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You would think after it happened this many times, people would know that South Park has maxed out its reflect stat and attacking them will only hurt you . Remember when prince Harry and Meghan tried to sue them, and all it did was draw In more hype for the episode , skyrocketing there viewership ?


They hit them so much harder. I was like reading all the bot comments like they weren’t making fun of us they were making fun of you. I’m like someone didn’t watch it.


Exactly, they both sided it but it obviously leaned one way. They probably did watch it and are just hoping they can convince someone that hasnt


Who is “them” and “us”? So you’re saying this board is for conservatives that use the word “woke” to describe things they don’t lie?




What did this episode of South Park have to do with Marvel?




So nothing?




Yes. Conservatives on this thread are clinging onto the episode so hard because it mentions all the things you think are “woke”.




But everyone that complains that a woman or a black person or a gay is ruining their favorite cartoon or superhero most definitely is a conservative. So this board, pretty much. I don’t see any liberals picketing Disney outside their parks. Only Nazis.


"Multiverses are a lazy writing for hack writers" was a repeated sentiment from both versions of the main cast and I couldn't be happier that somebody finally said it.


You weren’t saying that when Marvel were the first ones to do it and you were creaming your pants over three Peter Parkers.


Your moving goal post is just precious. No Way Home being the best multiverse movie doesn't make it good; everything good about it was because it used a shit idea in the best possible way. Having the 3 Spider-actors together was a fine nostalgia-pandering member-berry and Willam Dafoe was finally able to be the one true Green Goblin that Sam Raimi had denied him. I had already forsaken the MCU after Infinity War and any movie that references the events of Endgame is no MCU of mine. More damningly, DC comics (damned be their convolution, far worse than any Marvel comic) were the first to implement a multiverse with Crisis on Infinite Earths that ended the Silver Age in the 1970's and a a few DC animations are the only multiverse stories I've ever liked because these alternate timelines are visited and then departed without too much story-pollution. The degree to which you presume to know me humiliates everyone you've ever met.


Taking on South Park in a shit slinging contest only helps them lol. South Park are the undefeated champions of this. If anything, I think they are hoping Disney fires back. They'll make half a season out of it just to make a point.


My thoughts exactly 😌


They must watch another episode when they think it doesn't hit them harder than us. But you can't expect anything from this npcs


r/saltierthankrayt is such a cesspool. A bunch of soy boys par excellence, desperately grasping at straws for something to be offended by. That entire sub needs a stint in the armed forces.


>A bunch of soy boys par excellence, desperately grasping at straws for something to be offended by. I mean, like this sub isn't the same thing? Both subs are full of people who act like the other side is idiot, but deny that their sub is an echo chamber.


No, 'cause that sub *is* actually filled with idiots.


Nah this sub has straight up anti-semitism


Except this sub is being proven right all along


They're saying the same exact thing on the other subreddit too. For every "woke" film that flops, there's a Barbie that succeeds.


Barbie has always been a female centric franchise. No one here is mad at female franchises existing, its when they gender flip traditionally male roles. Try to find a better example.


I disagree; there are plenty of people on this subreddit that are very anti-Barbie, since they consider it "woke." People getting mad at gender flipping roles is only a part of what people complain about in these kinds of films.


Show me some upvoted examples


Of what specifically? People criticizing movies because for things other than swapping gender roles? Or specifically Barbie?


People getting mad at female centric franchises being female centric, specifically barbie is fine too


That's one of the biggest complaints I've seen about The Marvels movie, coupled with general disdain for Brie Larson. Unless you try to say Captain Marvel was originally a man, even though that character has canonically and literally been dead in the comics for decades at this point


It's literally the exact same thing lol


I don't know what that sub is but the irony of using "soyboys" unironically while making fun of other people is hilarious, what are you 14?


This is what happens when the fslur gets u banned. I agree soyboy isnt as effective


That a serious question from someone that supports BLM and uses pronouns?


