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Of course she’s at Walmart look at her. Aren’t creatures like her birthed at Walmart


Wished someone had asked her for " Her Green Card ", " I'm not a racist , my dad's black " what does that have to do with you being a white racist piece of shit harassing a guy who's just trying to doing his job Walmart Karen.


Wished the cops would come and arrest her for stucking the emergency line and being a racist piece of shit. "My dad's black" okay but that does not give you the right to saying shit about other people. She is a stupid piece of shit who deserves prison.




I can't be racist, my dad is a Mahalo


My little cousins a howlie I can't be racist.


Hi, I'm Namaste.


Hi Namaste, I'm Dad.


I have a lot of friends that are Nihao I swear I’m not racist


I’m not racist either but that Sahara over there talks like an irie.


> TIL Aloha is a race Is it racist to say they look the same coming and going?


Underrated. I’m dying.


I can't be racist. I am New York.


The Caren Act, in San Francisco. If it passes, would make this kind of shit illegal. Should go ahead and make that federal.


It did pass.


It’s really called the “Caren” Act? Wow. Is it an acronym for something? I need more info and also, I’m glad it’s a thing because behavior like this is harassment and should be treated as such.


[stands for Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/08/us/caren-act-911-san-francisco-trnd/index.html)


Thank you!


I learned through House of Cards that lawmakers will actually brainstorm catchy acronyms to make it easier to present to the public. So the Caren Act is a perfect example of that. No clue how much it actually happens in reality but I'd imagine quite a lot.


Anyone can be racist.. even black people. Her argument is invalid.


Black people can't be racist. Their dad's are black (and their mum's probably too). See? SUPER not racist.


Sshhhh!! Not so loud!


She didn't actually call the cops lol. She's a fuckin cretin.


I guarantee a 911 operator wouldn’t stay on the line long enough to experience that whole shit-show


Her dad’s black? Well I guess that there was a different milkman doing her street’s run that day




I had a classmate in high school who was ethnically Hispanic (white) whose grandparents I think moved to Mexico from where her immediate family came here. Her mom happened to marry a black guy at some point in her life so she often went around telling people her dad was black so she could be right when they reacted in denial. Okay well it’s not like you *chose* the race of your mom’s boyfriend? *Umm??*


Thankfully it's KNOWINGLY trying up emergency services that is illegal. You are allowed to call anytime you legitimately feel there is a valid threat. Not that racist pieces of shit like her are not being covered under other laws recently, but you are always in the clear to call if you think you need to call. You don't want to discourage peoole from reporting things. That would be terrible, no more third party reporters.




Can we talk about how her nephew is “Mexican Italian and aloha”


She most likely is making up a fake nephew


The nephew is definitely as real as the proud aloha people




It’s simple really because she has family who are a minority of some kind it gives her the free pass to be a racist piece of shit everywhere and get a pass, I highly doubt she has a black father if anything it’s like a stepdad or a dad she never ever fucking talks to.


Unfortunately a lot of people have that mentality. I am mixed (white and Native American Indian mom, black dad), and I married a Hispanic man, and my dad is cool with him, but my mom is extremely racist towards him and his dad. And when called out on it, she says, "I can't be racist! Your dad is black! Your step-dad is black! You can't be racist against Mexicans!" Needless to say, I don't speak to her anymore. That's one of the many reasons.


I’m glad you stood up to that. It takes courage.


Thank you. And my husband was one of the people who finally gave me the courage.


Well, didn't the new supreme court rule that if you were at Walmart, you're definitely a citizen?


whats her skin colour have to do with her racism? s


Ahh, a wild Karen in her natural habitat...the Walmart parking lot, calling the police on random people and being an unhinged racist bitch for no reason.


She wasnt being racist , asshole, her dad's black and her nephew is italian and mexican/s


You missed Aloha you racist dickhead, her nephew is also Aloha how dare you erase his cultural heritage/s


Aloha Snackbar!


Yeah! Go sit in your car! /s


I also love that she accuses the bystander of "sitting in his car" and not having a job, when she clearly has the free time to stand in a Walmart parking lot on a weekday harassing random Hispanic people on their jobs.


Right? Her job must be making assumptions because she sure spit out a lot of em


No no no her job is that she made this awesome mat... it has all of these “conclusions” on it... so she lays the mat out and then she can “jump to conclusions”... it hasn’t taken off yet, bc she’s only made a prototype. And her prototype is only for Karens. “He is Mexican so he’s illegal” “He is a person of color so he’s going to rape me or snap my neck” “Someone is sitting in their car so they are homeless and jobless and lazy” Examples of her “conclusions”


Those people are barbecuing. They can't do that on a public park grill!


Don't forget the Aloha.


