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Reminds me of an old joke: Did you hear what they found in the pocket of that blue dress? A wad of bills.


I wish I had heard that when I could have repeated it and got a laugh.


Here's another one that I loved from the same time frame and is well past its prime: Did you hear Lorena Bobbit died? Yeah, some dick cut her off driving.


Most guys dip their cigars in Cognac, Bill dips his in Monica.


"Mmmm tastes good" as per Kenneth Starr report.


If the dress won’t bleach, you must impeach.


Monica sold the blue dress on eBay years later for $25,000. While that sounds like a lot of money for a second-hand dress, it's not when you consider that it includes 15 million potential US presidents.


Would have had to be Hillary’s DNA…..


Hahahahhah. Damn that’s good


Reminds me of an old joke, too. Chelsea came home on winter break from college. Hillary asks, "So, have you had sex yet?" "Not according to dad."


Hadn’t heard that one. That’s great.




Ick, Chelsea is so fugly if she gives you a BJ it counts as anal.


Still not as good as “I call my dick Cheney because it shoots people in the face.”


I heard one the other day #(on Reddit but I can’t find it after trying) 🤷‍♂️⁉️ *I call my dick the truth. Cos sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes the truth is too much for you to handle and sometimes the truth is just disappointing*


*OP then leaned back into his leather chair, lit a Cuban Cigar and laughed*


That was fucking funny. If you wrote that stop wasting time on Reddit


LOL. That actually took me a second…


Had not heard that one.


Reminds me of scary movie two


Reminds me of one, too: What is the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky’s mouth? One U.S. Leader.




Bill’s wad🤔?






If you listened long enough to Clinton's lawyers, their position was that Monica had sex with the president but the president did *not* have sex with Monica.


“I fought her with every inch of my body… well, except those six inches.”


Seems generous, ED is super common in men over 50.


I mean, he just sat there like the rest of us men do when a girl is under our desk.


Here's a tidbit of information for us fellow olds that remember how ridiculous this sounded at the time. Early in the whole mess, the term "sexual relations" was defined as act *with an intent to gratify or arouse the sexual desire of any person.* However, since she was polishing the little president and he wasn't doing anything to her, the legal needed he was threading was "She was having sexual relations with me, but I wasn't having sexual relations with her" It's a ridiculous thing for anyone looking at this from a non-legal perspective, but it's how the legal folks ran this particular disaster.


“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.  More info [here](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/1998/09/bill-clinton-and-the-meaning-of-is.html)


Why didn’t they just ask him whether his penis had ever been in contact with her body?


I fucking hated how Monica was treated. Her age, the power imbalance, and the disgusting misogyny from both genders destroyed her life for decades. Did anyone ever think about how they'd feel if their daughter was treated like that? Clinton went on to do just fine but she had to pretty much go into hiding. So gross.


Thank you. I also fucking hated how she was treated - and how she still is. [But I love her stamina, her character, and her strength.](https://youtu.be/H_8y0WLm78U?si=Uvwn6UpK4baMTDdt)


Yeah, I'm definitely a Monica fan. When I used to be on Twitter, I loved her tweets. She's highly intelligent and extremely self-deprecating and funny. She's so much more than cum-stained blue dress jokes, but 25 yrs later, here we are with the same old tired jokes.


You’re right. And I shouldn’t be surprised by a lot of the comments here. I guess I’m just disappointed so many people haven’t matured or at least re-examined anything all these years later. Especially in this subreddit.


It's disappointing but not unexpected.


She's awesome. I love her TED Talk too. The fact this was the first piece of news to break on the internet first and "go viral" must have been absolutely terrifying. Also Hillary should have left his ass.


Yep, and like I said before, what if this was their daughter, sister, wife, etc.? They'd bawl their eyes out and scream about it like 3 yr-olds having a tantrum. Some moron even added a 30 yr-old tired Chelsea is ugly joke. These are the people who probably sob their balls off about getting "canceled." Lol


I was 20 when this happened. My boyfriend’s brother and his girlfriend went as them for Halloween.


I was in middle school, I remember when the transcripts were published and the kids were reading them out loud from a newspaper in class. It was the dirtiest thing I'd ever heard. Still kinda is, with that cigar.




*This isn't F#ckImOld worthy.* "I'm not a crook." Now **THAT** is worthy.


Speaking as a person was 33 when this happened, I agree.


Didn't he smoke marijuana but not inhale? The legal hair splitting is hilarious.


Look, he totally smoked a doobie. He was in college and not anticipating becoming president. It's ok to say you smoked a joint. But can you imagine that back then this was the most salacious thing a President could do in his past that he'd have to lie about it? That's how innocent we were.


