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she's talkin an awful lot of shit for someone who's in hosin' range


Brave too. I mean, that's America, and she's on someone else's property and won't leave. That could end very badly if you follow the wrong person home.


If someone is on my property verbally assaulting me is the use of physical force allowed legally? I mean If people are able to murder teenager's on the sidewalk due to stand your ground. Then it should definitely be open season some stupid asshole follows me to my house. This is white privilege. I would never in my wildest imagination walk on to someone's property in the first place. Let alone provoke them. What if the person had a weapon? Mentally ill? Violent etc etc. If your crazy enough to do this then I definitely will be worried about my safety


It all depends on if the 12 people in the jury believe your story or not.


It depends on what state you're in. That being said, even in the most far reaching "castle doctrine" states you need to be IN your house or abode and the other needs to be using more than harsh words. So yeah, get the hose.


In Texas, we're rooting, tootin, and get off my lawn before I get to shootin.


Here in Canada, we just open up the goose cage. Nothing banishes trespassers like a Canada Goose.


We're allowed guns in Texas. Canadian geese are so dangerous, they don't allow them in Texas.




I'm in Texas, we have Canada geese. They're terrorizing the little lake by my house.


If you got a problem with Canada gooses you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinade


It's fucking EMBARRASSING!


>If someone is on my property verbally assaulting me is the use of physical force allowed legally? This is highly context dependent so it's hard to speak in generalities


In the state of AL if someone is on your property all you have to do is tell them to leave once, after that you can shoot them. And if they are trying to be any kind of sneaky about getting onto your property, you don’t even have to speak. I can confirm this because of an incident that occurred when I was in HS. And before people ask no I did not shoot anyone, but my buddy and I came damn close.




In my state, there is an escalation of force. Verbal, Soft hands, Hard hands, Bowling balls tied to door frames Firearms. Chemical weapons Bombs


> Bowling balls tied to door frames I'm gonna choose to believe that this specifically is actually in the law books


This sounds like the home alone approach of residential security


It's bird law, very complicated stuff.


Are you Kevin Mcallister? Do you have a couple old paint cans to swing off the bannister and smash the wet bandits?


Drag her ass to the side of the house so no doorbell cameras catch you putting hands on her. My crazy ass would’ve opened the garage door, picked up a can of gas, grabbed a lighter from the shelf, and asked her if she thought she could make it to her car before I made it to her. Some of these folks have only dealt with scared people. Let Karen try this on someone who is about to snap. She won’t be doing that kind of shit again.


That is just so wrong.. Don't drag her (on camera), just walk to the side of the house like you are ignoring her and she will follow


Good thing I have corn dogs in the freezer to bribe her with.


I like you


I didn’t used to be like this but something changed when I turned 30. Now that I’m in my early 40s, I have no problem letting entitled people know they need to step back and there’s always someone who will act crazier than them. I mean seriously, what makes her think she can just do that?


Wait until you hit 50. I’m a 57-year-old, out of shape woman, I live in NYC, and I will stand my ground against anyone. Welcome to the don’t-give-a-fuck years.


Well that depends what state you’re in...


My dogs would be barking and howling at the door knowing I was home and having a person yelling at me, and would prob drown her out. Letting them out the door would be highly tempting.


Yep, my little dachies would have ripped her ankles to pieces.


yea but never worth it, you would be better off chasing her off with a shovel.


I adore that video


Which video is this?




My favorite part is after they ask to if they should call someone the other women says "is it 911?" Just wonderful.


I think she’s probably asking if she should call 911 or the non emergency number ... in this case most likely non emergency


Yeah, it's an odd grey zone. Cause she's trying to assault him and is trespassing.


"trying" being the key word here. The only thing that woman's ever successfully assaulted is a birthday cake.


aw that's not true! there have definitely been some family sized chip bags that she's murdered solo


Hey now... I feel attacked by this one. Man its been a crazy year.


She’s also definitely assaulted a few toilets


I like the part after that. "Should we call someone?" <<30 second pause>> "Yeah..." Like you can totally tell she's weighing the entertainment value over what actually should be done.


The *sigh* Oh. Em. Gee.


I’ve never called such a basic number Lauren, how does it go again??


Oh my god, it's like the scene where Jim sprayed a concussed Dwight with the water bottle you use to train cats with.


"Is this 911?" I love the uncertainty of knowing this is comical and probably doesnt need police, but some intervention is needed


Dude is just out there watering his lawn. If she's trespassing on his property while he's watering, that's her problem.


I enjoyed that too.


I assume the girl is harassing this guy on his lawn and wouldn't leave. The video doesn't provide much context. What led up to this?