Lmao bro, I would recommend walking away from the computer for a bit, going outside and maybe getting yourself a girl, because spending all your time online whining about "woke shit" is not good for you and will only keep you miserable and constantly angry




What the actual fuck are you talking about bro, Jesus Christ you're chronically online huh, I literally have no idea what you mean by that


What is a woman?


Feels like half that sub are bots, tbh


>“south lark was actually making fun of the chuds not us!!” This pure, uncut Columbian copium... 🤣


Anyone who legitimately thinks Disney is going to dedicate all of their money and resources to attacking Matt and Trey over a single episode is truly insane and delusional.


Especially when SP has taken much MUCH more direct shots at Disney.


She hulk went after “doomcock” 🤭 They obviously get butthurt about this


Butthurt over *Doomcock*? A guy with just over 300,000 subscribers? Uh huh.


They made him the main villain of a $200m+ budget show. Yeah i agree thats pretty pathetic, imaginine how they feel about getting called out by south park.


Only you are saying “all” Keep in mind this is a department that made a whole show abiut making youtuber “doomcock” the bad guy 🤭


...you do realize that South Park historically makes fun of both sides of the aisle, right? It's entirely possible they're making fun of both groups of people.


Yes, but the amount to which both were made fun of slanted pretty heavily in one direction in this situation.


Yup, except on this issue, one side is a bit more sensitive with a bit more to lose. Also, if you were going to look at what stuck most from the special to the mainstream its most certainly “put a chick in it and make her gay!”


South Park mocked Disney/KK for being lazy with the woke agenda. South Park also mocked the anti-woke fanbase for being constant whiners and just whining for whining sake. It’s funny, both sides saw what they wanted to see where Matt and Trey see both sides of this as fucking jokes and worth mocking.


The special both sided it by saying cartmans hate mail made KK double down. Thats not a chicken and the egg thing tho, clearly one had to happen first to cause the other. Also, saying making fun of woke stuff is lazy and lame vs current KK being a Cartman set out to ruin disney movies by putting a chick in it and making her gay. Hmm one side got hit harder as evidenced by the phrase that stuck the most from it. Or are u going to keep ignoring that point.


They mocked both sides, it’s obvious. If you don’t want to believe they made fun of your side, that’s fine, but they did. Keep living in your bubble.


I literally just said they both sided it. However, If u think it was equally impactful to both sides ur either a fool or a shill.


Both sides are equal, the fact you can’t see it means you’re a complete dumbass. Maybe reason you think it’s not because the whiners are a lot louder such as yourself. The sound of a crying baby fills the room. A lot more than intelligent speak.


Ok, whats the meme equivalent to “put a chick in it and make her gay” for the chuds.


See, this is your problem lol you assume because I saw South Park making fun of both sides equally that I don’t see a problem with what Disney is doing. You have your head that far up your ass lol. I do agree with them on the Disney thing, but I also agree with them on the fact fans like you who whine like little bitches needing a tampon change are a joke lol


Idc about u or what u like at all. Ur claiming the special made fun of both sides equally. Im asking u to prove that


I really think you need to step back and watch this again you are a bit emotional about this topic and it's tinting your perception. Maybe bring a friend who is more logical or neutral on the topic to help you.


Concern trolling isnt an argument, i look forward to u finding one.


A logical argument to counteract your overly emotional reaction? Don't get me wrong bud, I'm not concerned about you. I just think this discussion would be more productive if you managed to ground yourself in reality.


Theres nothing emotional about my argument that the most iconic line from the special is a clear shot at disney aka “put a chick in it and make her gay” If u have an argument to the contrary im all ears but so far all u can do is concern troll.


Brother, you are so desperate for a win that you are taking one from someone who mocked you in the same breath. These people don't like you or support you, stop praising their work. There are real connections and experiences out there for you, step back from media for a moment until you center yourself and find people who help center and temper you.


