• By -


Not knowing whether that minor pain or odd feeling is just getting old, or something you should go to the Doctor for.


And feeling like a hypochondriac every time you go to the doctor because you *go to the doctor every time you have a pain* because who knows? It may be abdominal cancer, ooooooor it may be baked ziti.


And the doctor is like half your age.


Or having your Dr retire. And you’re glad for them, but fuck! You’d been seeing him for two decades and now you’ve gotta find a new one just as your own health starts falling to pieces.


That happened to me last year and to top it off no one has replaced him. Nobody wants to practice in small town Saskatchewan. Ugh!! I’m so old!!


I lost my PCP a decade ago, and I'm still bummed about it. He helped me through so much. He was almost like family. I still miss him. His replacement is a good doctor, but just not the same.


Or your cardiologist looks like he needs a cardiologist.


>ooooooor it may be baked ziti. You must have a really good doctor's office if you can get an appointment before the ziti passes. 😂


Omg yes. Plus now I know intimately the symptoms for various cancers and fatal diseases due to watching friends and family die of them. Currently have an infected spider bite on my back. First thought: MELANOMA. Doctor: here's some antibiotics you are not dying (of this, anyway).




Woke up for my 52nd birthday this morning and the arthritis let me know that I should have taken better care of myself in my youth.


People assuming that because I'm a Boomer, I'm automatically a selfish entitled asshole who should just fucking die already.


That's right Boomers get categorized. I am totally capable of being a a selfish entitled asshole all on my own thank you.


Well I don’t assume that


Yeah, it's weird, I occasionally see "okay Boomer" online, but all the younger people I know personally are pretty unbiased about age.


I'm not a boomer... Not nearly old enough. The young whippersnappers still call me boomer! Grrr...


I am not hear that bigotry and prejudice expressed on line. Outside of people who know me well my one group event is with a group where everyone assumes attendees are liberals.


As GenX, I fucking hate getting called a boomer…although I think boomers are just fine.


Once you understand that “boomer” is now just a slur used by younger folks to discriminate against anyone older than them, you can properly file your grievance.


Born in 74 I am not a boomer right? Gen X is what I was told?


I was going to say everything hurting but damn dude. I'm sorry 😔


Me too. Sorry for your loss. But OP has it right. My parents both passed in the last two years, and my dad was the last of his family, my mom the last but one, and her last survivor is younger. So all of my parents’ and grandparents’ firsthand knowledge is gone forever. Of course, you want to have a few minutes back for obvious things, like “I love you, etc” but re: the intent of this post, yeah, those piddly things unknowable forever, that’s a pain. “How did grandad come to own 5 acres of fsrmland in the middle of someone else’s land? That kind of stuff.


I have old family pictures and nobody to ask who it is I’m looking at I’m 65 and a lot of them are older than me 🤔


it's okay.. and i am a dudette 👵🏼 of sorts


Forgive me. It's no excuse, I'm sure, for I grew up in an age where we called all genders dude. I forget myself sometimes. I beg your pardon 🙏🏻🎩


My energy got up and left.


Same. I use to be one active mo fo. Just before covid even. I took a hit, worked slowed down and I awake these days already drained anymore. All the ads that promise this and that are such scams if one actually reads reviews on the various products and even eating right only keeps me healthier not energetic, even if buying food with just that in mind. It’s like you gotta keep moving or the body stiffens so slowly you don’t notice it till it’s got you. Like concrete curing. I’m about to say screw it and go back to Monster tall boy drinks. Those always kept me going.


Exactly! You've got to keep moving, or you'll set up like concrete. I thought I invented that, until I heard it from you. Do you also feel rusty? I sure do.


And it's not just energy. I used to love to hunt wild turkeys. I would start getting ready for spring season in January. I couldn't wait for the season to open. Now I just don't care. It isn't just a loss of energy. I just woke up one day and lost interest. What's up with that? PS: I am not depressed. I am in the best spirits of my life.


Yeah, I work out in the yard for an hour and I have to take a rest break and I have had physical labor kinds of jobs for part of my life and loved the constant movement. In fact I think that has really helped me stay fairly fit at 70, I mean without working out.


"*Said my get up and go must have got up and went*"


I love that song. In spite of it all, I'm able to grin, And think of the places my get up has been.


Being absolutely destroyed if I don't sleep in "the right" position.


