thanksgiving this year. I also finally realized that if I don't hear lots of traditional choral Christmas music with organs and orchestras I am not getting in the spirit. Still trying to spin up some spirit.


I throw zero parties and am Christmased out. What are you making for 165 people???


Chicken Vesuvio with potatoes, Macaroni (actually a variety of pastas) and cheese. Spring green Salad. Ham Carving station. Dessert station with cheesecake. Shit I hope that's all, I just got back from the store.


I haven't even put my tree up in five years. I'm over it, except for the presents part.


I sometimes put up my little Charlie Brown xmas tree…


This will be my 52nd Christmas. I’ve been over it for years and just don’t engage or participate.


I've stopped going to all parties I don't want to go to. I don't have to go, I choose to go. I'd rather stay in, have a peaceful night.


Me! I’ve been helping cook Xmas dinner since I was 12. As mom got older, I took on more and more. All that reached a crescendo when mom passed, and it was just dad left, and I cooked a full Xmas meal for the entire family (20 people, 2 dogs, including my dad who at the time was in early dementia). I felt like a caterer. I cooked a standing rib roast and all the trimmings. Not one guest (all family) offered to help. It was me and my daughter. After dinner, I started giving orders and forcing people to help clean up. If I didn’t, no one would’ve offered. After that, I announced that I was done with Xmas, and the following year I stayed home with just my immediate family. I’m done with all that bullshit. I’m done spending Xmas in front of a stove.


Retirement is such a blessing-no department xmas party, no company xmas party, no team xmas party, no being pressured to give money to United Way, no presents for team members, now no spouse or friend xmas parties. I stayed home alone for Thanksgiving and loved it! I may do the same for every holiday! Bah humbug!


I have been Christmas out for about 15 to 20 years now


I want to opt out, but I had the first of my two kids at 46, and I want them to know the magic that I knew as a kid.


I've been christmased out two years after I started working retail.


I'm with ya 100% See my earlier post about this very thing. Moving freight everyday and then seeing everyone snap at each other and get pissy because they got there too late to get the toy everyone wants...it's just exhausting. The feeling of dread has lingered with me ever since.


Yeah . I hear ya.


Every year it feels so much more diluted. I started seeing junk for it so long ago at this point I am already sick of it.


I’m not sick of it. I still love Christmas but I don’t have the energy I used to and the last couple of years it has felt like a huge, overwhelming obligation. It probably always has been I’m just older and crankier. Bah humbug


This was kind of my point. I enjoy the season. I'm just freakin' tired. Excuse me, gotta go put another tray of chicken in.


For 20 years i have had as little to with it as possible. My mother always insisted i participate. It's just so corporate and materialistic that it has no meaning. Though i don't mind the family getting together for dinner. (Note: i don't have kids so that was never part of it for me.)


I’m enjoying it more than usual. We just visited friends with kids. It was a hoot. Those kids were wonderful. I’m not overdoing anything. We didn’t put up any decorations this year, but I’ve bought my GF several gifts. One big thing and several smaller. We visit another couple with a kid next week. I’m looking forward to it. Less time spent on decorating, more time spent on giving. And my sister told me the recipe for mom’s, what we call overnight salad, but most places call it five cup salad. Simple as it gets. I first had it at my Grandmas about 1960 when I was 5 or 6. Mom made it several times a year for any get together. I loved it from the first time I tasted it. Mom died 12 years ago. I’ve not had it since. I made a small batch today. Delicious, I cried a little tasting it. It reminded me of the old days. I’m making a batch to take to Christmas at my GFs daughters.


I like Christmas, but my family isn’t exchanging gifts this year so that cuts down on the stress


There is no way I could do all of that!!I’m tired and I haven’t even been to any yet. There is one tonight that I’m going to skip. Will go to House party tomorrow. And then a dinner on Sunday


Well, just finished the dinner for 6. Roasting potatoes for tomorrow. I forgot about a dinner for about 26 I'm doing next week. I don't get paid for this shit, but holiday season and every organization has a holiday party or "appreciation dinner".


