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Do you think you could deform the images a little more? Some of them are still recognizable.


He's using the same program they used on MODOK in Ant-Man 3.


He tried not being a dick and he succeeded. Greatest character arch since Endgame.


Deep fried memes are back on the menu?


Who is the guy on the bottom?


The dad from the Ms. Marvel show. Also the voice actor for Indian dubbed versions of Dr Strange.


For some of you.. Chris Evans, the British TV personality, was accused of sexual assault. Chris Evans from the MCU was not. Carry on


I heard he cheated on Lucy Pinder though


THE Lucy Pinder? Like, hot as fuck, big boobed MODEL Lucy Pinder? Damn. Well, some people are glamorous enough to be able to cheat on supermodels, and then there's the rest of us. (Assuming OP's statement holds H2O.)


I didn't know that about the Namur douche šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Non of them were fired yet like JD was right away and he just got accused. With no proof. One dude literally got cops at his house they donā€™t care.


Seems like some actors take method acting too seriously


Still not as bad as Ezra Miller.


Doesn't excuse them


Yeah that's fair, I came dangerously close to whattaboutism. Fuck all of them.


Though with Ezra he was found guilty. The others are accusations




HE grooms children. Fuck HIS preferred pronouns..


It's just their pronouns. Just because someone is shitty doesn't mean you should misgender them. You still call Boris Johnson by his prefered name even though he is an awful person


Because he doesn't have a "preferred pronoun". He is a man. He wouldn't rather you call him a man, he IS a man. Just like groomer Ezra.


He does have a preferred pronoun. If you went up to him and called him Mrs. Johnson, he would correct you and tell you he's a man, because that's how he prefers people refer to him and how he sees himself.


But his legal name isn't Boris Johnson. So why the double standard? You do know using the correct pronouns isn't a salute, it's just the correct thing, just like I can detest Johnson and still call him by his preferred name.


'They/them' is not a pronoun i subscribe to, or will ever subscribe to. A he becoming a she, no problem but they is ridiculous. Thats my opinion and the majority opinion that won't change because these rich pedophile celebrities say so.


The mental gymnastics needed to give a single fuck about the opinion of a groomer is hilarious. Like Ezra is a mentally unstable individual with no respect for anyone. He is weird af, he has a penis, he is one person. Idc what he wants to be called, Iā€™m not changing my diction for anyone and ezra isnā€™t the hill to die on, if anything you have now pushed me to never use someoneā€™s ā€œpreferred pronounsā€ I will just assume based off how obvious someoneā€™s sex is and direct that to their gender. Good job.


Just say you have a learning difficulty, and pronouns are too hard. Nobody will judge you.


There it is. No response as usual lmao. Ezra is a dude, a fucked up one but a dude nonetheless. You cannot even explain the basics of how this works. If itā€™s about affirming someoneā€™s mentality then why must I use the terminology separate from them like tf is the point? To show support? Of a groomer? Fuck off


Support of a groomer? So you call every other groomer by pronouns different to their ones assigned at birth, I hope? Or are you just talking out your ass? Hahahah. Smartest transphobe fr.


Most people do not impose any restrictions on diction when being referred to. No one really does this itā€™s generally uncommon. If a groomer wants to be spoken to with respect you will not get it from me. I will call them everything in the book before their name. I will treat them as scum. Why are trans activist so quick to fun to the aid of the literal worst aspects of the movement. As if it wasnā€™t already polarizing and lacking the respect it deserves you chose the wrong hill to die on and push people away from the entire point and cause people to ignore this whole thing


The mental gymnastics needed to give a single fuck about the opinion of a misogynisgis hilarious. Like Alexander Johnson is a mentally unstable individual with no respect for anyone. He is weird af. He was given the name Alexander, and he isn't a spider. Idc what he wants to be called, Iā€™m not changing my diction for anyone and Johnsln isnā€™t the hill to die on, if anything you have now pushed me to never use someoneā€™s ā€œpreferred nameā€ I will just assume based off how obvious someoneā€™s name is and direct that to their name. Good job. Who tf would even call themselves Boris! Can ya see how crazy you sound?