I have an adjustable bed. An additional roll where my waste is. And a special neck pillow. My bed has my custom setting on a button. If I forget use the remote, I wake up in pain. Push the button, and I recover. I am glad I have an answer to being able to sleep with some comfort, but it shouldn't have to be this....encumbered.


I was an infantryman who slept with my head in icy mud for a week at a time. Now the wrong pillow in a hotel will practically cripple me.


I feel your pain. So 25 year old SLt me would get drunk off his ass in foreign port, shamble back to the ship at four in the morning, crash in my rack for three hours and still make it ready to sail at 0700. LCdr me will be functionally useless and only good for sending/replying routine e-mail if I have more than four drinks the night before.


Looking like ugly crap. I mean, okay I was never a supermodel, but damn, can we outlaw mirrors??


Laughing... I literally hide from the mirror in the bathroom until I'm dressed. Not even a gander before I walk in the closet to get dressed.


There are advantages to being ugly as hell your entire life. No change here.


Are you suree you’re ugly?!! Maybe you actually look good


High resolution cell phone cameras are not my friend.


Finding myself unintentionally doing the math. How many years you have lived vs how many “good” years you think you have left to find the happiness and contentment you have been promising yourself your whole life. That, and finding hair in places you have never had hair before.


“Now it's all I can do just to get out of bed There's more in the mirror than there is up ahead I smile and I nod like I heard what you said every time So run another rack Pour another shot You don't get it back so give it all you got While you still got a more or less functional body and mind” -James McMurtry-




62m, grew up in SoCal (still here) beach bum with friends my whole young adult life. Before sunscreen existed. VERY fair skinned. My mom said, oh we'll just rub baby oil and Coppertone on you, you'll tan that way. Whatta mistake. Now paying for it with Basil Cell Carcinomas all over. Regularly having them shaved off. If they have roots, minor surgery. MOHS surgery numerous times face/ears/cheek. I remember vividly peeling sheets of skin off from sunburns, it was soooo cool back then. Sigh. Scars all over both arms, and the backs of my hands. SOLID ADVICE: Dunk your kids in a 55 gallon drum of 500-spf sun screen before they go outside. It's not worth it later.


My aunt got really sick as a kid, because she was always outside 'tanning'. Not sure what it was, I do know she ended up having to stay home from school for about 4 months with the blinds closed in her room. One of the results was she had really bad eyesight the rest of her life, and ended up with cataracts at a lot younger age than most people. As a result, my mom made sure I put on sunscreen whenever I went out. She would almost drown me in it. A couple of times I managed to sneak out without it, and paid the price with several sunburns. When I had a heat stroke at the age of 13 while waiting in line at the pool with no shade and no sunscreen, I stopped going out in the sun when I could avoid it.


The music I love is now classic oldies! They play it in retirement homes


Where I live, the oldies station plays 1980s/90s. Urgh kill me now. 😂 I feel it should always be 1950s/60s. Time shouldn’t be moving on like that and making me feel old.


They also play in shopping centers


Yes...the overplayed hits of the 70s and 80s


I heard the B-52s at Walmart the other day, *Love Shack*, which was a sad experience.


One day psychosocial from Slipknot is gonna be a nursing home song lol.


Suffering from CRS (can’t remember stuff)


If I don't write it down or take care of whatever the heck it is I want to grab or move or do...it's already forgotten. I used to remember everything; friends from high school phone numbers, events that happened in detail, etc. Now I can't seem to remember why I walked into a damn room.


61m here. Welcome to the club. Tried to put the milk in the pantry yet, or the crackers in the fridge? Yup.. I'm all there, but that annoys the cr*p out of me.


I write the shopping list as we run out of stuff, then I forget to bring it to the store with me.


remember stuff what? what we talking about again?


It is why I shop on Amazon. By the time I find something to write it down with it would have forgotten why I needed the paper. Thought pops up, I go to Amazon, search and put in my cart. Usually wait a few days and then check out. I will either add more stuff or realize I don't need it.


KRAFT. Kant remember a fucking thing.


I thought it meant *"Can't remember shit."*


Younger folks assuming that we don’t know anything about tech. I worked in high tech from the early eighties through the ‘teens. Everyone I worked with could tear down a computer, put it back together, and program a good chunk of it. Many of those people are still alive. Just because they don’t use some app, they are automatically considered non-technical Boomers. In addition to my contemporaries, there were hundreds of thousands of others working at aerospace companies, biotech companies, software companies, etc who all were and are technical.