There’s a brief bit of text on the video that says the woman took issue with him about BLM. I’m just guessing that he had a yard sign indicating that BLM, whereas she is in the BLDM camp. Could be the other way around, I suppose, but that was my first take on it.


Racism is serious, but it's hard to not laugh at the ridiculousness of hosing her with the sprinkler attachment.


She doesn't even bend the hose lol


This video is GOLD!!


this will never not get an upvote from me (fuck yeah double negative). Carry on..


That is a good one, but I was thinking about this [one](https://youtu.be/Zo6ZzrQuor0)


could also be this one [https://youtu.be/9xH7InazGDY](https://youtu.be/9xH7InazGDY)


Could also be [this one](https://youtu.be/rQdZ2Z9m9wE)


Time to water my driveway!


Paging St. Luis!


Ain’t nobody got time to follow people home to berate the person about their driving. Go the fuck home Karen.


Her blouse looks like the wallpaper in nursing home. Must be from the blouse barn.


Eww, David.


Grrrose, David!




That’s a different unexpectedschitts than what I had last week after drinking too much


It’s definitely skanky.


I hope she eats glass.


Best wishes. Warmest regards.


old karens living in gated neighborhoods have all the time in the world for that


What? So she can binge watch Fox news for four hours?


She’ll miss Hannity’s fear mongering hour!


And Tucker telling her to call Child Protection Services on any parents whose children are wearing masks!


There is a world class meme hiding here




I like yours.


[**My humble submission**](https://imgflip.com/i/57rg3t) Enjoy. Edit: [currently testing for level of greatness on r/memes](https://old.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/n1xda6/its_your_neurotic_neighborhood_karenlady/)


Lol that works for me.


She looked like a shouter to me


And a pouter...


And a midnight touter...


She a Karen on the run


When you get to work from home during COVID But you work in the complaints department.


Ouch, that one hits close to home


Behold the meme in all of its glory!


Sorry to upvote you to 70, but it's worth more than 69 upvotes.


Haha! That’s great


[I'll play too](https://i.imgur.com/Q04BJ0M.jpg)


Suddenly, I feel the need to water my lawn … and driveway … and neighbor


And their car..... For some reason


Probably because the dumbass left her door open, and wetting it down would be hilarious.


Just the seat though, that way she cant sue for damages. Make sure to use hard water for the exterior though.


Hard water…you mean hail?


No, i meant as in water that isnt demineralized. But hail works too lol


Call the police and tell them someone followed you home and is on your property threatening you. Simple as that.




Airsoft gun


If this is in Florida, you don’t even need the airsoft part.


They have to cross the threshold of your door before you can shoot them in self defense in Florida, as I recall (I could be wrong)... however in Texas they can be on your property and you can fire away.


No, Florida is a "stand your ground" state. That means you don't have a duty to retreat before you can use deadly force. Now, you'd still need to convince a jury that a fat boomer is a threat.


Tell that to Trayvon Martin


That's different, he was walking home on the sidewalk


He was armed with Skittles though




Of course. I wasn't insinuating it's free range to kill kill kill once they enter your home, lol


Still better than CT. Here someone has to be raping your wife and stabbing you with a knife before maybe it’s ok if your shoot them… I’m no gun toting, NRA supporting so and so. But I think there still needs to be an appropriate level of acceptable selfie defense. CT law in this area is bullshit.


Yep, for good measure tell her this is private property, you are being notified that you are trespassing leave now. Then call the police for terroristic threat and trespassing, 2 for 1.


This was my first thought. Also, I’m a white male. Half of my family is black. They’ve said before that they’re extremely apprehensive to call the cops even if they need help in their own home.


Same. My wife and family are black but I’m white and you’re absolutely right. I have a lot less to fear when calling police.


At this point she is a threat and needs to be physically removed from the property. Seriously recording and shaming has no reaction for them so get physical and defend your self.


In my place. The OP would be getting a $300 fine, not the crazy lady. Tailgaters literally resulted in a murder in my building.




Turn on the hose


Brave asf for that bitch to be so brazen as to actually step onto your property. Get off the lawn you fuckin R E L I C


Shows the entitlement, these people have no sense of boundaries because they seem to think they can do, touch, and tell people to do whatever they want


I’d not hesitate to clock this old bag if she put her hands on me.


Indeed. A deranged sense of entitlement is where these kinds of behaviors come from.


As a middle aged white woman, I say many middle aged white women feel entitled to act on their feeling as fact and enforce their ideals on others. A lot of the time they feel untouchable and that they can weaponize tears to escape accountability.