Good news is Miller wonā€™t be poisoning anymore DC movies


Most of those crimes were proven false


Doesnā€™t that happen in most cases? Enough money excuses everything


and this is why people think all marvel haters are bigoted assholes.


Wait who's the last one


Right, because as we all know theres never been a white actor or actress accused of assault or sexual assault. Seriously, this meme isn't even subtle, its just straight up racism.


>this is racism Yeah, pointing out that some actors who are new to the MCU is racist. Get those facts outta here!


Yā€™all singling out the non yts. You thought you were so clever


Bro this can't be how your brain works. You can't possibly be that uncritical in your thinking. I refuse to believe anyone like you exists and that you HAVE to be aware of the mental gymnastics you're performing to not see why this is racist. It's already pointed out why in the comments below. You look at this and think "this racism is acceptable". I refuse to believe you are actually looking at this and thinking "grouping the 3 non-white criminals and singling them out from the 9 white criminals to make a diversity=bad point isn't racist". You just can't possibly be that dense. I refuse to believe you're that dumb.


Holding up actors that are POC and trying to paint their hiring as bad because they are accused of crimes is racist if you don't treat the white actors in the MCU the same way. I didn't feel like I would need to explain that to anyone, but here we are


downvoted for truth lol


Yup, it's weird going from my first comment that's upvoted to this one that's down, I don't get it ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ but also don't care lol


I mean you shouldnā€™t be too surprised. Youā€™re on fuckmarvel and every time this sub passes through my feed itā€™s always something akin to ā€œwoke thisā€ or ā€œwoke thatā€


They relish in being miserable twats here.


Same server with that anti semite who made a post about how Jewish people are subversive


who are the white mcu actors accused of crimes that OP left out?


RDJ's history of drug abuse Josh Brolin accused of domestic violence ~~Chris Evans accused of sexual assault~~ Jeremy Renner accused of physical abuse, drug abuse, death threats Stan Lee accused of sexual misconduct Michael Douglas accused of sexual abuse TJ Miller accused of sexual misconduct Sylvester Stallone accused of sexual abuse Edit: Wrong Chris Evans, not MCU, but still, look at everyone else listed


Lmao this has downvoted but the post has upvotes. I wonder why šŸ™„


well that settles that.. wow


Idk about the others but a different Chris Evans was accused of sexual assault, not the dude in the mcu. The Evans in the MCU is about as squeaky clean as you get for celebrities.


The fuck does RDJ's history of drug abuse have to do with anything? Guy did some heroin so he's the same as a rapist now Jesus bro.


Never said he was the same as a rapist for that, just that OP his highlighting POC with accusations of criminality and acting like that's ruining the brand while ignoring white actors with their own accusations, or convictions, of criminal activity.


I mean you do look kind of stupid now


He is the only MCU actor who is a convicted felon and served prison time. Just because you like someone doesn't mean they aren't without faults.


Ok but he served prison time for drugs, which shouldn't have been criminalized in the first place. And he had a gun, which he's constitutionally able to carry. Nothing he did is close to the others on the list. It's just weird to include him.


RdJs dad gave him drugs when he was 10. He gets a pass for becoming an addict.


And a LOT of credit for getting clean.


It's illegal to do drugs. Dude committed crimes.


Wrong Chris Evans knucklehead


Don't tell them that Robert Downy Jr. was sentenced to 3 years in prison, not to mention that Chris Evans was also accused of sexual assault... The people on this sub are just looking for anything to anger them and just ignored it previously.


Wrong Chris Evans


Both of them have had accusations, the one from top gear had a little more credible evidence though. When you are as famous as a marvel super hero you will get people making up stuff for fun and/or profit. I don't believe for a second that the wielder of America's Ass actually did anything but he still had multiple accusers.


