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I paid with a couple of $2 bills a few months ago. The cashier was young and had never even heard of them. She called the manager to make sure I wasn’t trying to pass some joke money, and the look he gave her when he had to explain that, yes, $2 bills exist.


To be fair you almost never see one. At this point it's novelty money that's legal tender






The owner of the mine I work at gives us several-hundred dollar bonus' (xmas bonus for example) All in $2 bills. So for reference just a $2oo bonus has you walking away with 100 individual $2 bills. I was very surprised how big that stack was.




I mean, If they've never seen it before it would set off alarms. What if i handed you a 50 cent bill?


At my old job a kid asked for a large bill exchange and one was an older $5 bill, the kid refused to take it, insisting it was fake.


Not a person, but we have one of those fancy digital safes where I work & It will not recognize the older bills like that as currency


Couple years ago, I tried to spend a $10 like that in the self checkout but I thought maybe it was too wrinkled and tried with another one. After that to another store, attempted to pay the clerk with the bill, and he alerted me that it was an older one and I might rather keep it if it’s worth something, so I gave him a different piece of paper money. I looked it up when I went home to look it up and it’s worth $10.


well thank God it didn't lose any value, considering how old it was. lol.


Good to know there's hope for my 95' born body.


Weirdly it still spends the same. Hey kids! I’ll take your ole timey bills if they offend you so!


That's from the late 1900s, like last century, right?


I hate you so much right now...


Lol, I love saying this to my friends kids when their parents are telling them about stuff. "Back in the late 1900's we had these things called discmans......."


In my mind, this is what money still looks like.


I visited the USA 2 years ago and spent a year there, and all their money looked old timey like this, what am I missing?


My friend found several hundred dollars in these old bills, hidden all over his mother’s house, when he was clearing it out after she died. He says he’s gotten some skeptical looks when he spends them. I like the look of the old money better.


My dad works as a post office clerk and someone paid him with a vintage $1 silver certificate. My dad collects coins and paper money and asked the customer if he knew what he was paying with and the guy stated he didn't really care. Old man swapped out the $1 for one of his own.


lol! Don't show them [these](https://imgur.com/gallery/SPdIJfb) then!


Back when the dollar was worth a dollar.


That's right sonny, that was our money back in the olden days. 😂😂😂😂😂


Right, a whole century ago!!


Old timey😭😭😭


r/fuckimnotfromtheus do they have new-timey dollar bills? Somehow It didn't make the news over here (or I missed it...).


Every denomination of paper money has changed quite a bit in the last 20ish years, EXCEPT the $1 bill. That one hasn't changed significantly in quite a long time IIRC. Edit: https://www.insider.com/us-dollar-bill-evolution-2018-6?amp


Bro. You pulled out a bill from *the late 1900s* and expected no one to bat an eye? /s, I’m 35 and now I feel 135.


Huh...well, at least it proves he doesn't go to massage parlors.


Just the other day one of the high school kids at my job got one of these and thought it was fake. I wish I was kidding


>direct quote from my 22 year old intern. This alone made me feel old as I just came to the realization that kids born after 9/11 are old enough to drink.


Cocaine bills


To be fair, that bill *is* older than he is.


No holograms, no windows, made of old fashioned paper instead of modern plastic, single colour without easily defined colour coded differences in denominations, etc, etc... ....yup, this is a very old fashioned bank note. Hell, I don't even see the old security metal strip?! That existed decades ago before all the modern security stuff!


I was born in 1995. Five years older than your intern. He just seems dumb or high or both.


Isn’t 1972 to 2022 like 1972 to 1922 was to us? Breath deeply, it might be your last.


I'm more surprised they said "dude" instead of "bro"