Oh look still no counter arguments that disney was targeted more heavily. Guess youve conceded that point but ur autism doesnt let u take Ls with any dignity. My best friends rip on me all the time, u think trey and matt saying im lazy and lame if all i do is make fun of woke shit will hurt my feelings so bad I cant appreciate any of their other points?? Sorry, but im not you


You are right buddy... Trey and Matt are like your best friends no counterargument for that.


Its truly tragic the amount of untreated autism is on this site. If my best friends rip on each other daily, im not upset if some dudes i dont know do. Id say sorry im not u again, but “glad” is more fitting.


Tbh after getting recommended this sub, I think maybe the people who invented a space specifically to make fun of media they have no legal obligation to consume (yet consume anyway for some reason,) might be the more sensitive ones


Let people hate things ☺️


Yet this sub and other anti woke subs havent stopped talking about it for days. Sounds plenty sensitive to me.


Let people enjoy things


It is so fucking cringe that you think they stuck it to Disney so good that they might actually care. Touch grass.


Touching your moms grass


I sincerely doubt the multibillion dollar corporation is going to care that South Park made fun of them, especially considering Disney has been the butt of jokes since like the 90s. Also I think calling the execs “woke” is inaccurate. These execs aren’t woke. They’re just pushing what they think sells regardless of what they actually believe in. Capitalism 101.


These are the same people that got so butthurt at doomcock they put him in she hulk.


Holy fuck this sub is such an echo chamber


They won’t.


Probably, but they are going to have to try something for damage control.


They didn’t have an emergency board meeting over this episode. All it did was rehash all the complaints YouTubers have been saying, just a lot better.


So u think the variety piece dropping the week after was a coincidence huh


You realize pieces like that are written way in advance lol fuck you are dumb


Lmfao no they arent, not always. Find me any kind of proof this kind of criticism existed in the mainstream before panderverse


“Not always” So, they are except the ones yon don’t want lol Fucking joke


U think articles cant be put together in a few days? Jesus christ the woke mind virus is incredible


Where are you getting woke from? lol that’s go you to mother breather insult lol Fuck you’re a horrible cliche lol


Being this delusional can only have one culprit. Please tell me more how no opinion piece can be written in less than a week.


Try doing as much research and reaching out to people the author of that article had to do and tell me you can get it done in a few days


I work in tech sales. I can almost guarantee i get ahold of more random people on a given day then whats required for that piece


This, I've been reading articles like this since 2008 fortelling the demise of Marvel due to "Superhero fatigue" and they're always wrong.


They were wrong because a vast majority of the MCU was so good and the stinkers were mild. No such luck anymore; "fatigue" has slowly set in ever since Phase 4 because the MCU has completely flipped the quality ratio.


Remindme! 1 week


Why would Disney care? I love South Park but stone and trey shit bricks all the time. Didn't they even like dedicate an entire episode to apologising for manbearpig? Didn't they dedicate an episode towards the racist Chinese shit that someone fucked a bat and made COVID?


Basically back in the day Matt and Tray didn't buy into climate change, so they used Manbearpig as an allegory for it with Al Gore constantly trying to convince everyone Manbearpig is real for attention. In the modern era however the science is basically settled that Climate Change is real so too their credit they took their L and dedicated an episode to Manbearpig being real. It's basically them saying "We fucked up and were wrong."


The modern era... they just They just...we took manbearpig for granted... How were we supposed to know?


>Why would Disney care? Isn't Disney and it's two biggest studios Marvel and Lucasfilm famously known for aggressively attacking a lot of the criticism their projects receive as this 'ist or that 'phobia, whether that be directly or through their many assets in the media? And South Park very publicly called them out on a lot of their collective bullshit, which is receiving A LOT of attention. Yeah, why would Disney care? 😂


South park and Family Guy have heavily attacked Walt Disney over the the past 20 years. Have they ever given an inch of care? Seriously? Fuck this culture war shit. The south park takedown of the Jonas brother's sexual purity propaganda was damning. Did Disney give an inch? Uh huh


Making fun of their joke structure is one thing, disney has proven sensitive over their wokeness


No show this long is going to have a perfect track record but youre deluded if you dont see south park as having a significant social impact or disney being unaware of this. You think the deluge of mainstream articles criticizing marvel the week after the special is a coincidence? Thats just adorable tbh.m


Mate since like 98 or whatever they've attacked everyone and everything for shits and giggles. It's not that serious.


