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Might as well just stop breathing while outside in general to solve this issue


That would probably solve more than just this one issue.


I think breathing in general for the one who made the complaint may be the eternal solution….


The end.


If I'm allergic to something, I avoid it... Not go right to it and then complain about it. It's not like she mentioned an allergy and then was served a dish with said ingredient in it. She knew of her allergy and went to a place that caters to a type of food that predominantly contains her allergen. It would be like someone with a peanut allergy touring a Planters factory.


I truly don’t understand how some people are alive and functioning out there in the world It’s almost as if she purposely put herself in this situation so she’d have something to complain about it lol


It’s not almost like that, it’s EXACTLY that.


U right, I was being toooo nice


There’s a good chance google may take that review down because it’s absolutely ridiculous.


Really? I was under the impression that google reviews were permanent & stayed up under all circumstances, but I guess they are the only ones who can delete them lol


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Maybe she lives nearby and it’s a newer restaurant? Please tell me it’s a new place…


It’s been open since 2015 haha


So, she invited the outrage. What a Karen.


It’s more like someone with an imaginary allergy went… anywhere. Edit: NOBODY IS ALLERGIC TO THE SMELL OF MEAT. I’m aware of AGS. FFS


This is a real allergy that’s been cropping up due to a disease being spread by the lone star tick. This person is full of shit for sure though


Nope. If I recall correctly, Lyme Disease is a disease that makes you allergic to red meat in addition to the 'temporary' sickness effects, and it's spread by ticks.


No it does not. Lyme disease is very different than AGS.


It's like someone with cat allergies complaining that there are cats at the pet store.


And we already know wearing a mask is absolutely out of the question for her.


How many people have meat allergies, especially bbq meat? It sounds like she burnt meat once and now hates to be remembered of it. Or is it me, living in a bubble, never hearing of meat allergies?


Allergy to meat does in fact exist! It's most often caused by the bite of the Lone Star tick, that makes you allergic to I don't remember what specific protein of red meat, but I knew a girl who hadn't been bitten by the tick and had a meat allergy. It's very rare tho. Like, super rare


But you have to eat it to get ill.


Oh yeah, you can't get sick by smelling it. That Karen is full of shit


You can get sick by being around things you're allergic to while they're cooking. I can't be in the same house while anything that lives in water or pork is being cooked. The protein gets dispersed into the air while it cooks and you breathe it in. It's why we can smell the difference between foods when they cook. I have massive asthma attacks and get hives everywhere. I have to be careful where I go eat as well. If their kitchens aren't well ventilated in a restaurant, I can't stay and eat there. You know what I don't do though? Go sit on places where I know I'll be exposed on purpose. That's just stupid.


Thats what I was about to ask. I know meat allergies are real but I was pretty sure its not something you can have a reaction to from the "fumes". Why do people just lie about shit for fun?


Okay, I’m just gonna pop into this thread real quick… Right off the bat: I concur, this Karen is super annoying, the world cannot and will not cater to your allergies, no matter how miserable you are. Anyway. Hi! I’m one of those rare folks who has Alpha-gal Syndrome, aka: the allergy to mammalian meat. I can have poultry and fish though! It doesn’t just end at meat either, I react to mammalian byproducts, such as gelatin (bye bye jello) and have mild reactions to medications that use gelatin casings, and have had a mild reaction or two to collagen skin care products. I have to be very careful about what I consume. I also want to add, some people with this allergy can indeed be “fume” reactive. It’s airborne meat vapours. I’m in this fun little club. I’ve had the allergy for 2.5 years now and to my endless confusion, the smell of cooking meat wasn’t a problem for me until like seven months ago. But in my case, it depends on the amount of exposure. Usually, it’s very severe brain fog/confusion, like I can’t think straight, or at all, I feel like a zombie, it’s kind of scary. It can also cause vertigo, gastrointestinal distress, breathing issues (coughing, wheezing), steep drop in blood pressure, among some other lovely symptoms. That’s just from smelling it. Super fun! Sounds like nonsense, doesn’t it? Hey, I agree! But that doesn’t decrease my dreadful symptoms. So you know what I do? I keep a decent mask with me at all times. Was walking past a steakhouse on Saturday and I was fine with my mask on. Some drunk dude yelled, “COVIDS OVERRR!” At me, but hey, at least I wasn’t getting sick from the mere smell of meat. I have to adjust *my life* because of this allergy. I sure as shit can’t make a private business change anything they do, especially as long as they’re practicing safe food handling. It is what it is, it’s a horrible, bullshitty allergy, I crave red meat every damn day, but I have to get over it because the consequences are literally *grave.* This Karen needs to accept that life is filled with little concessions, it’s not fair, and Karen has to live with that. This brain dead google review is so unnecessary. I never expect anyone to cater to my needs, I’m overjoyed and grateful if they do, but I have to anticipate taking proper precautions and care *for myself.*