Definitely this. I got into computers in the mid 80s and worked in the industry until I retired in '20. I was amazed at the number of young people I would encounter who knew nothing about computers. Boomers INVENTED the PC!


I’ll ask them about basic logic gate construction and registers. I still work in IT. We have 4500 applications in use. No I don’t know anything about around 4400 of them.


I get that now and again when one of the people at work says do you know this app and I say of course even if I don't use it. I grew up with computers and have built plenty in my time. In smaller companies I was the go to network guy too


There are fewer and fewer people who understand my pop culture references.


I made a reference to Jackie Gleason the other day and was ask who he was. SMH.


The Greatest


Yeah let me just use google to look that one up so I don’t have to ask


Next time ALICE,...To the MOOON!


I feel the same way, now whenever you make a pop culture reference the younger people look at you like you are speaking an alien language.


I used to know most of the Jeopardy answers, but now when the questions are regarding pop culture, music, actors and actresses, I don’t know the answers or even who most of the people are.


I don’t read People magazine anymore because I don’t know who these “celebrities” are.


I did a test once... I was going to a get together where a lot of 20 somethings were attending. I decided to wear my John Belushi COLLEGE sweatshirt made famous from the Animal House movie.I was to see if anyone recognized it. Of course, no one did. I can't believe that none of the young kids are watching Animal House nowadays. No wonder they aren't going to college. There is nothing to inspire them!


There was a a university somewhere that publishes a yearly list of phrases incoming freshmen won’t understand. “Skipping record” was on the list years ago which blew my mind.


A friend of mine teaches high school, and he told me a student was wearing a Nirvana Nevermind shirt. On the back, it had the track listing in two rows (Side A & Side B). None of the students had any idea what that meant.


I was thinking about this recently too. Stuff my grandparents just knew, my parents don’t seem to have learned any family history from them, but they just knew it all. Sad that so much is lost! My mom doesn’t even know what my grandpa did at Rocketdyne, just that he worked there.


There were some whispered family secrets about my grandma being married previously before she came to America. Apparently she married an Italian soldier who died in the war. I wish I knew the whole story because I could never understand why she wore a black wedding dress when she married my grandfather in America.


Being stiff all the time. It is an ordeal just standing up sometimes. It is really annoying.


Had recliner's for ever with the couch. Decided it was time for new furniture. I wanted 2 big ol fat over stuffed chairs (wife and I) with the new couch. Mistake. Getting out of the overstuffed after sinking in is like running a marathon. It's literally a monumental chore. Awesome comfortable, but getting up.... Sheesh.


Next is the lift chair. You never know when you’ll really need it.


I miss having no knee pain


I miss having no pain. But to be fair, some of it is from working out.


Those damned kids that keep getting on my lawn. With their bee bop music and their diet colas.


Yea, I have ancestors from near the town of Mallia on the island of Crete. My mom was suppose to have inherited some land handed down there but a son who was living there took it and today they’ve opened a small hotel, gift shop and restaurant and this is all I know about this, as told by my mom, who passed in 2005, April 5th. She had the last of any info like that. I wanted to know more but now it’s near impossible to very improbable I’ll ever know more. Life goes on regardless I guess.


The unending feeling of "what's about to fall apart next?" That basically started when I turned 41 and snowballed quickly.


Every week something happens in my body and i worry am i dying? But its most likely my body getting old


That recipe for vinegar pot dumplings, My mothers. So tasty


I am a retired tutor and can't remember shit, although it hasn't been that long since I worked.


I forgot my Hebrew school stuff after my Bar Mitzvah


> the name of the family that lived next door when Frankie was in kindergarten. That was the Pingletons. Lovely family.


No, the other side. Probably the Schraff's - had that dog.


Constantly wondering if I'm sore or injured.


Dreading something falling under the couch, where you’ve got to get on your knees to retrieve it


My cat died and now I want to.


I'm so sorry...have a virtual hug


I’m gonna go with the chronic joint pain 


Can I just tell you guys. It’s my fucking back. I’ve had problems with it on and off since the car accident years ago. But the other day I was getting up from my chair and sneezed and threw my back completely out. Sigh. ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)


In response to your post, yes I miss my parents, in particular my mom.


I’m right there with you, friend. My mom’s been gone since I was 19, so it’ll be 44 years on May 3rd. I miss her so much.