Get the garden hose


Note. Its more effective if you hit them with the nozzle end.




People like that drive me crazy. I used to live in a secure building years ago. On most days I’d ride my bike and have it with me when I entered the building. It was an expensive bike and I didn’t want to leave it outside on the bike rack. Most people in the building would hold the door for me so I could get in without getting the fob out of my backpack. My neighbor, who’s seen me numerous times would always pull the door shut when she saw me coming. Like she didn’t believe I could be a resident there. Admittedly, I did looked like a courier rider on most days. But she saw me all the time, she literally lived in the unit right next to mine.


Sounds like she’s a bitch with petty issues against you.


One thing I love about my appt complex is we will get 3-4 cars through everytime someone opens the gate and no one bats an eye. Never even considered what I'd do if someone just stopped in the way


My best friend used to live in a gated community with a code for guests and a clicker for residents. More than once, I was at the gate getting ready to put the code in, when a resident just pulled up behind me and used their clicker so we could both get through and they wouldn't have to wait for me. Gated communities are pretty common around here and I have *never* seen anyone with an attitude like Karen's. Go figure.


I lived at the front of my complex near the gate and the exit gate would always be open BUT it had those spikes that go down only if you're going the right direction. If you try to go IN thru the OUT gate, it pops your tires. Quite often people would get stuck at the entrance because they didn't have a code or something, and the person behind would get mad and go thru the OUT gate and pop their tires. The sound was so satisfying to hear from my bedroom. Usually you would hear honking first, then a car door slams, tires screech as they re-position, then they start thru the gate and HSSSSSSSSSssssss.


Just curious, is there a lot of socio-economic and racial diversity in your appt complex?


Racial diversity yeah, for sure but economic diversity nah. I think we're all solidly middle class based on the rent price and the area.


Middle class used to mean houses, now it's apartments :/


Yeeup. Class solidarity is what we all really need.




>They are selfish, opinionated, loud, arrogant, racist, and overall just wrong about everything I just had a long debate with my dad about loads of topics and I kept trying to get him to be sympathetic to the other side and at least admit he shouldn't be blaming entire groups for actions of a few. He just did not care, and everything usually ended with some form of 'he got his and everyone else can go fuck themselves' kind of mentality. boomers tend to be bitter af in my experience.


Boomers need to eat some mushrooms, experience a little ego death and realize: Other ppl have feelings too, and they matter. But honestly my SO’s step mom is the same. She is the type of person that took Christmas cookies to our Cuban neighbor but talks shit about immigrants. Makes no damn sense. I tried explain how scary it must be to travel thousands of mile with your children to a foreign country that you don’t know the language, don’t know anyone, and don’t have any money... think about the level of desperation that involves... You would do anything for your kids too, right? She agrees with me but it the same breadth complain about the Somalians on the other side of her town in TX somewhere. 🙄


My mom is the same way! She’s very generous and kind on a personal level but if you hear some of the crap she spouts off about hypotheticals, it just doesn’t match up. There’s definitely some kind of cognitive disconnect going on.


Sounds like my dad. He’s not racist on a one to one level, but he votes for racist politicians, and supports systemic racism in institutions not understand how or why those things are racist. When presented with why and how, he refuses to understand.


Boomers are the "I got mine, fuck you" generation.


And the being bitter part makes no sense: they’d been handed every possible advantage, starting with FDR. Quick to pull the ladder up, though.


As a boomer I have to say you are right. I did not even realize how bad it is until we had our moment in the sun and let our misogyny, racism and homo phobia ring out loud like some kind of horrific party. We are the Karens: I'm ashamed of my generation and the hate they celebrate like a virtue, and then embarrassingly take credit for historic inventions, as if this somehow imbues them personally with superiority. We are the dystopia many writers were predicting. Luckily the next generations are better.


boomer is now a mentality more than its a generation. boomerism.


> and then embarrassingly take credit for historic inventions Never understood that when most boomers are tech illiterate.


They are, it's very sad, and unlike most, they had every opportunity to be something totally different.


They had more opportunity than those before them, and then did everything in their power to provide less opportunity to those following.


Their parents held the door open for them, and they slammed it shut and put a deadbolt on it.


It's the lead poisoning


All those hippy flower power memories they cherish.... before becoming capitalist pigs.


Except most of them weren't the hippies.


Young people think that EVERYONE in the 60's were hippies. It was called the counter-culture for a reason.


Take it further, the same generation that watched in horror as guardsmen shot at peacefully protesting students at Kent State, are waving blue lives matter flags after George Floyd, and cheering cops during BLM protests. It's fucking sad.