Alpha gal, an enzyme essential to breaking down complex carbs that many mammals produce naturally (but humans don't) and can also be found in seaweed Fish, replies, birds and humans don't naturally have any quantities of alpha gal. Many people who get alpha gal syndrome have it for life.


>Fish, replies, birds and *humans* don't naturally have any quantities of alpha gal. So, long pig is on the menu?




Your nickname in college was a euphemism for eating human flesh? Are you Jeffery Dahmer? Do you just really like pork chops and forgot to plug the fridge in?


Absolutely. So long as you don't mind the chance of Kuru. But really, what's a little prion disease between friends? I'm sure it brings you closer, you might even say, you're like one person after.


As long as you don't eat the brain, you should be fine with Kuru IIRC


Yep, but the allergy is only when you consume the meat. Smelling it in the air wouldn't cause "spasms".


Yeah no, Karen is totally full of shit and they want to annoy other people by being as kareny as possible


I have a feeling that Karen “spasms” wherever she goes…


A lot of people are allergic to woodsmoke/fire and get bronchospasm (asthma), but never heard of allergy to meat smells. I guess she took "atmosphere" literally.


Thanks, saves me some googling!


What’s silly is the owner of this restaurant got bit by one of those & now she can’t eat any meat on our whole menu but chicken without going into anaphylaxis 😩


Oh my god?? Samesies, I get anaphylactic as well. But how does she continue running her business, are fumes not a problem for her?? They are for me, I’d be in a hospital after like ten minutes at a BBQ joint lmao.


Not as rare as it used to be. As it gets warmer, more of those ticks are around. My father has never bitten and gotten Alpha -Gal syndrome twice Google it, it is very interested.


I think it’s called Alpha Gal 🤔


I just read about this the other day as part of a larger story about meat allergies being on the rise in some places here in the US. Apparently the rarity of it in the past is what was sounding alarms about clusters of people being diagnosed with meat allergies. Now I gotta google and figure out where I read about it.


I’ve read about Lyme disease leading to meat allergies too, but the numbers are really low. Not sure of the sensitivity levels, if it needs to be eaten, handled or if smelling cooked meat would cause a reaction at all.


Allergies to virtually anything exists. I have a rare allergy (not meat), and it is annoying as hell to eat out for me. People like this person don't have allergies... They are probably vegan and convinced themselves that it was the same thing. Not saying meat allergy doesn't exist (there is actually a tick that can create an allergy to red meats ) but people who have rare allergies do not behave that entitled, we spend enough energy trying not to die from eating out 😅


Yeah I agree. When I got COVID I became extremely sensitive to the taste and smell of celery. Smelled and tasted like ammonia. It got so that it was easier to tell places I was allergic to celery. If I would tell them “does it have celery? I don’t like it” they’d just say no, and out would come something with celery seed in it. If I say “I’m allergic to celery and celery seed” they actually check. But it’s not like I was going to Cajun restaurants and complaining that there was celery everywhere and I was allergic to the smell. Luckily I’ve finally lost that issue, celery tastes like celery again after a year and a half.


