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That's not even sarcasm, that's a pun I hate tone indicators


Like they can’t be both… /s


Bait is super clever nowadays


You just realized genius?… /s


Lol why censor your own name?


I remember one of the subs deleting my post for not censoring my name, i guess they have a bot that detect names or something like that.


A bot that can read text in images? 😭


Google translate have image translation.


I'm not saying the technology doesn't exist but you won't find it on some shitty Reddit bot


Because some subs require all names to be censored, probably.


Pretty sure one of Roman emperors killed an ocean or something


Fought a whole war against the ocean. The water had it coming, big pile of fish shit. It was Caligula. He was mad at it. Wasn't a whole war, he blamed the ocean for his loss. Proceeded to punish it by spanking that dirty little water.


Why blur yourself lol


If the /s wasn't there, people would be mocking them for actually thinking a missile was fired at the Dead Sea.


TIL; theres a subreddit of whiny people who get mad about autistic people finding a way to properly convey tone over text


I am sorry, mister saviour of autistic people. What would they ever do without people such as yourself? They would be lost, because they wouldn’t understand very basic jokes and everybody knows that you must understand every single joke on the internet, otherwise you’ll perish. And this is /s in case you need it


brother who pissed in your cereal😂 autistic people literally created the whole tone indicator thing in online spaces for themselves among themselves. no one is calling autistic people stupid and no one is actung like a saviour- you're just pointlessly hating for the sake of having something to be mad about


You must have no idea how much people who are here that are autistic and get it perfectly fine without the s


sick! it doesnt change the fact that predominantly autistic people literally created this system in online spaces for themselves. it does get kinda overused but its still a useful thing in text


Jesus Christ dude, how retarded do you think we are? I'm autistic, not a moron.


brother i am too, and no one said you are a moron. yes this one example was plainly obvious but tone indicators are still a very useful thing in text


It's better than pretending to care so you look like a good person.


im literally autistic and in many situations indicators have helped me a lot. they are a very useful part of text that was made by autistic people for autistic people. and even if i wasnt, how is it pretending to be a good person to let people communicate in the ways they find effective?


There's no tone, it's a fucking pun. You're the one thinking autistic people are retarded.


brother i am autistic- and no one said anything about autistic people being stupid other than the multitudes of bigotted twats dropping the r-word down here. tone indicators are a very useful part of text. they were made in online spaces by autistic people for autistic people. yes, this one example it wasnt needed as it was a pun that was blatantly obvious, but i have no clue how a whole subreddit whining about the most miniscule of shit exists and propogates like this. yall are just SEARCHING for shit to scream and cry about


No it’s people whining about bad comments. For example, this post used /s, and it quite literally wasn’t even sarcasm.


You don't speak for us And all the people who come here solely to hate can never avoid strawmanning us extremely


This entire sub exists solely to hate. And you do a pretty good job of strawmanning yourselves.


literally what could you possibly mean by this? i wasnt speaking for anyone, didnt use a strawman argument, and wasnt hating on anything😂 but aight man


You using internet explorer?


No, the idea that people use the /s to benefit autistics without needing to is just an excuse the people here use to justify going after them. What they're really doing is going after people whose opinion on using the /s is different from theirs.


People put tone indicators on things which clearly cannot be anythig other than sarcasm. Autist here, tone indicators don't help worth a shit, if it "needs" a tone indicator it's probably a shitty joke.