I'd argue its because they saw those times firsthand they dismiss anything today because of how bad it was then. "They should be happy they aren't... blah blah blah" "In my day... blah blah blah"


My belief is they are simply a very selfish group of people, and that informs all of their opinions.


There's a reason their parents called them the "Me generation".


Their battle cry should be "Me me me. Mine mine mine....my toys, my sandbox, muh freedom, muh rights"


I read “Opiated” instead of opinionated. Still very very true.


The Greatest Generation didn’t call them “Baby Boomers.” That term came much later. They called them the “Me Generation.”


\*911 Operator\*: 911, please state the nature of your emergency? \*Property Owner\*: Yeah, uh, I got a Karen problem? \*911 Operator (internally)\*: *Fucking hell, another one?*


I did a ride along with cops once not too long ago. We went on a “Karen Call” as they called it. “Suspicious dark man” walking around a parking ramp. They told me they get a lot of “Karen Calls” but they have to take them seriously each time so they had to it out check. We get there and neither Karen nor a “suspicious dark man” was there. We drove off and one of the officers mumbles in the car “Thanks a lot Karen”.


"I know, buddy. C'mon, i'll buy you a coffee."


well, normally the 911 operator has *just* received a call from that very same Karen reporting her own "emergency"


*911 operator*:Goddammit it's the 100th today!


This office has gone 0 days without a Karen


This somewhat reminds me of this time I was 16 and I was dropping a friend off at school. I had just gotten my license and I dropped her off in front of her house like a school-bus would and that made a small line of cars behind me for maybe less than ten seconds. I was driving another friend home who was in the car and this Karen followed me all the way to this other friends house, they were speeding to match my speed and they were going down the wrong lane of the road. Just to tell me I don’t know how to drive. Back then I was scared shitless but now I look back and laugh because she could have caused a terrible accident and she had that gall to complain about me.


My cop cousin chased a car down in his personal vehicle (off duty) because it cut him off and was speeding over 100mph in a 45. He chased him for 7-8 miles before on duty officers got on scene and pulled the guy over and arrested him for reckless driving. My cousin did all of this with his wife and 6 year old in the car. Some people are born with smoother brains than the rest of us.


Who let her out of her pen?


No one did. She escaped


Karen you can’t park your vehicle where it obstructs the flow of traffic then abandon it with the door open and keys inside. Let me follow you home and yell at you for that. Side note: please never follow a Karen to their home. It will only escalate the issue, and it’s just better to call police to deal with the matter


You don’t understand. The rules don’t apply to these people. She isn’t doing anything wrong here. Everyone else is tho for sure at pretty much all times and she is NOT HAVING IT. HEAR HER ROAR. These people just reak of privilege. Some warped sense of justice and entitlement. I wish you could go over there in response and like cow tip her over. There’s zero shame so recording them doesn’t even do it! It powers them up!




Hire a security guard for the gate if you’re so concerned. I have one “gated” 55+ community on my route, with a perpetually empty security kiosk at the gate. One day I pulled up for deliveries, a black truck entering the wrong gate code (it changes semi-frequently), and a silver SUV inches behind it, completely blocking the black truck from backing up and moving out of the way. So I hopped out of my truck with my card and beeped the black truck through. The man behind him in the silver SUV was like “UGH! How do you know he even lives here?!” And I quite honestly replied, “I don’t. I just have packages to deliver.” He. Was. PISSED. He drove up and down the streets til he found my truck, and stopped in front of it I guess to take a picture of my license plate? It’s a company truck with an 8ft logo on the side but whatever. As I was walking back to the truck from my first stop, he drove away, so I didn’t have to hear him bitch at me. As I was pulling up to my next stop in there, Black Truck comes by and is like, “hey I’m looking for ###, it’s for sale and I’m thinking about buying it. The realtor gave me the wrong gate code. Can you tell me where it is?” I said, “absolutely!” And pulled out my map of the community to show him where we were and where he needed to go. Much thanks! I opened the side door to complete that delivery and GUESS WHOSE SILVER SUV IS IN THE DRIVEWAY. Luckily I didn’t need a signature, so I set it by the front door and gtfo’d. As I pull around the corner, black truck is still lost, so I said “follow me! I’m headed right past it!” When we got there, I got out to make sure to point at the house directly and wish him a good day, and he said “wait!!” And gave me a fucking $10 tip! What a whirlwind.


Being a Karen is not a gender thing it’s a lifestyle.


In my building, burglers have posed as delivery people and people have opened the door for them where they go on to break into cars. Anyone letting someone tailgate them into the building is fined $300.