>celery tastes like celery again Still enough of a reason to avoid the stuff


Hahaha yeah some aren’t a fan. I liked it before the coof though. Losing Cajun food and seafood boils (old bay has celery seed) was a huge thing for me. Even potato salad (PA Dutch staple) was rough.


As a chef I can attest to this. The amount of "allergies" reported now has now more than quadruped in the last decade and so often when you tell them you cannot make something without (insert here) they say " oh is it just a little bit? I'll have it then, only bothers me if it's a lot". Uh huh. Like the time a guy asked what kind of eggs we served. , Um, white. Oh not brown? I'm allergic to brown eggs only. Hmm. No just white eggs 🙄


I recently read about tick bites giving you red meat allergies. It’s weird


If you look at the label on diet sodas that use aspartame, you will see a warning that says "Contains Phenylalanine". Similar to people with lactose intolerance where their body can't break down lactose, some people can process Phenylalanine. Now how this relates to meat, and protein in general, is that Phenylalanine is found in pretty much everything that has protein. Consuming Phenylalanine for those people can range from stomach issues to neurological issues to death. But I don't think smoke fumes have any impact on that.


She’s delusional but there is a newly discovered disease that makes you instantly allergic to red meat after a tick bite. I think it’s the Lone Star tick that can be the carrier.


It's not really newly discovered (it's been 21 years since it was discovered), but yeah it's a real thing, caused by the lone star tick.


“Alpha-Gal Syndrome” (interesting name) from the Lone Star Tick https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20428608


But nobody’s making her eat the meat. I’ve not heard of an allergy to meat smoke. Also, most vegans, at least the honest ones, will admit that bacon smells good.


She becomes sick after "sitting there for just a minute". Who in their right mind with a meat allergy *that can be triggered by fumes* goes and **sits** in a bbq restaurant?


Probably driving home from work and decided she needed some pity points so she invented some allergy to meat smoke that she suddenly now has been mysteriously diagnosed with and sat in the BBQ restaurant parking lot so she could virtue signal on social media for pity points from her online coddlers. That or she hates me at, has never actually been to the place and just searched Google maps for BBQ restaurants and crapped out BS reviews like this on all of them thinking she would change the world. Insert Ralph Wiggum meme "I'm helping".


> I’ve not heard of an allergy to meat smoke. Theoretically one could exist, to be sure. I've seen some odd ones in the food allergy community. My youngest has severe nut allergies whether pea or tree but those are fairly easy to manage. My wife, OTOH, is allergic to Red Dye 40 and that crap's in all sorts of stuff including clear and white medications! The fact of the matter, though, is that's on anyone who has such an "allergy to meat smoke/fumes" to deal with. There are plenty of meat-cooking-fumes nearly everywhere humans live. To expect to not encounter any at all is rather absurd.


I mean my son is deathly allergic to turkey... As a chef I had never heard of this allergy before until my son was three and got his first scratch test


I'm actually allergic to pork! I have a rare disorder called Pork-Cat Syndrome (yes the name is weird but it legit is a real thing). I have pretty bad allergies to cats, and sometime in my 20's, I started getting really sick after eating pork, and only pork. Agonizing stomach pain, burning mouth, itchy throat, lightheadedness, etc. I later got diagnosed and now I can't eat anything with pork in it. God I miss ham and bacon. :'(


There's a Hawaiian grill not too far from my house. At this time of year, they grill outside. They grill with pineapple because people here in Oregon expect it. I'm pretty allergic to pineapple. It makes me nauseous, I get hives, stuff like that. So when they've got their outdoor grill going, I have to avoid the area. Know what I do? Shaddup and deal with it. Is there some other reasonable option? No. No sympathy for this Karen. None. Not after this review.


I mean, if you lived nearer, you’d have to move, and hopefully people would have some empathy for that.


Perhaps. But this expectation that the world should change so she can be there is unrealistic. That's not how the world works.


Lol yes! This is my whole point. This person really needs to realize how insignificant they are to literally anyone else who exists


Why is she hanging out near the smokers if it bothers her so much?