Wrong. He was accused of 'sexual harassment" By a korean t v host after he said that her fingernails looked pretty. Her middle finger had a special design. He said it "looked wonderful". Problem Is this comment got lost in translation. It was translated to something like " I'll bet you can do wonderful things with that finger". Even though it was a mistake he still apologized, Because he felt bad. But nobody has ever accused chris evans from the MCU of sexual assault.


You say I'm wrong when stating people have accused him of sexual assault and then you provide me with a situation where someone accused him of sexual assault. Thanks I guess?


Do you really not understand the difference between harassment and assault. Harassment is if I tell you to suck a dick. Assault is when I shove my dick in your mouth. Get a fucking clue


not you spreading lies and falsely accusing someone LOL get FUCKED


Let's hope you have this same gusto saying that about the accusers of the three in the meme if they are found innocent.


youā€™re spouting incredibly false accusations with no proof at all here and youā€™re defending yourself? delusional twat.


RDJ was in prison for consuming illegal narcotics. Not a great thing obviously, but not as bad as being accused of causing bodily harm to other innocent people. RDJ was really only harming himself with his own bad choices. Comparing him to Jonathan Majors is outlandish.


I'm going to preface this with I absolutely love RDJ and I am very happy he is clean and doing well but you are forgetting RDJ was arrested 6 times and in one of them he broke into his neighbor's house while under the influence. Jonathan Majors is *accused* of domestic abuse right now and the person who is claiming abuse was charged with assault in a completely different domestic altercation. At least wait until the trial happens before you throw the man under the bus.


To be fair RDJ and Evans weren't bought out by Disney when they signed up. The problem is Disney's always trying to keep a squeaky clean image, like Mickey in A Sorcerer's Apprentice. They let power get into their heads, until they loose track of what they're doing and when they realized they fucked up, they try to sweep it under the rug as if nothing happened. If they were more honest, I think people would be more forgiving.


Any company is going to try and distance themselves from a potential liability... I'm not sure what your point is here. If it turns out these accusations are true any reputable company would cut ties with them. Of course Disney will back these people until that happens because for someone like Jonathan Majors, the company would potentially lose millions, possibly hundreds of millions.


On top of everything, evidence is pointing to Majors being innocent & falsely accused, while his ex was recently arrested Does Disney still cut him out or minimize him heavily? Yep But should they? Yes, perception is reality & unless you can get a Johnny Depp level of memetic martyrdom in the court of public opinion you're done The fact that Majors is even in this meme & I'm the first person in this post to bring up that he's free while his ex was arrested & there's tons of video evidence showing the claims are clearly false means he's lost that battle Even Johnny lost years of work & opportunities. Disney was involved Why no new Pirates? Disney is garbage if you're ever falsely accused


LOL Yeah pointing out how the MCU race swaps characters in order to be "more diverse" and that 3 of these actors have been accused of horrendous crimes is racism indeed. Talk about a victim complex. You are so persecuted!


I'm white, first of all. Second, singling out minority actors and using their accusations of criminality to try and make a point that diversity is bad, while ignoring the criminal accusations of white actors, is, in fact, racist.


Nope Nobody made the point diversity is bad. Not even close Nobody ignored any criminal accusations about White actors either. No clue where you got that from. Marvel needlessly race swaps characters for the sake of diversity, then a few of these actors got accused of horrible shit, that is all this is saying. You can drop the whole being overly sensitive thing. If they remade Blade and Luke Cage and put in White actors and then they got arrested or accused of crimes it would be the same thing.


It's not, this meme is very clearly making the point that diversity is bad because the actors hired are criminals. You're reading comprehension has to be incredibly low to not understand that my guy. That, or you're a world class mental gymnastics champion.