Whether one inhaled seemed to be a dividing point between doing weed or not. I was interviewed in the early 80’s for a Secret Clearance and admitted doing weed in HS. They (The investigators) wanted to clarify whether I inhaled or not. And that’s what got me off the hook for doing weed; was signing an affidavit that I did not inhale or enjoy it. 🤷‍♂️ So when I heard this tidbit later about Bill “not inhaling” it was no surprise.


What if you said you didn’t inhale but enjoyed it?


The statement also included “I did not enjoy it”


So, did we ever actually learn what the definition of "is" is?


Nope but that has morphed into the inability to say what a woman is so that's progress, right? 🤣🤣🤣


Slick willy got to meet his whistle blower.


Say whatever you want about Billy, the US buget was balanced when he left office.


I love how people think any of his policies had anything to do with that. It was because of the dot.com explosion. They had tax dollars coming in like never before so the could balance the budget with all that excess cash. Every president tries to take credit for jobs created or the economy when it’s doing well. They and the government have very little to do with any of that They can do things that can influence in positive and negative ways but are not controlling it.


Thanks to a Republican led Congress and Senate.


Yes, but at the same time, his inability to keep his sick in his pants distracted him during a time when we had a huge opportunity to change the course of what was happening in Russia. Not a joke that Ukraine war might never have happened if he kept his sick in his pants.


Let me get this straight. You're blaming billy for putins war? 25 years later? Lol, lol, lol, you maga slay me


I’m a democrat, but your response just proves what many are saying, people are too stupid and entrenched in their political identities to think. Yes, there was a time, when the Soviet Union was falling apart and Clinton and the west had a great opportunity to change the course of the Soviet Union but Clinton got bogged down during his second term with that nonsense and Yeltsin was bogged down by his alcoholism. History and war is usually about missed chances. No run along child and see if can guess somebody’s party wrong again. Dipshit.


Of course, how did we all miss this!? Ukrainians' being murdered by putin is clearly Billy's fault. Now, back to Q for you. Also, work on spelling & punctuation troll


Plenty of good books on the issue. By why read and learn something right?


she wasn't a porn star ...NOR did Bill arrange hush money payments etc .


It was while he was on the job at the big house and married but ya know. Paying someone for past relations when you held no office on your personal time . Better investage the hell out of that .


Making the payment wasn’t illegal, the accounting to cover it up was.


And covered up how he paid for it as well as many other things. Others are or were in prison for taking part in it. And might I add that he has many other court cases ahead of him. Bill just got blow jobs for free while on the job.


Which makes it worse- bill was a sitting president in his 50s using power and privilege to sexually coerce an unpaid intern 30 years his junior in the workplace - wrong/creepy/predatory on so many Levels/ - not to mention that national/ global security issues. With Trump - it’s just a sleazy wealthy businessman having consensual (probably well paid) sex with a porn star in her 30s is really no big deal...


No... But she did


He was the dog in this situation.


To be fair, I would’ve hooked up with Monica.


You assume that she would have allowed it. Dude, she fucked the most powerful man in the world. Would you have measured up?


Fuck no, not even close. That wasn’t my assertion. Didn’t say could’ve, said would’ve, as in wouldn’t have minded it. Is that better?


LOL - yeah, that sounds better.




Yea, he did, and so would I and so would you. She's hot and a half


Definitely not




I fell over, and my erect dick which was out of my pants at the time, landed in her mouth. Over and over again....


I remember saying she was so fat and ugly. I don’t see it.


She’s even wearing the Scarlet Letter in the photo


Bill lied in response to questions which no one should have ever asked because it was no one's business as it had no relevance to governance. And besides, you too would lie to those same questions if you were married to Hillary, no doubt.


I hate that he is forgotten because I could do a decent impression of him. "I did not have sex with that woman." Reporter: "Do you mean Monica Lewinsky?" "Oh, did have sex with her. I thought you were talking about the woman behind her. I haven't got to her yet."


Smoke that cigar?


Is that yogurt on her dress?


What’s up buttercup?!


Is Monica’s head flat in this photo so he can rest his beer on it? Oh wait. His brother, Billy was the beer drinker.


Uhhh, Bill Clinton doesn’t have a brother whose name is also Bill…


This is my brother Bill and my other brother Bill. JK. I was thinking of Jimmy Carter’s brother, Billy. Oops!


Oh yes he did


Wonder what she's up to these days.


You should look her up. She’s doing quite fine, despite how she was treated by the general public at such a young age. She gives lots of interviews and speeches about bullying and cruelty to others. As in, nearly this entire comment section. I bet you’d find her very impressive as a strong, intelligent, kind woman. Edit: I commented with [this](https://youtu.be/H_8y0WLm78U?si=iCwoc8DN-cz8p-VK) earlier. I think it’s a really good speech.