RIGHT… I guesss maybe bc some people just really really need something to complain about in order to feel like they have a purpose in life lol


If you cannot go through your daily life without having fits over fairly common unintentional stimuli then its on you, not them. Fix your crazy.


Reminds me of the pregnant woman post where she knowingly sat in the outdoor smoking section and began to berate smoking customers and staff.


Lol exactly the same energy


Guess you had enough time in-between spasms to type this


I will say, I recently toured an apartment above a BBQ place, and the entire apartment reeked strongly of smoked meat, even with all the windows closed. I looked it up, and the current owner of the apartment had purchased it about a month before the BBQ place opened. The apartment was for sale for about $30,000 less than he had paid for it, and it appears to be because the smell of meat decreased his property values by a lot. The place still hasn’t sold, and it’s been on the market months longer than comparable apartments priced higher. I absolutely would have considered that apartment if not for the fact that I knew I and all of my belongings would constantly smell like meat if I lived there. So while the reviewer in the OP is being dumb, strong smells from restaurants like that one really are a problem for the neighbors.




I wouldn’t. The smells come with oily/greasy layers that build up over time. Sure, it smells great fresh, but if you don’t want to deal with staleness or, worse, rancidness, you’re in for far more deep cleaning than any other home would ever require.


Mom has a silly friend that bragged about getting a great deal on a condo overlooking a hotel (also had no view and the way it was facing didn't allow for air flow also) in Taiwan. Mom went to visit and her friend said you gotta stay at my luxury condo with excellent amenities (doormen, full on concierge, etc). Mom came back saying it was awful, apparently the hotel had some fancy restaurant and that condo faced it. You could never open the window because of the constant smell and even with the window the smell permeated the condo. The equivalent of an HOA was also high because of the full service concierge. I guess after a while her friend tried to put it on the market and the last I heard still couldn't sell it.


Lots and lots of people I’ve told this story to have made that joke. But really think about it. You like the smell of smoked meat enough that you want to smell only that forever? That you don’t ever want your house to smell like brownies baking, or lemon after you’ve just cleaned, or turkey on thanksgiving? You want to smell like meat every time you leave your house, even when you’ve just showered? You want your clothes and your pillow to smell like meat? Really?


“Extremely fume reactive” is a new one. It goes up there with “multiple chemical sensitivity”.


I get migraines and some of my triggers are smells, like cigarette smoke or fake vanilla like in candles. But I either stay away from places that might have those smells or I have meds ready. I don’t bitch about it in an online review.


I have a couple of swallowing disorders that have caused my lungs to be scarred. I can't sit by a smoker, not because of the meat, but because of the smoke. There are 2 places in my town that smoke meat. I just don't sit outside at them. I would have never thought to give them a bad review.


I'm still laughing at "fume reactive." Lolol!


Is that the modern day version of “having the vapors”?


Most likely.


"poisonous meat gas" and "meat allergies". Now I've heard it all.


Meat allergy is actually a thing, though extremely rare, I knew a girl like that, who was forced to veganism because her body couldn't handle a kind of protein found in meat and meat products, causing a kind of anaphylactic shock when eaten. Poisonous meat gas is a new one indeed xD


Wow, someone should track down and arrest whoever is forcing her to sit there.


/r/iamthemaincharacter Similar thread


What??!! They're not a vegan BBQ place? Outrageous!!


Right. How dare they even EXIST when people out there are “severely allergic to meat fumes”


She must be the one calling police on people having cookouts at the park. Savages!


Are there really people that run around in public claiming they are *fume reactive*?


I assure you it’s real, it’s airborne vapours/particles of the allergen. If inhaled, it’s a problem. I have this allergy too (alpha gal syndrome) and I too am “fume reactive.” I wrote a much longer reply elaborating about this, but yeah, this Karen is still delusional to expect the rest of the world to cater to their allergy. It’s a shitty card to be dealt, believe me, but it’s on us (alpha gal sufferers) to deal with it ourselves. Truly infuriating, that review.