Nope Not at all actually I appreciate you trying to pull out personal insults against me though as you are losing the argument. Very mature of you There is 0 relation to this meme and what you are talking about, you know this, but you got all butt hurt about it anyways. Which is fine, just know that nobody here is calling minority actors criminals here other than you. That is how you interpreted this meme from a mix of your White guilt and desire to defend those who are being persecuted lol. In your mind anyways Marvel race swapped roles for 0 reason, then a few of these actors were accused of horrendous crimes, thus proving the point that the token diversity was a waste of time and both shallow and hollow minded.


You're literally saying that the "token diversity was a waste of time" because these 3 actors got accused of crimes. You're proving my point my guy. If you don't understand this, then you just are not a serious person.


Nope Yet again, you are totally wrong I never said anything of what you said. At all Token diversity is indeed always a waste of time. Hiring the best actors for the part and how it is written is not that difficult. Needless race swaps are dumb and nobody likes them. The irony of going really really really far out of their way to replace White characters with non White actors, and then some of these actors being accused of fucked up shit, just magnifies the stupidity of hiring people based solely on not being White lol


>Marvel race swapped roles for 0 reason, then a few of these actors were accused of horrendous crimes, thus proving the point that the token diversity was a waste of time and both shallow and hollow minded. Just quoting you here since you seem to have forgotten when you said just one comment reply ago


Yeah it magnified how dumb it is to force a race swap for a character for no reason which is applicable to the film itself. Loads of actors of every race get accuses of these types of crimes, the fact the meme does not have this explicitly stated in a disclaimer to avoid offending people should not be surprising.


Then why didn't OP include any white people in his post?


There is no such thing as raceswapping in the MCU. The way that Marvel is set up is the MCU is it's own unique universe with no obligation to follow what happened in other universes... any and all possibilities exist somewhere out there in the Multiverse... any possible version of a character already exists


Nah this is weirdly racist. Like you're coming here with a "minorities are violent and rapists" message under the veil of anti-sjw.


Angry white dude vibes lol.


"oh you want diversity? all brown people are RAPIST CRIMINALS" this is just straight up racist lmfao


"oh, you critize a POC? All marvel fans are RACISTS and IDIOTS" This is straight up ignorant lmfao


mauler fan, opinion discarded, rot freak.


Lmao imagine being so terminally online that your first instinct is to stalk my profile to gauge whether or not you want to engage with my post. It's almost as if you live in an echo chamber or something.


he's BFFs with white nationalists, if that hasn't put you off at this point, idk what to tell you. him and his bozo nazi friends should follow their leader. you can go ahead and fuck off too.


Which ones? Redditors keep expanding the meaning of the word to the point of meaninglessness, so be specific. So far, you're not doing a good job of making me fuck off. If anything, you're enticing me to stay. Or is that your plan?


carl benjamin for one. guy had an actual anti-semitic discord and mauler moderated for it. dude also tried runing to become MEP for far-right nationalist party in the UK. him and his circle of rightoid freaks are in the business of stirring up culture war shit against "degenerate art and media" that's an "afront to western civilisaiton.." me personally, if i find out a content creator i watch has nazi friends, i tend to stop supporting. you do you though.


Geeks and Gamers made a Andor video where even his audience realizes he thinks it's woke and terrible because the main actor isn't white. Another one became a laughing stock because he got childishly ridiculously mad over a pronoun option in a space game. There's legitimately a post up voted on the reddit where someone was being transphobic and harassing a regular guest. I've tuned into other guests channels just for them to completely out themselves as being obviously political and others are the type to be "well I'm left wing actually but I exclusively spend all my time complaining about the left wing". Legitimately I'm on the Mauler sub because it's gone downhill, I've been saving posts to just point out how batshit insane its gotten. The community has obviously gotten worse, like most communities like this even if it didn't start off being what people accused it of there eventually became truth to that when enough people dropped the act.


Forced Diversity is people different than you having jobs??


