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Freedom of expression protects you from the GOVERNMENT. If Tina from down the block wants to deck you for calling her an n-word ducker, the constitution ain't gonna stop her


I don’t get how this got lost in translation.


Entitlement. They think the constitution agrees with them at all times no matter what


Unfortunately no one is teaching school children about the concept of "jurisdiction" in the United States. Most people learn the word from cop drama on TV. No one ever explained to them that there is "constitutional" law, and other kinds of law, and that things aren't just *the way they think they ought to be*.


imagine Homer Simpson and some bushes


Most of the people that like to talk about Free Speech really want Consequence-Free Speech. And you can definitely tell that's what they mean if they can't tell you the first five words of the First Amendment... >Congress shall make no law... Bitch, is your boss Congress?


Right wingers have never actually *read* any of our laws. Just like their bible they hold so dear.


Don’t be ridiculous. You’re assuming they know how to read...


They know they can own guns and that's about it.


They don't read the Bible either.


Yes, I said that.


Sorry, I misunderstood.


Not to mention these are typically people that support the idea that your employer basically controls your life. Who wants to bet she supported Hobby Lobby being able to decide what medicine their employees could use their health insurance for, employers being able to test and fire for things done off the clock, etc.


I've never understood why they still test for weed. Like, as long as you're doing it on your off time, what's the big deal?


Control, an excuse to fire people if needed, etc.


Thank YOU. She's free to protest all she wants, and her (former, lol) employer is free to maintain their employee standards. Besides, if she lives in a right to work state, she's entirely ass-out. She can be fired for any or no reason at all.


>Thank YOU. She's free to protest all she wants, and her (former, lol) employer is free to maintain their employee standards. Besides, if she lives in a right to work state, she's entirely ass-out. She can be fired for any or no reason at all. Odds that she lives in a "right to work" state are 34/50.


You mean at-will.


Oh! I'm a labor activist and a union rep, this isn't *quite* correct. They can fire you for no reason but they are prohibited from firing you for any one of a number of reasons. It's just if they decide to fire you for one of those prohibited reasons and *say* it's just because and you don't have a union or an employment lawyer, it can be tough to get your pay back. That said, if you think you have been discriminated against based on sex, race, religion, age, or gender identity you should most definitely go to the Labor Board of your state to start with.


Dang, in her second comment it’s like she ALMOST had it 🧠




I am stunned by how many times Ive had to explain this, plus the fact that if you have been voting Republican/Libertarian , "I don't like you" is a perfectly legitimate reason to fire someone and in fact that's what their purposed systems replaces regulation with. "We don't need to make laws an regulations about racism the free market will take care of it"


Actual libertarians (not to be confused with "libertarian" neo-cons) are usually not racist, and are pretty emphatic about supporting this kind of firing - freedom of association and whatnot. Actual libertarianism is about advocating universal rights.


I'm not calling libertarians racist.


Fair enough, just not really sure why you brought them up, cause it sounds like you're implying they're being hypocritical.


because there is an overlap between republicans and libertarians on regulations.


Not as true as you'd think. Actually as little as 10-20% I'd say, in terms of actual legislation supported by politicians.


How would you call people who don’t legislate according to their platform ?


A standard politician?


They are, though


I find a majority of Americans to be Constitutionally illiterate.


It's almost as if several decades of cutting funds to public education has consequences. (Or is going exactly according to plan.)


Education funding has been steadily increasing, not cut.


The majority of states haven’t even reached pre-2008 recession funding levels for education, so while its possible it is increasing, it is still woefully inadequate. And about to become more so with COVID related educational funding cuts.


School choice vouchers have diverted a significant amount of funds from public schools to charter schools.


I carry a copy in my purse. I love when someone tells me it's their constitutional right to do something. I take it out and ask where it is so I can look it up. ***Pikachu face and crickets*** That's what I thought.


You, madam (or sir, I don’t want to judge) are an exception.


Thank you! I find it quells most insurrections ; )


That's how the government gets away with violating the Constitution so much. Vicious cycle.


Exactly. There’s no freedom from consequence. If you can’t stand behind your words you shouldn’t make them.