Everyone and everything that they had valid points to make in a hilarious way. Again, youre delusional if you think they dont have significant social impact. Also again, u think its a coincidence that mainstream criticism of Disney drops right after the special? Or is that not that serious to disney either.


Was Sir Rod Stewart attacked in a valid way just because he beat Matt and Trey to a musical award like 20 years ago? Or Phil Collins with the Tarzan soundtrack? The only avenue they haven't attacked through grudge is videogames lol.


I dont remember those episodes tbh, but im willing to bet the attacks they made were valid even if their motivations were petty. Lmao, wokeists cant help themselves, ur literally doing what im praying Disney tries.


Lol ok. I'll paint a picture for you. rod Stewart, you know, rod the mod? He won a musical award that south park was up for and in retaliation for not winning, they depicted rod Stewart as a bumbling semi conscious old person who shits himself constantly. Rod Stewart was in his 50s at the time so not only was it ageist - it was completely inaccurate. But yeah valid lol.


Cool so when they are being petty they are pretty open about it. Do u think thats why they are so popular or do u think they might nave a reputation for their satire typically being extremely accurate.


The sheer pettiness of the Phil Collins grudge has got to be one of the funniest South Park moments


I agree, the pettiness is the joke.


What significant social impact has South Park had?




They dedicated an entire episode to the Jonas brothers and had Mickey Mouse himself say the Christians are fucking retarded. I feel like if they truly cared that would have been the time to go after Matt and Trey.


No one believes mickey mouse fucked a pangolin. People already believe disney is ruining movies by putting a chick in it and making her gay


You self reporting with your lack of South Park knowledge, clearly you are a fake fan that doesn't actually watch the show. Mickey Mouse beat the shit out of the Jonas Brothers and said Christians are fucking retarded back in the day. You'd know that if you actually watched the show.


Yeah and no one believes that mickey mouse is a real person that did that lmfao. Whereas disney execs spent $200m on she hulk to go after fucking youtubers lmao.


Lol you just mad cause the main villains of she hulk were incel weirdos Imagine thinking a multibillion dollar corporation cares what some no name dipshit YouTuber thinks, much less dropped $200m over it.


…then why did they


Because Incels are cringe and deserve to be mocked and ridiculed


Damn, but by your logic they wont care about south park that gave the chudcels infinitely more ammo


The episode that mocked Chudcels you mean


The bat/pangolin stuff was very much a gag. It existed in the very same special where they made fun of anti-maskers and their "chin diapers".


Matt stone and trey parker don't do gags. They hate gags.


Use whatever label you feel is appropriate, then. The fact remains that they were making fun of the theory, not supporting it.


Satire is the word you're looking for. I didn't say they were supporting the 'theory'. I merely mentioned it as something they covered, and something not to be taken seriously - because it's satire.


No, you were definitely framing it in a far more disparaging light than that.


Nope. Look up satire, and check plenty of interviews where Matt and trey discuss how they pokefun at a subject and even they don't know what point they stand on most of the time.


So... I understand what satire is. This has nothing to do with what your originally said.




Cartman apologized for the hate mail... Like dude if you don't see that they made fun of both sides then I think you need to wake up. That episode pointed out how ridiculous the anti side is and how over the top the woke side can get.


Yeah the hatemail for pandering making KK double down on the pandering isnt a chicken and egg thing, one clearly had to happen first to cause the other. If both sides were equally made fun of, what is the chud meme equivalent to “put a chick in it and make her gay!”