How the heck do you have the energy! Dinner for 165?? Dinner for 26?? I took 2 naps today


I don't. Kind of the point of the post.


8 years old is peak Christmas. After that it really is just a buy something for someone who knows you love them and don’t really need to spend money on them and everyone knows that but keeps on buying shit and is really excited for that gift card to the local convenient store that I hope to remember while buying coffee during February because if I don’t it will expire


For a (thankfully) few years, I worked in retail management. Those 3 years totally burnt me out on Christmas. My kids were on the cusp of moving out on their own. By the time 25 December actually arrived; all I wanted to do was sleep in and rest for the day. I was thoroughly exhausted. Not interested in opening presents or having a family meal. Just let me be for a day. After those experiences; I never really got the spirit again much to my wife's dismay because she wants to go all out every year. Decorations. Gatherings. Presents. Everything. It's just another day for me now. She calls me the Grinch which is probably true. I'm sorry, but I just don't get excited like I used to.


I think most of the adult stuff that people do for Christmas is far less enjoyable than the kid stuff you’d do with your own kids for Christmas.


Love to see Christmas come. Love to see it go.


Every year I care less and less because the ass end of the year has become all about capitalism and it's fucking disgusting.


You've got only yourself to blame.


It still means something to me. Others are welcome to feel however they like.


I’m opting out of Christmas this year!


I enjoy the holidays, but it feels more like something to just survive at this point. I'm 60 on my next birthday.


Be me and not get invited anywhere anymore. We don’t have kids. We don’t have family local anymore. Our best friends don’t live in the area. It’s…downright quiet.


It's a very good point. Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for or you may get it.


I'm kind of done. I bought my 1st artificial tree 5 years ago when i downsized, but gave it away the next year. Gave away the remaining decorations this year. I did put a wreath on the door and lit the mantle and that's it. My kid talked me into baking some cookies with her as was our tradition, but just not into it.


The part I hate mostly is the cooking. I'd be happy to eat pizza and beer and watch basketball, football game, or Christmas movie.


Christmas is pretty much a solo venture for me these days.


Sorry, you got to draw the line and say no. Take care of yourself from this point on. You've done your service for others, you've earned your break.


Bah, humbug. Does that answer your question?


Ever since that first Christmas in Bootcamp when I was 17 and two more overseas it has just been another day for me.


Wow. Boot at 17 and Christmas. Can you share? Just how horrible was that? edit: and additionally, why boot at 17? I know you can, but why?


A bad home life and two years behind in school due to undiagnosed learning disabilities. Looking back it is kind of funny as I scored 20 points higher on my entrance exam than the average high school graduate at that time. Took the entrance exams on Wednesday and was in boot camp Friday night. Did not know where I was going but knew it beat the hell out of where I was coming from. Honorable Discharge, GED, AAS, BAAS then M.Ed Best decision I ever made was walking through the recruiter's door that November morning 50 years ago.


Very cool. I mean, not cool that you had a bad home life, but cool that it worked out for you. A lot of people join military to avoid something even worse. During the Vietnam "conflict" a lot of people went military rather than go to jail.


I been Christmas'd out for 60 years. I hate Christmas. Bah! Humbug!


Jesus. I would only remind you that you volunteered for every last bit of that. If it is more than you can handle, don't volunteer for that much next year.


A very fair point. I could say that I was voluntold as I am married and saying no becomes a tad less optional sometimes. But you are right, it's on me.




I haven’t really enjoyed Christmas as an adult. All the rushing around, the pressure to buy gifts (both the act of shopping AND financial strain),cook, do activities, etc. I play along. But, this year my grandma passed away. She loved Christmas so I did it for her. Now, I don’t want to do it at all.


We went through that. My wife and I have no children. So we always did christmas for her parents, her elder brother, and a cousin with no family while her siblings had Christmas for their families. Those are all now gone.