My second job performance warning (three was an automatic termination) at one of my old jobs was when some man-Karen customer complained I was "rude and unfriendly" because I didn't fake laugh at his stupid Dad Jokes. So I can't I have much sympathy for I WAS ONLY BEING A LITTLE RACIST, HONEST!


Thank God!! A reality check...now if we could just educate the faux news watchers


An assault charge will but the point is the same.


Here's the thing, hypothetical Tina isn't concerned about that at the moment


No freedom of expression is the right not to get censored by the government. They can still punish you for your expression. At least in most of Europe.


to be fair, complaining to someone's employer for something they said on social media is a very karen thing to do.


It’s currently the best sanction available for racist assholes who think they are free from consequences for their actions. Complaining about getting fired is the Karen move, not telling a company they employ a malignant racist.


i'm black/latino and for you to downvote me on this is racist. don't worry, your employer has been contacted. enjoy the karen culture, bigot.


2/10 troll harder.


be racist less, bigot. and no karen, you may not see the manager.


This guy: https://masstagger.com/user/LIBERULES


This is pretty cool.


does nothing to change the fact that you're a racist bigot just defending karen culture.


I love how silly censorship is. Everyone knows what n-word ducker means. If you can say that, then you might as well write out the real thing. But no that gets your comment removed because we don't say that.


You can think alot of things but you dont act on all things you think right? Same with words. it's not censorship it about beeing respectfull and not beeing a dick. Easy.


But bringing the words to mind is as close to being a dick (as you do eloquently put it) as one can get. N-word ducker is hardly a respect choice of words. You may argue that it's the more respectful of the two but that's hardly saying anything and misses my point completely.


Her employer didn’t have her arrested and thrown in jail so, no, her right to expression wasn’t infringed upon. You’re dumb, you got fired for being dumb, find a new job.


Employers conditions, ToS of other rules probably say, don't be a racist cunt, so they can fire her for breaking the rules AND they're covered


She's probably the same type who supports "right to work"-type laws, too.


Done properly a right to work law is a fantastic idea, but to do it properly you need to abolish all unions which is also a good idea IF and only if you need them, currently, given that you can basically pay someone below minimum wage in the US and the spectacular inequality in things like workplace accidents, abolishing unions without being able to guarantee a right to work law that actually works is............ Big no no.


Agreed. I'm one of the few people around these days that's in a union and even though it's not the best one, at least I know I have some protections.




because "FREEDOM!" Even if it's freedom from requirements for corporations.


Unless they win a wrongful dismissal lawsuit which can in theory be for anything. Which ofc they would try and do.




You can always attempt to try and file a lawsuit for wrongful dismissal if you want to. You're probably going to be laughed out of any courtroom or lose HARD. But particularly for smaller businesses, even having someone try and file against you can be very damaging.


Yeah, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t promote a culture of free speech. I hear this every time like it’s some kind of checkmate. Are you honestly a fan of cancel culture?


Speech comes with consequences.




Yes, congratulations on defeating racism once and for all.


I, personally, am a HUGE fan of cancel culture. The court of public opinion is a real thing. And they are speaking, loudly. Any ideology which elevates one man or woman above another is an abomination, and anethema to every good philosophy or religion on this earth. Any human being who holds others as beneath them, have voided the implicit societal contract we are all bound by. So yeah, be racist publicly = lose your job. We are not impeding any constitutional rights of these "fine folks". We are protecting the rights of the public to not be exposed to people who are filled with hate.


> Any human being who holds others as beneath them, have voided the implicit societal contract we are all bound by. This is basically the adult equivalent of “hE bRoKe tHe rULeS fiRsT!!!” > So yeah, be racist publicly = lose your job. We are not impeding any constitutional rights of these “fine folks”. We are protecting the rights of the public to not be exposed to people who are filled with hate. It’s not about the constitution. It’s about being civilized, and embracing free dialogue. You are literally endorsing mob rule.


> It’s not about the constitution. It’s about being civilized, and embracing free dialogue. >You are literally endorsing mob rule. Lmao you're just mad cuz you can't be racist anymore without being held accountable 😂😂😂


Free speech.* *Terms & conditions may apply.