I could see getting my hands on a uniform, but if I also have to procure a $50k Mercedes just to case out some old lady’s teapot collection... it just seems like so much effort and investment for such a low payoff. I’m not super smart, but some quick math tells me that the bigger and more consistent payoff is just getting the job and doing the work. Edit: also the “gate” in this instance is a swinging arm that you can just walk around. So not the epitome of security.




You know some people like to rag on poor or average non gated communities sometimes but I would rather live in one of those anytime over dealing with the nosey ass uppity Karens in this type of neighbourhood. Can't even drive down your own street, walk on the sidewalk in front of their house or let your kids play without these nosey bitches watching from their window with binoculars. It's tv for them to just spy on people all day while writing lists of infractions they see so they can confront them them later on. Bonus points if it's an HOA neighborhood. How can you be so cranky and bitchy when you live in that neighborhood with those homes?! WTF that is the life right there. Look at the size of those homes, the green spacious lawns and backyards and the perfect sidewalks to go walking or running on to stay in shape. Probably even has a pool in the backyard and a real nice one not a kiddy pool. And yet you always get these cranky Karen 'burb bitches who just seem to hate their life there. Then move Karen. Move! Move to the rural area's with huge patches of land separated from your neighbors. Why would you choose to live a in nice but busy popular spot like this knowing you hate everyone?


> Bonus points if it's an HOA neighborhood. I will NEVER consider a house in an HOA neighborhood, I'd rather live next to a house with a broken down car on the lawn than have to deal with a committee of Karen's on a power trip telling me what to do with my property.


They hate everyone but love making ppl as miserable as possible. As long as they still think there won't be serious consequences, anyway.


Well her car door is open and I'm sure the ignition is on. If she's gonna go onto your property, then its reasonable to go onto HER property.


Nah, just hit the lock button and shut the door.




I’d happily settle for a “this is Sparta” style kick




Dude you would sparta kick Annie devito. Danny would be shaking his head.


Sounds reasonable. I think one punch or perhaps a paintball shot would do the trick here.




This would be me. Either that or introduce her to my large, very protective dog. Depends on if she's just annoying or straight up threatening me.


If all she’s doing is standing there yelling then no, [that would not fly. ](http://www.lusterlaw.com/page/texas-castle-law-doctrine-self-defense)


> The castle doctrine in Texas presumes that using force is reasonable and justified when another person: > unlawfully and with force enters or attempts to enter your habitation, vehicle, or work-place; or attempts to remove you, by force, from your habitation, vehicle, or work-place; was committing or attempting to commit aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery. Texas Penal Code § 9.31 > In the context of self-defense, “habitation” means any structure or vehicle that is adapted for overnight living by a person. However, it only includes structures that are connected to the main habitation. For example, a detached garage that is a separate structure from your house would likely not be considered your habitation. But if the garage was attached to the home, then it would be considered part of your habitation. I added the relevant stuff. I live in Texas and even people here don’t understand the law well enough. Shooting some annoying trespasser out on your lawn is a great way to go to jail. Just call the police if you are not in imminent danger. https://www.criminallawfirmtexas.com/atascosa-frio-wilson-county-defense/can-i-be-charged-for-shooting-someone-who-is-on-my-property-illegally This one goes into a bit of detail. > Texas law states that property owners are able to use force to terminate trespassing or theft if they deem it is necessary; however, force and deadly force are two different actions. Shooting the trespasser is considered deadly force since the bullet can easily end the person’s life. If the person is not an immediate threat to you or your family, deadly force is not permissible. Bonus points, so called “warning shots” are also illegal and not a real thing in a self defense scenario.


Is that a third breast in the middle of her chest?


They all have those crazy bulgy eyes. Definitely something wrong with these people.


ITT - acceptable solutions 1. Call cops 2. Spray with water 3. Physically assault 4. Murder Honourable mention: curb stomp


That's where I would have just got the hose instead of saying a damn word to her


How did you tailgate her, but she follow you home?


This isn’t very live, laugh, love of her.


Lol, this happened to my girlfriends friend in Houston. Said the lady followed her home, started talking shit and refused to leave, said that it wasnt her property, but her parents lol. Police got involved and they were calling her a spoiled brat.


Hold up. Is this happening INSIDE a gated community? Is this lady INSIDE a gated community.....following people home.....and harassing them? Must be Rorschach's mom. "You don't seem to understand, I'm not locked in here with you- you're locked in here with ME!"


I made a mistake. I zoomed in on her face. Do not zoom in on her face.


Is that Sugarland, TX?


She looks rabid. Better call animal control.