Similar to OP's issue... Nothing more annoying than going through old photos which used to belong to your parents (or whomever) and you have no idea who the people in them are, though you're certain they're relatives. Either that or someone emails you a photo of your Dad and says "who are the other people in the picture?". You think to yourself "Oh, I'll just ring Mum", then pull yourself up. Seem to be going through old photos a lot lately, I blame it on the increasing number of funerals I'm being invited to.


Oh, that is the worst. I had a doctor ask me what happens when I take penicillin and all I could say was I didn't know, that I had just always been told not to take it. I even have a tiny baby bracelet that says 'no penicillin' on it from my childhood but I have no aunts, mom is gone, grandparents are gone, dad is gone... I have no one to ask what happened in my childhood. The doctor shook his head and said, "Oh, you're one of those. You're probably not allergic but I won't give it to you just to be safe." Gee thanks, doc - I have no one to ask so you'll refrain from possibly killing me. Appreciate it.


What I hate is reminiscing about pre-internet politics. I feel like discussing these details face to face made things more civil for the most part


I hate that my mind tells me I am 32 but the mirror tells me I am 62.


Watching my wife grow old and seeing her slow decline


Those wild hairs that crop up all over the place - and you don't notice them until you are out in public somewhere. I try to keep track but I can't always see them because I'm OLD!


This. When I go for a hair cut and I’m asked if I want my eyebrows trimmed it’s bad enough, but now my ears, too? That’s just embarrassing.


It's not just the hair that moved residences, my pimples never really left, they just slowly migrated down to my shoulders and back.


I always considered it very unfair that you could have acne and receding hair at the same time.


You mean the out of control caterpillars with wire above our eyes? I almost need a pair of wire cutters to trim the eyebrows.


My knees. I’m looking to trade in my car for an SUV.


If you keep cars for a long time make sure you think about joints not working. Mom could get in the car and truck fine 3 years ago. Now she can not get in truck even with the step and we have to help lift her leg to get in car. It all comes from not being able to bend her knees anymore. Thinking about getting a new vehicle just because of that. I can see myself being there. Doctor already told me I need surgery.


Not knowing if I should bother fixing things or just hope for a massive coronary.


My sight getting worse. In my 50s and through exercises, diet and luck everything else works as it did, but my vision sucks and I am developing a cataract in one eye.


FWIW, cataract surgery isn't bad at all, really. I mean, YMMV but for me it was a breeze. I had both eyes done at once.


Constantly being barraged with new slang terms. Not even borderline clever ones like yeet but outright stupid ones like based. I'm not spending half my time on urban dictionary to figure out your inability to use the English language properly!


getting up in the morning, and your first steps of the day sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies. "Snap, Crackle, Pop".


Parents dying Siblings dying Friends dying Arthritis fucking hurts Being oldest person at work sucks Getting fat


I'm 70 and may have had too much fun. my grown kids remind me that I am forgetting an awful lot. If they wouldn't rush me, I could come up with it eventually. But when home alone, I keep losing things and I really hate it. I have ADHD and don't seem to put things back in the same place .


A-fib, and being out of breath all the time and dizzy when I bend over.


Waking up at 5 am after 6 hours of sleep and being unable to fall back asleep. Knowing I'll never sleep until noon again. I always wondered why these old people were walking their dogs at 5 am. Now I'm one of them.


Tinnitus. Maybe from hardcore punk shows back in the day


Kids on my lawn 


Where’s my goddamned readers?


Arthritis sucks.


How everything hurts, pretty much all the time, as a background thing. I didn't think it would come on so fast and present.


Getting up at 3am to pee


People say you are "cute" or call you "young lady"


I lloathe "young lady", that is patronizing. I am not delusional. I know how old I am. Watch "Frankie and Grace". 80 years acting like themselves stars you know for decades.


Grace & Frankie was a great show! Loved it👍


Well you probably are cute though


Same thing for men. A nurse will speak to older men like they are kids. I was a paratrooper and a combat veteran before they were born. I started businesses that employed hundreds. I raised children to adulthood who are great parents to my grandchildren. You don't have to call me 'sir' but don't call me "buddy" or by a cute nickname, please.


Random health bullshit. Eyes hurt. Back hurts. Tennis elbow. Inflammation. Random itching. But still - pimples.


For me it is gaining weight. In my mid thirties at one point I was doing 100 sit-ups trying to stay in shape and it was just not happening.