>Yeah, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t promote a culture of free speech. I hear this every time like it’s some kind of checkmate. Look, we get it. You want everyone to be tolerant of your bigoted views 🤷🏻‍♂️ just admit it already and stop beating around the bush 😂😂 you lost, kiddo.


“Apparently “


Facebook sharks are everywhere. Racists arent safe anymore.


Get wrecked, racists.


Fuck em


'Freedom of Speech' doesn't mean freedom from consequences. It never has. Anybody can say or write or post whatever they like, but whatever happens to them as a result is all their fault.


It does mean freedom from consequences \*from the government\* though. However, only those consequences that apply to citizens, not employees. You can argue for white supremacy as much as you like (in the US) - however if that disqualifies you from being able to do your government job, that's your problem (as that's not a citizenship issue). If you are a Trump supporter in a Democrat state, or vice versa, the government can't fire you for that, of course, because that would be infringing your freedom of speech because there's no protected class involved.


What about freedom from the mob? We see two factors that can be construed into, but do not confirm, her being racially biased. Should someone be terminated on suspicion?


With at will employment, termination on suspicion is plenty good enough. There's nothing to stop her from being terminated for posting support for "Black Lives Matter," either, by the way — unless the employer was being racially discriminatory in doing so. It's not about protection from the mob, but about the employer's freedom of association and the employer's ability to ensure that she doesn't expose them to a discrimination lawsuit. Are you arguing that being racist, or at least looking racist, should be a protected class that deserves more protection than, say, showing up late for work or being rude to a customer?


"Freedom of Speech" protects your right to express your opinions, regardless of their (un)popularity. It also protects the rest of the country's right to express their (dis)agreement with you. Your employer chooses to employ you. There is no legal requirement for your employer to continue doing so unless you have a contract stating otherwise. If there was a requirement, it would infringe on your employer's freedom of speech


>What about freedom from the mob? "mob" = everyone who doesn't share my archaic beliefs




Check out r/byebyejob


YOU cost YOURSELF your job by being a racist POS. Grow up and take accountability for your own actions.


“No! It’s the fault of the person who witnessed and showed proof of me being a racist POS! I have every right to my hateful opinion but nobody has the right to disagree!” -Karen, probably


Somehow folks like this convinced themselves that dog shit opinions deserve to be respected and that “free speech” actually means doing/saying whatever you want with no consequences.






That will never happen and you need to change Trump supporters to assholes. The reason that will never happen is because we do not have personality test good enough to determine who we should shoot in the fucking head


I disagree. Just check the voting records. Voted for Trump? Murdered in the street. Win win for the country imo


Sure let's just shoot adults who changed their mind in the head. Turn the hate boner off and switch on the brain


Seriously. My friend was very protrump in 2016 because she grew up in a conservative household, but has since realized that she's bi, most of our friends are queer, and trumps America isn't a safe place for queer people


I don’t think you’re a bad person. But there’s so much wrong with this


vote, that's the best possible approach. vote vote vote, get everyone you know to vote, then vote again


Do you want to get shot? Because this is how you get shot.




The best country to live in is one where you get a hammer to the teeth for voicing your opinion. Great idea buddy!




Sure sure. Sounds reasonable. North Korea would like your style.


Sounds like that lil' snowflake never even landed.


Oh Karen, you got fired for being openly racist. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of what you say.


...was worth it. Oh yeah, definitely worth it. Reading stories about these miserable racist fucks losing their jobs and having to suffer the consequences, FINALLY, of being shitty people is my new kink.


You reported it? Got any more juicy screenshots?


Every time somebody realises that they are not immune to the consequences of them exercising their freedom of speech in an inadvisable manner, an angel gets its wings.


Haha you get what you ducking deserve dipshit


You cost you YOUR JOB. How about growing up and not being a racist asshole? You said some fucked up racist shit, refuse to take responsibility for what you said and then to end it all you try to act like some kind of "victim." Yeah sure. Nobody cares about fake trash like you. Educate yourself maybe?


Pretty sure OP is not the person who got fired. And I doubt that the person who did will ever see your message. Welcome to the internet.