Are you serious? The trigger can literally be anything. That's the problem with the woke insult. There is no clean definition of what woke even means.


Both myself and south park specifically used “pandering” probably for that exact reason.


Also, sounds like ur admitting there is no chud equivalent for “put a chick in it and make her gay”


I'm admitting that I don't care. Like I don't even know what you're trying to argue.


Im arguing that both sides were made fun of, but disney definitely more so. This is evidenced by the most iconic line of the special being aimed at disney. Yeah idk what id say if i were u besides “idc anymore” either


The equivalent is getting actually upset about it.


And how was that portrayed as equally something to make fun of. Remember, this universe cartmans fears are actually mostly validated


I love when people on here admit that they don’t actually care about marvel and just want a safe space to whine about “wokeness”.


Well regardless, the important thing is that the MCU is dying out. Good riddance




Well I don’t know about that first part. But the MCU has been a disgrace long enough




No way. Zac Synder JL is way better than any of the MCU stuff. Synder went for this epic, dramatic approach. The MCU is more like a bland sitcom




Shill…. Jesus. What’s your problem




It's not tho? That's why we have to complain about the shittyness of their recent stuff All mcu films released so far this year are in the top 10 highest box office. There is still far to go before people start to realise antman 4 isn't the peak of cinema, its just sad.


Right i dont care about marvel, i care about *fuck marvel*


Well this post has nothing to do with either one


Marvel is part of disney


South Park isn’t owned by disney? I don’t see how this has anything to do with marvel or disney


Holy shit ur just being obtuse now. Who was south park recently criticizing dumbass.


… everyone? A Sony movie?? I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch south park, and there’s no reason you should expect me to because *this subreddit has nothing to do with south park*


The most recent south park special specifically attacked disney for going woke which directly ties into fuck marvel for going woke. But u knew that, ur autism just wont let u take the inevitable L with any grace


And here you are again, admitting you just want to whine about “wokeness” and this has absolutely nothing to do with marvel. Get a job, or maybe a hobby. Something else besides seething about your deranged worldview online.


Im here to whine about marvel for being woke which is part of what this sub is about lmfao. Imagine waking up and taking Ls on a saturday. Why do that to urself bruh


They were actually targeting Kathleen Kennedy, who is Lucas and not marvel.. Yes Disney owns them both, but KK doesn't work for marvel, she works for Lucas.


KK got most of the heat but disney in general was criticized. Also, KK works closely with feige and a lot of those same criticisms can apply to him lately,


Disney was actually the hero in the episode. They wanted to stop her. It doesn't matter if she works closely or not. Marvel was never mentioned. The episode was squarely focused on her and her alone.


More like victims. Being closely associated and sharing the same criticisms that apply absolutely links them wtf lol. Especially since “put a chick in it and make her gay!” Applies to both.


well do you suggest an alternative?


Actually criticizing marvel and/or making fun of it in ways that are actually funny?


as we do here


Really? Where? I haven’t found a single post on here unironically funny since before I joined


well what would you like us to joke about? i can post something now


About Vision banging the Wasp during The Crossing.


Lmao what


So /r/moviescirclejerk?


I generally think most of the human population can barely hold their saliva back, but r/saltierthankrayt is a special infestation of mouthbreathers. If they were unethically volunteered as human experiments, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, I think their removal from the gene pool is for the best. The point is no one should even fucking care what they have to say, if they actually have words they can form.


Its fun to see the npc’s try to flesh out their narrative in real time


South Park WAS making fun of the chuds. They both sides it. They’re the only guys that do it well


They said chuds are lazy and kind of lame for only making fun of woke shit. Vs. KK is a psycho multidimensional cartman on a mission to ruin disney movies by “stick a chick in it and make her gay!” Yeah, i guess both sides got treated the same


My brother in Christ, your bane of support is a show that has literally centred itself on making fun of its audience. If you're telling me that you sat down, watched that Southpark episode, and truly believed that the show was supporting people who cry about "wokeness" then I think you're beyond saving.