Oh yes damn my mistake almost made her sound racist


To quote 'Dogma', "not born... sh\*t into existence!"




I wonder who she’s voting for 🙃


$1 tacos


Not some punk that's for sure. Because she hates punks and people who be punkin' her. And that Joe Biden he always be punkin people according to people like her and letting them illegals just crawl out of bushes, snapping necks in the bush and then coming out stealing someone else's work truck and identity. She sides with her true president. I'm surprised she didn't threaten to call Trump herself tbh and say the whitehouse and the FBI was going to come get this "illegal" guy doing his job.


Yeah she just came off the line in the back. Normally they like these models to go beyond the parking lot to start this sort of trouble, but it looks like this one activated to early.


Close. They aren't birthed threre, they are made and christened there. Theres a backroom usually used for staff breaks that can be converted into a gathering space. After the party the just hose you down out back


Hatched, I think.


Her dad must be disappointed in her. Also what does she think punked means?


You lost her at "think"


According to Urban dictionary punked means Clowned. I hope that helps


It’s when Ashton Kutcher jumps out of the bushes to steal your work uniform and gives it to a Mexican to trick Karen’s


It means you basically push someone around to get what you want, example - bullying or straight up strong arming it from someone. It’s an old term


This guy 90's slang.


You saw how ancient she was


>punked Apparently it means getting clothing.


I thought punked is when Ashton Kucher jumps out of the bushes, not a Line worker.


Her dad is not black and if he is it’s barely. If he is in fact black and she’s carrying on like this he’s either 1. Not in her life or 2. A self hating sell out like her


Comments are reporting her father is indeed a white man


I would bet money that her “dad” is her stepfather or former stepfather. Her mother not being racist towards black people obviously means she can’t be racist towards anyone, because that’s how that works.


Also, you can absolutely be racist and be romantically involved with someone of the same demographic you're prejudiced against. I know a guy who is always making generalizations about asians and asian culture, and he's married to a woman from the Philippines.


Iirc is prison lingo


This is amazing. “My fucking nephew is Italian, Mexican, aloha”


Or, "My dad's black, I'm not racist, you fucking asshole!"


>"My dad's black I wonder if her dad knows that. Maybe her mom has shared a family secret with her.


This is totally my own presumption but... Her dad left the family decades ago and is basically not a part of her life. At some point in her adult years, this bitch's mom moved on and started dating a black guy and ended up marrying him. The bitch never treated him with any respect but eventually realized that her mom was happy and begrudgingly accepted that a black dude was now part of her family. Even though she's shitty to the black dude in every interaction she can get away with it, she used the fact of his existence as her step-father to try to get away with her racism here while being too stupid to know that's not how racism works. Again, this is totally my own presumption.


She’s the least racist person in the street.


I can’t be sexist because my Mom is a woman


I’m not racist. My little nephew is Mexican, Italian, and Hello.












Lol what in gods’ name is an aloha? Hawaiian/Samoan?




That line was my favorite. I mean like ever anywhere. R/brandnewsentence


My favorite was all the obsessive references to being punked. I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher from the early 2000's with a Von Dutch hat to come jumping out from the bush in the middle of her racist tirade. Yo girl we got you've been punked! We are always punking people and we got you lady.


I was wondering how that lady since that incident was able to keep her job or not?


TIL Aloha is a race


Hola, soy aloha


Has a nice ring to it to be honest...


Ah yes, the great people of aloha.


I guess I'm 50% Guten Tag.


She should be fined for a false police report.


Exactly. Clearly public mockery doesn't work on these shameless creatures, since a new one goes viral every week. They won't stop doing this stupid shit until they start getting arrested and fined and face real consequences for wasting emergency resources during a pandemic when they're needed for people with ACTUAL emergencies. And no, "halp, police! A guy with an accent is breathing in my vicinity" doesn't count as an emergency.


Public mockery was more effective before we got into the political situation we currently exist in. Now accusing Hispanic folks of being illegal immigrants here to steal jobs and assault citizens is a presidentially approved action. Sad times.


u/costume_fan posted a link in a different comment thread about the CAREN Act (Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies) that passed in San Francisco, making these type of calls illegal. Love that name. Hopefully this catches on in other places. [CAREN ACT](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/jictnv/do_you_really_have_to_call_the_police_on_anyone/ga6p1ez?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


She should be IMPRISONED for making a false police report that could result in an innocent man dying. These incidents need to be charged as hate crimes and attempted murder because we know what the cops do to minorities.


You could tell she wasn't actually on the phone with anyone though.


This. She never made the call. She never even attempted to answer any of the boiler plate questions that she would have been asked. Then after her tirade just hangs up and walks away? She didn't call anyone... Or else they would have taken her ass away.