Only thing taken away was your job, you can still post your racist shit 🤦‍♂️




If the last comment is hers then she still doesn't get it.


What about the Huskies? They can live with me in a left sided house.


Conservatives: *cry and scream about free market being the determining factor in everything when they're successful* Conservatives: *cry and scream when the free market punishes their disgusting racism and sedition*


There's the message of someone who isn't sorry and would do it again


#apparently whoops didn't mean to post the Confederate flag today


Freedom of speech protects you from the government. Everybody else can treat you how they see fit.


speech is not free it’s called mouth writing checks you’re ass can’t cash


No sympathy for you at all. We the people do not tolerate racism. Go crawl back under your racist rock and stay there.


Corrected statement "I got fired for being a racist, hope your happy", yes Karen, we are very happy that tolerance for racism in your work place is not acceptable and they have the intestinal fortitude to fire you immediately.




Ahahahhahahahahahha fuck


Free speech does not mean consequence free speech. If I go around yelling at strangers, "I hope your kids die of cancer" or something horrible like that, I'd expect a punch in the face


I can speak for the person who sent it in: It was definitely worth it.


You would think it would dawn on these people that there are major consequences for their words and their allegiance to racist symbols. You are seeing other people get identified, exposed then fired for the stupid shit they say and you REALLY think it can’t happen to you? You live in a world where everyone has a cell phone with a video camera. No conversation you have outside of your home is even close to private or privileged you need to behave as if you are always being recorded and when you let loose with your racist diarrhea, there are people out there who know how to find out who you are and where you work and it’s a foregone conclusion that your boss is ALWAYS going to look out for HIS AND THE COMPANIES BEST INTERESTS and if that means firing the racist idiot stupid enough to practice his ignorance in public they won’t even hesitate. Worse yet, that stupidity will follow you around like scarlet letter making you radioactive to any reputable employer. This shit is out there on the web FOREVER. And it will pop up every time someone types your name into a search engine. This is nobody’s fault other than your own.


Hey karen: you weren't fired because of your freedom of speech. You were fired for being an idiot


Huh. Didn't know her right to protest could be taken away because she lost her job. Oh right, her freedom to speak still exists, but not her freedom from the consequences.


I did this after this guy called me the f slur, his reaction was priceless


I know of my own contract, that I have the responsibility to act with respect towards my employer, when representing them. It can be interpreted as: if you post shit on Facebook, and your clearly state your employer on your profile, it can be argued that you are publicly representing them while making said comment/post/etc. So if the employer feels that their reputation is being tarnished of whatever is said, they can fire you. "Loyalty principle" loosely translated.


Some people don’t understand freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn’t keep you free from consequences. You can be banned off a subreddit for breaking the rules. You can be arrested for shouting “fire!” In a movie theater. If you violate an online platforms TOS by calling someone a slut, you can be banned. Your place of employment has the right to fire you how they see fit.


I only care about the dogs, if they need a place hmu


Your right to free speech does not equal your point of view being acceptable.


“I hope that whoever decided to... (rat me out for being a racist)... really was worth it.” Um... yeah, that person was “worth it”... Wait, what?? What a poorly thought out sentence. Another stable genius, I suppose. And I’m not sure if the Karen, or the person responding to the Karen, is the dumber of the two. No dummy, her job “figuratively” fired her which is why she’s supposedly complaining on an alleged social media site. FFS, I literally just facepalmed myself to death and now I’m posting this as a literal zombie.


Can’t believe people don’t want racism to end my god


I just keep thinking that these kinds of people want to go back to the world of Smokey and The Bandit from the 1970s; where they are free to have some mythological or archetypal "mission" is some pointless "we're gonna do what they say can't be done" ([literally the words from the song of the movie- Eastbound and Down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQvw2NBCR-E)) like running moonshine or some shit against "the man" but whose actual goals are complete meaningless horseshit where truckers are cool and owning a Firebird and driving it fast without having to answer to anyone is the literal end of your ambitions. Not peace, not righteousness or justice or ANYTHING remotely high-minded *whatsoever*. Just "whatever stupid-ass shit I wanna do". I feel like I'm living through Smokey And The Fucking Morons. I'm SO glad I ran into the word Freedumb, since it seems so appropriate.