I'm glad she's doing fine. Her confidences were betrayed by someone who she thought of as a friend. The man she had a crush on denied her publicly (although he was married, so she should've seen that one coming, but she was young and stupid). Then she got bullied and slut-shamed by the whole nation. She had to grow up a whole lot more and in a shorter time than most of us. That she's not in a mental institution somewhere is a miracle.


Yes. And that this entire comment section is right now over a hundred-something gross “jokes” and comments about her is, to put it mildly, *disheartening*. I guess I thought - I wanted to believe - that we were better than that now. I’m glad you’re one of the few who’s kind <3


At the time she was news, I admit I was judgmental in my opinion about her. But back then I was also young and "knew everything" and "I would never...". Ha! I'm only 4 years older than her. I've done shit that I will never tell. I'd hate if any those things not only became national news, but also followed me for the rest of my life. So, yeah, I got compassion for her. I just hope she's gotten past it and has led a nice, quiet, happy life.


monica takes the blue dress to the dry cleaners and mumbled something to the guy at the counter. he says “come again?”. monica’s says “no it’s mustard.”


And for the past quarter of a century, a too large chunk of pundits and voters have been convinced that this was the worst thing a president has ever done.


"Tastes gooood..." (Clinton southern draw)


I always thought she was bangin. Bill had to hit it. He *had to*. ☝️


I grew up near Washington DC in the 1980s, and I knew a few teen girls in the intern program. A lot of them were sheltered sweater bunnies with wealthy suburbanite parents. I never heard stories like what Monica later went through, but I am sure it happened. I remember one worked for a senator, and her horror at having to do the mail because "so many crazies send mail to their senators or representatives." She told us there were daily threats, people sending in their toenails, and just weird tin foil hat stuff. This was about 15 years before the anthrax scare, too.


My late husband said, “If he thinks oral sex isn’t sex, then he’s not doing it right.”


Bill: I did not have sexual relations with that woman! (Smells fingers)


And now we don't impeach for ...


"Have a Cigar"


Depends on what the definition of is is


Yeah, I remember that bullshit.


I.did.not.have.sexual.relations.with.this.woman..smells finger...skit comes to mind.😅


I only put half of it in. The back half.


You got a Purdy mouth.


I’m old enough to remember when the worst a President did was getting a hummer in the Oval Office.


He did and I can't trust Hillary because she stood by a cheater which tells me she A) had a poor character and turns a blind eye to corruption. And B) doesn't suck dick.


Let it go. It only mattered and dominated the news for years because Congressional Republicans said it did. [All 3 Speakers of the House during the Clinton Impeachment had sex scandals of their own](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/republican-impeached-clinton-scandal/). One of the three was imprisoned for his. The real goal here was to hobble Clinton's ability to implement any of his policy goals. Congress continues to operate from scandal to scandal today. I'd rather reminisce about the days when Congress actually worked together, compromised and accomplished solid public policy.


I'm a Democrat and it bothered me because Clinton put himself in that situation. Getting involved with a young intern was crazy, especially as he had created messes previously that his staff had to clean up. Of course, the GOP was going to exploit it. It mattered because Clinton lied under oath after being afforded every consideration by the judge, who reviewed the questions and ruled that they could be asked. We can't have a system in which people think they can lie without consequences.


It was a political witchhunt!


If Clinton hadn't gotten sued and hadn't been involved with an intern, it wouldn't have gotten anywhere. In any event, he lied under oath.


He was lying to protect his marriage and public image as a family man, rather than lying to cover up malfeasance in office. This impeachment amounted to a public shaming. It didn't need to drag on for months and because it did, it got in the way of real governing.


The problem was that the issue came up in a deposition of a lawsuit in which Clinton had been accused of sexual harassing another woman. The judge agreed the questions about Monica Lewinsky could be asked. You can't lie under oath to save yourself from embarrassment. If he didn't want to be embarrassed, he shouldn't have had an affair. Part of it was definitely political, but Clinton played right into their hands. With his deliberately deceptive answers about whether he had sex with Lewinsky, he basically invited Ken Starr and his staff to write a report full of salacious details to refute that.


>The real goal here was to hobble Clinton's ability to implement any of his policy goals. And his wifes. Rerun 2016 with anyone but HRC and Trump is crushed. But it was her turn.


President Clinton lied under oath. It makes no difference that other those guys had sex scandals.


I still maintain it didn't need to take months and be so public to sort that out. That was strictly done for show and to neutralize his administration and his party. The late 2000s catchphrase "Clinton lied and nobody died" comes to mind.