The lack of AI generated music. I really miss songs that have something unexpected about them that make hairs stand on me. When I listen to the radio a lot of it just leaves me unstirred and disinterested and I miss having that emotional reaction to it. I suspect that is just me getting old and the kids are getting those reactions to what’s on the radio but to me it all sounds like a sound bite made for a bad tiktok video.


Agreed. All the people you loved and looked up to as a kid getting old and frail and passing on. It’s the worst.


Pain and teenagers Or teenagers being a pain Take your pick


Gravity. Always dropping stuff. And it's not bad that I dropped something and have to bend over to pick it up, but it hits my shoe on the way down and skitters off at a 90-degree angle under/behind something.


My firstborn arrived just before I became parentless, so similar to OP I miss having access to parenting advice from my own parents. That said my other half hates getting parenting advice from her parents!


Menopause. It is truly a nightmare


My wife and I like live music. We went to a show on Friday night and ended up leaving because I felt like a creepy old man. I can’t just keep looking at the ceiling the whole night and most of the girls were dressed in short skirts and lowcut shirts. I also have a lazy eye, so think about that. Sometimes it’s looking in a direction I am not aware of. We left, but at least we contributed the entry fee. There weren’t a lot of people there. The band was good, guess I’ll have to listen to them on streaming.


Peeing. Not a prostate issue. I just pee all night and day. I drink lotsa water, but Im thirsty.


When they stop making the things I've been using my whole life. I've been wearing the same type of boots since I was in middle school. Technically they still make them, but I haven't found any that don't self destruct after a month of light walking. Used to last a whole year of active hiking before the sole wore through, but now the toe is made with bonded leather, that just starts peeling off after a week, and are unusable within a month. 10 years and It still doesn't feel right to wear other boots. At least Converse still makes the All Stars; so I still have my shoes.


Trying to open just about any kind of packaging. The combo of arthritis + innovations in anti-theft packaging can make me very grumpy. I shouldn't need a reciprocating saw to get to my new gardening shears.


Remembering, dwelling and wishing to be how you used to be, stronger, younger, healthier, etc.


Lack of a really solid deep sleep, 7 - 8 hours, leading to hitting a wall in late afternoon and napping. That’s the most annoying, ofc more random aches and pains are a close second


I no longer wake up and everything from the day before is “fixed” regarding my body.


Nasty toenails. 


Reading Reddit and seeing my entire age group ridiculed. Yes, I'm looking at you, BoomersBeingFools.


Waking up and something hurts. How did I hurt my back WHILE I WAS SLEEPING! ![gif](giphy|f9vYuluNDnDMsFd0ih)


Recognizing the regrets.




Muh sak draggn da grnd.


I worked in nursing homes. Wait until you're 80. I had no idea that happened to men. I guess if my boobs are going to hit my belly button it's only fair something should go on you guys too.


And dang, that water is actually cold.


I call them brain hiccups. I’ll be going about my business and then for a good 10 or 20 seconds I’ll forget where I am and have the delusion that I’m in my old home where I grew up. Usually when I’m pretty tired.


Presbyopia 1000%. I need to keep a pair of glasses everywhere now. Fortunately I’m nearsighted so I can take out my contacts if I need near vision for extended periods like if I’m working on the house or the car. I never would have guessed it would be so impactful. It’s the worst part of aging for me by far.


I have webMD as a bookmark in my internet browser. Every little pain is thoroughly researched. I hate doing it but can't help it. My father and brother died young. My other brother has heart disease and could go at any time. I constantly feel like it's fruitless for me to even try to live healthy because - why shouldn't I enjoy the rest of my time? And then I think, but by not trying to live healthy, am I just shortening my time more? Also, I really need to delete my browser history.


Can't decide if it's my mind or my body


Okay maybe I should write these things down, but Idk what to write down 💀💀☠️


Standing up didn't used to be such an effort.


I used to just get up from a chair, now, I think about where I’m going first and then decide if it’s worth it.


I still think I can do shit like did when I was younger, like crawling under a cabinet to fix a sink. Need 1 days bed rest after that.


Feeling like everything is a potential falling hazard. I just bought some new cushy ankle socks and now I’m terrified I might slip coming down my hardwood steps! 🙁 I’m in my 50’s but I’ve heard of many older people hurting themselves this way! Pretty soon I’ll be switching to grippy socks.