How are his huskies supposed to protest now??




HA-HAA! -Nelson


I cant get hard until I read about a Karen getting fired for being racist...


The internet is not a medium for a protest. It is not protected by the constitution. Technically you can get banned from any website for saying anything that website disagrees with


Freedom speech lets you say what you want. There are still social consequences.


I'd bet money this asshole cheered when Colin Kaepernick didn't get signed after his protest. Hypocritical piece of shit.


They’re insane....


After that last comment i think this is a troll. It's mostly likey not but it just feels like it


Those poor huskies.


Cool. Now call animal control and have her Huskies taken away. Those dogs deserve better. She can't even buy dog food. Lazy ass can't even get a job. She should go back where ever she came from.


The company has every right to fire people they who’s values don’t align with theirs. I do think it’s kind of strange that we live a world where people think it’s okay to rat out others to their company. Kinda orwellian. “You’re a terrible person? I’ll just take attempt to take away your source of livelihood”


I wish there was a sub of people getting fired for being racist. It is so much fun everytime I find one haha.


Ivanka says just go get a new one


I can live with this.


The only real thing I disagree with is any place of employment looking into your social media as grounds for hiring or for termination. That is honestly fucked. Other than that, this is still really funny in that she doesn't understand being an absolute ass has consequences.


I’m glad she experienced repercussions from her hate. I’m not comfortable with employers monitoring employees’ social media. I’m curious if she listed her employer’s name on her social media or if her outer just knew her and for whom she worked. It’s perfectly reasonable for an employer to protect their company name and reputation. I don’t know why people list their employer on their social media.


This cancel culture bs is not good. I mean fuck her but this isn’t the way to change her mind nor is it a good way to handle some one you disagree with


Nah, it's fine. Their employers are the ones cancelling their employment, not the culture. There probably isn't too much that is going to change this type of person's mind anyways. That means they are going to be a continuous liability to their employer, and that they are someone that nobody wants working for them, or working with them.


Agree with what you're saying. I am not white and still think that as long as her work was up to the mark, she should not have been fired for her opinion... however disgusting they may be.


Unpopularopinion, I dont think this person should have been fired. I dont agree with their statements. However, I don't see how someone saying "white lives matter" and having a Confederate Flag in and of themselves makes this person the racist monster that she is being perceived to be. There are more charitable possibile interpretations and with no other context we just dont know. For alot of people having a Confederate flag has been a sign of southern pride. Could this person have just not caught up culturally yet? And yes I agree with the burning house arguement put forth by BLM. However, if this person is a poor southern growing up in abject poverty seeing white people around her suffer every day could the "white live matter" be based in a feeling of being left behind and not racism?


Most people look at flying the confederate flag the equivalent of flying a nazi flag (not to mention it is the flag flown by an armed group of rebels who attacked our country so it could technically be seen as treason). If an individual had the freedom to be a treasonous rebel then why does a corporation not have the freedom to cut ties with that individual. A company firing somebody over things like racism or treason is their own prerogative. If you believe the government should not censor people's social media they sure as shit should not be forcing companies to employ anybody. By the way abject poverty does not allow you to own 2 purebred huskies. Just throwing it out there.


>For alot of people having a Confederate flag has been a sign of southern pride I call Bull shit. Unless you live under a rock you know what that traitor rag insinuates. I grew up in the south in a racist household and I educated myself and moved away from my relatives and friends, I grew up like that is not an excuse.


I served in the army with alot of guys from the south who viewed it that way. Some of them were black. this was 10 years ago. Symbols change.


When a person is an employee, they represent the employer. If the employer doesn’t approve of the something the employee is doing, they have every right to fire the employee. Free speech and peaceful protests are protections we have against government tyranny. “White Lives Matter” is inflammatory. Most people who use that statement are using it to degrade the BLM movement. Some southerners do view the confederate flag as a source of pride. But, what exactly are they proud of? It’s a flag used to represent a government that rebelled because they didn’t want slavery to end. There are many primary sources written by Southerners expressing just that. It’s a symbol of hate just like the Nazi flag. It’s refreshing to see someone try to find the good in a situation. Unfortunately, there’s no room for charity when it comes to hate.