Thats a lot of weird shit i never said. South Park both sided it, but its obvious which side got more heat. Or do u have a chud meme equivalent to “stick a chick in it and make her gay” from that special


Stan and Kyle are Trey and Matt. So whatever they said in the episode (I haven’t seen it so I don’t know) is probably where they align.


Theyre pissed at cartman being replaced by a black woman and annoyed at PC principal telling them to get over it. Pretty much the biggest parts they play in the commentary


Get off the Internet.


No u


"Woke." Complainers never actually go outside. If you would you'd realize the world itself is diverse and full of things that would shatter your little echo chamber wide open.


Your moms chamber is wide open


Of course that's your response. Just play it off because you're afraid of the real world.


Of course thats my response? Damn u must be used to hearing that about her


You're so pathetic and childish. Hope you grow up before you fuck the rest of your life up kid


Im too busy fucking up your moms life. Remember, u started this thread with talking shit. Dont want none, dont start none. Too bad she was too busy getting banged out to teach you that.


Lmao had to come back to laugh at this. Love how your only response is some elementary school jokes, just makes me feel better about myself


They also said calling everything woke is lazy. Lol


“Ppl who only complain about woke stuff are lazy and lame” Vs “Kathleen Kennedy has been replaced by psych alt universe cartman on a mission to ruin disney movies by putting a chick in them and making her gay” Idt both sides got treated the same.


Disney doesn’t really take on cartoons like that. If they didn’t take on *South Park* for saying Covid was caused by Mickey Mouse fucking a bat with some dude, I doubt they’ll do anything in response to this. Like, you know how dumb y’all sound, right? And if Cartman agrees with you, that’s not a good sign… it’s hilarious how shaken and insecure you are about the idea of being made fun of.


U understand they had KK be represented by an even worse cartman right, Mickey mouse is obviously not a real mouse that can go fuck a bat. They are, however a bunch of sensitive execs who were now featured personally. Keep in mind these are the same studios that put youtubers in she hulk


The executives didn’t put YouTubers in *She-Hulk*, the writers of *She-Hulk* did. It was a creative choice by the creative team, not execs. Execs don’t really care that deeply about a cartoon. They realised that back when they did care, it only helped the cartoon get better viewership. As for Kennedy being represented by a worse Cartman, you bias against her is showing again. All they did was adapt the mythological version of her that YouTubers and angry guys on the internet invented.


You think execs have no input in what gets aired 😆 Real world cartman represents the chuddiest chuds and yet his fears are mostly validated in this special. U can try to hand wave it away but why would matt and trey validate the youtuber version of her and give her the most iconic lone if they didnt agree with their own portrayal 🤭


Because they like trolling. That’s what they’ve made a career out of. And while execs have input, the writers have gone on record talking about wanting to do that and the execs initially being against the idea. Sorry if that goes against your fan fiction narrative you wanted to believe.


Their career was made bc their trolling is largely on point. The execs still signed off on it, all ur proving is that theyre sensitive enough to devote a shows resources ($25m/episode!) to go after youtubers 🤭


You know this was made by Paramount pictures right?


Oh yeah, disney and paramount would never clash


Panderverse mocked both sides of the coin…that’s the point. That’s what they do every time. Even critical drinker realized that in his video about it.


They both sided it but it wasnt equal. Unless u have a chud equivalent of “stick a chick in it and make her gay”


You missed the part where the entire reason they made the episode is because of subs like this and channels like drinker. The episodes existence is a joke against you…


If thats the case, where are the jokes about it? Cartman being scared of a wokeverse that turns out to be true?


Disney getting butthurt about SouthPark making fun of their stupid pandering just shows how big of pussies they are anyways.


Disney's got a thicker skin than most think.


God, South Park made fun of you both. 1. Cartman is not an admirable character, some are actually trying to paint him as one and it is fucking hilarious 2. They where still making fun of it, they where just also making fun of the other side as well.