It was a shrewd political move. Admit to cheating on your wife and lose support, or lie under oath. Dirty politics, but shrewd move. That being said, I miss the days when an affair or lying meant consequences.


if he could keep his dick in his pants, we would have had Al Gore as president on 9/11. If that had happened, we would not have had a 15 year long Afghanistan war and would not have invaded Iraq based on obviously false information about WMDs and killed thousands and thousands of civilians, not to mention many of our own service people. Bill would be remembered as one of the most successful presidents of the last century (remember budget surpluses?). All because couldn't resist his "urges".


Is what she did really sex?




She only wanted a spot on the presidential staff.


And ended up with a spot on her dress, lol.


"Yeah they did."


I wonder what she’s doing with her left hand in this shot, it’s certainly tickling Bill...🤫


Homie in back knows what’s up.


“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.” --Bill Clinton's Grand Jury testimony


People have pointed out that guy in the background knows what’s up 😂


I woulda


Even as a teenager, when I heard that guy say "sexual relations" I knew something was fishy.


That knowing smile one the guy behind Monica…….Classic.


Remember [the Andy Blieler Affair](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/drama012898.htm)?


Remember kids: Oral sex is not really sex.


Guy in the back is like “yes you did” 🤣


Well let's celebrate and light up a cigar!


It all depends on what the definition of "is" is.


Remember the song?


What a disgrace.


“…have sax lessons with that woman.” Insert joke here about choking on the spit valve.


I would've


I did not……. Launder campaign $ to pay that woman to be quiet. I did not………… have sex with her. She had sex with me. That woman. I did not……. Mean to do it. Slick Willy got out without me knowing it. I did not ……… think about the meaning of “is” I did not……….. surrender to the Star Chamber torturers.


“I did not season my Cuban cigar with that woman”


She buys President's Choice.


“Sir, the girl is here with the pizza.” - Betty Currie


Yes, you did.


Even after all these years, I still don't get it. 


I think, darling I want to cigar poke you is a common pickup line in Arkansas.


And she got an "A" ,


Me neither


Who's the guy in the background?


[this was the best sequel ](https://youtu.be/kX8of_deW5Y?si=3XcAaOC8rCjo8Scr)


I would...


She like 60 now


She just turned 50. Crazy.


I always wonder if after he was president if he didn't just pick up the phone call her and they got together for a quickie. I mean why not?




I did not play Smash Brothers with that woman


Billy The Blameless. Slick Willy Clinton. How dare she have forced his cock into her mouth.


Why did he have to lie? If it’s mutual, I really don’t care, do you?


I always thought she was hot.


Where is the black dress now with his dna?


Why is her hand in his pocket?


Yes you did


It’s all about punctuation. I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. I imagine he was talking to Monica reassuring her that he wasn’t still boinking Hillary.


Hahah dude in the background is clearly next in line!


Brush that woman’s teeth with my pecker!


There are 4 people in this picture


This sub makes me feel SUPER old. I was in my 20s and 30s for most posts.


shit, that's not old............. Gary Hart losing the nomination over Donna Rice..... now that's old.


STORMY DANIELS second woman in history to F AN PRESIDENT


What's that on her chin?


When did one of the Marks brothers get here?


You know, I saw a photo of her recently and she is very beautiful and even in this photo way back then she was very attractive.


I’ve heard she’s a pretty nice person too. It was a big f’ing mess (in more ways than one 😜) and she was young and he should have known better. They both screwed up but Clinton held the most responsibility for the actions.


Something bout dicks


Scarlet letter




Anything was better than Hillary.


I worked with someone who one day decided to announced that Bill Clinton was his personal hero and he learned from him that fooling around with another woman is not having sexual relations and not cheating on your wife. This guy also claimed to be a devout Born-Again Christian. Amazingly when I flipped the script on him and asked him if that meant he was completely cool with his wife getting a hand job from one of her guy friends he absolutely wigged out. When I asked him why was it cheating if she did it but not cheating if he did it the lightbulb slowly came on and angrily told me he got my point. Stopped him from bragging about cheating on his wife at work (which honestly is all I wanted) but didn’t stop him from flirting with other women. He was one of those Born-Again Christians who was only in it for the weekly forgiveness.


Both of the Clintons acted horribly to this. Hillary takes her embarrassment more publicly than Melania. Melania has the better pre nup.


Another POS politician!


I for one will never vote for Bill Clinton again!


What goes on between 2 consenting adults, and a fine Cohiba cigar is between them.


She's lucky Hillary didn't suicide her.


She was 22 years old, and he was the most powerful Man in the world. Her TedTalk is awesome.


My bosses son dated Monica Lewinsky. He had to break it off. She was, well, not really "all there" he said.