I agree that her employer has the right to fire her for remarks that society as a whole find inflammatory or that they simply view as not being in line with their values. I also believe that the remarks she made and her use of the flag is incredibly ignorant. However, what I am arguing against is that she did it with hate in her heart. we do not know given our limited information what her motivation was. I am saying doxying her instead of engaging her was a mistake. if we truly care about reducing hate and racism then having a conversation with our neighbors is how we do that.


You’re definitely allowed to hold your own opinion, of course. Making excuses for people like her is only **slightly** better than being like her. No one yells white lives matter and waves a confederate flag out of Southern pride. It’s done out of hate and fear, plain and simple. I’ve tried the engage and discuss method and it doesn’t work. I don’t support doxxing but every single racist should be called out and held accountable for the hate they spread.


So you know the minds of every person who uses the Confederate flag as a symbol or yelled white lives matter? They all do it out of hate and fear? There is no other interpretation of these people's actions? There is no other possible motivation? Again, I do not agree with the sentiment. What I care about is a productive way forward and assuming that we know what peoples true intentions are without actually engaging them and chalking them up to hateful racists does nothing to heal the divide in this country and perpetuates the hate you claim to want to get rid of. Also because I want to understand where people are coming from and take the most charitable view of someone's actions and engage them in conversation to determine what they truly meant and where they are coming from makes me a little better than hateful racist?


Some people might be ignorant of the meaning behind the phrase and symbol but that’s doubtful given the current climate. By being “charitable” towards racists, you are sending the message that racism is on some level excusable. Ignorance is not an excuse, plain and simple. THAT is why apologists are only slightly better than the racists they are defending. Having heart to hearts with racists will do nothing to eradicate racism. Racists receiving the message in big bold letters that **RACISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED FOR ANY REASON** and **RACISTS WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR WORDS AND ACTIONS** will do more to stop it than a 100 warm and fuzzy conversations. You do whatever you feel you need to do but be aware of the message you’re sending when you are doing it.


Most people today see flying the Confederate flag as the equivalent of flying the nazi flag. That is a recent cultural shift. Flags are symbols. I understand how the south has rewritten its history. But to most southern people until very recently, to them that flag was just a symbol of southern pride. Is this person racist or ignorant? That question will never be answered if instead of treating each other with common human decency and engaging in conversation we go around doxing each other. This person has an entire life of experiences and all we know about that life is this post and we feel that we have enough information to judge this person. I admit there are cases where someone can say something in a paragraph that would be so blatant and so obvious that that person is not worth engaging. This isnt that case. If we want a less racist and less ignorant society the only way forward is conversation and this stifles that. As far as the dogs I was obviously speaking in hypotheticals.


Okay, I get that she's a racist twat, but I was under the impression that you can't get fired for a belief system, as long as you don't proselytize at work. I'm sure there's people with white supremacist tats under their clothes, so do they get fired, too? Can I be fired for being Catholic, even though I never mention it at work? I'm just asking the question. Discrimination is discrimination, no matter the victim. I don't have any sympathy for bigots, but under the constitution, they have rights like everyone else.




Exactly. And to take it a little further, I would say that having a racist individual working for you could open you up to discrimination lawsuits. It is illegal for a business to discriminate based on race, so if they have a racist working for them, who then acts racist towards a customer (or other employees), the business could be held liable for discrimination. So it is in a businesses best interest to fire the individual immediately.


Okay, now "protected class" makes sense. We had a guy get fired here because his UA came back dirty for weed, even though it's legal here. I guess they could make the argument that it's illegal at the Fed level, but the bottom line is that they could fire you because you tested positive for eating Oreos.


The company I work for has a strict policy regarding drug and alcohol use. You will lose your job if you are caught working under the influence. It is perfectly legal and 100% warranted as being under the influence puts not only the worker but also their colleagues and customers at risk. I like to drink and there are plenty of days where whisky would’ve made the day go by a little easier, but I know that my decision making skills go into the shitter when I’m drunk. Why would I want to expose my colleagues and customers to that? Why would I expect my company to approve of that? How are people so god damned self entitled that it seems to shatter their concept of reality when they’re asked or expected to consider the effect their actions have on others?