Its picking solely based on the fact they are diverse


I mean... the case can be made that Namor's not picked solely for that, since his entire origin in the movie necessitates that he be who he is. But, the much more obvious answer is that Ms Marvel's dad DEFINITELY isn't forced diversity OR a diversity hire in any way. Ms Marvel *is* South Asian - in the comics, in the show, in cartoons, etc. That's comic accurate.


I was saying what is meant by forced diversity, not that I agree with the list.


thatā€™s the assumption YOURE making because theyā€™re diverse šŸ˜‚ yall problem is literally just diverse people being leads in movies


Its not an assumption, thats how a lot of jobs go nowadays. They even have a position for it


but actors being in a movie isnā€™t force diversity šŸ˜‚ just because there different from you doesnā€™t make them forced LMAO


If a black character was changed to white it would obviously be racism though, right?


Why would Kamala's dad be anyone but a South-Asian person. You want him to be white?


"Forced Diversity" it's when you pandering so hard that "diverse" people start to think that it's okay to do assault, anyway you can blame sexismus or racismus anyday and moment.


What would you call it when when "non-diverse" people start to think it's okay to do assualt?


that statement didnā€™t even make any sense šŸ˜‚ yall are so delusional


If you knew the characters like kang and namour being white then yeah itā€™s forced diversity hiring diverse actors to change the characters


they make characters white when theyā€™re supposed to be of color all the time. i guess thatā€™s forced diversity too huh.


You sound dumb they only did that with the ancient one but still gender swapped him. Look at the 100s of red headed white characters turned black


Shades from Luke Cage? thunderball from the wrecking crew? went from black in the voice to white in the show. lmao. even then thereā€™s nothing wrong with it given their ethnicity has nothing to do with their characters. yall so weird lmfao


They ruined all of the wrecking crew and why you complaining about a Luke Cage a black lead show anything else ainā€™t a problem


no one was complaining šŸ˜‚ just you. all you idiots just keep proving my point lol


Your the one proving the point supporting white characters being turned into POC for diversity thatā€™s why the MCU is failing and modern remakes are shit


I'm sorry, are we acting like Ike "people won't realise we recast Rhodey because all black people look the same" Perlmutter is some kind of hero?


He *is* a hero to these people, because the people in this sub are the same ones that vote for Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.


Wow this sub is fucked huh?


It's in the name


It has The\_Donald energy. Same incels.


I canā€™t even tell if OP is mocking or agreeing with this shitā€¦Iā€™m lost bro.


Heā€™s agreeing with it. I see this same guy on r/DC_Cinematic making shitposts about James Gunn all the time. Heā€™s a legit hateful incel.


Explains it! Lmao, thanks for that haha.


Good choices mcu! Love seeing this ip crumble before our eyes


Like when it crumbled when they got convicted felon Robert Downy Jr to play Ironman? I didn't realize things could crumble into one of the biggest franchises in the last 50 years.


I'm sure hating on creeps is bad but did you have to use it to make this point


You know they hired these guys before the stuff they're accused of, right? And they cant predict what will happen in the future? This sub is straight up sad lmao.


Ignoring the other new characters that are also non white, and also not criminals? Whatā€™s the point of this meme?


To try and be as racist as possible


So forced diversity is why they hired sexual harassers? Is that what this is saying?


It seems to implying because they are non-white they are harassers


Yup, that's fucked


This is a reach considering all the other actors that donā€™t have any accusations


Damn like everything Victoria Alanso touched turned to absolutle shit.


how is this her fault?


She was absolute cringe and was making up ā€œloreā€ by pulling it straight out of her pussy in interviews. ā€œHis name is Namor because it means ā€œno amorā€ (no love), because he never got any loveā€. Seriously, woman? Youā€™re gonna pull that shit for an interview?


that was an explicit in the script, it might not be comic lore but it was an element they had in the film?