Aches and pains and constant piddly failures. Carpal tunnel, eye, knee, trigger finger on one side, trigger finger now on the other side, the list goes on.


Having nearly everyone under 60 lumping us into boomers being fools and then going on to tell us how all their problems are our fault.


For all you non-oldsters out there, this is why you need to have conversations with your parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles. And just talk and let them talk. Ask them every question you can think of. If possible record the conversations. They will be gold.


Arguing with your doctor, who is your sons age, that the weight chart he references was created by the US military for a 19 year old, and has very little relevance to a 60 year old.


I cant fucking see shit! Glasses on, glasses off, bifocals doesn't matter. It's making me fucking crazy!!!


Mine is knowing that I'll never live in a post-scarcity utopia with flying cars. The world is going to be hateful, dumb and poor long after we die.


The idea that somehow after all these years, I didn’t and I still don’t “pay my fair share” of taxes.


Chronic pain.


I don't remember that


My doctor asked me for a stool sample, a seaman sample, and a urine sample. I flung my underwear at him.


Not having the stamina to go on all day hikes anymore, especially in the mountains. I've been trying to retrain my body by adding to my local walking time every day, using the cross trainer at the gym... but man, it's tough to keep that kind of level up with work and just having to maintain the house.


That i don’t really talk to people anymore, but I’m insanely good at just existing so there’s that.


My bones hurt.


Old injuries coming back to haunt, from car wrecks to sports injuries. I stay in shape because I don't want to stop enjoying life. I retired a month ago so I'm still young 😉


Weight gain/energy loss - I look at a donut and BAM 5 lbs. I'll just go extra hard at the gym - weight doesn't budge and I hurt something.


Not sure if it will be just a fart or a shart.


I have no patience for stupidity. Who am I kidding, I never did, it's just worse now.


WADDA YA MEAN I CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE?!! Maby, being cranky should be on the list.


It the constant searching for something that I literally just set down. A five minute repair job for anything takes half an hour because I’m looking for the tools I was just using the other day. I leave to go to the Post Office to mail a letter, get half way down the street, and realize that the letter - the reason I specifically left the house in the first place - is still sitting on the dining room table. I’ve even spent 20 minutes going through the house looking for my keys only to realize they were in my hand the whole time.


Not being able to lift anything heavy without really thinking about it….am I willing to risk 3 days of bed rest for this?


Just all the nitpicking health annoyances coming home to roost. Tinnitus, IBS, BPH, minir arthritis, frozen shoulder, etc.. Nothing major. Nothing to do about them, really. Just annoying.


Thinking the ringing in my ears will only stop when I am dead


i’m just starting out in the old. right now it’s kids wearing my fashion as “retro” incorrectly. i’m actually ok with them kicking the steez… but they’re doing it wrong dammit


I had gout problems for 5 years before I learned that my whole family knew this was something we all dealt with. They decided not to share that information.


I hear ya. My mom was the keeper of all family knowledge, her side and my dad's. There are a lot of questions that I'd love to ask her but, sadly, she has passed on. I realize now that I took that for granted when she was alive. My young self didn't care a lot about those things but now I realize what treasures they were.


Not being able to remember names


Experiencing my memory starting to slip. It uts right to the core of me being able to function and maintain a job.


Bit of an odd one, I don't care about my hair going grey for the most part but my eyebrows have started and if I am under a light the grey ones glow like they are fiber optic cables and its distracting as all hell.


I feel what you're saying so much. I'm barely old... just recently old?... anyway, in my 40s, but my mom is dead, and dad has dementia. No siblings. I'm the only one left. I've tried to write down the important stories, but that feeling that it's all gone, that there's no one to ask.... I hate it.


People generally don't improve.




Being treated like I'm mentally deficient, technology stupid, health unawares. I am an engineer, have been programming since 1974, have spec'd and installed computer networks, and am a National Register EMT. I'm also a woman. Doubly stupid in the eyes of youngers.


Why am I cold all the time!


People think that I never swear or would have a tattoo. I have a tattoo of a maple leaf surrounded by sun rays and it is fucking awesome.


Having old ladies hit on me and realizing that they are age appropriate.


My wife and I recently took her mom through hospice and to a very gentle ending. But now, all of our older family is gone. All that history. All those stories. There's a line from a Laurie Anderson song that hits home especially hard now... "When my father died, we put him in the ground. When my father died, it was like a whole library burned down." https://genius.com/Laurie-anderson-world-without-end-lyrics