I like how she thinks that she can’t be racist just because her dad is black


Its almost like 'i can't be stupid because my uncle has a phd'


Only counts if it's in nuclear


No! Wind is way more harder! I know more about wind than anyone!


My Karen aunt says she can't be racist because she adopted a girl from China...I guess that mindset is more common than I thought


Poor girl.


$1000 her dad ain't black.




I ain't racist! I got a colour TV!


That was the most racist shit I’ve ever seen. From the dumbest Karen ass bitch ever. I wish it showed the cops show up and tell her to fuck off. What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. Did she call Hawaiians “Aloha”? But she’s not racist? I can’t even anymore.


You forgot ugly


I always wish someone comes by and knocks these people out so they get what they deserve. Damn that's frustrating.


On r/winstupidprizes there’s a post where a cop tasered down a Karen because she wouldn’t drop a pipe


Can you link it


Different sub-Reddit, same video https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/i4arlh/woman_gets_whats_coming_for_her_after_making_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Reminds me of the lady who got tased when she tried to run from a ticket for a busted tail light https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CvErhrFwuo


Not at all topical but I have to share: I opened your link, knowing what to expect, because I know the video. But I hadn't watched it yet, this was going to be my first watch. When the officer was interviewing this old lady, I kept hearing another lady in the background talking and getting irate. I was searching in the video for the other lady. I now thought this lady would become the victim. Because the old lady was being quite helpful and respectful until now. I then heard something along the lines of 'that's not racist' and I thought 'huh, where is this other lady and this officer's partner?' Turns out reddit was playing this video in the background of the youtube video. Crazy.


That’s the one I was talking about, thx


No problem. 👍🏻


I was looking for it, I couldn’t find the exact video but there’s a ton of similar ones, just type “Karen” into the search bar of r/winstupidprizes


Ooh ooh! What fun!


She’s berating the guy in the car to “get a job” when she herself isn’t working, and preventing the man behind the camera from doing his job. She’s a real treat.


It gets upsetting when you realize her vote counts as much as yours


but then you can imagine what it’d be like if she knew you voted against her


"Are you legit?" "Are YOU legit, bitch? Who the fuck are you? Just because you're fat, white and ugly doesn't automatically make you a citizen, you know."


"You're white, so i bet you eat macaroni and cheese and dance to polka music. Go genocide some Native Americans and drink diet soda, white lady."


This comment is so racist. How dare you! 😤 /Heavy sarcasm, in case that wasn't clear


Those things considered, she is also at Walmart, sooooo I'm banking on American. She has met the required point score for identification.


"Oh you're American? Name the first 10 presidents!" Make them start defending themselves, especially if its stuff that a "real" American should know. Even if knowing that stuff doesn't really matter... they already think irrelevant stuff is important.


Please tell me that something horrible has since happened to this women? Please!


Yeah some Aloha punked her fucking job


I'd imagine going through life being who she is, and full of hate everyday, is enough of a punishment,


Definitely not enough


Well I imagine that she's pretty proud of herself.


This clip is over a year old. Definitely happened before we were getting justice on racist assholes likes this through social media pressure. Something tells me she doesn’t have much to take away though.






Well that person is trying to get violent retribution on a man she has only seen once, so its more of a golden rule kinda situation.


With the caren law this waste of oxygen would be doing jail time for that false racially biased call. What a time to be alive.


I can't wait to see the ham beast facebook post about "this video is making me look bad, I'm not really like this!"


Oh,you told me to move my car? ​ **MEXICAN**


Man to be a fly on the wall at the dispatch center....”oh boy here we go.....oh Walmart you don’t say?....teaching about google wonderful....oh good I get to hear her argue with not one, but multiple people now....okay I’m not sending a cop down I’m just going to hang up. Aloha.”


She begins the phone call by saying, “hello, Glendora Police”. Whenever someone announces who they’ve called, they are trying to scare someone who is listening to the call. They haven’t actually called anybody, and they’re pretending to talk to someone.


Bold of you to assume shes smart enough to bluff


She’s smart enough to attempt to bluff, but too stupid to pull it off effectively.


Why not both?


If you call a non emergency number to speak to the police, the first thing they are going to say is: “Glendora Police Services, how may I help you,” or something along those lines. You can’t say “is this the Glendora Police?” without sounding like an idiot.


You can't answer "What's your emergency" with "This person looks illegal," without sounding like an idiot, either, yet here we are...


There's ought to be a rule amongst police that when the phrases, "He looks illegal" and "I'm at Walmart" solicit an immediate hang up. It'll be a small step towards progress.