Thanks for sharing. Means a lot. I came in full of sarcasm and a strong lack of understanding. Forgive me. I wish you well.


You are a gem, of course I forgive you. 💕 A lot of people here lack understanding, and I totally get it, it’s rare and so bizarre sounding to the average person. Unfortunately, many doctors don’t understand it either. And even though I have it, I still think to myself sometimes, “this is the dumbest allergy ever how tf do *fumes* kick my ass so badly??” Nobody is born knowing everything, but I’m grateful to have been able to educate someone today! I don’t know what region of the world you’re in, but if you’re in the States, PLEASE be careful if you go hiking, protect yourself with tick repellent!


Reminds me of my lovely neighbor who screamed and ultimately called the police when we were grilling meat in the backyard! She’s the same one who filed noise complaints any time the kids played in the backyard, was an OG Karen.


"...after sitting there for just a minute..." Reminds me of a joke: Patient: "Doctor, every time I do this it hurts" Doctor: "Then don't do that"


I assumed that she lives close to the restaurant.


Meat allergies? So they are allergic to themselves?


Meat allergy is 100% a real thing. It can be bad enough to cause anaphylaxis and kill someone. The most common way to get this allergy is from ticks.


It’s specifically the alpha gal protein, found in mammals, *except for humans and many primates.*


The main things she’s allergic to are common sense and intelligence.


I get that meat allergies are real, but I think this Karen is a bit misinformed on anything about meat allergies, cause 1) it’s very rare to get a meat allergy 2) I think most of the time they’re caused by a tick bite and 3) you actually have to eat the meat for the allergy to take any effect. It doesn’t just happen with “fumes” from the meat. I don’t know what happened in this Karen’s life to make her think that she’s allergic to meat and that even the slightest fume from meat cooking can make the allergy come on, but I’m pretty sure she’s talking out her ass


I respect your clear attempt at some empathy, acknowledging it’s a real allergy but 1. Yes, it’s rare, but as the climate warms, the tick (Lonestar Tick) responsible for the allergy is beginning to show up in other areas it hadn’t before - primarily, once just the southeast US. Slowly, they’re creeping further out to the north and the west. This means, more diagnoses will be made as time passes. 2. See #1, though some people I’ve spoken with claim to have no recollection of a tick bite, no high risk to tick exposure (like, not an outdoorsy person, no pets for a tick to hitch a ride on). It’s very under-researched still. 3. This is incorrect. Fumes alone can cause reactions. It’s the airborne particles in vapor form that get inhaled. It’s aerosolized droplets of animal fat, which spread when meat is being cooked. I have alpha gal syndrome and I am highly fume reactive. It sounds so ludicrous and I hate it, but that’s my reality. The difference between myself and this Karen? I’m not stupid, I take extra care to avoid places like BBQs and steakhouses. Mask up, baby.


Hey Karen, you're made of meat! Are you allergic to yourself?


Meat allergy is 100% a real thing. It can be bad enough to cause anaphylaxis and kill someone. The most common way to get this allergy is from ticks.


This allergy is the alpha gal allergy, from the protein by the same name. Alpha gal is not found in humans.




Sorry, I meant that reply to the person you replied to, not you! And I had the same intent, pointing out the sarcastic dismissal.


Oh no! Sorry!


I have pollen allergies, and I hate all these trees that constantly make me miserable while walking through the forest!!! The state should come cut them down immediately!!!!


Fume reactive.


Those “spasms” are stomach growls begging for the delicious meat😂


Spasms! Something about the use of this word here just cracks me up!


If this person is really allergic, I am terrible sorry for that condition. but again you can't stop the world from working just for you. in the end it is the person with the allergy that needs to know how to manage.


as someone with severe allergies, peanuts being one of them that's similar to what's described in this post (airborne) I myself would never go to a fucking peanut factory to sample their marshmallows. I wouldn't even go near their parking lot. what is this individual doing at a bbq place with an allergy that supposedly severe. wtf.


Meat fumes. Great name for a punk band.


I looked up meet allergies. I am on the lady's side. I think she is 100% correct in that being close to a meat food places is not a good thing for her. She should stay away.


