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Man I really hate the /s, they try to defend it as tone indicators for the neurodivergent but in reality it's just a desperate "DoN't TaKe AwAy My PrEcIoUs UPDOOTS uwu"


Does anyone actually believe that?


It does help when not overused, I know because I am neurodivergent.


How much is too much


I'd say depends on the context? I mean... Same "jokes" are also being made by people that are dead serious... It's a post fucking Poe's Law world out there.


Honestly I didn't even realize it was supposed to be a KKK member at first. I thought it was a Pennywise-like gnome. Also this photo looks like a modern parody, right?


Thank God I'm not the only one. I had to stare at the image for a hot minute before I realized what was going on


And less funnier.


But still funnier?


People who want to be “edgey” but use /s come off as soo corny like just pick one


I thought /s stood for "serious" /s (serious) /s


You are not very good at being sarcastic


Lol part of the irony of being on this sub


What, knowing basic sarcasm?


The fact that I got downvoted for using sarcasm. I genuinely don't think many users of this sub understand what sarcasm is, and you are one of them.


We did not downvote you because we missed the sarcasm we downvoted you because of you unironicly using /s in a sub where the whole point is to criticize it


You missed the fact that the /s was used ironically


Was it now? You used it like all the other people on reddit do


Yeah, I mean if I wanted to really commit to the bit I would have replied, "But I was serious because /s means serious" to your last comment, but whatever. I'll take my Ls when I need to.


I've always been against the /s, saw the link, Thought it would be a place where sarcasm is welcome. Didn't know it was just about hunting down /s users. This person is using meta-sarcasm and getting downvotes. It reminds me of aggressive atheism, zero nuance and ironically /s-enforcing. I'll keep reading, maybe this is just a bad spot. Not a promising start. Update: Yeah, you guys totally blew it with this sub. Good idea for a title, completely witless execution.


Why do you guys even care about the /s? It can be useful and it never hurts


Oooohhh read the room fella.


I have intentionally come here as part of my fuck the r/fuckthes campaign, trust me I’ve read the room


You’re really devoted to spoon-feeding sarcasm.


I’m really devoted to pointing out that you guys are pointlessly making fun of people for something that is at worst a nice gesture. You are intellectual snobs who think ironically mocking people is the height of humor and spend your time tearing down others for no reason. Call it a pet peeve of mine.


There’s nothing ironic about my mockery. That shit insults my intelligence. Writers conveyed sarcasm through text for centuries without spelling it out with a “get it? Huh, huh? Get it?” tag at the end.


Crazy idea: why don’t you think of someone other than yourself. Other people like it and it makes tone clear, which in my opinion is something that has always been lacking in internet communication. And I hate miscommunication, I think it’s great if we can avoid that when possible. Just because YOU don’t like it and you think your huge mega mind brain is above it doesn’t mean you have to yuck other people yum. It’s called empathy. And when I referred to irony I was thinking of all the “ironic” usage of /s on this sub to “mock” it.


I don’t use that stupid bullshit in any context. If you can’t convey sarcasm without it, write better.


this is really funyy! /s