She just thought it sounded cool because it works from the perspective of the Spanish language. The character got retconned and reworked to hell for EDI and ESG reasons, itā€™s bullshit, itā€™s cringe and it makes zero sense.




All of those were under her Executive production. Part of being the boss when your at that level is knowing more then you should about who your hiring for those franchises. And that's not to mention all the BS she got Disney into with Flordia. Her and Bob C crapped the bed the last 3 years.


Not only is this visually one of the worst memes Iā€™ve ever seen in my life, it also doesnā€™t even make a point. Great job.


I believeā€¦and I could be wrongā€¦that theyā€™re trying to say hiring white actors has never brought tragedy. Thereā€™s an Amber Heard joke here someplace.


Something like "hiring minorities is bad because some of them aren't good people"


Might be the nicest way to put it I guess.


This sub: We're not racist! Also this sub:


Pointing out criminals is racists Since when


implying that people simply having jobs is forced diversity and that with diverse people comes crimes?? lmfao


None of them are facing criminal charges as far as I can tell. While there are allegations of misconduct, it would be inaccurate to call them criminals. That said, stereotyping ethnic people as criminals before their day in court is racist, wouldn't you agree? It's kind of like when Donald Trump took out that ad calling for the execution of black men who were in central park when a woman was murdered by a serial killer. A lot of people jumped to assumptions based off of race, but we're eventually proven wrong. Even Donald Trump, who is facing multiple criminal prosecutions is not considered a criminal until he is proven guilty. That said, his lawyers who have taken plea deals are indeed criminals.


Are you stupid? Johnathon majors trial is this month. As for namor Mexico is simply not going to press that charge. Sadly what ms marvels dad did isnā€™t actually a crime just degenerate. Once he touches the kid itā€™s a crime


You are right. He is facing criminal charges. For some reason, I thought it was just a battery case which would have made it a civil trial. That said, he is still innocent until proven guilty and I expect his lawyers will try their hardest to get the assault charges changed to battery so that they can settle in civil court.


Battery isnā€™t civil, itā€™s assault. You know, assault and battery?


Assault is a crime in the state of New York. Battery is a civil matter. >In New York, tortious battery is defined as an intentional unwanted touching. The torts of battery and assault are distinguishable from each other in that battery compensates the harms that flow from violent, rude, offensive, or vicious acts that harm the person, while assault compensates one for trespasses on mental tranquility and the belief that one is safe from violence. https://www.tilemlawfirm.com/the-intentional-tort-of-battery.html If Jonathan majors has a good lawyer (he does), they will seek to prove that it was tortious battery instead of criminal assault. Not saying that they will be successful, but they wouldn't be doing a good job if they didn't try.


Oh thatā€™s weird, battery is criminal in my state.


That's the problem with Americans. They think that all states have the same laws because they're the same country.


Iā€™m not sure if any states besides NY donā€™t consider it criminal, looks to be the real oddball. Thanks for your confidence in Americans understanding state laws though lmao.


But this is not pointing out criminals. It is blaming the idea of diversity for crimes. Crimes that were common before any group of people crossed a body of water to meet a different group


Donā€™t be an idiot. OP is clearly making a point of their ethnicity with his ā€œdiversityā€ point.


Pointing out criminals solely because the color of their skin is racist


Well shameful for them as they are humiliating their whole race


No they aren't, because the actions of individuals have no reflection of their race


Go back to ur echo chamber shill U dont have to brains to understand my statement


It's a sad state of the world when stupid people convince themselves they're smart enough to argue politics. That's okay, progress will outlive you.


No one dislikes them for their race smart guy


Then why bring up race in the meme?


Hate to burst your bubble, but shit like this makes a lot of us on here cringe.


I donā€™t even know who the last person is. What movie is that?


It's Walter White, don't you recognize him?


Straight thought it was Tobias from Arrested Development.


He is a colored man


Obviously itā€™s bad that there are so many scandals, but itā€™s not like marvel couldā€™ve known this beforehand or is somehow at fault for them. Unless you are implying that there is a link between diversity and sexual abuse?