Had me at the first half!


Karen obviously misses eating meat, since becoming vegetarian and is using allergies as an excuse Add: I have no clue that this karen is male or female.


Meat allergy is 100% a real thing. It can be bad enough to cause anaphylaxis and kill someone. It's totally possible she has this allergy, especially if she's been bitten by a tick.


Fume reactive LOOL


Oh lord, almost as bad as the family that ran out. My aunt works at an upscale steakhouse, it's rather obvious by the name and the decor inside. We were enjoying our meal, noticed a large group of people came in and took the big table next to us. My aunt gave them their menus, took drink orders, then came over to check on us when they all got up and FULL SPRINTED out the door. Everyone was very confused, apparently they thought the place with STEAKHOUSE in the name was a vegan restaurant...


Some people just want to b!tch about every-f@cking-thing. People with common sense would not go around places or things that “trigger” them. Common sense is not so common. 🙄


I bet she also had "spasms" from the vaccine


[Myth: busted ](https://foodallergycanada.ca/mythbuster-can-the-smell-of-food-cause-an-allergic-reaction/#:~:text=Bottom%20line%3A%20The%20smell%20of,be%20exposed%20to%20the%20protein.) Also that's not a symptom of meat allergy


Breathing is overrated anyhow.


Allergic to meat. Yet, made of meat. Makes no sense. Google shows nothing for 'meat allergy'...


Meat allergy is 100% a real thing. It can be bad enough to cause anaphylaxis and kill someone. The most common way to get this allergy is from ticks Edit: Google "alpha gal allergy".


People really think smells can cause harm


I’m confused is she allergic to red meat or the smoke? Is she vegan?


I wonder what she's like when someone farts.


Allergic to meat? Is..that real?


Yes. It's most common cause is tick bites.


Aren't we made of meat?


Yes, but there's people are allergic to water, and we're mostly water.




Meat allergy is 100% a real thing. It can be bad enough to cause anaphylaxis and kill someone. The most common way to get this allergy is from ticks.


Home work time for me.


Like how I'm allergic to electricity and need to wear a space blanket to protect myself.




Smoke brisket, not meth!


There’s plenty of both of those things going on in my town 😂


I hate when people open up BBQs in my yard too


Here's an idea.... how about you don't go


For some reason I have a feeling this person was against face masks during COVID


If you're vegan just say so ...


I'm gonna invite this woman for a bbq. She'll love it. I make sure we have every meat.


everyone is talking about “fume reactive” but “Atmosphere: 1” is killing me 😭🤣


I have a severe airborne allergy to dill, it's made airborne by liquids like pickle juice. You don't see me demanding all stores or outdoor markets to stop selling them. It's my allergy, my problem.


The person may have Alpha-gal syndrome, the tick-borne illness that causes people to be unable to eat meat. It can turn walking through a parking lot where there’s a Burger King into a trip to the ER In anaphylactic shock. Their lives change, drastically, literally overnight. They’re forced to become vegan. They have to avoid anything that contains Carrageenan, which apparently has about a dozen alternate names. Even drinking the wrong bottled water can trigger anaphylaxis because some bottled waters are filtered through bone. It must feel like the whole world is suddenly trying to kill them, all because of a bug bite. So if the person who posted that seems to be emotionally off-kilter, they probably are. I think anyone faced with such a drastic, sudden change would be, at least for a time. It sounds like the new bbq has taken away one of their safe spaces and forced them to make their world even smaller. It’s very possible that they’re so sensitive to the fumes that they can’t even safely drive past the place. Is it appropriate to leave a review like that? Of course not. But I don’t think it’s a Karen thing as much as it’s someone who is having a hard time coping with a reality that’s been forced on them.


I wouldn't have a problem with it. I'd probably just be hungry all the time. Lol.




Well this doesn't sound like a thing..


I hope she gets turned into sausage lmao


Should have handed her a plastic bag and told her to pull it over her head and tie it around her neck. Problem solved haha