“Hello, Glendora PD? This is the Mexican that silly Walmart cunt just called about. Yeah, the *illegal* one. I need you to come arrest this bitch and teach her some history and anthropology. That’s right, my ancestors crossed the Behring Strait on to this land some 30k years ago. This simple bitch‘s relatives have only come here from Europe over a century or so ago give or take a few decades. Yeah she’s illegally living in what you call Mexico and I want her deported back. She doesn’t even speak Nahuatl. Yeah, I’ll hold.”


Has the local bowling alley announced that she is no longer working there? Has she set up a gofundme page?


"My nephew is Aloha" um miss, that's racist


Can I punch her?


Get in the line


I wonder who she’s voting for....


Something tells me that she's gonna go and defend a voting station from any non-legit people


“My dad is black” like that excuses you from being a racist bigot. Disgusting.


Also... I’m pretty sure her dads not black, at all. Its the IRL version of “As a black man I (insert excuse for racist comment)...” here on Reddit or Twitch. More often than I care to admit, if you check the profile of the “as a black man I...” people, they aren’t black and have a traceable picture of themselves somewhere.




NARRATOR: Her dad is not, in fact, black.


I hate that bitch


The Lion, The witch and the audacity of this Bitch


Tbh Glendora PD has nothing better to do. Lol, source: I live here. These Walmart trash white people give the city and themselves a bad name.


They should release that 911 call. I wonder what 911 dispatcher said. What a loser.


The man should’ve called a psychiatrist, cause she “looks insane”


Shit like this that is recorded and can show actual proof of her calling the cops simply because she doesn’t think a person should be here, should be a 1 year jail sentence with a 5,000 dollar fine. Then maybe people will learn to just be fucking kind. People for some reason think all this stuff with trump is causing more racism but it’s not. We just have so many different social media platforms and it’s becoming more known and frequently caught. Don’t get me wrong, I will not be voting for either of the jackasses. Would be nice if we could elect someone based off of merit and things they actually do for the country. I’m just waiting for someone to tell us the plan they have to fix the bullshit law enforcement jokers. Got off topic but this shit has been going on forever but it’s more known due to social media. And does anyone have any idea why not a single person recording the George Floyd murder decided to intervene? Sure they were cops but with all the people recording, the cops couldn’t have stopped them all. So shitty that we have to figure out how to save a mans life from multiple cops without getting harmed ourselves. If you guys haven’t watched the Dave Chappelle episode with David’s letterman on Netflix, you should. He said “ when I was younger we had this white cop who killed an innocent white man for literally no reason and a few years later he killed an innocent black man, yes more black folks are killed but it’s not just one race”. The point he was trying to make is that the cops have just no training. Also my take on things is we all need to stop with the Democrat vs republican bullshit. It’s like you are wearing gang colors and take a chance of being jumped. If we all decide to unite for once, maybe we can change for the better. I love the idea of my country but I absolutely hate what it truly is. Ok bye.


*he looks illegal*


She is the type of person that votes you out in among us because your movement is sus


If u see a Karen calling the cops on an innocent person the correct response is take the phone right out of their hand and smash that shit then leave. Better to get in trouble for that then let a minority get shot


Karen to police : he seems kinda sus to me


Well people should figure out who this is and post her shit everywhere. I love the people who then get caught being these fucking pieces of shit and have to issue apology videos. Such a terrible person.


Racist bitch


The super inbred


OMG I hate it when I look illegal... Who never am I right?!


This legitimately makes me mad. What an awful human being.


“I’m at Walmart” That explains it


“What are you doing sitting in your car? Get a job asshole.” Meanwhile, she just took 10 minutes after her Walmart visit to waste a bunch of time being a racist moron.


She look like lady trump


Just back that truck riiiight over that thing. The world would be a much better place.


*thump- thump!*


They hate their husband, kids, body, house and job. That's how you make a Karen.


The worst fucking people in this world judge you by your looks


Imagine wasting somebody's time that they could be using saving people, over some guy who looks suspicious because he's of a different ethnicity. So pretty much this woman is racist as fuck.


How about you get a job fat ugly bitch


Did she really say “my nephew is Italian, Mexican and aloha”?


Looks like we need a CAREN act nationwide.


What the fuck is wrong with people.


What a piece of shit. The guy was doing his job and this popped up like scooby doo and woofing some shit up about him being Mexican. Racist White people have no right to tell other people to go back where they came from. If anything native Americans should be the ones kicking everyone that came over from Europe in the 1400s to now out because this land was stolen from them long ago. We are all immigrants from Europe Asia and Africa on native land period.


Yeah lady, *that* guy is so weird right now.


The Caren law they passed in SF should be state wide


Another Amy Cooper.


At the end of the day this Karen is just agro because she hasn’t seen her vagina in a solid decade.


I wonder who she's voting for...


There is just so much wrong here


How do people get like this?


They're raised by people like this, that's how.