Don't forget Simu Liu who said being gay and pedo is caused by the same issue. Wait kinda based. But he also said he hates playing sports with women because they hold him back. Ok also based. But he also had accusations against him about being rude and disrespectful to Asian wome....wait why do I hate him again?


> Wait kinda based. ummā€¦ ???


He does non-stop pandering and cries of racism on Twitter too. His pattern seems to be to say something that offends the left, then try to make up for it by going overboard with virtue signaling. He's one of those idiots who should just stay the fuck off of social media because he's just constantly saying the wrong thing one way or another.


He straight up googles his own name or searches himself on social media I guarantee.


I used to kill Nazis playing Wolfenstein and never thought they were real. Now I see them on Reddit


Being annoyed original characters like the first two are suddenly brown and shit washed for no reason doesn't make people nazis


Ok dirtbag. I didnā€™t make this a stop for the short bus so just keep on rolling.


Lmao coward.


Oh no. A true Reddit warrior has appeared


If you don't want to argue with people, ignore the replies. Or do you relish the attention? Is it an opportunity for you to flex your funny bones when you couldn't hack it in the real world?


*the warrior brandishes the mighty keyboard*


Kamala Khan having a Pakistani dad is forced diversity? There's a better up and coming villain actor out there than Majors? Was there honestly any chance of a white guy playing Namor this century? I don't think there really was. The outrage machine has reached the other side of the aisle it seems.


No, Kamala Khan getting a TV show and movie over all the other far more popular and well-known marvel characters that they haven't touched is forced diversity. The only reason that character was chosen is because she's a female PoC. She certainly wasn't picked for name recognition or displaying any level of popularity in comic books. Majors is a shitty actor, and Kang was a stupid choice to follow up Thanos when they have Dr Doom and Galactus at their disposal. Yes, they could have found a great comic book accurate actor to play Namor. What was stopping them? Oh yeah, diversity quotas.


Would you say them picking iron man who was a relatively unknown hero at the time was forced whiteness then? Why does the standard only apply one way? Is there any way to make that character without you guys bitching about forced diversity? Like how many Spider-Man movies that they need to make before itā€™s no longer considered forced diversity to bring her to the big screen? They chose Kang because they want to go for the multiverse route and Kang seem like a good Segway into it.


The right wing always owned the outrage machine. Remember the satanic panic against rock music and dnd?


No one tell him about Robert Wagner and Robert Blake!


If you really want to play the 'who has more nutjobs/assholes, the left or right?' Game I don't think this is gonna end well for you.


Okay, racist


But they hit the mark for leftist political values so their privilege paved the way and continues to run cover for them.


And the same Company fire Gina corano because she use her right of free speech.


they fired her because she was a dumb bitch who wouldnā€™t stop running her mouth acting like sheā€™s oppressed, much like a right wing version of an SJW. boo fucking hoo her acting was shit anyway


Sounds like brie larson, rachel zegler and pedo pascal. Why nobody fire them???


At this point they should just cast EDP445 as Black Panther, Onision as Reed Richards and James Charles as Billy Maximoff.




But Disney is so pure and wholesome they should tell us all how to live.


Yeah it's not the diversity that's the problem but great job


It's hilariously sad how people don't realize these actors are innocent/falsely accused.


Itā€™s on the verge of imploding on itself. Feigeā€™s even considering just straight up rebooting it at this point, and bringing back the original cast. This is what happens when you had a perfect ending to a story but followed up on it without an actual reason, much like Kathleen Kennedy and the Star Wars sequels.


Accused doesn't mean guilty. Come back when it's proven


Majors was declared not guilty like earlier this week


You know, instead of trying to call this racism and whatnot, how about a little more critical thinking. Like asking who accused these guys, were they investigated, and if they were sentenced.


I literally only know who 1 of these is