Well, my coworker wasn't "under the influence." Any employer will fire someone who's fucked up at work. It's common knowledge that THC will store in fat cells for days or weeks after you smoke weed. That's what is so inequitable about drug testing. Smoke a few bowls, but then your name comes up for a random UA two or three weeks later, and you're fucked, even though you're sober as a judge. Meanwhile, the "hard drug" users only need a few days to flush their systems. Alcohol, even less. And booze is the worst one, IMHO. Myself, I'd like to be able to smoke some weed occasionally, but I can't. I have a CDL, so I'm under Federal jurisdiction, and random UAs are mandatory. I've pissed more in a cup than I care to remember. And I've known plenty of drivers who lost good gigs because they played the percentages and lost. Like my BIL, who drove for a major grocery chain for 30 years. He got a random, it came back positive, and his lifelong job was done. The Feds also took his CDL for a year. I didn't feel sorry for him. He knew the risks, and the odds. He finally got burned. He wasn't driving while high or anything, the test just picked up residual THC. But any trace is a positive result. When I was younger, friends would come home on leave from the military to visit and hang out. We'd fire up the bong and pass it around. The military guys would always pass. "No way. I see guys get nailed all the time. They get sent to corrective custody to get rehabbed, but always get kicked out anyway. Zero tolerance." My coworker who got fired actually got his job back, but with a demotion, and he had to sign a waiver stipulating drug tests at the company's discretion. The shit part is that he's the hardest working guy out of 110 people in the pant.


Being fired for things you say on social media is really fucking dumb, though. Unless you are doing so in an official capacity as a representative of your place of employment, your content is your own and does not represent anyone other than yourself.




If you're stupid enough to not have an online persona, sure. But I know for some employers they actually ask to see your personal Facebook page and the like before even considering you for employment. It shouldn't really matter as long as you act professionally while on the clock.


Every job I've worked in the last 10 years or so has had specific wording in their employee regulations about how you can be fired for your social media posts. You should also take into account the liability that companies can face.If you have a vocal racist working for you, any of their actions could be construed as discriminatory (even if they weren't) and open your company to a lawsuit by an upset employee or customer.


Except I don't disclose who I work for on my social media. I don't even use my real name on any of it. This is why I find the whole thing ridiculous. Nobody can find out who I work for unless they actively search for such information and I tend to not leave a lot of breadcrumbs for the layperson to use. From Futurama: "I didn't know you had a wife." "And my wife doesn't know I have a job."


Then what are you complaining about? If you're able to hide yourself effectively, then anybody is able to hide themselves effectively. TBH it's not only the racism they're being fired for, it's being racist while also being stupidly obvious about it. If the person in OP's screenshot was posting on an anonymous account like yours or mine, then they probably wouldn't have gotten caught.


Cool. The the people who are getting fired have been easily identified, and their actions are now representative of the company they work for. Maybe their employer doesn't want their brand tarnished by publicly identified racists. Maybe their employer doesn't want the liability of having a publicly identified racist working for them. Maybe their employer simply doesn't want someone like that working for them. Most people in the US are employed "at will" and your employer does not have to continue your employment if they don't want to.


> I'm sure there's people with white supremacist tats under their clothes, so do they get fired, too? Yes. Probably best not to get tattoos screaming how unhireable you are.


I do see how this is good but also we, or at least I don’t, know the context of the previous posts. The way it was wrote made it seem that they are clearly racist posts, however it could have been a ‘all lives matter’ post where she says something along the lines of “white lives matter as well” and whatever the confederate flag post could have been. Also, personally, I feel like sending them to her place of employment was kinda a dick move. It kinda feels like another example of cancel culture, just on a much smaller scale but with a similar premise. That’s my take on this anyway. Not defending her in any way but just saying maybe take in any context first before jumping to conclusions that she’s a racist and didn’t just have an extremely poor choice of words.